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liar liar

VIP Member
she spent that in 3 months. This is what Kate spent in 12 months of active duty
The difference being that Kate's clothes were worn in an official capacity. At home she is happy in jeans and a sweatshirt playing in the garden with the kids. Smegma's are purely to get money - nothing ever fits her properly when she tries to go smart or dressy. She's a mess.
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Just read that momstwat thread. Blimey , that cruck person really has a hair up it's arse. Not only introducing the race issue but threatening everyone other than non whites (which put simply is 'whites') with a nightmare future when "non-whites" take over the world. Jesus Christ give me stregth. It's people like her/him who force people into digging trenches in the racism debates and have forced ordinary don't-give-a-shit-about-colour people across America to arm themselves. So sick of it.
It's simple. We don't dislike cuntchops because she is roughly one quarter black (her mother is very mixed race including white). We dislike her because she is a cunt. And guess what? We dislike hazza even more than her and he has no black heritage at all. Go figure that one out you racist shit stirrers.
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Scotch Mist

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I wonder if the reason for the current market restrictions on Samantha Markle’s book might have something to do with the difference in libel laws between countries.
I remember some years back a book about a famous musician was not able to be published in the UK because in it the daughter accused the father of abuse without there being an arrest etc. Or something like that.
It's definitely due to libel laws. Im pretty certain that's why we can't access the National Enquirer online over here for those reasons either.

Oh Scotchy,God bless her.:( It's horrific when it comes so close. Big hugs from us all and may she rest in peace

Interesting that this revelation was permitted by the palace. It smacks of the men in grey suits quietly setting the record straight.Obviously with Brenda's permission. I honestly think the palace are allowing little drips of info that piss on the whole charade of 'poor smeggy/bad royals'
Thanks @freda19 and everyone else for the condolences 🥰 She wasn't a close friend but she was a nice person and it's a shock when someone is taken suddenly like that.

Anyway back to the Harkles.....
My theory is that Smeggy kept Kate at arms length during her 'pregnancy' and binned her off so she wouldn't get too close and find out what was going on.

Next thing Smeggy is moaning in Africa about feeling unsupported which must have been a bit of a kick in the teeth to Kate and Sophie.

I do believe that some of the courtiers are now leaking these little snippets to try and turn the narrative away from Smeggys eternal victim status.

Interestingly they took Archie on that tour and there are more photos of him in Africa than in the UK. As soon as they came back he was whisked off to his life of seclusion 🤔 I'm sure that they had a nanny and other staff with them in Africa so Smeggys cries of being exhausted don't really sit well with me.
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So Harry telling the world a couple of years ago to leave his mother to rest now, stop with all the articles and documentaries and books and what not and then he comes out with the but its ok if I do it. He is an utter slime ball!!
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Oprah probably got Dr Phil to do a few sessions with Hazza.... and he came back and said "Listen O. don't know if the ink is dry on that contract but I'd make sure it accidentally falls into the incinerator. The man-child is thicker than cheese grits, and he is losing the three things he had going for him: his royal relevance, his purdy accent and his hair/looks. and his Succubus wife is known for nothing more than her curse. Step away quietly and don't look back. oh and don't drink the coffee. It might be laced like JimJones did with the KoolAid"
:eek: Holy sheet, that is so believable actually :ROFLMAO:. I could see that occurring.:m
Yeah I get that the shows will feature others and not just 'call me hazza', but frankly if I was in the jaws of a deep depression the last thing I'd want is someone talking about getting a leg blown off by an IED or suffering abuse as a child. Jesus, it would tip you over the edge altogether.
Honestly I could make oprah's weave stand on edge (ok, maybe weaves can't do that. Whatever.) with tales from my childhood and parents. We survived and it's the past. If you keep looking back you can't see where you're going and will fall flat on your face.

