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Harry & Meghan #73: Harry’s not happy in the Chicken coop, while his wife is busy plotting her media coup

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My husband thinks it’s all going to come out that Harry isn’t even Charles son. Ohhhhh, to be fair he looks nothing like Charles and definitely more like the Spencer chap. I highly doubt anything will be exposed about that though.

nah has a strong likeness to Philip
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I’m a nurse and had someone who identifies as female come in to be seen. He had a swollen testicle but kept having a go at me whenever I called it a testicle. Wanted me to refer to it as simply genitalia. I refused as I stated that I had to document specifically which part of his genitalia had the issue. If he came back in and my notes just said swollen genitalia the next nurse wouldn’t know which area? Bellend? Under the foreskin?bollock?He made a complaint which went nowhere as I was in the right.

I hasten to add. He had a beard which he didn’t seem to mind.

sorry if I offend anyone but it does my fucking head in. If I could have legitimately got away with the request, I would have done it but I couldn’t and he wouldn’t even entertain why.
You are not a mind reader. You explained your reasons and as much as she wants, or probably demands (judging by their demeanour), understanding - you are the one offering treatment. So it's YOU who deserves the most consideration.

People who are arseholes to healthcare providers (unless severely mentally ill) can get in the bin.
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Excuse me as I don't live in the UK so don't know much about these people or what the media is saying. But why do people think Meghan is a narc etc. and hate on Meghan?

Just wondering are your views just sexist or affected by some kind of sexist classist racist or whatever protrayal of her in the media?

Genuine question I'm just confused by all of this.
there are73 threads of opinions.
If you can't ask a question without making about three prejudiced assumptions, you're not worth engaging with sorry. Can't see the irony in your statement at all.

it's called critical thinking darling!
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Re the Kate death threats, Twitter etc should ban these creatures from their platform or are they agreeing and enabling these people.They banned others for far less. Totaly disgusting.
I got banned for calling Omid Scobie a shit stirring twat, they said it was inciting hate!!
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Sadly, I'm beginning to think we are fighting a losing battle. The Psychopath seems to have a global network of spin doctors and truth-twisters at her disposal, propped up nicely by the dimwitted sugars. I'd really like to know who is paying for this? their fees must be eye watering
I honestly don’t think we are at all. Meghan’s victory is very shallow. She’s won Twitter and the amoral Hollywood elite’s support. That’s it. I guarantee as the months go by (especially after the baby arrives so the press don’t get accused of bullying a pregnant woman/causing a miscarriage) her lies will be exposed one by one. The truth always comes out. I feel like a broken record the amount of times I’ve mentioned it but look at Jussie Smollett.
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Agreed, this "it's her lived experience" bs is what is causing this. She made outrageous insinuations that Archie didn't get a title because of his skin colour and instead of that being challenged or questioned by media, the WOKE media such as Alex on GMB decided to say "it's her lived experience" which translates into "your argument is making far too much sense and is hurting my feelings so I will shut it down with the lived experience tirade".

This is probably an easy example to understand:

I don't like Piers much, but he has some point here. Listen carefully (from 7 mins) to the argument being put to Alex and note how the facts are not even entertained (including facial expression) and instantly filed under "devastating to my narrative" (Sorry if this is off topic, my Media Psychology bones have been tickled far too much this week 😂)

"Lived experience" is therapist terminology for abuse or violent crime victims granting them the right to discuss their ordeal and subsequent trauma symptoms.
That she has the fucking audacity to equate her experience in the RF to a DV or rape victim has me so fucking angry I want to spit nails
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My husband thinks it’s all going to come out that Harry isn’t even Charles son. Ohhhhh, to be fair he looks nothing like Charles and definitely more like the Hewitt chap. I highly doubt anything will be exposed about that though.
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‘The Meghan Markle tactic- condemn everyone, name no one, the tactic of an unworthy person’ wow. Perfectly stated! Well the whole thing is great but that’s the best quote. And the dig about the wedding preacher still being there speaking to this day :ROFLMAO:
I would actually pay good money to Sky Sports to watch one hour of Princess Anne Vs Meghan 😂 😄
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I know I've mentioned the contrived hand-on-the-stomach "I'm pregnant everyone!" pose numerous times, but it gives me the rage. It just highlights how conscious she is of getting attention. Nothing happens by accident with Meg, she knows what she's doing.
View attachment 476608
It's a good while since I was pregnant, but I definitely did not spend all the time with my hand or hands on my bump! When the baby was kicking, I certainly put my hand on it, but not the rest of the time.
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The Devils Arse

