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I asked an American FB friend who lives in Maryland if it really is big news over there. She says it’s massive. Everyone is talking about M & H.

Her and her Mum are telling everyone the U.K. is a good place. I’m bloody livid these two have done this to our country.
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Old white men are persona non grata now.
It is really quite astonishing that they have the gall to contact media outlets and dictate how they present the news. Really completely astonishing and entitled (especially as if they know the BBC at all they’ll know they’ll only have lefty woke Meghan supporters on to talk about her)
They want to remember that old white men were once young white men who many years ago fought and died for freedom, that allows H&M to spout such nonsense
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Haven't had time to read all of this, but something has just occurred to me. Smeggy has got her vile mouthpieces to say that she raised her mental health issues with BP HR dept, who did nothing. So obvious, she and her lying PR agency Sunshite sucks are trying run a little smear campaign against the Palace's HR Dept because of the investigation into the bulling allegations. Please, we need to stop this bitch
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Have you seen this ?
I think Sharon Osborne l hit the nail on the head in this vid, If you just don't like somebody for whatever reason or action they've done, and they happen to be a person of colour, THAT ISN'T RACISM! Also, the other co host Cheryl, says she believed Piers was racist because he had a racism stance ????? What the Fuck is a Racism Stance?? quantify the if you can I know I can't

ETA. I think people make it up as they go along to suit their narrative....bloody mind field
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I see Beyonce has stuck her oar in. Oh shut up love and go and write some decent songs with your cheating husband.
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If a forensic anthropologist came across his skeleton in a hundred to two hundred years he would immediately say he was a male.

What are the wokes going to do to deflect from that?
Come on now, don’t spoil the special unicorn gender party. It’s all about feelings and trends, facts are scary and mean xx

(edit I’m not including genuine, painstakingly diagnosed cases of gender dysphoria. I’m talking about transtrenders and these snowflakes who think they can be ‘two spirit neutrois non binary’)
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How are these threads moving so fast o_O I really hope they properly investigate death threats to the Duchess of Cambridge. Disgusting and terrifying
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Phil said: "There is a great proportion of the British public really quite stunned at the fact we have an elderly Monarch with her husband in hospital, who is dealing with that in the middle of a pandemic with hundreds of thousands of people dying around the world. Why would they want to nuke their family in public?"
Janina replied: "I don't think their intention was to nuke them, it was the chance to finally tell their truth."

This bit, "I don't think their intention was to nuke them".

I'll rebut that, it was entirely their intention ...
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Excuse me as I don't live in the UK so don't know much about these people or what the media is saying. But why do people think Meghan is a narc etc. and hate on Meghan?

Just wondering are your views just sexist or affected by some kind of sexist classist racist or whatever protrayal of her in the media?

Genuine question I'm just confused by all of this.

It's her actions. Not her words or her appearance.

There are provable lies she has told. And is not correcting and I think mostly alot if of people on here are saying these things because they have dealt with people exactly like her and know how they work.

I myself have both my parents and my mother in law and it is very hard to explain.

They are never wrong. It's never their fault this happened to them. (Did you see them admit anything they they have done wrong? Or may have gotten wrong?)

They constantly pointing out how they are victims. How they were just trying to do the right thing and now the whole world is against them. They are honestly good people they promise. (Smear campaigns and friends coming to their defence with evidence of how nice they are and all those people saying they not are wrong)

They will always have a group of people around them who they use to make your life hell when you disagree with them. (Mine was my sibling)

They get into spiteful revenge actions because someone told their secret or made them look bad.

They always over react to things. Like a small cut is my finger almost came off or I almost lost my hand.

They are always the best at what they do but because people are jealous they haven't seen the recognition they deserve. It's all that person's fault it honestly couldnt be cause I'm not good enough or thats not where my skill set lies. (Failed actress so now I'm a humanitarian I'm so nice.... see My chickens)

They will blatantly lie to your face forgetting you were there and you were a witness. My father lied to my face about the string of affairs he had even though I had witnessed him with them. (You can see Meghan did that to Harry in the interview when he tried to interject and correct her and she cut him off and silenced him grabbing his hand.)

My mother and mother in law are constantly causing trouble between my partner and I and our siblings. Always trying to play us off eachother cause this one didn t do that or I want them to dress like this. Or it's not happening to my schedule of how I want the day to progress so now I am going to create a fight.

And if you catch them out or dont buy what they are trying to convince you of then it's tears and storming off and no one loves me. Might as well go die in a corner where no one will notice me or miss me.

They are very good at making friends. They can be complimentary kind thoughtful but this usually only lasts till you have been groomed to believe them and they now they no longer need to convince you of their victimhood or that the world is out to get them. Once you see the truth you are cut off abandoned and stuck realising what the hell just happened. How the hell did I believe that utter nonsense I cant help but say you feel violated and used.

