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I'm going to be using 'recollections may vary' as much as possible from now on.
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Chatty Member
I'm just looking forward to the response to all of this from TQ. I also think that the tabloid press in the UK are just chomping at the bit to unleash hell on Hazza and Smegsy. Because we all know that for every story they ran with, there's at least three they didn't. There's probably a ton of stuff they know about his relationships with Chelsy Davy and Cressida Bonas. And his army 'pals' most likely have a treasure trove of tales to share.
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Catching up, and some thoughts. The Harkles threatened the RF with an Oprah tell-all interview for years. In April 2020 Charles gave them several million dollars, which Harry has now described as being 'cut off without a penny'. So in my book, that shows Harry clearly to be a liar, and not just that, someone who is proven to lie about his own family and his own father. He's also pretty dim and has selective hearing - we've seen that over the years, time after time, when he takes comments the wrong way. He is notoriously thin-skinned, even the sugary Royal Reporters admit that.

Now we have allegedly a comment made by a RF member when he was contemplating marriage to Meghan. Timing is unclear, but let's say 2017. No witnesses to this conversation apart from Harry and the other person. Harry says that 'dark skin' was mentioned in connection to any children of a future marriage.

What if the full sentence was 'Your future children will be biracial, and I couldn't be happier about this, Meghan's a beautiful women and your children will bring you great joy. But you will have to prepare for some adverse comments about 'dark skin' from a few bigoted people and ride them out'

Harry, being Harry, just latches on to one phrase from that sentence, and goes home to Meghan and says 'they were banging on about dark skin, it was unbelievable'. Meghan turns this into an un-named RF member 'having concerns about dark skin' ' and changes the timeframe 'during my pregnancy'. The press the next day 'Who is THE RACIST ROYAL'...... And then the frothing wokerati come out with their pitchforks demanding investigations and inquiries into a comment made in a family setting to a dim, hot-headed, impulsive Prince contemplating marriage.
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First time doing this but here goes...

Harry and Meghan #71 Racism card played by Scary and Harry, the true Royals say recollections may vary...
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Does anyone think the media are waiting to hear back from the palace before the media exposes Meghan.

Funny tho Meghan didn’t like the bullying claims about her and immediately leaped to say oh it’s a smear campaign against her character.

That already made me know that the bullying claims
are true when you try to immediately say I didn’t do this im a good person.

She’s smears the palace and we have not heard from them, they’ve not come out and said it’s a smear campaign against us.

The palace are doing the right thing, if they came out with a statement soon after the interview they would had looked guilty,

Unlike Meghan by releasing as statement saying she’s not a bully but a nice person shows that she’s afraid of the real truth of her coming out about her so she has to say quick I’m a good person.

The palace are going to come back with something good I reckon, I think it will be sincere whilst also throwing shade at Harry and Meghan.
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OK, he's gone, I'm surprised. Well technically it seems they didn't sack him but he walked.

I suspect ITV will now be in crisis meetings, I guess they can give the jumped up weatherman the job, he will probably be all they can afford after viewing figures nose dive and ad revenue falls off a cliff without Morgan.
I hate that weatherman now. He tweeted that he "doesn't have the privilege" to sit on the fence about Meghan, because if he did he would be "losing part of his identity". Literally admitting his sticking up for Meghan out of race-loyalty. Imagine if a white person did that.
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What a horrible horrible mess!

Race card pulled
Mental health card pulled
Oprah grinning all the way to the bank

Leaving behind a grenaded British Royal family headed by an elderly woman in her 90s whose husband is currently in hospital with heart issues
And Harry and Meghan grinning happily under their tree in California.

Australia are actively talking about leaving the commonwealth!
The British press and parliament are asking for answers to counter the idea of our future kings being racist.
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VIP Member
Love the statement.

I suspect they've got some advice from psychologists about how to deal with a raging narc i.e. give them nothing to work with

'Much loved' 'recollections may vary' OH THE SHADE.

