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These two just never stop do they?

I have a massive problem with any kind of charitable 'foundation'. To me they just scream smokescreen for nefarious goings-on, be they financial, social, ethical etc. The fact that these two have one is no surprise to me.

And some of those causes, Jesus! I can't believe they are seriously promoting Stanford University's research into developing techniques to promote compassion and altruism. Is that some kind of sick joke or are these two actually going to be attending the programme? Here's a technique for them for free: Do as you would be done by.
It's ridiculous bull shite. Same with this ...
Archewell Foundation supports the work of The Loveland Foundation, a growing organization that focuses on providing affordable and accessible mental health resources to Black women and girls. With a robust network of mental health partnerships across the country, Loveland's Therapy Fund knocks down financial barriers to culturally competent treatment. Together, The Loveland Foundation and Archewell Foundation will continue their shared alignment of supporting marginalized communities.

Okaaaay, that's just fabulous and a worthy cause but prohibitive, so what about all those women and girls who are not black and cannot afford treatment? culturally competent or otherwise? What does that even mean? Seriously, please can someone who is black explain how mental health treatment for poorer black women differs from that for poorer white women. Mental health sees no skin colour so why differentiate and support some women based on the colour of their skin, but refuse support to white women ... because white? I can't abide this shite.:mad:
The laughable part is that I've not seen her employ any persons of colour onto her staff (as her sugar tits are catching on to). I bet the only non whites on her staff are the gardeners and the poor sod who cleans those damn 16 bathrooms. And Doris obviously.
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New thread, YAY! Nice one Kev again and well done 50'sGirl.:m:m
It was a good article up until the last sentence. I think the writer is confusing the fact that smeggy is being shoe horned into everything but the crib with genuine popularity. She needs to remember the obscene amount of money smeggy(or someone) is forking out to buy her gigs and mentions. Around 3 million in the past year on Sunshite Sucks and the more recent ones. I think even I could manage to look popular if some cunts were getting hundreds of thousands every month just to promote me.
I can't see how next year will be her year when covid is still firmly nailing her to the floor(small mercies and all that) and she can't physically promote herself and use her finely honed sea faring talents sexy-schmoozing doddery old blokes and air kissing their womenfolk while the ginger dick holds her handbag and tries not to fall asleep.

If we were ever in any doubt what her appeal is to the sugars then there you have it, plain and simple racism.
That lot were all whoopy-doo ra-ra-ra behind her because of the fact that she's part black and they are now whining because she is hiring white women instead of black women. No nod to ability or suitability, as long as she was part black these women were happy to cheer lead smeggy and dox anyone not in agreement with them. Simple racism fueled support of her that they are now questioning because she hired white help.

Direct quote from one of her staunchest supporters
.".. don't have a black army mobilise for you and then hire a bunch of white women."
Love how their blatant racism is fine but imagine the furore if that comment was the other way round. I couldn't and never have given a shit about Meghan's heritage. It's the person underneath the skin I have a problem with, yet this lot see colour everywhere and are allowed a pass for whatever they say against anyone who isn't black.
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Yes, both of their fathers now seemingly obliterated from memory. We are all aware of the Thomas Markle situation, and I can't imagine Charles would ever win father of the year, but what a massive snub to the man who is essentially paying for this whole charade. Their petulance really does know no bounds, and I hope this latest rebuff turns out to be the deciding factor when the Queen has to make the vital call in a few months time.
I can't imagine how charles and william feel about that. It's just so blatant and personal. And you know I cannot blame smeggy on this one. For sure it will have been her idea but twatface should have vetoed it as going too far. He's such an evil little cunt. I wonder if Brenda okayed the story about "two seconds to decide" in response to that stupid "I'm the son of a muddered mommy" whining thing they put up? I know he didn't actually say that but IMHO he stopped just short. Maybe she is making it clear that SHE calls the shots so why the fuck is he taking pot shots at his dad. He's bad through and through and I see no redemption for him when cuntchops finally ditches him.
At least the Duke of Windsor never publicly disrespected his familly like this.
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Scotch Mist

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Oh, my. I’m so sorry to hear that.
Thanks, she wasn't much older than me.
It really brings it home to you when people you know are ill or have died.😧

