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Chatty Member
The interview and subsequent fall out has provided a wonderful opportunity to clear out my Facebook/Instagram friends. The woke brigade can’t help but comment, or repost that ridiculous thing about “Meghan Markle won’t see that you don’t believe she was suicidal but your friends will...” :rolleyes:

I’ve been suicidal, have struggled with my mental health for most of my adult life, I don’t pout about it. I get on with it as best I can and seek appropriate help. Maybe she did feel suicidal, and if she did, I wouldn’t wish that on anybody so I hope she can access the help she so very clearly needs deserves. That being said, if reading the headlines and the media is a trigger, why for the love of everything holy would you do a tell all interview with Oprah and prove that actually you do read all the press about :unsure:

Nothing useful to add, just wanted to say how I feel like I’ve found my people on this thread:D
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I’m genuinely taken aback at the people around me friends, family, even seen some tweets from my sons teacher that was Meghan fangirling and it’s completely changed my opinion on whose in charge of my child’s education! This, plus all of the “celebs” getting on their pedestals pontificating being absolutely hoodwinked and just so gullible about taking their side. All day I’ve literally questioned am I in sound mind or something as it feels like I’m in a twilight zone today! I, like Piers, have had enough of them all tbh!
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I hate that weatherman now. He tweeted that he "doesn't have the privilege" to sit on the fence about Meghan, because if he did he would be "losing part of his identity". Literally admitting his sticking up for Meghan out of race-loyalty. Imagine if a white person did that.
So according to weatherman if you’re non-white you have to stick up for all non-whites, no matter what? This guy needs to stick to pointing out the rain clouds on the map 😡
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I agree. Plus I think Kate was right to want her to wear tights. Maybe I'm prudish but if (god forbid) anything happened to George, Charlotte would one day be queen. If she'd tripped up all those steps bless her in her new shoes and flashed her royal little knickers/bum with the world watching she'd have been mortified in years to come. Mum was just being sensible I feel.
those little girls must have had blisters by the end. Kate would have known this having attended numerous British weddings where flower girls are the norm (in the US it is Bridesmaids rather than flower girls). Megsy wouldn't have known this and doesn't take advice from anyone. I genuinely do not believe that it was Megsy who cried. Someone else MUST have been in the rooom when all of this was going down. Time to hear from the eye witnesses!!
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Ugh! Once again so sorry From the USA. Can't believe some of our "politicians" and particularly our President weighing in on something they obviously know so little about, and have no business interfering in. It's all about me too me too me too... This is where we are right now in the USA. Many will feel very foolish when the truth is known.
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meghan acted like she didn’t want to touch upon the subject when Oprah asked but then readily threw out that she was the one that cried. No details though. So did Kate not cry? What actuall was said?

so much vagueness, the only point she ever makes is how she’s a victim. She never explains why in exact terms just that she is one.

poor Kate has has to deal with vitriol from That book they supposedly didn’t write, then an interview where she madepoor megs cry. People cry from frustration, anger. It doesn’t mean Megs was in the right or that she’d a victim.
Exactly what I’m trying to say. Plus Kate could be apologising for different things.

Meghan is playing the victim card again and I feel compelled to give Kate the benefit of doubt!
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Wackie Jeaver

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"recollections may vary" is the new "economical with the actualite" isnt it?

