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Chilli pepper 19

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My heart actually really breaks for PC. The thought of my son betraying and insulting me like that ginger teat has done. This is why I think there's no way back now for him. I don't actually blame Charles being weak and hoping he's not actually behind it. But where the gritters has massively miscalculated as that Charles might be weak towards Harry, but the real power behind him, Camilla William and Kate are not. And the Queen will never put any family member before the crown. They've successfully screwed with the wrong people and I bet now they'll live a massively miserable life in obscurity like Wallis and Edward did. I just hope a live stream of them watching Kate and Wills Coronation was part of the Netflix deal. Id definitely pay my membership to see that
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Who is Richard Palmer?
Royal Reporter and part of the rota. He writes for the Express (think he's their Royal Editor). Worth following as he was targeted by the SussexBots, and was sent death threats. He knows quite a lot about the whole SussexSquad operation.

Harkles have this week's People Magazine front cover - but with an old photo :ROFLMAO:

There doesn't seem to be anything new but fluff and quotes from the usual mouthpieces. Harry likes to be described as 'the spare' when he's actually just the 7th in line. No-one in the RF has missed the Harkles. They didn't do much actual work, just photo ops, and were extremely expensive to run.

Harry, 36, who long felt marginalized by the role of "spare" in the line of succession—an issue that has plagued generations of royal siblings, including Queen Elizabeth’s sister, Princess Margaret — "finally found a solution," says royal historian Robert Lacey, "which is essentially to get out and start a new life. To stay in the royal system is to go along with subservience to those more senior than you. He has asserted his own identity."

The bit in bold makes me laugh. Hazza had all those years in the Army so knew a bit about working in an organisation and following instructions. That's called 'doing a job' not 'subservience'. They work for Spotify and Netflix now so good luck with that 'asserting your own identity' thing.
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Just found this thread and also have a new interest in the royal family however, I don’t have a ton of time to go back and read everything. Is this forum mostly about Meghan hate, Harry hate or both? lol

I think despise and loathe their hypocritical behaviour, actions and speech alongside their jumping on pc bandwagons and woke preaching may be more descriptive. Let's not forget their racially divisive PC nonsense, their spiteful and selfish barbs against the UK people as well as their own family members in the British Royal Family (BRF).
Then there's their blatant hypocritical calls to compassion and kindness, in person and across the internet, whilst disregarding - even "cancelling" - their own previously beloved family members who raised them, when they were calling and supporting internet followers who advocated racial disharmony and violence against other senior Royal family members.

I could go on, bit I highly recommend you do due diligence and read through some of the threads or summaries.
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OMG! Via latest Harry Markle
  • January 2021 ~ The word on the street is that Harry has written a book (via a ghost writer of course) on the ‘truth’ behind Diana, which ties in with the Archewell theme of playing the dead Diana card again. It is unknown if The Queen, BP, or members of the RF are aware of the book (US publishers). Surely this act must lead to his coffin being encased in concrete?

ETA That ties in with the curious Archewell Productions blurb on their Archewell website being about 'telling our truth'...
If true, and the link is made to Aitch being the author/source, he can kiss his invitation to her memorial unveiling goodbye. William cannot run the risk of a public spectacle of Halfwit being boo'ed. I suspect the unveiling would be done in a private context, citing covid, or cancelling it completely.
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Bookworm 2 message on Youtube 30 mins ago:-

I just heard from a reliable source that there will be NO Megxit extension!! Apparently decisions have been made and the parties are still battling about the finer details.... final conclusions will be made public at the latest end of March. It is being whispered that H's position in the line of succession is being hotly debated within the family and it has all to do with his continued stay in the US. It is inevitable that should he apply for a Greencard or citizenship he'll have to let go of ALL his titles - those are the laws of the US and has nothing to do with the RF. I sincerely hope that this is true! We have had enough.
I'm lighting my smeggy minge candle and praying to the gods that this is true, but I dunno. Gangan has a soft spot for baby hazza.
PHIL! Make yerself useful (incoming misogyny, buckle up) get that woman of yours in line. Slap her lil arse and tell her to knock this shit on the head.

Actually guys, March is looming.:oops: Isn't it odd that dreary and boring as the covid year has been, it still seems to have flown past.
Must be the company on here. Even the kids tip toe round me when they see the tattle logo.:m:m:m
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Jeez they really don't sound mentally healthy do they?

I read the blurb and seriously started wondering about whether they think they are founding a cult.. 'I am my mother's son'... erm no Harry you had two parents, you are not the Baby Jesus.

