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What is this self absorbed vengeful woman thinking?

Not content to demand a statement she writes be published stating that she won her case, she’s also demanding it be kept on the homepage of the news website "for a period of not less than 6 months, together with a hyperlink to the Judgement".


This is beyond ridiculous!!! Six months on the homepage? SIX MONTHS?!?! Surely once any sort of statement made you would want everyone to forget about it as soon as possible. Not be front and centre for another six months? Oh yes I forget this is a narc we are dealing with!
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liar liar

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This really pisses me off as yet more evidence that nothing the Harkles do is without some sort of merching. I think H and Peter were close and this is just blatant cross promotion.
Peter Phillips has no royal title and gets no money from the Royal purse. How is he similar in any way? He's basically a private citizen who happens to have a famous family. Meghan got a title, abused it and fucked off but still expected to be funded in the same way her thick husband always had been.
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I'd rather go to jail than pay her one copper penny! She's absolutely fucking delusional!

Either that, or drop the case let her win and print the apology, then print everything you know about her and her has been husband. I mean everything! Every. Last. Thing. I'm just 🤯 at her fucking audacity. She's a fucking nobody with delusions of grandeur, god dammit I'm fucking fuming!
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Plenty of bump-clutching and sadface. She has literally done her eyeliner like Diana had hers for her ill-advised interview. It's all very weird.
Dang those cheekbones are getting higher and higher.

You know what? Let them say what they want. Let it air . And then strip HRH and DandDoS. Because they will have shown clearly that they hate the RF and all it stands for and the people it contains both staff and family. And that then will be the perfect time to announce that the RF have been deeply saddened to see how much they hated being a part of the RF and to ensure that they have the clean break they desire and ensure that there is no shadow of the RF on harry and his family we will henceforth remove all links including titles.
Job done
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Imagine whipping up all this whilst your 99 year grandad is possibly going to go home to die! Regardless of royalty or not.
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#I'm with Gangan. This showbiz shit is what they do now. Best wishes and good luck. Oh and #no more money.

Well done Prince Charles for cutting them out from the last bit of funding ( mail office) No wonder he was teary - his 99yo dad in hospital and his son pissing all over his entire life's work. I can't imagine these decisions have been easy for any of them. How can JCMH see his 72 year old father visibly upset in the newspapers - his only surviving parent - and not instantly want to heal the rifts, I don't know.

PC knows he has to cut them off from the business or "Firm." It must be so difficult for the RF - JCMH might be a petulant prat, but he was obviously warm and loving, too - there are just too many photo's out there of genuine affection for this not to be true. Anyway, well done Brenda for acting - as ever - with decorum and dignity, and saying she only wants them to be happy. Shame Megz can't act with equal kindness.

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Chatty Member
If Phil does pass away, the funeral is going to be.......interesting. Because you know that H&M will want to be there to show people just how much they're suffering, while William will want to launch himself across the nearest pew and punch Hazza.
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Just pointing out that Chris Ship has indirectly called out Omid in a straight lie about the interview location.

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Scotch Mist

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Piers Morgan has been sent death threats by someone on Twitter and he's determined to track them down. I wonder if it's a sugar?

Anyway I hope Piers does find the person. Making an enemy of Piers was one of Meghan's biggest mistakes.
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The fake papped pictures look like they are having an argument. Maybe Haz wants to see his grandad as they must have heard the news of PP. Megzy doesn’t want him to go. Can you imagine if he returns to UK to see PP and he’s there while the Oprah show airs? It would be insane. All this is a guess. Or it could just be staged so they can complain of the intrusive press.
Harry will be a pariah if Philip passes away in the next month or so. Sitting there on American tv with his fame whore wife complaining about how they’ve been wronged. And his war veteran grandfather and effectively king consort (if there was such a title) dies. He’s given it all up for a tacky American actress who doesn’t even love him. Even Mrs Wallis Simpson asked Edward not to abdicate in order to marry her.
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That eyeliner! That top lip! The sad faces! The bump clutching! The references to Diana! Wowee I thought this was going to be boring but now I think it’s going to be MEGADRAMZ!!