Very hard to find anything to argue with in that statement. I also noticed the use of names rather than titles. Go HMQ!
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I said this to my partner. I get Roxanne Pallett vibes from her and I'm really sorry but I do not believe hardly anything she's saying. I know that this is wrong to say, but I don't believe her either on the suicidal thoughts and am on Piers side for a change. The comment about the baby's colour was a stupid comment to ask perhaps, but I generally don't believe it was meant in a racial undertone. The thing is with it being the Royal Family, they can't really come out fully and give their side on things. I think it's wrong how Meghan has done this knowing they won't speak up. If she did name who made the comment about Archie's colour, that member of RF I guarantee would be slammed online and given hate and I don't also think that's fair based off a comment like that which just was a silly "I wonder what colour the baby will be" curious comment. It's hypocritical Prince Harry goes on about racism and makes me angry when he dressed as a Nazi and the racial slur he used, but that's by the by. I love how her treatment of her aides and palace workers has been glossed over and sorry to genuine people who have experienced racism but I feel she is using racism knowing people will get on her side and feel sorry for her. I don't like that and I don't trust her at all when there are people out there genuinely experiencing poor mental health and racism. They make out their lives are so bad but have lots of money, their own family, got what they wanted and a lovely house. Quite privileged compared to most families in poverty or who cannot have children. They moan they don't want the publicity but KEEP coming out doing interviews and making themselves public. The only person I feel sorry for is Meghan's dad and also the RF as they are unable to defend themselves really and must be so angry but have to keep the stiff professional upper lip.
Roxanne Pallett is a perfect example to use. Had those cameras not been on, Ryan’s life would have been ruined and his career over. It the equivalent of Meghan lying about racism- the RF aren’t being filmed 24/7 to prove their innocence. Sadly it’s guilty till proven innocent on woke social media.
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I think it's disappointing that Harry and Meghan said that they were unable to publically address stories and rumours about themselves whilst being working Royals but have made accusations and allegations about other members of the Royal Family who are unable to publically defend themselves.

I agree with what Piers Morgan said yesterday that the Sussexes can't summarily dismiss allegations of bullying against them as lies and expect people to believe everything they say.

I dispair that this world that seems to accept that a BAME person cannot be criticised for their behaviour without the person giving the critcism being called racist (unless it is Priti Patel). Race isn't an excuse or an out for shitty behaviour and everyone should be held to the same standards.
I agree and I think it will lead to more division and hate. They lack the intellect to see how much trouble they're causing. They probably don't even care. Everything they preach is drivel because of this.
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It’s clear that he’s incredibly angry, and still carrying around a great deal of resentment regarding his mother’s death, and also his lot in life.
The very idea that he believes that he/they, should still receive tax payers money whilst living in Canada or the US is completely deluded!
He came across as a petulant, spoilt child that’s pissed off that he didn’t get his own way! He’s now trying to punish his father for that decision.. Charles, cut him loose!
This is the whole issue to me. People compare him and William and say well they both experienced Diana’s death, walking behind the coffin etc. The fact is, everyone’s different. Harry comes across as a very sensitive, impulsive man and has fairly low intelligence. I can’t hold it against him not being over what happened.
The issue is his entitlement and petulance. For example Being ‘cut off without a penny’, you’re a grown man fgs, and you were hardly going to be homeless. If he despised being in the RF, the press intrusion, the whole thing- why didn’t he up and move to Fiji, live in a hut on the beach and give up his titles and live in anonymity? Entitlement. He wants the trappings, the money, the privileges, all of it, but without the duties and responsibilities.
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I definitely think a lot of Meghan wanting to do the interview was to stick the knife into Kate, more so than others! She holds a lot of resentment that everyone looks up to Kate and she is well liked in the media and seen this as her chance to tarnish that. She did say in the interview that she wasn’t saying this stuff to paint Kate in a bad light, but what other way could it have been perceived? Meghan was very, very clever in the way she spoke about Kate, making sure to mention she’s accepted her apology etc. If she wholeheartedly accepted her apology privately, she shouldn’t even be discussing it on the interview. She really did see it as a big opportunity to stick the knife into Kate
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Chatty Member
I wondered this too. I think that despite the affair- William and Harry got on really well with Camilla. I genuinely believe that she has been good to them and their wives and she’s not the bitch that people like to make out. He’s probably watched her get torn to shreds daily. I think Harry knew if she said anything wrong about Camilla she would get ten times over especially by the Americans. Despite the fact this is all really grim I really don’t think he himself knew it would end up as bad as this- he does come across a bit dim.
From what I remember, when Camilla heard about Diana's death, one of the first things she said was "Oh my God, those poor boys!". I will admit to not liking her at first, but the more I see how hard she works and how much happier Prince Charles is now, the more I like her.
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Wackie Jeaver

