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Okay, I’m done and furious. I’m black British right American and I’ve finally thrown all my toys out of the prank. I have a huge black family, many black friends and myself to draw life experiences from. We never bring colour to the table but continue our lives even with rejection without the race card. Yes we need to be good at what we do and if someone is better, race is not our default. We know we just have to better. If you approach every playing field with race as your excuse, you make every other honest racist struggle less powerful.
I hate this woman for playing a race game she herself didn’t acknowledge until marrying into and extraordinarily rich family. She has never take one for the team. I speak on behalf of my black family, friends and my own experience. Times have changed and if you are not fit for purpose, the problem lies with you! We/I refuse to be victims. Every one has an issue, sexuality, gender, orientation, lack of Ivy League, posh education, junky backgrounds, working class upbringings... I hate this woman. We all have to rise above this.! Sorry, I’m so angry about Megan’s claims of racism.
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Don’t post here very often, usually one of the regular posters has taken the words out of my mouth 12 pages earlier :p

Here’s my two pennies worth...

The “pap” shots today were staged... Meghan wore the big hat on purpose, so she stands out. In the run up to the Oprah screening, they need to set the scene. “Here we are all worried about Harry’s grandfather, while caring for Doria (isn’t our life hard!), and even now the paps (see it’s in that evil racist Daily Mail) are intruding on us in our grief. See this is exactly why we needed to leave!”.

Meghan wore that ridiculous dress on the Oprah interview thinking it would be a nod to Diana’s “fuck you” dress... then briefed the papers with all the lotus-rising-from-the-dirt BS. Like the hat in the car, it stands out from the muted greys of Harry, mauve on Oprah and the background. She’ll be wearing the ridiculous eyeliner to emphasise the *looks painfully into the distance* overacting. It’s deliberately reminiscent of Di’s eye makeup on Panorama. The US has ad breaks, so no doubt you’ll get Meghan talking about the racist press, sniffs an onion, Oprah says “We’ll be back after this short break” and when they return the heavy eye makeup is gone. We’re all supposed to go... “Oh poor Meghan must have been crying”. Subtle hey?

I don’t think there’s any great conspiracy about Megxit. I think she simply wanted to have her cake and eat it. She expected to marry a Prince, be the centre of attention and adulation, while making lots of fame and money in the US - hence the trademarking. When the Firm said “No, you need to be politically impartial, you can’t explicitly make more money off your British-taxpayer-funded-life, there’s a line of succession so Wills and Kate go to BAFTA and you go shake hands with Beryl in Hull”, she threw a tantrum. She couldn’t cope with not being the centre of attention. Her father had indulged his little princess all her life and now she was an actual princess she was hearing “no” for the first time. She was insanely jealous of W&K.

She now wants to be Michelle Obama - but without the years of legal and political experience, brains or actual vision.

Archie does exist - but I have serious doubts she was actually pregnant. I think surrogate. The limited pictures were because she wanted to copyright and merch him... and again the RF said “no”. Now he’s too old for cute baby pics and she’s insanely jealous he’s not photogenic in the way Kate’s kids are. So this time they’re having a girl in the hope it will look more like her and broaden the merching opportunities.

I’m not a fan of the royals. But these two seem the worst of both worlds..
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Racism is more prominent in the USA and sadly many Americans believe that the UK is the same.

They judge by their own experience of recent segregation in the US and honestly don't understand that Europe is completely different to America. We didn't have segregation to start with.

It sickens me that Meghan has encouraged this narrative and now we are all being labelled as racist. 🤬
Citing racism in Britain as one of your main reasons for moving to the USA, is like bemoaning women's rights in the UK and then moving to Saudi Arabia. 🤔
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Don't often post on the Harry & Meghan, but lurk constantly.

Did Meghan really say what she went through was 'unsurvivable'???

Grow a fucking pair Meghan - its not like you had Ebola for fuck sake!
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I’ve thought of a new one.

Harry and Meghan #62 John Lemon and Woko Ono snitch to Oprah about going solo.
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It's so quintessentially British.

The Prince of Wales shows his extreme displeasure at his wayward younger son by the ultimate sanction: withdrawing the use of his Correspondence Section.

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Tourre bakhai

"Tourre Bakahai on Twitter: "Nice of the eco warrior, media-hating Markles to publicise their tabloid TV tell-all with a picture of them driving to their 14 bathroom mansion in an SUV. "Welcome to Archewell. We drive systemic hypocrisy across all communities, numerous acts of immense pollution at a time."" / Twitter"
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Morning. I had to open a new account because I couldn’t remember the login details for the other one.

Just wanted to say - don’t worry at all if Warby refuses leave to appeal. The lower courts nearly always do - rare is the judge who says “Ok..I may have made a mistake”...although sometimes they do. This just means that ANL will go direct to the Court of Appeal. They’ll be expecting to do that anyway but they have to go through the process of asking Warby for permission first.

