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Scotch Mist

VIP Member
Comments are quite good also

This is about the money transferred to Travelyst from the charity set up with the Cambridges. Thanks to Harry's actions the Cambridges have been investigated by the charity commission. I agree he's a thieving bastard who thinks that a bit of creative accounting will cover his shitty tracks. This inevitably will be his downfall.

There's also rumours flying around the internet that Dorito acquired a few million dollars from unknown sources and that Smeggy stole a lot of jewellery before she left the UK.

I certainly agree with this quote from one of the replies:

'Harry has brought great shame on his family and his equally duplicitous wife has admitted perjuring herself in a UK High Court sworn statement.

We still don't know where the $3 million given to the Harkles by Bob Iger / Disney went to. As she was still a working Royal when she accepted the Elephants voice-over job, she stated that her fee would be donated to the Elephants Without Borders charity in Botswana. This apparently never happened.'

Ugh that's made it sound like the royal family have something to hide when the focus should be on what the vile bitch Smegma is hiding 😡
I sooo want her to get her comeuppance
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So according to People magazine, Harry wanted to leave because he wanted to "escape subservience to William," It's called being the youngest, suck it up, you aren't special. All this wanting to be financially independent, you got a leg up from mummy and daddy. These two are annoying little shits.
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Before this even came to court, the MoS had published a 'kind of' apology (more of a clarification) and made a donation to Invictus.

ETA Posted at the same time as Liar Liar. Although it looks from the Newsweek story that something else is involved in the settlement?

ETA 2 A source told Newsweek that the case was settled last year. So looks like the stories yesterday were just Harry using the case for publicity?

ETA 3 The Telegraph has a more coherent story (archived here

So all of the press yesterday was based on papers submitted in November, but only made public yesterday. Harry still wants to make a statement in open court about his hurt feelings even though he has received an apology and a donation to Invictus. So that's the request his team made yesterday.

What a self-indulgent waste of space he is.
Oh FFS. I hope the odious little twunt gets told to shut up and go away.
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As I remember from that period, she wasn't around much (in person) for them anyway - they were sent off to boarding school weren't they, or was that later? Anyway she was always being photographed out with the heart surgeon or abroad with Dodi etc? Hardly the sainted mother of the year?!
Cue 'my years of heartache of growing up without a mother...' plus 're-examining Diana's legacy today' with a generous dollop of 'Diana would have loved my Megzy' and 'Diana, the granny Archie never knew'

ETA she spent rather a lot of Harry's young life in the phone box harassing her married lovers' wives.....
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Plastic shit face is at it again:
Scobie told the Standard: “I find it quite hard to believe that Samantha will have anything interesting to say about her relationship with Meghan as there simply wasn’t one. What we have seen her do over the years is simply jump on to conversations to give her opinion, but she has never been able to give any insight into the duchess herself because she just didn’t know her beyond the time they spent together as children.”
Hmmm... strange he didn't also point this out about JCMH and Diana, as clearly by this logic, it means that Meghan's JCMH's book won't be worth buying or have any insight, given that he only spent a small part of his childhood with her....
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The thing is I don’t begrudge them having to make a living but they are so fucking insincere. We want pricacy but then shill themselves out to every Tom,dick and harry.
Can’t stick to a cause and want to be the wokiest of woke which makes then boring AF.
Also can Smeghead please stop acting! She over acts every fucking emotion. Big eyes, looking into the distance, clutching her hands 🤦🏼‍♀️
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Pom Bear

VIP Member
Big hugs to you Scotch Mist ❤ xx
Sorry to hear about your work colleague xx

You can unfollow your friend on Facebook for 30 days if you are getting her posts you don't want to see..she will still be on your friend list and you can follow again anytime. She won't realise.

This is for you from me to make you smile in these awful times 😘 x

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Meghan was the worst person Harry could have chosen.

1. She is older than him;
2. divorced;
3. Catholic (not my opinion, but opinion of the Royal family);
4. American;
5. raised by a single mother;
6. trashy dysfunctional family (her father's side);
7. actress (sort of); and a
8. feminist.

All Meghan had to do was play her position but she wanted to be the star.
Trashy, disfunctional on fathers side? No. Her father was well respected in his career, earned good money etc while one of his relatives gave Meghan a career opportunity. Her mother was in prison and has never held a real job.
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Ooh I hope they aren't paying him any money
Before this even came to court, the MoS had published a 'kind of' apology (more of a clarification) and made a donation to Invictus.