They need a quiet visit from the men in white coats...
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Exactly. After the initial buzz of the news channels picking up on the Archie appearance, nada.

I would LOVE to know how much of a podcast one has to actually listen to for it to count towards the chart placings. I don't know if Spotify have ever revealed how their algorithms work.

Spectator have today provided H&M with a little guide on what they could include in the next podcast. Spectator is usually paywalled, but I think they let you read 2 articles for free or something. Hope it works.

here is the text, just in case

2020 may have been full of despair but it ended with a major moment of hope – Harry and Meghan launched their podcast.

It showcased their highbrow friendship circle of ‘philanthropists’, ‘explorers of consciousness’ and ‘activists’ (known to us as celebrities, actors and singers) – who shared their thoughts on what we could learn from the pandemic. The first episode got off to a flying start, only narrowly beaten in the Spotify chart by a sleep podcast made up of whale noises. The podcast was rich with warm, soft, drawly Californian accents where the, you know, kinda, vowels are stretched to add the texture of profound insight to everyday thoughts.

So what topics should they cover next? Here are some suggestions:

Meghan and Harry believe that giving is good and taking is bad. They encourage others to give of themselves, to help others. And they live by their beliefs – in return for a simple podcast, they persuaded Spotify to gift them £25 million. Netflix have asked the couple to do a little bit more than simply talk into a microphone, so they are donating £100 million.

In episode two, Harry and Meghan could tell us about their difficult journey from a life of wealth and privilege to a life of giving.

A change of pronouns
Meghan has shown Harry how to support her. In the last podcast, we could almost hear Meghan squeeze Harry’s arm as he demonstrated how he is learning to be the man that she needs him to be. Simply by changing his beliefs and jettisoning old friends, Harry is free to support Meghan’s aspirations.

It is only natural that, in episode two, he cements his new role by officially changing his pronoun. Not only would Harry’s transition from ‘I’ to ‘we’ generate some positive press coverage, it would also allow him to make the powerful, supportive gesture of remaining silent throughout the podcast, on the grounds that he has been subsumed into his wife’s consciousness.

Climate Food Activism
On the first podcast, an intersectional climate food campaigner told us how our world needed to be radically transformed. On the second podcast she could share how we face extinction unless we stop misgendering food and use the power of the oppressed to grow trees. Broccoli and tofu can be harnessed to change the composition of gases in the atmosphere and free us from the oppression of sexual conformism.

David Attenborough
Our national treasure could help foster a rapprochement between Harry and his father. David Attenborough, like Prince Charles, has a love of nature and believes that there are too many people in the world, and they are spoiling it. David should be invited as a matter of urgency to join the next episode; we don’t have much time left.

Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw
As the founding scholar of the theory of intersectionality, Kimberlé could explain to Harry and Meghan why they think what they do. Although Harry may struggle with some of the finer details of this post-modernist theory, he will understand when to nod knowingly. Harry has extensive experience of the word ‘privilege’. Meghan, who has watched a TED talk on the subject, can show her knowledge, by using the word ‘oppression’ while she looks into Harry’s eyes and squeezes his hand.

Lewis Hamilton
The British racing car driver can give us practical advice on how to buy private planes without paying VAT and totally avoid income tax by living in Monaco whilst simultaneously earning a knighthood. Much like Meghan and Harry, he has found meaning in his life by highlighting issues that he thinks ordinary, tax-paying citizens should support.

We can’t wait for episode two to air.
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I dislike Harry far more than I dislike her, tbh. She’s just another narcissistic Hollywood chancer, nothing special, but he’s so spoilt and stupid he decided he wanted to have his cake and eat it too - the money, the fame, the privilege, but without the constraints of royal protocol and being forever upstaged by the Cambridges. He believes his own hype, and I’m sure Smeg has learned to feed into his inferiority complex.
Where are his mates. All we ever hear about are her besties and chumsy-wumsies. Away from the Firm and with nobody being paid to babysit him he can't cut it. He doesn't make friends, he's never had to. Even the guys he served with were just there for his amusement, for him to video and sneer at their ethnicity. We hear(get told in Sunshite Sucks puff pieces) about Foster being his new daddy (Foster daddy,:m) but we don't see them together or even hear of them together. When they had that dinner at the posh steak house it was claimed it was a foursome, but since then it's come to light that it was a 3some and his Foster daddy wasn't there and that ginger nuts has laid down the law re talking about archiedoll. That would repulse most potential foster parents I should think.
So anyhooooo, no Brit mates since the Adele boozy nights were shut down and plucky but dead boring JJ got booted out of Strictly. I don't think men gel with him, and his conversations with females usually started with "wanna fuck a prince" so I should imagine that's kind of limiting in most circles.:ROFLMAO: Oh well, at least he's upfront with what he requires ... roast chicken with all the trimmings.
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Scotch Mist

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Every now and I have a wobble and think, ‘ok, so maybe it was really difficult being a working royal, your every move dissected and criticised, I get why Harry wanted out’ but then I realise that would only have rung true had he gone off to play professional polo or back to the Army. Even if Meghan wanted to get back into acting on the back of her elevated status, a decent stab at some meaty roles would have earned her some respect.

