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Every now and I have a wobble and think, ‘ok, so maybe it was really difficult being a working royal, your every move dissected and criticised, I get why Harry wanted out’ but then I realise that would only have rung true had he gone off to play professional polo or back to the Army. Even if Meghan wanted to get back into acting on the back of her elevated status, a decent stab at some meaty roles would have earned her some respect.

I really struggle to understand exactly what it is they ‘do’. What the hell is Travalyst? What is the podcast’s future aims? What is Archewell? The Netflix deal? Nothing they do seems to bear any relevance to anything they had achieved in their 30+ years. They’re coming across like a reality TV couple just grabbing anything and everything their agent can get them before their 15 minutes are up. I mean Meghan even did a Heat magazine special on ‘My miscarriage agony’ - ok it was the A list version but the playbook is the same.
Think of these months as a Supermarket Sweep. They are grabbing everything they can get their grubby paws on in case Brenda pulls a fast one on them in March. Nothing lucrative is off limits for chucking in their shopping trolley.

Re her acting career. Apparently pre wedding in a nod to smeggy's career and hazza's dream Brenda suggested a rather neat alternative to them being full royals. She would set them up in Africa where hazza claimed he longed to live in relative seclusion. They'd be ambassadors representing her occasionally there and could travel home to participate in big events and smeggy could continue in her acting career as much as she pleased. It would of course be crown funded so money would never be an issue. But smeggy said no, she wanted to work as a full time Royal and planned to "hit the ground running after the wedding".
The rest is history.
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"In terms of their portfolio of patronages and charities, as far as the couple is concerned, they plan to continue working with those patronages and charities as they have been over the past year," Nicholl explains. "So when issues arise, they will be dealt with."

Tell that to the National Theatre. Cunts.
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So she knowingly and willingly married into the RF but never had any intention to get British citizenship? Was her intention to alienate him and take him to the USA so she could use him to make her super rich?
I bet you are right. There are very few men if any of Hazzno's status in the world who she could have hoodwinked as she did him. He was the perfect storm for her, a cocktail of resentment, petulance and frustration wrapped up in a rather shallow suggestible and dim man nearing middle age. It was a golden window of opportunity, she slipped through it and the rest as they say is history
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Scotch Mist

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Guys calm me down. I saw a comment comparing Harry and Diana's faces on twitter and had to reply William is her son too. Someone else replied "we can't choose our sons right" I want to thump them and I'm raging
You have to remember that Smeggys stans are mainly racists who hate the monarchy and what they see as the old empire of 'white privilege'. They don't understand any of the rules or protocols (just like the shit stirrer plastic scabies) and all they perceive is their poster girl being snubbed by the royals and treated badly 'due to her race'. They are uneducated, delusional and thick as mince. There's nothing that you can say about Smeggys bad behaviour that will change their minds. Remember that they are race and class obsessed.

I was baffled for a while as to why they chose a yacht girl who slept with white men to get ahead as their poster girl when they could find someone more worthy but I have come to the conclusion that this (for them) is a race war. They see themselves as the people who have been oppressed and this has given them an opportunity to fight back against the monarchy and everything they despise about the old empire.

It's hard not to be furious when you read some of their vile tweets but its so obviously now a race war in their eyes that has been started by Smeggys divisive claims of victimhood. These people are obsessed with the fight against what they see as the old white elitists.

I would guess that prior to Smeggy marrying the right royal rat the majority of them had little interest in the royal family. She has drawn attention to them and made them a target for the racists. It must be very worrying for William and Kate.
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Hello, longtime lurker here! This latest guff made me finally register and post...
Apart from being the usual nonsense, they’re blatantly selling themselves as Diana’s son and Archie’s mum, cos they’ve got nothing to offer as just Harry and Meghan. And all about mums, not dads. Dads are bad in their world I guess?!! Anyway, 🤮
What on earth is wrong with their PR people (who I’m assuming gave this drivel the green light)? If they had asked SS to make them look like pretentious twats they couldn’t have done a better job.
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Has Meghans biggest troll/fan seen the light? That women has been banned from twitter so many times :ROFLMAO:
One has to wonder what she was expecting when she invested so much hope in a woman who married someone who is the epitome of white privilege, and who called his supposed friends and colleagues 'Pakis' and 'ragheads'.
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Oh I see why you have a problem with Meghan.
What does "get whitey" mean exactly?
I'm not getting into a debate.
It's a piss take on an earlier discussion on here about someone elsewhere shouting down smeggy criticism by saying "You whiteys gonna get your comeuppance this year " using the word whiteys and ni***r among her charming phraseology throughout her rants.
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This comment !!!!! It’s on a thread on Deux Moi Facebook group and the guy said ‘have you guys ever talked about MM-the Hollywood years?Because my friend used to date her. Can you guess what I think of her?’ And most people said ‘nice’ ‘career focussed’ ‘driven’ ‘cold’ ‘bland’ and this was his reply!
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Ahh thanks very much for the kind thoughts. It has been an ordeal going undercover with the Harkles (particularly the butt plug episode 😳)........ they've demoted me to maid at the moment but you can't keep a good hamster down for long!

View attachment 373519
Wow what a multitasker! Thank you 😊
A DE comment a few says ago said either spotify or netflix had cancelled M&H ??? Any truth in this? DE the Sun and DM comments sometimes very witty.