I'm getting increasingly pissed off with an old friend who updates on Facebook all the time about what a load of rubbish it is about Covid and that we are all being a bunch of cowards.🤔
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Another rubbish article 🙄 seriously I don't suppose Joe Biden has given them a minutes thought 🙄
I cannot think of a single person, charity, organisation, family member, pet, employee,
co-worker or acquaintance that has benefited in any way from this toxic twosome. Everything they touch becomes tainted and rotten. They are like a cancer and there are no winners, only losers in their world including themselves and their poor child if he exists. Look at the chaos they create and the destruction and heartbreak they leave in their wake. They say that evil needs chaos to thrive.
What cretin thought to do a tally of winners and losers? Where do they find these people?
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The biggest risk for Sam is an expensive lawsuit from her angry sister. If Sam sticks to the USA she is better protected by their legal system which is geared towards freedom of speech. As long as her book is fair comment and not malicious, she has enough cover. It's different in the UK - it's going to be interesting to see if any of the UK press pay to publish extracts.

Harry's mystery Diana book is really happening, apparently, but it's supposed to be top secret in the Harkles' camp.

No confirmation on whether it's the same as the 'unnamed Royal book from Gallery (Simon&Schuster) tagged Prince Harry, ISBN 9781982159726' due August / October,
What age was he when Diana died? 12? So, a fantastic book then, full of interesting snippets such as ‘mummy gave the bestest cuddles’, ‘she used to take us to Maccy D’s for our tea, which Pa never did’, ‘she had the driver deliver wizard tuck hampers to school’.

Think I’ll pass.
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Good for her. It was just another attempt by hazza to play the Royal card and at first glance to look as if he still represents her. Erm ... no.
I'm surprised it took her all of two seconds, I should think one of her withering looks would be enough to chill the messenger to the bone and make it abundantly clear that she's not that fucken stupid to let him muscle in on something he threw in the trash when he vacated the UK.
It was his choice, made back in january while in the throes of the mega-minge. This is another example of how petted he was for years, what hazza wants hazza gets. "Gangan/Pappa/momma said "No" ? give me 10 mins to work on them, hahaha" Those days are gone.
Honestly, what part of "No thank you Hazza, half-in half-out is not an option. Off you go and good luck sweet cheeks." doesn't he understand?
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Scotch Mist

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Are we to be impressed or bothered?
That's a fuck of a lot for someone hiding out in a mansion and barely going anywhere. I bought hardly any new clothes in 2020 and spent next to nothing as there didn't seem to be any point!
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Exactly, and after the poll that revealed majority of Brits were not interested in listening to the podcast, it makes no sense that it would suddenly climb so high. They’ve either bought listeners or their deranged stans are playing on repeat.
Even M*msnet, which normally shut down the Harkle threads like lightning, are hating on the podcast...

I had an email from Spotify to announce this podcast drivel. I have no interest in listening to them. Everything I have heard them talk about needs “Parklife!” adding to it.....
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Well, upthread our poppea admitted invading an English bloke with a strap on.:eek: I wonder if he demanded she wear jack boots and shout warlike things at him as she thrust her trusty strap on into his poop chute (sorry for the visuals. Eye bleach is on the top shelf ----> ) Could be a thing.
Nope, babe, worse! My get up wasn't was what important for him, his was!

It was my ex-boyfriend of 16 years, but we lived in different countries the whole time. About 14 years in, he had a nice little surprise for me, wearing sweet little lacy womans undies, garter and all, underneath his three piece suit. The guy is an ex-rugby-player, tall and broadshouldered, built like a house, crooked nose and all, wearing half of Victorias secret catalogue without giving me the slightest warning. Next thing I know I am asked to do the strappy thingy to his hairy dolled up, high heeled, suddenly not the least bit sexy body.

Took me about two years to admit I am not able to love someone no matter what.
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Scotch Mist

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Short term lurker here ... been reading the last 3 threads the last couple of days and I must say these two bore the actual shit out of me.

I actually liked H before he got with flip-a-dick. He came across as a young man who lost his mother early, knew he was the spare and got carried away with the partying. The last 4 years or so (not including flip-a-dick time) whilst he was with K+W he was so happy and he genuinely cared about everyone and everything and you could actually see the compassion he had for everyone around him. Then came along cunt 1. Obviously she had preyed upon him long before they met that part is well known by everyone. She knew he was vulnerable and was able to use him and his emotions to her advantage. She twisted him and what amounts to domestic abuse the narcissistic witch used this information to turn him against his parents and the whole of Britain so all he had left was her. No one to turn to, no Wills or Kate. No dad, no gangan only her. She knew what to say to him.

