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Scotch Mist

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Correct me if I'm wrong but it doesn't look as if Harry is wearing a seatbelt in those pap shots where he's driving 🤔
Has he learned nothing from his mother's death 🙄
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Andrew Lawrence on Hazza : 'It was time to regain people's respect, and what better way to do that than to turn myself into James Corden's g*mp ' :ROFLMAO:

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I have just joined the forum after lurking for a while. Meghan and Harry’s behaviour is just outrageous. They’ve completely lost all insight into how they are coming across. Regardless of ill feeling with the RF they should be dignified and rise above any sleights - they would look better.

There is clearly huge acrimony for whatever reason.

but their case is undermined by the facts - their $35m wedding, the red carpet treatment, the brief stint, the picking and choosing and inability to play themselves in. Plus Harry’s continued $3m a year bung from dad which has continued most of his adult life.

The basic facts belie the “we are so hard done by” guff they are about to spout.

Meghan was in the RF for just 18 months.

She’s fallen out with virtually all her family and now he has with his.

there are red flags all over this and anyone with half a brain cell can see this isn’t normal.

Harry has a right to feel damaged and upset by his mother’s demise but wheeling her shroud out all the time which he’s increasingly done is just such poor taste. So many folk have tragedy when young and he has almost unlimited financial and emotional help way beyond what a regular person would have had .
He is now demonstrating with Meghan who has brought out the worst in him, what many who were close to the royal Family knew for years but was well covered or deflected somewhat by palace pr most of the time.

He’s spoilt rotten, not at all bright, has a huge fragile ego, massive sense of entitlement, he’s lazy, petulant when he doesn’t get his own way and it’s always someone else’s fault.

she has a heap of her own issues to deal with and also brings out the worst in him.

What a nightmare - it won’t end at all welll, they will be led into all sorts of even more tacky stuff for $

Serena Williams and her husband couldn’t distance themselves fast enough.
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Most of the Twitter 'support' is bought and paid for. Straight PR.

There's some level of 'press are evil, poor Harry, Diana's son' though and there probably always will be, but it's shrinking away with every stunt they pull.
Some schmuck posted a super long pity Harry Party in LINKEDIN, ffs. LINKED fucking IN. This is the platform you go to to talk about business, work, economic and finance trends, commerce, investing etc. Of oucrse I reported the post and the dude and eveyone ripped into him saying "WTF dude". He even posted a photo of Harry from Di's funeral. He goes on and on about service and hero harry in Afghanistan and how mean the media have been to him and his poor wife. If any of you are on Linkin, these sort of posts need to be reported as they are irrelevant. These 2 schmucks are infiltrating evey single digital media outlet. I have stopped going to DM or tumblr and even stopped coming here [other than right now.... of course ;) ] because honestly these two are pissing me off so much and the fact that they aren't getting any sort of comeuppance (please Warby, do the right thing tomorrow) is making me lose faith in society and fairness and humanity and meritocracy. The fact that this is now a TWO hour whinge-fest literally makes me want to scratch my eyes out. The Fact that they changed their Farchywell website to include the word "service" .... unbelievable how nasty and bitchy they are ... and they're getting away with it. They currently have a quasi-monopoly on the airwaves. Every fucking day there they are. Not even seriously BIG stars have that. We don't even hear from fucking BIDEN as often as we hear from them and he just bombed a country. Seriously - there are SO many people out there that are highly educated, intelligent, experienced, qualified and unemployed/struggling. These two are NONE of those and are lecturing us, pontificating, sitting on thrones that they built for themselves in California and self-congratulating on a daily basis. I just cannot deal with the daily disgusting demonstration of how unfair the world is.... how the rich are getting richer and the poor are losing everything. I cannot.
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Other half saw Oprah interview. Came to find me.


"Are you ok?"

Lol, he never listens to my rants, but he clearly has!
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So, judging by that clip, there will definitely be some prayer hands during the 120 minute whinge-orama.
Imagine saying that your life was almost unsurvivable when people have been working hard on the front line for 12 months non-stop, trying to save people's lives from an invisble disease that has killed millions worldwide........Meghan and Harry....Shhhhhush....just shush!

