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I am my Mother's Son,
I am David Foster's Foster bitch.
I am Tyler Perry's debtor.
I am Meghan's sherpa,
I am he as you are he as you are me .
I am the egg man
I am the walrus

Harry -- put the pipe down. you don't want to lose your last brain cell
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I’m soooo sorry to give a thread title suggestion when we’ve only just started this one but it’s so apt...

Harry & Meghan #53 Ginge & Cringe have no shame, try to manipulate the public using Diana’s name
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Every now and I have a wobble and think, ‘ok, so maybe it was really difficult being a working royal, your every move dissected and criticised, I get why Harry wanted out’ but then I realise that would only have rung true had he gone off to play professional polo or back to the Army. Even if Meghan wanted to get back into acting on the back of her elevated status, a decent stab at some meaty roles would have earned her some respect.

I really struggle to understand exactly what it is they ‘do’. What the hell is Travalyst? What is the podcast’s future aims? What is Archewell? The Netflix deal? Nothing they do seems to bear any relevance to anything they had achieved in their 30+ years. They’re coming across like a reality TV couple just grabbing anything and everything their agent can get them before their 15 minutes are up. I mean Meghan even did a Heat magazine special on ‘My miscarriage agony’ - ok it was the A list version but the playbook is the same.
I agree, and then I remember that before the wedding TQ offered MM a midway point, without titles, where she could continue with her acting "career" (*scoff*) and MM absolutely refused :

[ insert image of Megsy crossing her hands over her bosom to show her saintly sincerity]

saying she was all in 1000% - titles, tours, tiaras (remember the story about her demanding a Tiara for their Australia tour and Chuck stepped in and said *gasp* "no"?)).

ergo TQ brought her with her to an event (the one where she refused to wear a hat, despite the windy weather and advice from TQ, stomped in front of the queen, not once, not twice but FOUR TIMES (despite RPO trying to tell her to hold back)), on the Royal train, just weeks after the wedding (Kate wasn't offered a whiff of TQ's train until this Xmas).

Sophie Winkleman (Wife of Freddie Windsor) is a recognised actress who never uses her title that she received naturally upon marrying Fred. no other titles. she uses none of them

MM lied. her hollywood career was "finito (it never started, really).

She was already planning with MA, Scoobie and others her departure. Well before the wedding. Months before the wedding as confirmed by FF and the many other registrations of companies etc. Possibly before she even met the Royal Schmuck (my opinion)

Harry wasn't very good at the Army (he never managed to even get to any serious "rank" despite being part of the Army for 10 years. While having been shoehorned (which annoys me, a la Liar Loughlin) into Sandringham, he had to get other people to write his papers, like at Eton).

and also wasn't very good at polo (ergo footage of him injuring a pony and getting bawled out by a serious Ozzy polo player].

He wasn't very good at anything because he was never asked to serve some sort of proper purpose. If he was asked (which I think he was), he ignored it saying "I am a prince. shall we fuck?" a la Andrew.

Ergo Kate and Wills taking him under their wing and including him in their projects, which he seemed to love. It was a protective measure to which he had already become accustomed (from years of molly coddling from momma, Pa, gangan and nana.).
He had found his purpose (ish) and the loved and welcomed his active spare wheel role.

and then Megsy showed up and said "NAY! you shall NOT suckle from the breast of the Firm (family) and FleetStreet beasts that killed your mother. we turn our progessive, modern backs to them and then... my hamster, you and I shall resurrect her!!"

and now we have this shitshow. this is the result of lies, deceit, absurd over-indulgence (by both fathers), betrayal (towards both fathers) and abject stupidity/nastiness/disrespect/misplaced arrogance.

Would I want to be friends with them or associated with them in any way . ABSOLUTELY NOT.

Is that because he is ginge? no. couldn't give a shit.... but while I'm here, cut your fucking Friar Tuck, Haz, for the love of all that is seen and unseen.

Is it because he is royal and I am a republican? nope (not a republican - more of a "meh, let them get on with it and TQ is sorta fucking amazing. otherwise.....) couldn't care less.

is it because she is biracial? not for a New York Minute: I am and remain colour blind (full disclosure - my family is 1st gen immigrants to the US, with a penny in their pocket - but just we aren't BAME, so.... well. hmmm. We got on with it. zero help. zero judgment ever on anyone! until they behave like entitled shits).

is it because they, in certifiable fact, betray every single principle on which they claim to stand (and there are many), have the arrogance to lecture us and treat us like moronic peasants while crapping all over the rest of us minions/taxpayers in their actions and their own reprimands (eg Travalyst)?

