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Piers really is a bit of a tit. I’ve never been able to cope with his shouting and I always wonder if he agrees to give some quite extreme people a platform on tv to stir up hatred. He’s an absolute shining example of giving someone enough rope... he was in a perfect place to intelligently, credibly and calmly dispute some of the claims made to balance the argument. All he’s done by being all shouty and walking off is look really daft- I don’t think he’s helped one bit.
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She reminds me of Roxanne Pallett from celeb big brother ..I don’t believe a word she’s saying. I think she needs help and is mentally unstable and is playing everyone like a fool and trying to bring down the monarchy because she didn’t get her own way. If only we had big brother filming behind the scenes to see what really happened I doubt she would have come off well. There’s too much smoke without fire out there on how she’s treated people and behaved badly.
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No Drama Llama

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Re Harry having had Therapy previously for mental health issues:
This article is from 2017
Prince Harry Opens Up About His 20-Year Mental Struggle (
In a podcast interview with Telegraph columnist Bryony Gordon that has been widely broadcast and praised by the media, he admitted to years of attacks both of panic and rage, disclosing that his life was in "total chaos" for two years.

“I just couldn’t put my finger on it," he said. "I just didn’t know what was wrong with me.”
The 32-year-old prince said that he has been “very close to total breakdown on numerous occasions when all sorts of grief and lies and misconceptions are coming to you from every angle.” As part of a campaign to raise awareness of mental health issues, the prince acknowledged that he had completely blocked his emotions for years, an ostrich policy that resulted in severe psychological effects.

Prince Harry Reveals He Went to Therapy to Deal with Princess Diana’s | Vanity Fair
He finally sought counseling for his grief after “two years of total chaos” in his late 20s.

I think its really hard to say that everything that Meghan said was a lie though! Personally I think she was lying through her teeth, or at least massively embroidering the truth!

But the minute you play the race card, or the mental health cant ignore it!
You have to, to some extent behave as if you believe it, and investigate it, as if it is true! Especially with someone as manipulative and creative as Meghan! Who will just throw mud regardless of what actually happened!
Just to throw a grenade into the issue - if Harry's mental health is that bad, how was he allowed into the army, let alone in Afghanistan and be a Captain leading other men? It wouldn't happen. He could cope with the click of a camera as it brought everything back to him but was quite happy in a war zone with guns and bullets going off all over the place! :m
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The way people are going on like Harry is such a victim due to Diana but forget that Prince William went through the exact same thing and isn’t being a fame whore with his gold digging wife tearing down the monarchy and his country.
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Of course this little shit is stirring it. I suspect the crockery is flying after that statement

Eww he really is a slimy little creep isn’t he. Yes Omid, that’s because they have class, dignity and a reputation to uphold. They will not be dragged into discussing all your woke, sensationalised bullshit and ‘unlearning their unconscious biases’ or whatever other crap the woke left are now spouting. They have more important things to do like running the country, prince philips health, the pandemic situation. They don’t care about a beady eyed little sociopath and her dim husband.
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Chateau Marmont

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I'm getting so irked by America's response to this.

They know nothing about how the UK works, how our monarchy and government and religions work, yet they are trying to call the shots. Fucking unbelievable. Imagine their reaction if it were the other way around.
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I’m genuinely taken aback at the people around me friends, family, even seen some tweets from my sons teacher that was Meghan fangirling and it’s completely changed my opinion on whose in charge of my child’s education! This, plus all of the “celebs” getting on their pedestals pontificating being absolutely hoodwinked and just so gullible about taking their side. All day I’ve literally questioned am I in sound mind or something as it feels like I’m in a twilight zone today! I, like Piers, have had enough of them all tbh!
Oh god! I've been in the same boat as you the entire day. Everyone around me, from my friends to my own mum have brought into Meghan's crap. My head's been buzzing the all evening from all their sympathies and justifications of M&H. I genuinely was for a tiny tiny second questioning, if something was wrong with me? Am I in the wrong here? I feel I am the only 23 year old in my circle who finds every single action and word of these two utter bullshit.
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I'm probably what most people on here would call "woke". However I always get angry at the double standard people have when it suits them.
Posting this is not ok, making fun of other people's appearances doesn't make your point any stronger, it just makes you seem like a bully.
I get annoyed at this a lot, yes making fun of white people doesn't have the same racial connotations as similar stuff towards black people as there isn't the history of slavery and racial imbalance. That doesn't make it ok though. You are still bullying and making uncalled for remarks, and that is wrong.

Does Princess Beatrice deserve to have her appearance dragged by strangers in a Twitter thread for something she has no part in, no! It's disgusting to do this.

(Edited as I got my princesses wrong)


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Don Lemon from CNN said that we shouldn't be surprised by the interview because the whole British monarchy is "based on racism" and they're all racist. This is awful. And sadly he is not the only one talking such crap these days. At the moment most Americans seem to be supportive of Haz and Megz and talking absolute rubbish about the RF and the UK. It's infuriating! :mad:
Most Americans aren’t on their side. You see these “reporters” on tv spouting their bullshit. nobody will go on tv and go against them bc everyone is scared of being called racist. It’s so fucked up that nowadays someone can use the race card and that’s it, you cannot question it. Sadly we have MAJOR issues of racism in the US that will not get better, history shows. But it’s tragic that some two bit C list “actress” and her useless prince can scream racism and people are just supposed to swallow it?!
We have 328 million people.
17 million watched the show. Trust me, most everyday people are disgusted w them and don’t buy their sob story. We are in the midst of this pandemic where millions died, people are starving and to hear woe is me from two millionaires..they can go fuck themselves.
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Is anyone watching This Morning.. i didn't catch the name of the chap who is on now. But he isn't putting up with Meghans shit..
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The message of the palace: elegance and sobriety. It was very concise but said enough.
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She did seem fed up with him at the end. I wonder how much conversation or 'words' were had that were edited, just prior to the end part? You never know what was said that they're not showing us.
Harry really did not look happy at all for most of it either. Not sure if he's sad, angry or something else? he just looked uncomfortable. Maybe guilty even? of maybe starting to realise the consequences of what they've done.

Regarding a statement from wondering if they are waiting to complete their HR/bullying investigation before making a public statement?
It’s clear that he’s incredibly angry, and still carrying around a great deal of resentment regarding his mother’s death, and also his lot in life.
The very idea that he believes that he/they, should still receive tax payers money whilst living in Canada or the US is completely deluded!
He came across as a petulant, spoilt child that’s pissed off that he didn’t get his own way! He’s now trying to punish his father for that decision.. Charles, cut him loose!
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Chatty Member
Is it weird that they used first names as opposed to Duke & Duchess of Sussex? I'm sure they used titles in the statement about the bullying allegations? Is something afoot? Or am I just reading too much into it? 🤣
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Her weird complaint about Archie not getting a title is telling....

"Meghan: Archie's title was not royal family's "right to take away"

Is she daft? It is exactly their's to takeaway. Does she honestly not get that.
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yes, and Holly and Phil don’t like it 🤣 he is speaking what we are all thinking
I'm so sick of Holly and Phil. Phil cuts people off mid sentence when they don't stick to his agenda. Holly just acts like she doesn't understand anything. All I've heard on the media here and in the UK is opinions on racism and mental health. Which Megs & Co have let the public run riot with as Megs threw up second hand information. Her verbal diarrhea has caused a massive shift.
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Piers will be back on GMB in 6 months probably on twice the salary after the views have halved
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