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Of course they knew. They also know that most, especially Americans, don't. My friend in Michigan texted me yesterday saying how awful they'd deny Archie anything. Had to educate her, she had no idea, obviously.
That is true. I have given up reading posts on Twitter about Meghan. There is a startling lack of knowledge regarding the RF.

There are a good many posters from the UK who do not know the basics about the line of succession. American posters know even less, and both seem to be willing to accept anything Meghan says as true, because as she is a WOC, she cannot be lying.

It has made my brain hurt. It's been easier to ignore comments than try to explain, over and over, that Meghan was disliked because of actions towards the RF (and especially the Queen) and not because her mum is a black woman.

I am worn out with it. I couldn't even watch the Oprah interview. I had intended to - but after the first two minutes I decided that I would sooner stab myself viciously with a selection of knitting needles, than listen to her fucking irritating, whiny, lying, wheedling, demanding, sorrowful voice.

Whoever said upthread that Oprah gave Harry a harder time is correct. I am not sure why this was the case but she got quite cross with him towards the end.
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Ironically, despite all the crying about white privilege, it is actually a huge fucking privilege that a non-white family background can be used both as an impenetrable shield against criticism, and as a weapon to utterly destroy any white person they dislike.
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Well-known member
OK. I take it back. It’s a great statement.

Calm & classy. Which is more than those two arseholes are.
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"Oppression is inescapable," said Markle, who is married to a prince and worth approximately $50 million. "If you are a woman-- especially a woman of color, oppression will follow you all the days of your life and you will never really be happy."

Young girls around the world stood up and cheered at the inspiring message, many of them feeling hope for the first time.

"Thanks to Meghan Markle, I feel like I too can grow up to be a famous, rich, beautiful oppressed person," said Mikayla White, a 5th-grade girl from Southern California. "It's so encouraging to be reminded that I can grow up to be in the top 1% while never losing my resentment and high sensitivity to microaggressions."

Markle has promised to continue taking her message of hope to girls everywhere until no one is happy or thankful anymore.

"It's my true calling," she said.
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Best suggestion I’ve heard yet is that Andrew should take one for the team and own up to the “racist” comment on the basis that he’s got nothing to lose.
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VIP Member
To those of you have got woke idiots for offspring - just cut them out the will and make sure they know you're doing it! See how they like it when you leave your worldly goods to fighting Wokeism or Lawrence Fox's political party :ROFLMAO:
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Well-known member
Ooh that's a classy statement from the Palace, anyone else notice that they were previously referred to in statements as the Duke and Duchess and now its Harry and Meghan?....a bit of foreshadowing perhaps.
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I don't really follow the royal family (other than historical royals) but my sensible teenage niece (who is mixed race, if it matters) texted me this morning and said she and her friends can't believe people are buying Meg and Harry's 'poor me' stories. There's still hope for the younger generation. :ROFLMAO:
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liar liar

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Long-time lurker, first-time poster, but I just can't stay away from this dastardly duo. That woman's antics make me so mad, and it really grates on me how most people on Twitter and Reddit just took her words at face value and keep saying how they're glad she and Harry escaped the firm or some shit like that.

Even people in my third-world backwater country in Asia have talked about that stupid interview and are glad "she found her voice!" What voice, and what has she been saying, exactly? All I've ever heard and seen from her was whinging and whining and complaining. Jesus fuck, I wish she'd shut up already.
Thanks for joining in - the more the merrier and your opinion is as valid as everyone else's :) . Rich people with rich people's problems whilst we bury our dead and visit foodbanks to feed our families and worry how our mortgage will be paid next month. Oh to worry when I would be able to get a private jet to Mallorca for a break, go to a baby shower in Manhattan, fly my special hair weave person in from Boca Raton, pay for my next Armani sack... the woman is deluded.
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Honestly I know I’m repeating myself but I don’t know why they invite people like that dr shola on- it doesn’t open up important discussions it makes people with really horrible racist attitudes become defensive and have even more horrible racist believes.
Dr Shola is the horrible racist, but it's okay because she only has frothing hatred for white people.
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