Charles and Thomas have both failed in one thing and that is to teach these two scroungers the waning concept of meritocracy over nepotism, honesty over celebrity worship (whoreship), genuine self-worth (to find worth in someone or somewhere else than your genuine self is just fucking sad), gratitude over platitudes; Purpose; authenticity.

END OF RANT (I'm going to go into a darkened room with a cool cloth now. Talk amongst yourselves.... lemme give you a topic. EnTITLEment)

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After the Daily Mail story yesterday that made it clear that the Harkles were Out, there is is usually a clap back from their team, isn't there?

Thinking about it, the Sunday Times story tries to threaten Prince Charles and Camilla as well as Palace staff, and imply that the RF are spending every minute of the day thinking about Meghan Markle's Very Important Litigation. No one cares. It's her mess and she's on her own with it.

Are the Harkles still trying to flog a documentary about this litigation to Netflix? Feels like they are puffing up the Royal angle, doesn't it ?
This x 100.
This is a story planted by her PR. The Firm have no dog in this fight. Nor are they worried in the least that cuntchops will make a liar of herself. They already know she's a liar, and one with a bad memory and will trip herself up in court and they will have ordered in plenty of popcorn.They are sitting back watching telly and eating christmas yumyums and don't give a shiny shit about her litigation, why would they?
It also smacks of veiled threats to me, meant to make Brenda worry that cuntchops will reveal dreadful things about the Firm. But Warby is not interested in that stuff because it is irrelevant and as we have seen he's on irrelevance like a fly on shite and won't tolerate it. He's already told her that her whining about press ill treatment toward her is irrelevant and even branded Thomas's need to know the reason for the delay as irrelevant. He is using the letter of the law to whittle the case down to it's bare bones, as a good judge should. It's her versus the MOS. Not Thomas, not the press in general and most certainly not the Royal family ... because irrelevant. Any mention of the royals in her emails etc will be redacted
Make no mistake guys, she is shitting bricks and I believe this pregnancy (or whatever it is) is her last chance saloon. She is not maternal but she's running out of ammo. Archie was constructed to seal the deal and make sure hazza was nailed firmly down. (sorry Archie if you are reading this you clever little scamp). And this one (if it happens) will serve a purpose too. Really, who would be howwible to a bumpy lady or one who'd recently taken delivery(from fedex?) of a lil babby ?

We see you cuntchops and know your game.

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Thanks for the thread guys.

I don't think Archie sounds American. He pronounces New as new and not as 'noo' as Americans do.. eg happy new year and not happy noo year. Does that makes sense? I know what I mean lol

Tourre bakhai

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I was just thinking about that brilliant bit of poetry some of the tattlers composed for a christmas song to the tune of a few of my favourite things and joined it all together, hope I didnt miss anyone. Poets name in brackets after each verse/s. And Artwork by Scotch Mist

Baguette started it off with a thread title "Raindrops and Roses and Right Royal Fibbers" lozenger took it from there with the first verse.

Raindrops and Roses and Right Royal Fibbers
Netflix and moonbumps and pretentious grifters
H wouldn't give me Diana's ring
Gan Gan won't pay for another damn thing. (lozenger)

Cream coloured moon bumps and a surrogate mum
A half wit husband under her thumb
Plagiarised speeches are always her thing
Not marriage material, should be a fling

Girls in white dresses, no tiara of green
Wants to be private but has to be seen
Grabs Harry’s arm, needing to cling
Sorry dear Meg but he’ll never be king (50's Girl)

Shit coloured jumpers and sweaty old pit stains,
Ginger bollocks & Merkins & merching for Megain,
Word spew that flows faster than shit from her arse
Is there any chance of an end to this farce? (Facehugger)

Moon bumps and bunions and always so sweaty.
Dressed like a ragbag and legs like spaghetti.
Ginger twat husband who'll never be king.
These are a few of my knit-ripping things.