I really struggle to understand exactly what it is they ‘do’. What the hell is Travalyst? What is the podcast’s future aims? What is Archewell? The Netflix deal? Nothing they do seems to bear any relevance to anything they had achieved in their 30+ years. They’re coming across like a reality TV couple just grabbing anything and everything their agent can get them before their 15 minutes are up. I mean Meghan even did a Heat magazine special on ‘My miscarriage agony’ - ok it was the A list version but the playbook is the same.
I don't think it's easy being in the public eye these days as everyone who is faces media intrusion and criticism from people online. I know that I wouldn't want that sort of attention, but the Royal family is cossetted to an extent far more than the average celebrity is. They are protected and have courtiers and staff to deal with a lot of things for them.

In theory the royals can stay well hidden out of the public eye (if they want to) except for public engagements. All in all I don't think it's really a hard life in comparison with what a lot of people have to put up with.

I would have respect for Harry if he had decided to pursue a different type of career but he isn't qualified to do anything apart from be a royal and has made no attempt to study for any real professional career.

His main problem seems to be that he thinks that being a Prince has qualified him to pontificate on everything and he seems to be under the illusion that we want to hear his opinions on everything. This is where he's going wrong.

the 'rona is the excuse that Barnes and Noble is using for not sending to most countries (including the UK) but does include Oz. Perhaps she is also keen on avoiding the UK legal rules re: libel/ defamation etc? which given her financial resources and physical constraints would make total sense.
It will definitely be down to libel laws in the UK. A British publisher won't publish unless they are damned sure that they won't have a legal case thrown at them. The newspapers will also have to be careful.

Can any American contributors on the thread buy the book and feed us info? 😀

I reckon that the bloggers like Yankee Wally and Murky Meg will be trying to find ways to get their hands on it anyway.
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So Harry telling the world a couple of years ago to leave his mother to rest now, stop with all the articles and documentaries and books and what not and then he comes out with the but its ok if I do it. He is an utter slime ball!!
They are sounding like a couple in the last stages of some sort of paranoid delusion. 'It's us against the world'. Harry with his dear departed mother like a Princely Norman Bates at the Montecito Motel, and Megzy the mother of Invisible Archie.

They really are bonkers.
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Two years ago I never would have bought Sam’s book and was disgusted at the idea of her trying to make money off trashing her sister. I even avoided clicking articles about any markles as I didn’t want to encourage them any more than the papers already were. Now I’ve just pre-ordered her book. How times have changed.

I suspect a lot of purchases were similar to me, dismissing Sam as nothing but a shit stirrer in beginning, but proven truthful and accurate over time. Waiting till now to publish was very smart as people have come around to what Sam has to say after Meghan revealed her true colours.

Also want to note the title says ‘part 1’ as in there’s a part 2 still to come. How much tea are you going to spill Sam 😯
I can remember thinking that the Markles were trashy. Now I think they genuinely couldn't believe what the RF was about to get involved with when Harry announced Megzy as his beloved roast chicken specialist bride-to-be, and felt duty-bound to speak up. Agree about the timing as well, Sam's recent comments on Talk Radio along the lines of 'phantom Archie, that no-one ever sees' now sound much more credible. A year ago people would have thought she was nuts even saying that much.
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Oh Scotchy,God bless her.:( It's horrific when it comes so close. Big hugs from us all and may she rest in peace.

The whole reasoning behind the Royal Flounce was just so disingenuous and I think more and more people are seeing it now.
That reminds me, I came across this last night and bookmarked it.
Cuntchops lied about not getting support and deliberately ignored attempts by Kate & Sophie to contact her after Are-you-ok-gate.
Why? Well it wouldn't fit the narrative she was promoting as an excuse to bugger off to America, that she was being sidelined by the royals and was all alone trying to cope.