Can't believe hazno pursuing his case 're. the Royal Marines. How is a Marine training in the mud and cold supposed to look up to a Commander in Chief who's a waffling idiot 6000 miles away in the sun? A few zoom calls from his mansion? Has hazno forgotten the Deal Barracks let-down? The Marines haven't.
Hazno keeps changing, ears hair and teeth.
Love Artemis Goog how he makes MM look unwholesome, and Hazno clearly emasculated with a dangling ... ahem ... Richmond for a nose!
Can't see Justice Warby allowing a summary judgment as theres evidence to come. Tho TM probably won't feature too much in a trial I hope a spin-off reveals how he was set up by MM. "A serpent's tooth... "
I don't think the RF have much to worry abut. MM is seriously deluded if she thinks that she can get the better of the men in grey suits - don't mess! Its unfortunate for them tho that haznos liking for roast chicken and other delicacies has come to light. I bet MA is lying low in SoHo ...
Of the 5 friends/shrinking violets/young private single mother's wasn't one a star of lurid footage?
It's sad H&M clearly have mental health issues but they've caused a lot of unrest and hatred which is inexcusable - cue the comments on the sugar websites abt violence towards W&K, allowing this, no calling their followers to order or practising the compassion that they preach. I know all of this has already been aired but its ongoing.

Still clueless abt the trial delay til October. Hope her dad's still around and has made a deposition with ANL in case.
Nice to see so many new tattlers and all made welcome and told to pull up a chair. I've been following this thread for months and its been very entertaining. Sorry stood down but other tattlers seem to have a grip on the legal angle.
Enough already.
Best wishes to you all! 🐹

Can’t find Samantha Markle’s book on B&N anymore. Searched for her name, the isbn, etc. Can anyone else see it?
No I can't either tho I accessed it two days ago and posted a comment on this thread about the positive comments
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What on earth is wrong with their PR people (who I’m assuming gave this drivel the green light)? If they had asked SS to make them look like pretentious twats they couldn’t have done a better job.
Just think about the millions and millions they have spent in the past 12 months since they were kicked out of the UK and sent to Canada.

What have they achieved? One 30 minute dull Podcast and two twaffletastic websites. That is it. That's the product.

Plus several thousand acres of paid-for publicity in the tabloids and magazines to make them feel important.
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Chatty Member
Well done Tattlers. Nasty little trolls, like the gruesome twosome, are not well tolerated and soon dispensed with. 🤗
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I think the Harkles have got their PR working the MN boards................. no one else could be that deluded about the two of them. And I think that's how so many threads get deleted very quickly!! The moment a negative opinion is aired, that poster is jumped on from a great height to a degree that's very obvious.
And banned, any negative opinion of Ms Markle is almost an instant ban, don't think that Markle suits tailored clothing=racist, don't think that Markle suits bright garish colours=racist, think Markle is an arch manipulator=racist, think Markle has had work done on her face=racist. Think beige non colours don't suit her=racist. Think Markle looks fabulous in jeans, white shirt + blazer= racist. And my personal favourite, Ms Markle left the U.K. quicker than a rat up a drainpipe, most definitely racist.
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Scotch Mist

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I'm not sure if that awful giggle at the end of Archie's bit on the podcast is really him but it reminded me so much of how the little girl next door laughs when she is up to something really evil! When I hear little kids chuckle like that it doesn't make me think cute - it makes wonder what awful thing they are doing! (the little girl next door has had to have 3 bunnies re-homed as she was treating them so badly and she dropped her hamster from a height and broke both it's back legs and her puppy has just had to go in for emergency surgery to remove a mysterious blockage!) If I hear her laughing like that in the garden, I rush out to see what she's doing, so I can stop her! She's actually traumatised me......seriously!
Thats disgusting how old is this vile psychopath?
I hate people who mistreat animals 🤬
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Scotch Mist

VIP Member
Finding Freedom - The Movie.
Full Script:
Scobie, O. Assisted by some random sugarz (2021).

Scene 1
A Soho bar with dubious sexual wallpaper. A beautiful desirable (youngish) woman enters the room dressed seductively.
She goes to join a red haired man seated in a private dining table. He rises to greet her and licks his lips.

H: you're just as beautiful as the Oracle foretold me
M: but are you kind oh handsome one? I can only associate myself with philanthropists and roast chicken lovers.

The woman flicks her hair then sits down and crosses her legs flashing her minge Sharon Stone style.
The man gulps down a whole bottle of wine

H: Uhh! Rahrrrr! [...Chewbacca noise. Falls over.]

To be continued.....
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Scotch Mist

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It was only a matter of time that she would imitate Goop -- probably smells like her Minge, with a Tinge of CultKoolAid

but seriously - this is utterly insane. Please someone tag Piers Morgan, richard Palmer, Rebecca English and Dan Wootton. they will have a field day.

Re - Harvey Weinstein: I'd heard that as well - he did everyone. She did everyone. That Venn diagram isn't hard to draw. Apparently she wasn't good enough an actress so even despite doing all his kinky demands he didn't put her in any movies and he quickly lost interest. This was around the time of the Deal or No Deal me thinks.
Jeez I'd be fucking fuming if I had prostituted myself to that revolting man and still didn't get a decent part 😃
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Chatty Member
So its ok for Harry to drag his mothers dead body out for publicity but no one else can comment on her.
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