Face like a smacked arse and acts like a bimbo.
Likes roasting chicken with Hal's legs akimbo.
Hair like the witch wigs that Halloween brings
These are a few of my gear-grinding things. (Freda19)

When the Meg whines
When the Haz drones
When they’re pulling stunts
I simply remember their 12 month review
It’s time to cut off those (What Freda Says). (Tiddlypom)
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It is amazing the things that seem to be trickling out now
Yes. Weird or what?
Most odd - good job I didn't name my cat Lord Farquaad...
Hey, don’t knock it please - my sons Fido and Tiddles have always been happy with their names. 😄
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Hi there - lurker who finally registered because I just need somewhere to rant about these idiots! So happy to have found all of you. I thought I'd offer a gift I made for the gallery. I've got a million of them. I like making them. It relaxes me 😂


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My heart goes out to all of you, after such an awful year. No-one has been unaffected but I see such kindness and care here amid the righteous vitriol.

It has been a godsend for me to come here most days, (I live alone), and dwell among kindred spirits. I've laughed, cried and joined in with the songs.

So I'd like to wish all of you a Happy and Hopeful New Year. ❤
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Yes, both of their fathers now seemingly obliterated from memory while their respective mothers are portrayed as saints. We are all aware of the Thomas Markle situation, and I can't imagine Charles would ever win father of the year, but what a massive snub to the man who is essentially paying for this whole charade. Their petulance really does know no bounds, and I hope this latest rebuff turns out to be the deciding factor when the Queen has to make the vital call in a few months time.
Can you imagine what an absolute piece of shit someone must be to grow up with the amount of privilege that Hazzard has, and still think he’s hard done by? I’m not even talking about the money, palaces or titles, but the way his image has been protected, the education he’s been given, the way he was basically a shoe-in at Sandhurst despite being educationally subnormal...but none of that was enough for him. He had to rebel by picking the ropiest old tart to dip his sceptre into and scrape at more money, more fame but without the rules and regulations of royal protocol.

He’s a horrible, smarmy little shit. He’s just like Eddy the 8th, spoilt wanker with a manly wife.
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I don't hate them either. I am disgusted by their behaviour - they infuriate me with the audacity of their greed and lack of self-awareness. All of us have to work hard to qualify legitimately for our jobs and for any form of recognition. These jobs, we work hard to keep them so that we can pay for the roof over our heads and the food on our table. We also don't have the audacity to preach and lecture to folks -- unless we are professors on the subject and paid to legimitately do so. These two muppets behave like entitled, spoiled, unqualified, arrogant, petulant butt-heads. Like Freda - Hazzard has lapped Megatron with his latest cuntstunts. Although she is constantly catching up with him. The "Are you ok" stunt in South Africa, the miscarriage NYTimes article - those are two major events that stick in my craw with her. the feminism Bullshit when in fact she has climbed a penis ladder. the race card and criticising "male pale and stale" when she married the palest and stalest male on the planet. With him - it is his pity party that seems absolutely endless and tone-deaf given his priviledged life, his constant rehashing of his poor dead mother, his treatment of the other family members.... argh!!!!
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Congratulations once again to @50sGirl with her title suggestion way back on Dec 23rd with a staggering 62 likes!

(I've put it back from "Meghan and Harry" to "Harry and Meghan" so that the tag works properly ... and because if she ever reads Tattle it will probably annoy her more to see her pet's name first!)

Carrying on from here

Latest news on Planet Smeghan: It's all about poor Missing Merchiedoll now, who still hasn't put in a real believeable appearance for some time now.

From a shady Corel Draw processed Christmas Card said by many to feature the filtered head of Prince George in place of young Archie, sitting in front of a tiny playhouse that probably doubles as the kennel where Haznoballs and his stash of grey polo shirts are kept.

To a dull spotify cringecast from Archewoke Audio, featuring the voice of a child of some sort that we're told is Archie, repeating words like a performing seal, on the end of a sermon which they've had to call in favours from the likes of Elton John and James Corden to get listeners!

Watch the podcast charts here to see how they get on:
Lots of great podcasts from other people on those lists too, so that you don't have to listen to theirs.

No word of Doris for a while now either. Guess she is very busy keeping the Corona out of her vast care home empire?
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Thank you for your suggestion 😃🤗🥰😘 xx
I will make a note of that and have it done for tomorrow night 💖 xx

I will add my pic I made earlier today as I'm headachy to concentrate too much tonight.

I will add this here which is what I've write on my three favourite threads on here.

I normally comment individually but sadly finding it a struggle to keep up with three threads I'm on and replying and making pics.

So I will limit myself to one to two pics at the most every day or two. I really enjoy making them but in struggling to keep up lol and getting abit headachy.

All suggestions are good and I make a note of them and will make them even though it might not be for the very next day. ❤

I love this and the other two threads I'm on so won't give them up 🤗 or give up the pics but it's hard to keep up etc if the thread is quite hectic.