  • According to a new report, Kate Middleton reached out to her sister-in-law, Meghan Markle, after the latter admitted in an interview that she was "not okay" living life as a royal.
  • Royal correspondent Rebecca English shared the new detail in a column for the Daily Mail.
  • According to English, both Kate and Sophie, Countess of Wessex, reached out to Meghan after the emotional interview but were "rebuffed."
Kate Middleton reportedly tried—and failed—to reach out to Meghan Markle during one of the Duchess of Sussex's most emotional moments as a working royal.

According to royal correspondent Rebecca English, at least two other members of the royal family reached out to Meghan after the emotional interview, but their attempts to offer support were not well-received.
"William was also deeply hurt by suggestions from the Sussex camp that he, and particularly his wife, had cold-shouldered Meghan," English wrote in a new column for the daily mail "In fact, I have been told that Kate—and the Countess of Wessex—both repeatedly 'reached out' to the Duchess, particularly after she voiced her unhappiness on a television documentary. But they were rebuffed."

Interesting that this revelation was permitted by the palace. It smacks of the men in grey suits quietly setting the record straight.Obviously with Brenda's permission. I honestly think the palace are allowing little drips of info that piss on the whole charade of 'poor smeggy/bad royals'
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A few quotes from the article/s below...

"The image of Harry and Meghan was perhaps the most telling of the year when it comes to their new relationship with the royals.
He was in a sombre suit with a red poppy and military medals, she in a long black dress. They held hands as they walked through Los Angeles National Cemetery on Remembrance Sunday in November to lay a floral tribute to the fallen.
In what was seen as a flagrant publicity stunt, the couple had chosen to release the pictures after Harry had been refused permission for a wreath to be laid at the Cenotaph on his behalf that day, alongside those of other members of his family.
The story around at the time — and it was not publicly corrected because the royals felt strongly it was disrespectful to turn the nation's act of remembrance into a family row — was that Palace officials had made the decision without discussing it with his grandmother.

But, today, I can reveal it was the Queen alone who was behind the refusal — and that it took her 'all of two seconds' to make up her mind.
'Remembrance Sunday is sacrosanct when it comes to Her Majesty's diary,' explains my source. 'It's one of the most important dates in her calendar and nothing is done without her knowledge.
'People were suggesting the Palace's reaction to what Harry asked was petty. But it was the Queen's decision. And what's more, she actually had very strong views on the subject.'

Another source tells me: 'While she has enormous admiration for Harry's achievements both in and out of the military, this was seen as an example of his lack of understanding at what it means for him to be a non-working royal.
'The Queen is very firmly of the opinion that you can't pick and choose what you do when it comes to the institution. Either you are in — or you are out.'

From the beginning of the year, the 94-year-old Queen — who has spent the vast majority of the past eight months in isolation at Windsor — has shown a quiet but steely determination with regard to Harry and Meghan.
As head of The Firm, she put aside her genuine fondness for her grandson and the deep personal hurt she felt at his actions.
And she moved quickly to put Harry straight on his notion that he and Meghan could enjoy the best of both worlds, making their fortunes in LA while 'supporting' her as part-time royals from 6,000 miles away.

'Harry was told very clearly in January by his grandmother that 'you work for the monarchy, the monarchy doesn't work for you',' one source told me. 'And if you can't accept that, then you need to walk away. Her Majesty was remarkably clear and decisive on that point and has never deviated from it, not once.
'I think what has evolved this year across the Atlantic has only served to prove her point.'
'The deals they have done since moving to California clearly show the truth of it: they simply had ambitions that were completely incompatible with being members of the Royal Family,' an insider told me.

'It was their choice to leave and seek their fortunes elsewhere. No one exiled them. Indeed, the Queen made clear she didn't want Harry and Meghan to go and that they are still very much-loved members of her family and have her support.
'Harry and Meghan are clearly where they want to be, and good luck to them.
'But their subsequent career choices have scuppered any chance of retaining even a quasi-official royal role.'

Sources also emphasise it is unlikely Harry will be able to get back any military roles that might have been left open for him. For a proud serviceman, it is likely to be one of his most bitter regrets.
But there are categorically no plans to strip them of their titles, despite much public conjecture. After Edward VIII's abdication, the Duke and Duchess of Windsor retained theirs until the day they died.
To strip Harry and Meghan of their titles would just be punitive and, whatever else the Royal Family are, say insiders, they are not petty.

Intriguingly, I understand that Meghan — possibly flippantly — told friends at one point that she would 'happily' hand back her title, which was a wedding gift from the Queen.
There is no suggestion she wishes to do so, however. It seems that being a duchess (or a duke, for that matter) carries a useful cachet in the U.S., for the time being.