People surviving covid and the financial and mental stress of it all will not want to relive it through hazza chatting to Mary Jo from Texas who lost 4 family members to covid and then had the family business looted and burned to the ground for no logical reason. It doesn't help. Those kind of shows are for airing when things are smooth and people can actually watch and say "Oh gosh, that's so sad" . At the moment that kind of empathy/sympathy is in short supply. Everyone has a story in this mess.
No wonder the series is on hold. The samaritans would be working overtime dealing with traumatised and depressed viewers.:rolleyes:
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Scotch Mist

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Follow the Soho House Road


I could while away the hours
Conferring with the flowers
Consulting with the rain (drops)
And my head I'll be scratching
While my thoughts were busy hatching
If I only had a brain
If I only had a heart
If I only had the nerve.....🎵 waaa haaa haaa
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Hello, longtime lurker here! This latest guff made me finally register and post...
Apart from being the usual nonsense, they’re blatantly selling themselves as Diana’s son and Archie’s mum, cos they’ve got nothing to offer as just Harry and Meghan. And all about mums, not dads. Dads are bad in their world I guess?!! Anyway, 🤮


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Good for her. It was just another attempt by hazza to play the Royal card and at first glance to look as if he still represents her. Erm ... no.
I'm surprised it took her all of two seconds, I should think one of her withering looks would be enough to chill the messenger to the bone and make it abundantly clear that she's not that fucken stupid to let him muscle in on something he threw in the trash when he vacated the UK.
It was his choice, made back in january while in the throes of the mega-minge. This is another example of how petted he was for years, what hazza wants hazza gets. "Gangan/Pappa/momma said "No" ? give me 10 mins to work on them, hahaha" Those days are gone.
Honestly, what part of "No thank you Hazza, half-in half-out is not an option. Off you go and good luck sweet cheeks." doesn't he understand?
Love it, this is exactly what’s happened!

I think the palace have started to fight back. This article very cleverly covers all the bases that need to be discussed in a clear, concise and completely unequivocal manner - not holding their punches on exactly what TQ thinks of them.

It’s a glorious read and I have no doubt all fed to the press by the Palace PR machine.

TQ is not going to allow these 2 grifters to have it their way. They may get an extension - but I think it will just be to give them more rope to hang themselves on...she can see the writing on the wall (And I think she always has been able to). They may or may not lose their titles, but if they can’t be seen to be “Royal” then they are not of that much use to them.

My greatest wish at this point is she stays alive long enough that they can’t weasel their way back into the firm.

As far as the podcast goes - if this is the best they could muster WTAF are they going to do with episode 2???? I mean burning out Elton John day 1, week 1 is a massive error if you asked me, he’s globally the most well known of those “celebrities” so they can’t roll him out again anytime soon. Loved the Spectator article, clearly a massive piss take but also a valid point (if you’re going to be woke - you’d better be the Wokiest of the woke). My sister in law (a “wokista” of the highest degree) is all over the Trans community (for zero good reason at all) so it’s clearly a hot topic - the grifters missed a massive trick there not including them...I will be highly amused how they handle it. I imgine by February they’ll be “shining a light” on the grand community and we’ll here all about how JCMH has always in fact been a Trans woman....maybe that’s what the Netflix deal is...

“Just Call Me Henrietta”.
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OMG! Via latest Harry Markle
  • January 2021 ~ The word on the street is that Harry has written a book (via a ghost writer of course) on the ‘truth’ behind Diana, which ties in with the Archewell theme of playing the dead Diana card again. It is unknown if The Queen, BP, or members of the RF are aware of the book (US publishers). Surely this act must lead to his coffin being encased in concrete?

ETA That ties in with the curious Archewell Productions blurb on their Archewell website being about 'telling our truth'...
I hope he hasn’t done this, I really do.

The thing that gets me is that he is monetising Diana’s memory to suit himself. He wants privacy on his terms which seem to change on a daily basis

He doesn’t have the monopoly of grief when it comes to his mum. William lost his mother too

I think whilst we can see M’s poor influence on him - if he has done this then that is all him
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Pom Bear

VIP Member
Congratulations once again to @50sGirl with her title suggestion way back on Dec 23rd with a staggering 62 likes!