So I add this pic for tonight I made earlier but will have to catch up either later or tomorrow as I've a tension and neck ache.
Of to take a painkiller and hopefully feel abit better later xx

Me and the Queen in her car 🤭 xx

View attachment 377589
Aww bless you both.:love:
Listen bubba, I'm glad you brought that subject up. You are putting yourself under pressure doing everything suggested and we know you aren't in good health at present so yeah, pull back a bit. You don't need to thank everyone individually when they say they enjoyed an image, we understand. You can click on the 'like' button of their "love that one pom" post , they'll see that ... job done. Since joining the other two threads you're upping your workload if you reply to every suggestion. Back off. You can make a note of suggestions and do any that grab you, not every single one from all three threads, it's far far too much pressure. People will understand and if they don't then they don't understand your circumstances, end of.
Stay safe, look after yourself and enjoy making your wee images in a more leisurely way.
Lecture over ... as you were miss pompom, :m:m:m
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Well, Lorraine says that she won't be reading Samantha Markle's book - hope Samantha's not too put out by that!
Oh please! 😂Who could take lil Lorraine seriously after seeing the images online of her flashing her minge with a big cheesey grin on her chops.
I know minge flashing doesn't make you less intelligent and can be quite lucrative, but it does indicate that your decisions are not always the right ones. So she can shut her cake hole and go buy some knickers.
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Every now and I have a wobble and think, ‘ok, so maybe it was really difficult being a working royal, your every move dissected and criticised, I get why Harry wanted out’ but then I realise that would only have rung true had he gone off to play professional polo or back to the Army. Even if Meghan wanted to get back into acting on the back of her elevated status, a decent stab at some meaty roles would have earned her some respect.

I really struggle to understand exactly what it is they ‘do’. What the hell is Travalyst? What is the podcast’s future aims? What is Archewell? The Netflix deal? Nothing they do seems to bear any relevance to anything they had achieved in their 30+ years. They’re coming across like a reality TV couple just grabbing anything and everything their agent can get them before their 15 minutes are up. I mean Meghan even did a Heat magazine special on ‘My miscarriage agony’ - ok it was the A list version but the playbook is the same.
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Alex Drake

New member
I'm so relieved I found Tattle and this thread.

Harry and Meghan have been driving me up the wall ever since they made their trip to South Africa all about how hard done by they were, and they've only become more and more irritating over the months.

Suggest anywhere else they aren't pure as the driven snow, though, and you'll be called a racist and all sorts by their supporters who seem to dominate every other platform and dedicate their existence to shouting down any opinions they dislike. This thread is such a breath of fresh air and I've wanted to join in the venting for a while but Harry's stone cold cynical use of his mother's name for his own PR has proved to be the straw that broke the camel's back. I'm not even a fan of Diana, the fuss when she died still leaves me totally dumbfounded, but Harry is an utter disgrace and I am absolutely disgusted with him at this point. It's just insulting how he appears to think his audience not savvy enough to see through what he's doing.
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I agree with you about not wanting to see or hear anyone bleating about mental health issues. It wasn't my cup of tea before Covid but these days everyone is facing hardship or has a degree of anxiety about the future. I would switch over immediately looking for something a bit more uplifting.

The program has probably stalled due to Covid but they might also be realising that the concept needs to be reassessed. I'm sure Oprah could spin the interview on poor little rich kid Hazno to be sympathetic but as you say his story is nothing special now. There are countless others who have lost their mums and have had far shittier families to deal with.

The public don't want to hear whining and whingeing from rich celebs anymore. They no longer care and most actually feel annoyed by it.
Any programmes made about mental health issues after Covid will have to be focussed on the sufferings of the general public.
I was listening to a radio programme about Covid... a mishmash really, and I came in on it late so not sure of the overall theme. Anyway it was very moving. Michael Rosen spoke of his experiences when very ill and the care he received from the NHS. Right in the middle they interviewed his ITU consultant- such a nice, humble sounding man. Almost out of the blue the interviewer said ‘and you’ve had a difficult year’ - and the consultant almost broke down. His son (18) had drowned. Am not trying to bring everyone down here. It was actually a beautiful programme and very matter of fact. But it just struck me what people have gone through/are going through - and there is no playing the victim. It’s just plodding on putting one foot in front of another. And also- doing. Not endless talking or self promotion. Doing.
Can’t they see if they just spent 12 months keeping completely quiet and off radar how much good it would do them.
That was a rhetorical question 😩
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