Prince William will be concerned that his brother Harry 'appears to be exploiting his mother's iconic status' after he used a picture with their late mother Princess Diana to help launch his new website with Meghan Markle, a royal expert claimed today.
The updated Archewell website featured a picture of the young prince sitting on the shoulders of Princess Diana, taken at Highgrove in Gloucestershire in July 1986.
An introductory letter introduced Harry as 'my mother's son' and said the couple had both experienced compassion and kindness 'from our mothers and strangers alike'.
But it made no reference to Harry's father Prince Charles, or to his brother William – and royal expert Phil Dampier said this will not have gone unnoticed by the family.
He told MailOnline today: 'I think William will be slightly worried if Harry uses Diana for any of his charitable or commercial ventures without consulting him, and I don't think he would be happy if Harry appears to be exploiting his mother's iconic status.
'It's also very significant that Harry called himself his 'mother's son' but has made no mention of Prince Charles. William is very much following now in his father's footsteps with his environmental and conservation work.
'And although Harry has praised his father in the past, it seems odd not to mention him more and work in conjunction with him, rather than separately.'

So we now clearly know that all their actions in regard to the wreath laying were done out of spite and selfishness - to spite his beloved granny and othe family members and to promote themselves. How nauseatingly pathetic.

I also realise that the "ghostly image" on their website that I previously thought was their missing but available for merchandising child (bless the wee soul, he's got no chance has he?!), but are watermark pictures of them with their mothers, with him on Diana's shoulders when he was a toddler. For the love of God, they could not market this poor dead woman more blantantly than if they dug up her body and started selling bits of her clothing and bones as "relics" to the sugars (and I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if some form of that idea from her old clothing isn't being brainstormed by her cult as I type). If I were her family I'd be increasing security around that burial site. They're sick, I tell you. Sick.
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liar liar

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Editorial suggestion - the woman flicks her aggressively relaxed and hot ironed weave, flashes her magic boobs and then sits down....
I want her stumbling in her shoes still with bunions... mad-eyed... and screaming 'are you Ashley Cole?'
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You don't have to be a member just google Mumsnet AIBU sire and read the thread called
'To have found Harry &Meghan's podcast quiet uplifting"
Hahaha, I've just had a nosey. Comment made me laugh out loud 'Pair of hypocritical, narcissistic, over privileged, avaricious, navel gazing fuckers' 🤣🤣
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Scotch Mist

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View attachment 367409

that is an article from The Spectator..... this is the last page> View attachment 367414
Don't get me started on the 'trans voice' as these days that applies to any man who puts a dress on and wears lippy (like Eddie Izzard) 🙄
No doubt the Harkles will soon be riding this bandwagon too just to fit in with the current zeitgeist. It won't be long until we see Hazno donning a dress and insisting that he is part of the sisterhood 🤮 i certainly wouldn't put it past him if it gets him a few points on social media.
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cosmo girl

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Two years ago I never would have bought Sam’s book and was disgusted at the idea of her trying to make money off trashing her sister. I even avoided clicking articles about any markles as I didn’t want to encourage them any more than the papers already were. Now I’ve just pre-ordered her book. How times have changed.

I suspect a lot of purchases were similar to me, dismissing Sam as nothing but a shit stirrer in beginning, but proven truthful and accurate over time. Waiting till now to publish was very smart as people have come around to what Sam has to say after Meghan revealed her true colours.

Also want to note the title says ‘part 1’ as in there’s a part 2 still to come. How much tea are you going to spill Sam 😯
At first I thought Sam and her family came across as bitter and jealous. Now I can understand that Sam and her family have been ghosted and are hurting. Also not sure what contact Harry has with his family. It does seem like he's doing the same to his family. Harry looked really happy with his family before Meghan. Where is their compassion for their own families?
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Scotch Mist

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I am a new ex-long time lurker and have been riveted by tattlers' ability to ferret out info. reading posts on samantha's book 74 % positive and i'm so glad after months of moronic drivel from this toxic pair that someone is going to "shine a light" (in mm's words) o n their deceit Go Smanfa!! Have followed scotch and saw how she/he quietly supported HMTQ sitting in the background during her speech. Heart was in mouth when he/she was threatened with butt plug 😢 but he/she emerged intact and was last seen playing the piano with fellow warrior Pom Bear. Phew.
I think MM set TM up, asked her long-time go-to pap photographer Jeff rayner to do photos with him then land him in it as she had planned all along for PC to walk her up the aisle. What a reptile 😠
Ahh thanks very much for the kind thoughts. It has been an ordeal going undercover with the Harkles (particularly the butt plug episode 😳)........ they've demoted me to maid at the moment but you can't keep a good hamster down for long!

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