There is always a trail of broken people in their wake. My husband has serious anxiety from his childhood. They cause alot of damage and dont care and when they think enough time has passed they feel like it's been long enough for you to recover they bring the next round. It is exhausting. Cause it usually isnt.

There is gas lighting, which you can Google, and alot of tears cause you actually dont know how to make it stop you have tried every thing to make them happy or stop the bring close to hurt. And the only way that happens is to leave. To offer nothing of your life or the bare minimum of information to maintain a relationship because you know if they Find out one small thing in your life that can be added to their pity party it won't be the end of it.

People like me can just tell cause we have spent our lives watching these people and I am glad to say picked up a few tricks to combat their behaviour. You learn to quickly read people's body language because you learnt to do that as a child to anticipate what to prepare for next.

Thats why to many people like myself it is hard to explain. You just know.
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I will never question whether she was mentally ill as I have been there myself - just last year I was literally ready to stand on that bridge - but the thought of leaving my daughter was enough. Do you know what I did as a grown woman - I picked up the phone. Her words were 'she didn't want to live' that is a far cry from attempting suicide as the majority of people who do this do not share how they are feeling and to family and friends it comes as a blow. I can sympathise that it would have been hard for her (please don't shout!) however at no point has this pair taken any responsibility - she found the courage to pick up the phone to instruct lawyers to sue a paper, she found the courage to complain to OFCOM? Plus it's not the Royal family who let her down it was Harry - he was the one she told and he did nothing? They do not live in a prison, if they really needed help they would have got it - I am sorry but I get so angry with the MH card and the Racist card being thrown about - take some responsibility for the love of god.
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Sick of the bs

Well-known member
Sorry but as an educated man who was working within the Commonwealth we cannot excuse Philip and we can't say it was just a racist joke - we need to call out racism where it is actually evident rather than the 'undertones'. Yes a different era but that is no excuse. Harry however IS different I agree so why has he not been called to account by Oprah?
I respectfully disagree.
Philip comes from a very different era. We can't deny it. We shouldn't deny it. That's what life was like. Benny hill, carry on films etc were the top watched shows. You could pretty much say what you wanted about other sexes, races, religions without any problem whatsoever.

Phillip has a military background - 'all lads together' in the god today we'd implode if we hear some of the banter from back then.

But as a society we have mostly moved on and we know what's acceptable and what isn't. Most of us shudder a little when we see old TV clips.
But the older ones amongst us find it hard to change their thinking. I must apologise here but my 75 year old dad still can't get his head around why it's not ok to use the p word for people from Pakistan. He says 'but it's just short for Pakistani' and he sees it as a friendly nickname.

You can't view the past through the lens of today. It's utterly ridiculous to try to.

We all know they used to hang, draw and quarter people in the middle ages then stick the head on a spike at the city gates. That was ok back then - it was entertainment.
We have evolved, our values and morals have changed but we seem to be able to understand and accept that things used to be different five or six hundred years ago. Unfortunately critical thinking doesn't seem to work for some people for far shorter periods of time.
Perspective and understanding works both ways.
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VIP Member
From the DM article This wound me right up

Before the interview their PR team insisted it would be the 'last word' on the family rift.

The couple said that they felt they 'needed to have their say' but now 'considered the matter closed' and wanted to 'move on'.

But since the screening, a raft of close friends and supporters have been given permission to push their case on social media and over the airwaves.

So they get to throw this grenade then insist it's 'closed' apart from Meggys Mates who can carry it on?
That’s one of the worst parts about it in my opinion. So they’ve gone ‘oh we just thought we’d come in, whinge, lie, slander, and trash talk the RF, and now we’ve done that we consider the matter closed’. Arrogant twats. They’re not interested in a genuine reconciliation, or healing a rift, they wanted to play the victim and every card they could think of in order to ‘win’. Horrible, childish, petulant mentality.
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I have black friends and when H and M got married they were laughing that any kids would have ginger afros.
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Hello, I'm quite new on Tattle and I'm not sure how things operate. I posted an angry face on a post because I was angry at what Meghan is doing not because I was angry at the poster. Is that right ? Should i have posted a like instead to show I agree with the poster ? Sorry to interupt things, I just want to get it riight.
Oh that's a toughie. Generally if someone posts something cuntchops has done wrong again I post the angry or shocked or laughing (at her stupidity) reaction.
But if the poster is talking shite that I disagree with entirely then I just don't react and scroll on to the next hopefully more sensible posts.

Hope that makes sense, and welcome.
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Chatty Member

This video is well worth a watch. It's a royal photographer who worked closely with Harry. This interview was a year ago right back at the beginning of this and his insights and opinions were on the money and still ring true.

For those of us suffering from the frustrating effects of Wokeism and feeling despondent, I recommend reading The Madness of Crowds by Douglas Murray. It is in equal measure infuriating and enlightened and you will ultimately feel encouraged that there is a spark of rational thinking out there somewhere. Let common sense, logic and "free speech" prevail!
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