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Sorry if this has been commented before but this entire interview was clearly engineered and is completely an act. The fact people are believing this story as 'fact' and not just what it is- a soap opera- is really disgusting. I mean come on this is a woman who has never been real about her intentions from day 1 and has lived this entire experience acting as if she was Diana. I don't believe there is a genuine bone in her body and people supporting her story as if she even deserves it is truly surprising to me. It is obvious this is a 'he said, she said' situation and no claims can be corroborated and this plays into their hands perfectly as they need the income.

Meghan, a middle aged woman describing herself as 'naive' so she can victimise herself is truly telling. For all her political 'activism' and her perceived 'intelligence', you would think before getting into the royal family she would think long and hard about if this is the life she wanted anf if it aligned with her own principles. But it's clear she just wanted to marry him for fame and wealth and then she has the cheek to whine and call 'racism'.

People would do well remembering these are simply allegations and not the truth. This woman is as disingenuous as they come and people shouldn't be so easily fooled by this entitled shrew. The fact she got on telly moaning about her 'struggles' when people are going through some of the worst things really shows her true colours. I am not saying royal life isn't an adjustment and comes with it's own set of challenges but the fact the pair of them are not even holding themselves accountable for their nasty behaviour just tells me all I need to know.

Looking at the other side, if anyone is to blame it is Harry. All she has claimed in this interview could have been mitigated by Harry and so it really shows how unhealthy their relationship is. Instead they choose to smear the whole family and create even more drama.

The whole 'prince' archie denial thing makes no sense to me... if you are trying to escape royal life why do you care if he is a prince or not. She clearly has a power control issue. What a crazy woman.
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I wonder what is going to happen with Oprah and Harry and their series about mental health issues? Oprah didnt seem that warm to Harry in the interview, she was quite blunt and cutting with him!

And Harry isnt exactly a walking advert for the effectiveness of mental health treatments. It doesnt look as if any of the therapy he has done has started to address his issues, (which surely is the point of most therapy, therapy gives you the mental resources to change your life and change your thought processes so that you can move forwards in a positive and proactive way. and not just be mired in the past.)
Harry still seems mired in every negative event that has ever happened to him.

He is unable to see any positives.......realise any of his life chances...realise how his white priviledge worked for his benefit..immensely. He cant negotiate with his family, see anything from anyone elses perspective..

What a sad existance!
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They have covered a lot for Harry in the past .
Talk radio guest said he would never get up in the morning and only do afternoon appearances
don’t forget the arrogant dismissal of “don’t behave like this Rhiannon”

woke Harry is woke until it comes to dismissing a woman doing her job and telling her how to behave. Shame he couldn’t say the same thing to his wife as she threw his entire family under the bus but left out the one Royal who probably deserved it (Andrew)
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●The row with Kate. Who made who cry? Bridesmaid's dress incident. Remains mystery. Meg has forgiven Kate.

I don’t think it’s fair to conclude that Kate was in the wrong there just because Meghan cried.

It could be another classic narcissistic manipulator move to gain sympathy. Just because someone cried doesn’t mean that person is automatically right or good.

Without the context and background, we wouldn’t know what happened.

It could be that Katy was right to insist on tights (due to protocols) and so had an argument with Meghan. Meghan cried (for whatever reason). Kate apologised for making her cry, because Kate was the bigger person and wanted to mend the relationship. But that does not mean Kate was wrong or she apologised for insisting on tights. Two separate issues there.

The Palace didn’t respond to the story in the press, because, perhaps, that would just reveal someone’s (not Kate) low or lack of emotional intelligence.

Meghan always wants to be the victim and the couple like to interpret things in their own delusional ways. Their ‘truth’ is not necessarily the truth or the fact.
If you look at the photos of Charlotte from the wedding she is playing with her shoes/standing on one leg. It was a hot day, it just makes sense to add socks or tights when wearing new shoes.
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I’m so irritated. How is our society come been dragged down so much that some washed up American gold digger can attack the Queen like this and celebrities are backing her up. It’s disgusting.
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Hey look on the bright side Tattlers, maybe Piers will spill the beans on Schofield, Ant & Dec and all the other ITV untouchables, plus he must have serious gossip on our gruesome twosome
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Sick of the bs

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Please tell me I'm not the only one whose heart is breaking for the Queen? I may just have had a bit of a misty eye 😔
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Be kond

Chatty Member
It’s reminds me so much if something I had been through. I’m female. I was propositioned by a manager, I won’t go into too much detail but said manager kept on making me feel uncomfortable daily. One day I finally reported it. I was not believed, was labelled transphobic as this teacher was female. I had not long day a year, been in a good job, earned some work trips abroad, for them to be stripped from me, to go to work and be called a liar, transphobic by woke people who couldn’t see that maybe there was some truth in it, lost basically everything. About a year later, I had left the job by this point, and received a letter and compensation from the company as someone else had come forward with the exact same problems I had. The manager was proven to be a liar. Only time before people cotton on that Megan is lying.
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Chatty Member
With regards to the “race” issues:
1: do they not feel that when Archie is old enough to rewatch this interview and see his parents claim that the rest of his family were concerned about his skin colour, that it will harm him? Surely, if someone has said something negative about your child or future child, you’d not want your child to know what was said? Especially not broadcast to the entire world. I don’t believe for a second that any comments were made in a racist way and that if any comments were made, it would have been a light hearted chat about what physical attributes he would possess as skin colour is a physical attribute.