(I've put it back from "Meghan and Harry" to "Harry and Meghan" so that the tag works properly ... and because if she ever reads Tattle it will probably annoy her more to see her pet's name first!)

Carrying on from here

Latest news on Planet Smeghan: It's all about poor Missing Merchiedoll now, who still hasn't put in a real believeable appearance for some time now.

From a shady Corel Draw processed Christmas Card said by many to feature the filtered head of Prince George in place of young Archie, sitting in front of a tiny playhouse that probably doubles as the kennel where Haznoballs and his stash of grey polo shirts are kept.

To a dull spotify cringecast from Archewoke Audio, featuring the voice of a child of some sort that we're told is Archie, repeating words like a performing seal, on the end of a sermon which they've had to call in favours from the likes of Elton John and James Corden to get listeners!

Watch the podcast charts here to see how they get on:
Lots of great podcasts from other people on those lists too, so that you don't have to listen to theirs.

No word of Doris for a while now either. Guess she is very busy keeping the Corona out of her vast care home empire?
Maybe she is still in prison 😄 x

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Chatty Member
That article says to me that Brenda told them at the start that if you want to go, off you pop but you dont get to play at being Royal anymore.
They decided to pretend they didnt hear that bit and used the titles to grab as much cash as they can.
Did they forget that Charles and William were part of the discussions back then.
The ginger shit for brains seems to think that only he has the right to talk about his mum, it boils my piss the way harry was given all that leeway because he lost his mum. William lost her too and he doesnt drag her bones around with him. The fact harry basically worded that as if he was an only child is just plain nasty and petulant.
The fact that Charles has apparently been replaced is also shitty, bet they are still taking cash from charles for all of their bills.
Pretty sure Brenda is keeping score on the fact that the spare has disrespected her and the next 2 in line.
Good luck Harry you are going to need it.
And I wouldn't book any flights for the royal calendar this year.
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Remember MM calling the gal in Wisconsin who had claimed she was a victim of a race attack? She appears to have been Markled, Jesse Smollet style
I remember that. More 'Come the revolution' get whitey BLM bullshit from their glory days when looting and burning was considered kewl.
I loved the montecito twats ringing her up and advising her to "let herself heal". Heal from what? Dropping her lighter in her lap when trying to spark up ? Evil little shit stirring bitch.

Re the alleged book. The cunt was 12 and preferred running around the gardens of Highgrove in his new camouflage gear playing soldiers to talking to mummy on the phone ... that boring shit was William's department.
So what the hell would he have to say about St Di that hasn't been said before? We know everything, Di herself filled in the blanks in her interview and cooperating in the Morton book. Right down to her throwing up and private conversations with her sisters.
All Mr Cuntchops has are childhood memories and childhood memories consist of "🌈☀My mammy was lovely and loved me and life was good☀🌈" (unless you are very unlucky, which he wasn't). He has nothing to offer and is cold bloodedly merching her dead body for filthy lucre. Fuck him and the private jet he flew in on.
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Pom Bear

VIP Member
Thanks for the lovely comments on me taking my time on here and not to over do it 💕xx also @Scotch Mist... Thank you ..that's great I love how it looks like I'm leading the way 💕😘❤ xx

..Follow the yellow brick road can be now Follow the fluffy cute Pom 🤭 xx

A pic I've found online...the queen with several Pom Bears 🥰 xx

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Welcome to all the brave lurkers who have now ventured where wise men fear to tread:m
Plenty of room in here, and remember, if you don't have anything nice to say about ginge and whinge then please sit next to me.

Gotta laugh.

A rugby bloke and a nobody. How could they resist. I'm sure they'll be there with bells on.Never mind Di's statue thing and the birthdays of Brenda and Phil, clear their calendar so they can go to a 'something' event of two nobodies of consequence.