Ohhh those engagement photos - cat got the cream is in no comparison to what she looked like. Head up, fake smile, fake everything plastered all over her face smiling and waving to the cameras ... look at me im important ive got him and I'm not letting him go.

I actually cannot wait for cunt 1 (M) and cunt 2 (H) to actually feel the downfall of what they think they, cunt 1 has gotten them.

HM has smelt more than cunt 1s farts before so she knows her game. The grey suits will be reporting every little thing to her. She may not be a spring chicken anymore but #timesup (not in the official capacity it is used for) for these cunts and I will be at the front and centre like her in those engagement photos smiling.

OMG I just can't. They infuriate me so much.

I have loved reading every single thing you guys have been posting and a lot of information is new to me as I actually gave up reading any article about them. In fact I found out about you tattlers from the daily fail in the comments someone said head over here and read the threads so I did. Best decision of 2020 I must say.

She is a cheap little tramp who thinks that flipping-a-dick is the way to get a head in the world. She is a monstrosity and the sooner cunt 2 comes to terms with it the better. Not that, that makes it better when he does, he won't be anyone. He has proved that the past few days where he has fucked over PC and everyone else. He has nothing and will have nothing and she - well she doesnt even know one iota what HM can do yet but she will. Revenge is a dish best served cold. Karma - well karma comes round ever so slowly but it will in the end. Let's see what Sam Markle has to say, all those comments elsewhere that say, she hasn't seen cunt 1 for all those years but she knew her, she lived with her in the early years. She has secrets to divulge and cunt 1 stabbed her family in the back so Sam will dish on everything !!!!
Great post pull up a chair and pitch in. 😃

I can only say that abusing the Harkles on this thread has proved great therapy. Can't take out my frustrations on the family I want an easy life!
Venting about the duplicitous greedy Harkles is a great outlet for any pent up anger 😁 and generally good for a laugh 😆 as well.
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Yup. That is the situation and it is terrifying. My best friend of 25 yrs, extremely successful black woman, godmother to my kids, maid of honour etc, told me this year that she was sick if me complaining and playing victim and as I was white I had no right to complain about anything and that everyone was sick of me and ( this was the kicker) I was a burden on society. It was basically a 3 min monologue triggered by my having the audacity to say I really hoped they wouldn’t shut the schools again. She said it was tantamount to murder to opening the schools, and then.... well you know the rest. We white folk are a burden. I haven’t burdened her since then

this happened a few days before this ( which did not even touch US or UK news).

It made it pretty much untouchable. It was like a suppository: a healthy dose of medicine right Where it count with no risk of refusal

Ah but I‘m no longer live in the US. However, I will ask my friend to take delivery and fedex it over. !!!
That's what scares me. Never in my puff have I ever experienced a white person in my friendship groups (and at Uni we were mouthy cunts)rant at a black person that they were lesser humans and would get their come uppance, or anything remotely like that.We'd not have stood for that crap. Nor have I read such shit from a person online, yet I'm so fucking over reading posts from black (allegedly)people like the bitch on scumsnet claiming "whites gonna get what's coming to them this year" ... or variations of that sentiment. Even when couched uber aggressively the posts are not deleted and well dare anyone be anything other than utterly totally perfectly PC and polite in response because BLM etc etc. I don't get it. They(as in the fool on scumsnet) scream about wanting equality and yet openly declare that in their eyes all white people will be treated like dirt 'come the revolution'. That's not equality, that's superior race shit in the mode of Hitler ( oops,Godwin's law). I hate that it's making me aware and frankly wary of the differences in a way I never was before.
I'm so so sorry your friend turned on you like that, that would break my heart. It's more scary when it comes out of nowhere and is unrelated to anything you did or said.:(

Relevant to the topic, it's astonishing that for all her flowery word salads smeggy employs no black people on her high paid staff. In a country teeming with educated professional black people she's not put one front and centre in her extensive staff collection.Nor does she have a black bestie, just a few acquaintances who happen to be millionaires and thus earned a wedding invite. Even at college she had the opportunity to join a black sorority but went for an all white one instead. Yeah smeggy, go sister go. :rolleyes:
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