ETA Posted at the same time as Liar Liar. Although it looks from the Newsweek story that something else is involved in the settlement?

ETA 2 A source told Newsweek that the case was settled last year. So looks like the stories yesterday were just Harry using the case for publicity?

ETA 3 The Telegraph has a more coherent story (archived here

So all of the press yesterday was based on papers submitted in November, but only made public yesterday. Harry still wants to make a statement in open court about his hurt feelings even though he has received an apology and a donation to Invictus. So that's the request his team made yesterday.

What a self-indulgent waste of space he is.
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I'm not sure if that awful giggle at the end of Archie's bit on the podcast is really him but it reminded me so much of how the little girl next door laughs when she is up to something really evil! When I hear little kids chuckle like that it doesn't make me think cute - it makes wonder what awful thing they are doing! (the little girl next door has had to have 3 bunnies re-homed as she was treating them so badly and she dropped her hamster from a height and broke both it's back legs and her puppy has just had to go in for emergency surgery to remove a mysterious blockage!) If I hear her laughing like that in the garden, I rush out to see what she's doing, so I can stop her! She's actually traumatised me......seriously!
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Well, Lorraine says that she won't be reading Samantha Markle's book - hope Samantha's not too put out by that!
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As the year 2020 finally ends I plan to ponder the meaning of “creative activations” (per updated Archewell website) which based on information and belief relates to throwing shite at a wall and seeing what sticks.

OT: All the best to you and yours as we head into to unknown of 2021. So many have lost so much this year and next year isn’t looking much better. But thanks to MM we now know avoiding oat lattes and podcasts will boost our mental health. ❤
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This is why Charles needs to wake up and smell the ungrateful vegan oat laden shit coffee and cut the wankers off completely
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:ROFLMAO: That is an absolutely stunning headline.

I hope that the deep sleeping whales are getting $30m because their price has been set now.

Please tell me that Spotify put performance clauses into the contract so that Archewoke Audio gets paid less if the cringecast doesn't bring in the audience or they give up (like they have with everything else) and don't do any more.

I listened to the Adam Buxton podcast from the same chart last night (the latest episode with Joe Cornish), about an hour into it Adam also happens to do a few minutes ridiculing Smeghan and Harry's podcast trailer, gave me quite a smile actually. It's coming to something when even comedians such as Adam Buxton are using them as source material.

Montecito this morning

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After the Daily Mail story yesterday that made it clear that the Harkles were Out, there is is usually a clap back from their team, isn't there?

Thinking about it, the Sunday Times story tries to threaten Prince Charles and Camilla as well as Palace staff, and imply that the RF are spending every minute of the day thinking about Meghan Markle's Very Important Litigation. No one cares. It's her mess and she's on her own with it.

Are the Harkles still trying to flog a documentary about this litigation to Netflix? Feels like they are puffing up the Royal angle, doesn't it ?
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Apparently pre wedding in a nod to smeggy's career and hazza's dream Brenda suggested a rather neat alternative to them being full royals. She would set them up in Africa where hazza claimed he longed to live in relative seclusion.
Funny how she's not so interested in poor black people when faced with the prospect of living amongst them 🤔
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I think the general rule is:

If person you are criticising is not 100% white = You're racist
If person you are criticising is white = You're jealous

Can't win. And if you're really lucky they'll throw in a #BeKind at you 🥴
The other day I was basically told by Americans my opinion doesn’t count as I am white and only black people’s voices count and I should stop saying anything as I am white. Like wtf. I wasn’t even saying racist shit just disagreeing with them ganging up on one person and bullying her 🤷🏼‍♀️
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OMG! Via latest Harry Markle
  • January 2021 ~ The word on the street is that Harry has written a book (via a ghost writer of course) on the ‘truth’ behind Diana, which ties in with the Archewell theme of playing the dead Diana card again. It is unknown if The Queen, BP, or members of the RF are aware of the book (US publishers). Surely this act must lead to his coffin being encased in concrete?

ETA That ties in with the curious Archewell Productions blurb on their Archewell website being about 'telling our truth'...
If true he’s done. There will be no way back for him! The cunt!
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Oh dear, methinks their egos are running away with them a little here.

They'll be opening a University of word salad next...........
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