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Will ye slow the fuck down with the threads!! I miss a day or two and have about 3 threads to catch up on. 😢😢

If you don't comply, I'll sue and complain to the boss.😤😤
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I have to admit to having felt a bit of an emotional wobble this last couple of days at the seeming injustice that these two, particularly her, will not only get away with this but profit from all the hatred and division they have selfishly caused.
To now hear that Queenie is reaching out to them... Harry, I sort of understand after seeing him clucking in the chicken coop, being talked over by his captor and grimaced at contemptuously by the manipulative Orc - but the very thought of how smug and powerful she must feel as a result of this "reaching out" after this interview and the hateful repercussions it has seeded... I really just feel like there is no justice when these people, and others like them, seem to be winning with no apparent consequences. 😔
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No Drama Llama

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This title though...
EXCLUSIVE: No regrets! Friends of Meghan say the royals should be 'relieved' that she didn't name names or give even MORE detail of what went on behind palace doors as the Duchess 'stands by her truth'

Her truth = lies. Something is either true or it isn't. What is our world coming to???
The fact that Meghan is happy, has no regrets and threatens she could say more when Kate and her children are having death threats made to them sums her up - so much for anti-bullying, figjting for women, etc. What a despicable creature she is.

If I was the palace I would saying come on then Meghan, do your worse, give us everything you've got - it just goes to show that the reports of her sneaking around, takingm pictures and keeping a diary are true and all that was happening when she first got with Harry. How people are still sticking up for the conniving bitch is beyond me - they're either cut from the same cloth or too thick to see it.
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I am getting more and more discouraged by discovering people who I thought I knew (but obviously misjudged) who are up in arms about poor Meghan.

I barely use FB but I was poking about on there ten minutes ago, and a friend had written a long, thoughtful pro-Meghan & Harry post.

I was actually shocked. I couldn't believe that this woman could have been duped like this. It's bad enough on Twitter, where I expect people to be ludicrously woke, and to fail to understand exactly what's going on. But to find that someone whose opinion I have always valued has bought into the idiocy and lies is thoroughly depressing.

It is also depressing to learn that the Duchess of Cambridge has had over a million death threats. No - not depressing: horrifying, disturbing and abominable.
What has happened to the human race?

Will the RF recover from this fucking nightmare? I really, really hope that Harry gets thoroughly shafted by Meghan, and then, when he begs to be allowed back into the family fold, after Meghan issues divorce proceedings, I hope they tell him to do one.

Agreed, this "it's her lived experience" bs is what is causing this. She made outrageous insinuations that Archie didn't get a title because of his skin colour and instead of that being challenged or questioned by media, the WOKE media such as Alex on GMB decided to say "it's her lived experience" which translates into "your argument is making far too much sense and is hurting my feelings so I will shut it down with the lived experience tirade".