Her puffy face and invisble eyes - do you think that's an intentional look to garner sympathy (oh my, has she been crying so hard that she's had to cover her distress with lots of make-up?)

I honestly don't think I'll be able to watch it....even Oprah's oversized head makes my skin crawl!
Oprah just looks weird, but that solemn look of M's...when you know how calculating, manipulative and insincere she is, it just makes your inners turn. I'm sure she'll squeeze a tear or two, clutch her bump, clutch Harry's hand (mainly to make sure he delivers his lines correctly), and it will be a 2-hour cringe fest of constant repeats of what they said 5 minutes prior (just in case the viewers' attention span doesn't stretch that far), and what they will say after the break...All that while telling the whole world how they suffered and were silenced 🤮 I'm expecting several 'bombshells' (along the lines of the 'opression' of having to wear tights and walk behind your husband). Can you imagine? A talentless (apart from the sucking powers I presume) yacht girl and a dim millionaire whinging while the rest of the World tries to get a grip on Covid...class!
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For those who say Meghan doesn't wear fake tan. This photo of her getting the Henna in Morocco says different. Remember they use an alcohol wipe on the skin prior to application.

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As we are talking about the pregnancy and birth of Archie, let’s not forget that Meghan and Harry announced her pregnancy on Baby Loss Awareness Day.

A breathtaking lack of sensitivity and self obsession.
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Scotch Mist

VIP Member
So she wants a front page article about her privacy case :rolleyes:
We definitely need a roll eyes emoji response on here! 😆

I can't get over her grandiosity here and how some people seem to think its great WTF !!!
An apology and perhaps a charity donation I could agree with, but this is just another level of ridiculousness. She really thinks that she can stifle the press.

I wonder if all the Newspaper editors will call a secret meeting to discuss how they are going to bring her down 😁
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International news headlines in France include Prince Philip but no mention of the ex-Royal reality show. As it should be.
Their PR team are pushing hard but how much real interest is there?

Really wish ITV would walk away from it.
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No Drama Llama

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We definitely need a roll eyes emoji response on here! 😆

I can't get over her grandiosity here and how some people seem to think its great WTF !!!
An apology and perhaps a charity donation I could agree with, but this is just another level of ridiculousness. She really thinks that she can stifle the press.

I wonder if all the Newspaper editors will call a secret meeting to discuss how they are going to bring her down 😁
She seems to think since she married Harry, she's above everything and the most important person in the world. Look at the way she behaved at Wimbledon, having to fly everywhere on private jets because she wouldn't be safe otherwise, Archie can't go to nursery school or have any friends because she's too well known so couldn't possibly take him, no one being allowed to take a photograph of her in a public place, etc. etc. It's amazing how Kate (the future queen and mother of the future king) can do all these things but it's too dangerous for Meghan. Sadly all these perceived threats, insults, racism and bad treatment is all in her own head and her behaviour and delusions of grandeur get more ridiculous by the day.
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Well my theory is that Meghan married Harry after agreeing to give him a child and she already had eggs frozen ready in Canada. Her whole plan was a bit of a 'smash and grab' so she wasnt going to wait around for several years trying to conceive naturally. I don't know why a surrogate was decided upon, many have speculated that she can't have children so perhaps it was because of medical reasons or perhaps down to vanity.

I do believe that there is an Archie. The child is needed as Meghan's hostage/bargaining chip and on going meal ticket if they divorce. It makes no sense for anyone to pretend that a child exists when he doesn't.

The huge amount of secrecy around him and not allowing us (the British public) to see him is their way of telling us all to 'fuck off' and giving us the finger. Meghan is a cunt and the child is under her control so nobody (not even the Queen) can demand to see him. This is her asserting herself on a little power trip.

I also don't think that Archie is the photogenic child she hoped for. If the next one produced is better looking and marketable she might change her strategy.
My theory is he wanted a wife at any cost, 2 perfectly fabulous girls ran a mile ( go Chelsy and Cressida) He is a man child, no one would put up with his strops. The Oprah clip where he says something about sitting there with "my wife" felt like , to me, he wanted a wife... Wills and kate are happily settled with a beautiful family, he had none of that so the first golddigger that came along and played him, quickly became Mrs Petulant child...