Slightly off topic but that pair only got wed in 2018. She's hardly had time to train him to put the toilet seat down 🤪. <<<--Misandry, my bad.☺
Generally a quick vow renewal signals trouble in paradise;). Idiots.
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I take it that Samantha Markle is self publishing this? Which means that it won't get any marketing exposure and paid for PR. I don't blame her for going down this route but books that are self published rarely get the same attention in the media.

In fact the only exception I can think of was the '50 shades' book which was originally self published.

I wonder if Smeggy will take her to court over this as she won't have the protection of a publisher behind her. She is also likely to get death threats from the stans. I might download it but I don't think that Meghan will get the savaging she deserves.
I've decided to start contributing to the comments section of DM articles referring to the twin twats by alerting the world to Samantha's book: Title and publication date. Join me! come on! The water's fine!
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JCMH: I am my mother’s son.

Hell, I hope Charlie cut the purse strings for not being acknowledged or respected!
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cosmo girl

VIP Member
Oh look using a photo of Harry with Diana to launch Archewell...
I am my mother’s son. :sick:

This thread is soooo bitchy 😁 I love it ❤

Plastic scabies has just tweeted:
'Isn’t Big Ben bonging for Brexit at 11pm tonight all a bit... North Korea?'

I wish he would fuck off to North Korea, stupid arsehole.
This thread is my guilty pleasure 👀 I found this thread from the daily Mail comments :ROFLMAO:
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Big thanks for the timely new thread, @kev1974 and applause for the title, @50sGirl. 🤣

Googling 'Archewell Audio reviews' is something that the Harkles probably shouldn't be doing today. ;)

The Times goes for 'Like GOOP - but without the fun' (Archived in full here

The first episode of Harry and Meghan’s podcast Archewell Audio introduces a world where chefs don’t cook, they “empower communities through food”; where people don’t do things, they “manifest” them; where people don’t “say”, they “share” and so on. It’s all blandly Californian. Like Goop but without the fun.

This opener explores the importance of “the power of connection” in the past year. Harry and Meghan introduce audio clips of various celebrities, including James Corden, Elton John, George the Poet, Stacey Abrams, Matt Haig, Naomi Osaka and Deepak Chopra, talking about what they’ve learnt in 2020.

Some of the stories are tragic (relatives with terminal cancer diagnoses, missed funerals, Covid hospitalisations), others are more banal. George the Poet acquired a “deeper appreciation for going out for a walk”, the activist Rachel Cargle discovered “how much of a spiritual practice simplicity and solitude can be”.

It’s remarkable how similar everyone sounds (Harry has de-poshed to the point of saying “I wanna”). All the stories are told in a sort of vulnerable and wistful tone that I suppose must be how everyone talks in LA. Inspirational piano music plays throughout. It’s all very tasteful and unchallenging. The show’s stated aim is to “build community through shared experience, narratives, and values”, which I suppose is vague enough that it’s hard to say whether it succeeded or not.

To me it all seems inoffensive, if naff. I imagine most people will find it too dull to get through the whole thing (it seems to have been made more to burnish the egos of its hosts than to entertain listeners). Meanwhile, professional Harry and Meghan haters will find much to froth about, especially the (admittedly amusing) bit where they end the episode by playing a recording of This Little Light of Mine (“A song that means so much to us,” Harry intones earnestly). And then they disappear, presumably to do more manifesting and nurturing.
It says a lot when you don't even have to listen to a brand new show to know exactly what the content is going to be like. That is a great review and what it describes is basically everything I would've expected from the podcast.

"The show’s stated aim is to “build community through shared experience, narratives, and values”, which I suppose is vague enough that it’s hard to say whether it succeeded or not."

That quote in particular sums up everything I hate about this kind of thing. A classic example of word salad right there; it sounds all posh and earnest, but in actual fact says absolutely nothing at all. How exactly do you build a community through a narrative? Not that I care....:sleep:
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