This is probably an easy example to understand:

I don't like Piers much, but he has some point here. Listen carefully (from 7 mins) to the argument being put to Alex and note how the facts are not even entertained (including facial expression) and instantly filed under "devastating to my narrative" (Sorry if this is off topic, my Media Psychology bones have been tickled far too much this week 😂)

That made me want to destroy my laptop with a blunt instrument. I'm surprised Piers didn't go and punch bollock-brains good and proper.
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someone previously said he wanted to go to GB TV but still had a year on his GMB contract so probably went overboard on purpose. Sneaky if true but has got what he wanted
Yep, soon as I saw this GB thing was being floated I thought "They'll head hunt Piers, 100%".
It was just a question of time and he'll be laughing all the way to the bank while gleefully contemplating his next tirade about the lying cunt.
Job's in the bag. Who's laughing now smeggy.:m
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(this was my FB post on the issue - I have some friends who are anti-Monarchy/proMM so I wanted to be very clear)

I see the Oprah interview as manipulative and misleading. There are many inconsistencies and issues, but these jumped out at me:

1) When they resigned from the Royal Family, the reason they gave was that they wanted to pursue “financial independence.”

Fast forward to complaints they lost security (paid for by British Govt/taxpayers), annual funding from the Queen civil list (from taxpayers) and extraneous funding (clothing etc for tours) from Charles.

2) Meghan claims HR at the palace said “no” to getting help when she was suicidal. Bizarre since Harry is partnered with the top mental health professionals for advocacy work and could have very easily connected Meghan with support.

There is well established history of Margaret, Charles, Diana, William and Harry seeking and receiving treatment for mental illness. The idea that the palace would oppose, much less prevent, Meghan get help is ridiculous.

To muddy the waters further, Harry goes onto say he felt too ashamed to tell any one in his family that Meghan was suicidal - which is concerning given his lip service to shame reduction around mental illness.

And Meghan says she go herself help by contacting one of Diana’s friends (very likely to be Julia Samuels, psychotherapist) which makes the point moot anyway.

3) Harry volunteers his view that Charles and William are ‘trapped’ in the Royal Family. No mention of the immense privilege or responsibility involved (or the pride in representing his Grandmother).

There are repeated attempts to convey deep respect for his Grandmother while simultaneously trashing the institution she has worked her life for cannot be reconciled as respect.

A 94 year old woman who’s 99 yr old husband is recovering from heart surgery.

4) Meghan implies Archie didn’t get a title because he is mixed race, indicating how ‘racist’ the Royal Family is. The implication is unfounded.

Since 1917 only children and grandchildren of the Monarch, and those in the direct line of succession automatically receive titles.

George, Charlotte, Louis get titles automatically because they are in the direct line of succession. Harry knows this, Meghan knows this.

It’s dangerous and untrue to imply the Queen withheld a title from Archie because of his mixed race status. When Charles becomes king, Archie will automatically receives a title as grandson of the monarch, unless his parents refuse it on his behalf.

Lastly, Meghan and Harry have repeatedly stated they want to live private lives. This interview with Oprah single handedly raises the price of every piece of information about them the tabloids will pay.

Payment for paparazzi shots will literally double now, as interest in them dramatically increases.

I find the entire situation very sad, especially because of the rift - perhaps permanent rift - it will cause between William and Harry.

Anyone who thinks Diana would be cheering clearly doesn’t know how much Diana loved her boys and raised them to be there for one another.
Agree with all. Re your last point about Diana, so true. All MM supporters think Diana would have loved Meghan, supported her, helped protect her from the RF. It’s all a load of bollocks in my opinion. Diana (again, in my opinion) would not have approved of her, she despised arrogance and fakery.
I even saw a ridiculous comment on Instagram saying ‘Diana’s giggling somewhere’. Ffs no she isn’t she’d be heartbroken that Harry’s being had like this.
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They do look so sad but I was glad that PW managed to say that they are not racist. Straight to the point. I’m just glad he didn’t ignore that at all. Even if the woke brigade call it BS and I don’t know if they have because I refuse to listen to them, it was the right thing to say. I’d like every member of the RF who are out doing working to say it. i don’t know it just made me feel good that he said that instead of the usual smile and say nothing. I just got a bit of a not gonna take being called a racist vibe from it.
Its good to see him standing up for his family and for what's right. Even if he wasn't supposed to say anything its good to see a man who will say the right thing and the strong thing even if its against protocol or whatever its called. He is the future king of England so its good to see a strong person ready for the job.
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