Just wanted to give you a heads up on that.
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My comment got deleted twice on the DM regarding Meghan’s studying and idolisation of Diana. To the point of wearing her perfume on her and Harry’s first date etc.
The idea that some people still support Meghan and don’t see through her makes me despair for humanity.
I have seen comments on Instagram hundreds of times saying things like ‘this kind, innocent woman was targeted by racists’ ‘beautiful woman who just loved her husband, leave her alone’ ‘whites just don’t like a powerful black woman’.
Give me a break. 1) she’s not innocent, she’s a scammer and a schemer 2) she doesn’t love Harry, she targeted him 3) she’s as much black as she is white, and I hated her when I thought she was a tanned white woman. It is not a race issue. The woke idiots need to grow up And grow a brain cell, the woke echo chamber on social media is scary.
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In those interview previews, Smeg has the same face I sometimes (try to) make for LOLs when posing for a photo; tensing the jaw just enough to make sure there's no hint of a double chin. My face, however, relaxes again after 3 seconds; considering she's giving an interview, she looks tense and fake AF.
And yes, it really is "almost unsurvivable" to live a life of luxury in 2020-2021; I'm sure front line workers and families grieving loved ones really feel your intense pain and suffering. GTF outta here!:mad:
she needs to actually shut tf up with this narrative that it was so difficult. She got the wedding, the titles, the multi million pound refurbished cottage, the patronages, the wardrobe. She got invited to Sandringham at Christmas before they were married which is against protocol. Charles walked her down the aisle. She had the wedding planned to her spec with that gospel choir and ridiculously inappropriate preacher. She was not silenced or mistreated, she just expected she would come in and be the new Diana and it didn’t happen, the public saw straight through her.
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Thank you @cosmo girl for the winning suggestion with 83 likes! Honorable mentions with over 60 votes go to:

Harry & Meghan #61 The grift that never stops giving
Harry & Meghan #61 A Blight at the Oprah !

Latest news from Harkleland is that Harry and Meghan have graciously decided to quit run away step down step back from the taxing duties of royal life for the sake of their mental health, whilst maintaining the Queen’s values from their mansion in Montecito. Or so they tell us daily in at least a dozen press releases.

Meanwhile, Harry has been finding privacy with unassuming shy guy James Corden on top of a double-decker bus in Hollywood, accidentally ending up all over CBS Late Late Show, Instagram and YouTube invading his family privacy by revealing all about chats with the Royal Grandparents, and his unusual fixation with waffles and crocodiles. A search party has been sent out to find the missing second episode of the Archewell Spotify Cringecast.

The phoney bidding war to screen Oprah & the Harkles on March 8th hots up. No-one in the UK has actually bought the rights yet but don’t worry guys, Discovery Channel are in the final round against ITV. BBC, Netflix, Amazon, Channel 4 and Sky said 'Nah, we're good thanks'.

We await the outcome of the costs hearing in THE DUCHESS v ANL, due on March 2nd in the wise hands and savage pen of Lord Justice Warby.
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And for H to say life has been unbelievably tough for them....that makes me so angry.

These 2 millionaires living in luxury when millions of ordinary people have lost jobs, homes, loved ones. Needing food banks, home schooling.
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I feel so bad for William, yes HMTQ also but she’s a strong woman who has been through a lot of negativity in her life and come through it strong. William is about to watch his mothers memory be exploited once again!!! And by the one person he thought would be with him, the only other person who went through that same experience.. Why do people forget about him in regards to Diana?
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Well, it’s now obvious that Harry will dine out on his dead mother for the rest of his life. :mad:
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liar liar

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I am so angry about what Harry has become I hope he never returns to this country. He is a total piece of shit.
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Whats wrong with feminsim ?
Fourth wave feminism is an anti men, anti feminine movement. It says men can be women if they say so, and that all whites are racists, people who think obesity is bad are ‘fat-phobic’. Theyve fallen into the dreadful trap which is ‘intersectionality’. I wish I hadn’t been exposed to all this SJW shit but I have been. I’m all for first wave feminism- suffrage, equality, empowerment. These days it’s about being a professional victim and hating men. That If you dare criticise Meghan you’re a racist misogynist. I just don’t buy into it. She’s a twat and I don’t feel bad saying so, don’t care what colour or sex she is.
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Car crash TV at it's absolute finest. The British press are literally going to destroy them when this airs. They may gain some sympathy in the US but never over here. Their self pity party couldn't have had worse timing, especially with PP in hospital still and things looking gloomier for him by the day. Harry's behaviour towards his family is now totally unforgivable.

Piers Morgan was almost foaming at the mouth this morning over it. I literally can't wait until next Monday to see his reaction to the interview - I hope GMB have got fire extinguishers on set :ROFLMAO:
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