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This is going to derail the chat away from Meghan and Harry but the Piers Morgan thing is a really sad indictment of society. You have someone like this jumped up, over privileged, arrogant and yes, RACIST twat Munroe Bergdorf allowed on GMB to spread utter vitriol about whites, that’s all fine. But piers dares challenge Meghan and suggest it’s not a race issue- sacked or forced to quit.
Piers is an absolute twat, but he's OUR absolute twat :p The worst thing about the last few years has been having to rely on absolute twats like Piers to speak out on some issues.
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The Queen has always lived by the "never complain, never explain" mantra, and I am quite sure that she will have already advised everybody in her family to abide by it, too.

There will be no response to Meghan's allegations from BP.

This will annoy Meghan. She will feel that she has been ignored. She may even feel (and say) that the RF must be guilty, as they have not refuted any of her claims or debunked her accusations.

Whichever way it is spun, the Palace will win ultimately. Maintaining a dignified silence is the quickest way to make untrue stories and baseless accusations go away.
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I just think Meghan and Harry are jealous, bitter, insecure souls. Nothing more. Kinda sad really.
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I'd like the Royal Family to release a statement along the lines of:

We are saddened to have to release such a statement, but have been forced into a position where there is no alternative.

Both Harry and Meghan are delusional and we have been trying to get them help for quite some time, which they have repeatedly refused. We agreed for them to spend Christmas 2019 in Canada for the benefit of their mental health, and it has backfired spectacularly.

We refute all allegations made in their drama with Ms Winfrey, and once again, urge them to seek help at the earliest opportunity.

If they are not prepared to accept help, then we will be left with no alternative but to sue them, Ms Winfrey and CBS for perpetuating falsehoods.

HM Liz
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What I don’t understand about the Piers saga this morning is the dismissal of William once again. Alex was suggesting that William has coped better than Harry??? How on earth does he know this? For all we know he also is suffering terribly with his mental health and a form of ptsd from what happened to them as children but he has opted to not say a word about it. I’m not saying that is the right thing to do but one has spoken out in great detail and the other brother has kept his experience close to his chest. Neither is wrong in my opinion but it’s insulting to suggest William has obviously coped better than Harry. William has chosen to honour his duties, the Queen and put the crown first. I’m sure this is massively detrimental to his mental health. I’m sure he would love nothing more than to bugger off and live a quiet life. That didn’t sit right with me this morning. If I was a sibling but didn’t speak out like my brother or sister that doesn’t mean I’m fine or coping 🤷‍♀️

What about William ? He walked behind that coffin too. It angers me!
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No Drama Llama

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I'm not sure if I can say this here, I'm no royalist, I don’t think the RF are saints and don't much care for Harry or Meghan, TBH prior to this interview I thought them both inoffensive... but what baffles me is that people are just taking this interview as gospel? When the pair of them made a conscious decision to leave the RF, when they chose to reveal this on a talk show so very sensationalised. I’m thinking specifically of a clip I saw online where one minute it was ‘ah, they didn't give Archie a title‘ and the next ‘there were concerns about the baby’s skin colour’ basically implying the decision was racially charged when, as far as I know, it’s not? And it’s something to do with the lineage of Archie compared to William/Will’s kids or something like that? (See I told you I’m no royalist)

As for the racist comments I don’t disbelieve them TBH but can’t help but think this is one side of a story being broadcast and, as I said, being broadcast on a v sensationalised talk show, with the comments said by someone who‘s made a career out of being on camera. It doesn’t sit right w/ me that they’re just being believed just w/ the click of a finger. It’ll be interesting to watch the aftermath of it all
It's interesting that none of this was brought up in Finding Freedom - surely they would have revealed all this then if any of it actually happened.
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