Also- not even trending on Twitter despite the woman that played his Mother winning a Golden Globe. Lols.
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This is completely disgusting. Off with his head!
It’s horrendous. Baiting someone they knew had issues with paranoia and who had been in a very toxic and damaging environment. Whatever you think of Diana, (and I think she was very dodgy) to make her suspicious and neurotic about her own children, and to put her in harms way by making her refuse security? It’s quite horrific. That’s far fucking worse than MM’s trial by media. Diana’s treatment by Bashir was wicked. And Smeggy whines about her almost unsurvivable trolling? Stupid woman. 😡
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I really dislike arrogant Andrew but it's not right that idiots like this are labelling him as a pweirdo. They don't even seem to know the correct definition of the word (which doesn't apply to 17 year old sex workers willingly shagging old rich men for money). They need to provide evidence or fuck off.

Obviously that shit was written by one of Smeggys PR people or a sugar. Smegface won't be coming back to the UK to curtsey to anyone any time soon. This is just a smear campaign against Andrew.
He was just another middle aged wealthy bloke who's dick rules his brains and went off boffing young prostitutes, very unsavory character but certainly no pedophile either.

Back on track, I only just got round to watching Harry and the other smug git Corden on the bus. I wonder if Harry is so smug now he's been kicked off the first team and is playing with the seconds?

That said, him and meegain will do well in the States, lots of young American girls love her/have a crush on a Prince but surely by now they must realise they are of no importance back in the UK? Maybe they don't care so long as the $$$ role in. He said its a fact and fiction mix so lets wait and see how he feels when he and the misses get hammered in a future series.

Whats annoyed me with this pair is their clear belief they have the life experience to lecture us on how to live. How can they lecture on parenting given their eldest is still an ankle biter and the second one has yet to be delivered? They have not even raised poor Archie themselves relying on hired help to do the job. How can they lecture on family values given the way they treated their respective families? How can they lecture on green issues when they live in a thumping great energy/water munching home, drive round in gas guzzling vehicles and fly in private jets?
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Well-known member
If Phil does pass away, the funeral is going to be.......interesting. Because you know that H&M will want to be there to show people just how much they're suffering, while William will want to launch himself across the nearest pew and punch Hazza.
She's never coming back to the UK. Whatever went down before they left was something major that made her scarper. Whatever it was I don't think she could ever look any of the RF in their eyes ever again. So for her, she has nothing to lose now so is merching the life out of everything while she can. I truly hope that one day she will be fully exposed. Awful creature.
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I think the dress has had an unfortunate bird strike on the shoulder and her face is now someone else’s, possible someone Asian? She’s gone for the ‘fox eyes’ racist trend there looks like. So much eyeliner makes them recede. The flat hand placed on the bump looks very unnatural.
I think the face is awful. Unrecognisable as her, and now starting to morph into that generic surgery face they all get. Could be anyone with too much money and time on their hands, and a serious lack of self-esteem.

Don't like the eyeliner it's way too much. She can look pretty sometimes but it's too heavy for her. She looks like she's dressed for a nighttime do. Not sure the black or the cut of that dress is really doing her any favours. Doubtless this is how she thinks she looks most glamorous as she knows these will be images in the media for the next couple of weeks. We must control the media!
I think the head to toe black is meant to signal that they are very very sad about it all. Boo bloody hoo, diddums. Just fuck off.
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Well I think by now it's obvious that haz is getting involved in that spartan thing. So it makes it even more hilarious that Brenda nicking a huge dollop of his credentials has taken away a lot of the prestige he was hoping would elevate him as someone of importance in such ventures.
Body wise he's OK, but nothing special, and at mid thirties he should be fit and active anyway since he has no responsibilities stopping him from exercising. All in all he's not such a great catch without all his military titles and sports related patronages. No wonder he was harassing gangan to retain them. I thought it was solely an egoist thing but it was to set him up for their next phase selling themselves. Even funnier that Brenda's info-gatherers likely knew of his 30+ visits to spartan and figured out he was about to trade on his military titles and royal patronages re sport. So his pleading and hissy fits via zoom etc were falling on deaf ears, it was decided and that was that :m

Also, I came across a snippet elsewhere the other day and found it interesting.

So he tried the same trick with Dannatt. "Yah, no probs old boy, I'll take a juicy promotion and the perks involved, but do bear in mind that I need lots of down time for playing polo and holidays and stuff, so keep any military nonsense to a bare minimum, there's a good chap".
Same shtick he tried with Brenda, half-in-half-out and cherry picking the more interesting gigs.
Again, it wouldn't surprise me if Dannatt informed the Firm that he'd tried that half-in trick with him and he wasn't having it.
No wonder he was pissed at haz in that newspaper article. And no wonder haz avoided confronting him re what the DM said. Cunt knew that Dannatt could spill the beans on just what a non-vital element he was in the military family.
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