Marry in Haste, Repent at leisure....
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Wackie Jeaver

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Harry has the mean face often seen in portraits of Henry VIII. Slits for eyes, slabs for cheeks and an expression of sheer anger. Only just noticed it.
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Think this interview could well be a "breaking point" for the public.
If they actually did any proper charity work they would understand that this poor me stuff is the last thing anyone has got time for. A lot of people lost their mothers tragically in the last 12 months. In fact a lot of people lost alot of people, have been seriously ill, have lost their jobs, have struggled on in proper unsurvivable circumstances.
And there they are sitting in their thousand dollar outfits in the sunshine overlooking their expansive lawn in their million dollar mansion expecting anyone to feel sorry for them.


M looks like she might break his hand in that clip from the interview. I get that he clearly has mental health issues and I even have a small shred of sympathy (what can I say - I'm a great person!). But he also has access to all the best therapists in the world and if he wants to move on he can. He doesn't, like many of you have said, because his dead mother is a money spinner and an excuse to behave badly. Its very easy to be private and not be pursued by the press. They made their boundaries clear, if they want a private life they can have it. They clearly don't and we're not all as stupid as they think we are.
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Anyway, they've managed to find a way to hide Andrew at Trooping which is a good thing. The longer he stays retired until all the Epstein-related matters have concluded, the better.

Sunday Times are reporting that Andrew will be replaced by Major General Roland Walker, a veteran of Afghanistan, at Trooping the Colour, which seems a decent solution.

Something interesting. Eagle-eyed Royal watchers spotted that when William and Kate were on TV yesterday (talking about antivax propaganda) they had a RF group picture of Charlotte's christening behind them. That's the christening that Harry missed.... so no Harry in the background.
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Andrew is being used as a reflector shield by many people.

The US authorities (look here's a high profile person we want to speak to but can't, don't ask us to name any US high profile people that we could speak to but possibly aren't because it would be too embarrassing). There is nothing to stop questions being sent over and him responding. From the little I've read he's asked for a guarantee that anything discussed is not plastered all over the press for sensational headlines, and given how he is one of the few high profile names that is continually linked to Epstein by the Authorities and press I don't think that's too unreasonable at this stage.

M and Scoobie use him to try to protect her, look how badly we've been treated, why are you calling for the removal of our titles when he still has his? It's comparing 2 very different situations he's retired in disgrace, which will be killing him given how he much liked all the status he had. MM is desperately trying to cling on to anything Royal, but she left by choice and just wants anything to make her more merch able.

Both Andrew and MM are incredibly unpleasant people, with tone deafness, inability to read a room, over sized ego and sense of entitlement which they both use to belittle others ("Don't you know who I am?")

Essentially Andrew is innocent until proven guilty, just because the Authorities want to speak to him doesn't mean he's guilty or done anything to be charged with.

Yes he's not a nice person, has the morals of an alley cat, and has appalling judgement of character. But that doesn't make him a paedophile. Neither does sleeping with a 17 year old in a country where the legal age is 16.
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I dearly hope Prince Philip doesn't die soon, or isn't dead yet. I've never met him, but from what I know of him, I think I'd like him if we did, indeed, meet. :-/
I love the man, have never met him, but he just says what he thinks and has absolutely no filter. It's almost as if he opens his mouth and then is constantly surprised by what comes out but then sits back to enjoy the effect of what he's said. A total ledge! I think he told PC at his visit not to break the news until morning of the orca debacle that he's passed away. Im most likely wrong, but that's exactly what I would do if someone had thrown all their privilege back in my face after years of support and luxury. I am a little ball of pure evil though....
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Scotch Mist

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LOL 🤣 'his signature style'

'There's a serious imbalance in this marriage when Her Markleness is constantly draped in designer items worth thousands, whilst H the Nameless has one suit and boots with holes'
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Someone has been beastly and horrid to poor Omid.

Whoever it was, keep up the good work 🤣
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