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liar liar

VIP Member
What is this self absorbed vengeful woman thinking?

Not content to demand a statement she writes be published stating that she won her case, she’s also demanding it be kept on the homepage of the news website "for a period of not less than 6 months, together with a hyperlink to the Judgement".


She's fucking deluded! She just isn't important.
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I have only just seen today's news as a crisis has exploded in one of my other social spheres and I've been like that GIF of the cat tapping away furiously at the keyboard. My thoughts:

1. She is continuing her transformation into Jocelyn Wildenstein
2. Belted dress. WTF woman???!!! They don't suit you and please forgive me, I just have never been able to get my head round the belted dress thing at all and I really do think about it way too much. She needs an intervention. Plus when you're pregnant, the last thing you want is that round your waist, so it must be a makeshift moonbump hoist again.
3. Grey suit
4. Hand-holding
5. The dead mummy
6. Oh my Gahhhd he's got an American accent already
7. Why is Oprah dressed as Miss Piggy?

As you were.
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The Oprah preview. Going to be explosive


but wait there’s more from a limp wristed prince

Plenty of bump-clutching and sadface. She has literally done her eyeliner like Diana had hers for her ill-advised interview. It's all very weird.
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Always one of my favourites 🤣

“Because I’m from the States, you don’t grow up with the same understanding of the royal family. And so while I now understand very clearly there’s a global interest there, I didn’t know much about him.”
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PP is being treated for heart condition it is reported. The whole RF must be so worried. Yet those 2 numpties are saying how 'unbelievably hard for them the past year has been'.
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Sadly, Prince Philip is clearly in a bad way and deteriorating. Whilst he's now in a hospital with an ICU and access to other emergency procedures, there's only so much that can be done for a frail 99 year old. If he arrests, there's no bringing him back. It's sad that what looks to be his final days have been spent in hospital. He will be hating every moment.

I will add that when someone is 99, very frail and with a heart condition, serious stress is the worst thing he needs. It's been an horrendous year for the Queen and Philip and awful before that too. I would never forgive myself if I had done what H & M have done.
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UK needs a free press to hold the powerful to account. Its that simple for me. If the likes of THE DUCHESS are not held to account by the press and the courts for their dishonest actions, what chance have we peasants?

Onwards ANL to the Court of Appeal, and may the rulings be ever in your favour.

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Scotch Mist

VIP Member
No, please. Tell us what your theory is. It is interesting to hear what others think.

I believe she pretended to be pregnant and then faked the birth. Why? I have absolutely no idea why she would do this, esp as she will be required to wheel out some sort of ‘Archie’ once a year to the braying fans. Why would she do that? For what ends?
Well my theory is that Meghan married Harry after agreeing to give him a child and she already had eggs frozen ready in Canada. Her whole plan was a bit of a 'smash and grab' so she wasnt going to wait around for several years trying to conceive naturally. I don't know why a surrogate was decided upon, many have speculated that she can't have children so perhaps it was because of medical reasons or perhaps down to vanity.

I do believe that there is an Archie. The child is needed as Meghan's hostage/bargaining chip and on going meal ticket if they divorce. It makes no sense for anyone to pretend that a child exists when he doesn't.

The huge amount of secrecy around him and not allowing us (the British public) to see him is their way of telling us all to 'fuck off' and giving us the finger. Meghan is a cunt and the child is under her control so nobody (not even the Queen) can demand to see him. This is her asserting herself on a little power trip.

I also don't think that Archie is the photogenic child she hoped for. If the next one produced is better looking and marketable she might change her strategy.
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People are actually spouting this crap, saying Williams like his father .. I loved Diana but didn’t she have an affair also and cheated ? And wasn’t Harry’s paternity questioned because of hair colour ? 🤣🤣🤣.

oooo do you think Harry gonna reveal James Hewitt is actually his father.

People must be blind, you can clearly see that William got his mother’s looks .

You see Diana so much more in William then Harry.

William Has Diana’s smile and facial features.
William is far more like Diana in looks and charm. He is compassionate and genuine.
I’d actually say that Harry is the spitting image of Charles, and has his pompous and childish side too. Meghan and Harry fans love the comparison between Meghan and Diana, and the false narrative that all Harry is doing is protecting his wife- he even says it in the trailer ‘history repeating itself’. There is no comparison to be made at all. Diana was hounded by the press for her entire adult life from the age of 19 onwards, followed, harassed etc. Meghan, a 43 year old twice divorced American actress, was never followed or hounded, and gets negative headlines because of her dreadful arrogant behaviour. To say that Meghan and Diana both got bad treatment by the press and the family is far too simplistic of a viewpoint and takes into account precisely no context.
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I agree. You have to face things like this head on. Though he may be saying one thing for the public here and doing a totally different thing in private.
That seems likely doesn't it? William's team won't hand the Harkles the gift of 'William and Kate will be watching every minute of this must-see, prime-time, blockbuster interview (International rights still for sale! Phone 1800-GREEDY-GRIFTERS for more info!)

How does this work as they’ve stepped back? Does Harry retain his place in the pecking order or not?
As I understand it, the order of precedence hasn't changed. Harry is still the grandson of the Monarch.
1. The Sovereign
2. The Sovereign's eldest son i.e. The Prince of Wales
3. The Sovereign;s younger sons (in birth order)
4. The Sovereign's grandsons
5. The Sovereign's brothers

Meghan only has any status due to her husband, and if he isn't present, she is ranked below Beatrice and Eugenie, as granddaughters of the Sovereign.

Ridiculous but entirely possible that Megz is angry about things like this, when it is the system she married into, and the same system that gave her the title she clings on to with a deathgrip.
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In a second clip, Harry reflected more on his mother's experience. "You know, for me, I’m just really relieved and happy to be sitting here, talking to you, with my wife by my side because I can’t begin to imagine what it must have been like for her [Diana], going through this process by herself, all those years ago because it has been unbelievably tough for the two of us, but at least we have each other."

Going through what process? Leaving the RF? Again with the one trick and nothing is their fault 😭 .they are going to be a sad and bitter old couple if they don't grow up, grow a bit, and move on!
TBF I hope noone in the UK buys this, not even channel 5, it would be a waste of money to put out this made up paranoiac drivel . I want a horror movie, I'll go rent one.
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What's with the constant hand-holding ALL THE TIME? Maybe I am just the typical Englishman who only holds hands with his gf under duress but watching these two I feel as though I may have some unresolved intimacy issues. She hangs onto him like a limpet hangs onto the hull of a ship.
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Chatty Member
Prince Philip off to a second hospital... At this point I think he’s just the ultimate troll pissing on their parade and I love him for it
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No Drama Llama

Well-known member
She wants a front page article and profits generated from the article? Ok Megz, it’s clear what your real problem is here.

Plus what’s the point in the injunction? it went global. Maybe she should put her friends on injunction too. They are the only reason any of this happened.
So she wants a front page article about her privacy case :rolleyes:
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So many sugars on Twitter commenting about the RF planning for PP to be moved so the headlines are on him and not Princess Meghan of Montecito 🤢 they’re so duluded!!
This is a man who has served his country alongside his wife, who has followed royal protocol!!
why does no media outlet comment on the sugar antics ? And how M and H enable them
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Chatty Member
I actually wish the U.K. press would just ban them and not print / say anything about them they are so not in touch with the reality of life in the uk right now, at least the rest of the Royal family pretend to understand and show some kind of empathy towards the people in the uk struggling.
Also I’m guessing this interview will show how crap an interviewer Oprah is I highly doubt she will challenge them on much!!!
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