2: I hate how she has portrayed the British public as being racist. Never have I seen an article about her mentioning her race or skin colour. Yes, there maybe some comments on Facebook or elsewhere from people who are racist, but there will always be racists - that doesn’t make it okay, but you can’t change how people think.
Britain is one of the most ethnically diverse nations in the world, we have communities from every part of the planet, and accommodate for each of those and their religions. Americans will now have this view of us that we are all stuffy white people wearing monocles and looking down at anyone who is not white - which just isn’t true. Racism is a far bigger issue in the US than it is in Britain - yes it does exist here but those that are racist are seen as racists and we have laws to protect equality and diversity.
I despise the fact that this narcissistic woman has tarred us all with racism brush. It doesn’t matter what the colour of your skin is, if you’re a horrible person, you’re a horrible person irrespective of race.
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I would not be surprised if this has been a big PR stunt for Piers.

He was contracted to GMB for another couple of years I believe but wanted to leave to join GB News.

So he cooked up a plan to cross the line so he’d get fired/released early and be free to go.

GB have just announced news of ‘surprising new hires’ is coming soon.
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I think The Palace's statement, concilatory, mindful, compassionate, was absolutely spot-on. It shows up Meghan's destructive and passive-aggressive tone even more. Why can't she extend the same thoughtfulness and forgiveness to her own father? I felt so sorry for him today, the man is ill and heartbroken.

Harry is on the leash, I think, but his eyes will be opened. Soon, I hope. This is not the way to live your life. Be a man and defend your family from LIES.
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I'm just looking forward to the response to all of this from TQ. I also think that the tabloid press in the UK are just chomping at the bit to unleash hell on Hazza and Smegsy. Because we all know that for every story they ran with, there's at least three they didn't. There's probably a ton of stuff they know about his relationships with Chelsy Davy and Cressida Bonas. And his army 'pals' most likely have a treasure trove of tales to share.
They have covered a lot for Harry in the past .
Talk radio guest said he would never get up in the morning and only do afternoon appearances
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Chatty Member
What a horrible horrible mess!

Race card pulled
Mental health card pulled
Oprah grinning all the way to the bank

Leaving behind a grenaded British Royal family headed by an elderly woman in her 90s whose husband is currently in hospital with heart issues
And Harry and Meghan grinning happily under their tree in California.

Australia are actively talking about leaving the commonwealth!
The British press and parliament are asking for answers to counter the idea of our future kings being racist.

And on that note, I fear this is going to turn into a much bigger scandal than we think. It will affect our relations with the Commonwealth countries, because those 2 idiots have basically portrayed the RF as a whole bunch of uncaring, cruel racists. Just awful. I really think the Palace should make a statement. A firm one as well. The whole world is talking about the UK currently, and I'm saddened to see that there's much criticism of the RF at the moment. The US in particular is mainly siding with and supporting Haz and Smeg and bashing the RF. 🤦‍♀️
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VIP Member
Great statement. Can just see them now in BP questioning who asked about the colour of the baby?

William 'It wasn't me gran gran I was busy being the future king and a good Father'
Charles 'mummy I never said it. I learnt my lesson over Tampongate'
Andrew 'I was busy ordering pizza's online'
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If they really wanted to get away from Britain and the RF why didn't they just piss off and live their lives out in lalaland? They have made million dollar deals with Netflix and Spotify so money would never be a problem so I am not sure why they felt the need to tell the world and alienate his family. While I am on my soapbox, it is the taxpayers who fund all the protection the royals get so why the Hell should we pay for their protection while living in another country? They seem to disregard the fact that we are all in the middle of a pandemic, thousands have lost their jobs and are having to go to food and clothes banks just to survive and these two millionaires are bleating on about how awful their lives were. For God's sake shut up the majority of English have zero sympathy for you !!
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With regards to the “race” issues:
2: I hate how she has portrayed the British public as being racist. ....
I despise the fact that this narcissistic woman has tarred us all with racism brush. It doesn’t matter what the colour of your skin is, if you’re a horrible person, you’re a horrible person irrespective of race.
Completely agree. I think it was Joanna Lumley on the Last Leg that said she wouldn't be watching because this sort of thing spreads hate and is divisive. Look at the state of the media today and the boards here and elsewhere on the net. We're all focussing in on the problem of racism and disagreeing about it. It isn't solving anything its just upsetting everyone. Fights starting everywhere. I'm seeing black and mixed race people saying they are tired of having to explain it all. I as a white person am feeling like basically I may as well just admit I'm a racist. I'm not, but if someone says what I say/think is, I have absolutely no defence. And even if I argue about it they can say "its systemic racism", its "unconscious bias" and I'm racist without knowing it. I'm just not allowed to have an opinion when it comes to race. This makes me feel much more worried about it and doesn't help.
I thought the point of BLM was that we white people are needed to see this stuff and be part of the conversation so that everyone can be equal. That is never going to happen if we're slammed down when we try.
And all this is because of that one woman. This is what she has started in our country and across the world. I still firmly believe that the attitudes towards her were not because of her race. I do think there probably is racism within the BRF and the institution, I don't doubt it exists but I for one was very positive about her, saw her as a breath of fresh air. Well boy was I wrong, she's actually a dementor, sucking the life from everyone and everything around her.
And its not like she's done it to fight or to promote a worthy cause or to shine a light on the situation. She's just done it for attention and fame. Because its what she wants and she does't give a damn about what harm she's causing to her own family, to his family, to the wider public who are having this rammed down their throat.

Sorry for the glum post. I don't think she's won, everything moves on, but just right now this feels really crap.
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I loveeeee the palace statement - as much as in short term it would be satisfying to smack down every lie, that would only feed into all the drama H&M have manufactured and give them more attention, start off a tit for tat he said/she said.
Just think, H&M have played all their cards. This is the most popular and most attention they’re likely to ever get now, and already a lot of people are fed up with it.
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Cracking understated response from BPS.
And a lesson for sunshine Sachs in the art of PR....
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