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VIP Member
Yes she is, that is one of the worst things about her.
Because she says it doesn’t make it true. She is where she is by dint of who she married (multiple times). Climbing the penis ladder does not a feminist make.

And a true feminist is a fine thing to be.
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My heart goes out to all of you, after such an awful year. No-one has been unaffected but I see such kindness and care here amid the righteous vitriol.

It has been a godsend for me to come here most days, (I live alone), and dwell among kindred spirits. I've laughed, cried and joined in with the songs.

So I'd like to wish all of you a Happy and Hopeful New Year. ❤
And to you, too.

I think the closest thing to humanitarian deeds that H&M have done during the pandemic is to keep us tattlers amused.
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you have Junior prom which is your junior year (16) and senior prom which is your senior year (17) - both usually take place in the late spring. What is weird is that all the girls seem to be wearing identical dark dresses and she is standing out (like she did for Louis' baptism where she wore the goose shit green dress when everyone else had gotten the memo and wore blue and/or cream) in her full-length, all virginous white. and there are 3 events with 3 different dresses including the one with the long white gloves.

If it was a debutant ball/cotillon, that would be Decembbeer of her Freshman year at college, all the girls would be wearing white and she would be photographed with her dad
When that image was posted ages ago I said it was quite clearly a wedding image. Legal wedding? Maybe not, but unless she was fronting for an all girl group there would be absolutely no other logical reason for her wearing all white while all the other girls around her were were wearing purple dresses in exactly the same shiny fire hazard fabric. I'm convinced she had a wedding of some sort. She's cocky and was spoiled enough to have secretly arranged a wedding which, when discovered, was promptly dealt with via annulment or whatever to protect her future prospects.
There is simply no other explanation for that image. No girls would ever EVER agree to get their prom dresses made in the same fabric and then allow themselves to be pictured playing second fiddle to a bitch in a fancy white dress. Does not compute.
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I think you're right that the RF are starting to fight back. The DM article was written by a journo who has often spoken with a high degree of authority about the goings on in BP. She does it was a degree of sobriety that I suspect the palace aides find appropriate and so are probably more willing to share. Richard Eden, rebecca, camilla T and richard palmer, also not bad and a welcome counterweight to Scoobie's nauseating crapfests. Rebecca is very definitive about her point that they are not comjng back, but also about them not losing their titles which is disappointing.
She is also quite definitive of Harry losing all his military connection, which althohgh she doesn't talk about it, suggests to me the patronages are also finito. Interesting point about kate and sophie reaching out to smeg... and getting rebuffed. FREDA-WORD!!!!
Round of applause to the RF for this delicious skewering of the Harkles - and given as an exclusive to the Daily Mail, no less. Great timing to start the New Year off with a comprehensive rebuttal of all the desperate PR puff pieces coming out from Montecito. Rebecca English and the DM have excellent sources and this is straight from the horses mouth.

So the Harkles are OUT and have been OUT since January. Any confusion around that is down to Harry not 'getting' what it means to be a non-working Royal. So the source says about the 'wreath request'

'While she has enormous admiration for Harry's achievements both in and out of the military, this was seen as an example of his (Harry's) lack of understanding at what it means for him to be a non-working royal.

So the Palace are indirectly confirming that the Harkles tried to muscle in on the Cenotaph and were told 'You aren't a working Royal, remember?' and are making a point of saying that TQ has been firm on this since January.

Harry is stll family, so will be invited to private family events (Prince Philip's 100th birthday has already been described as a small, private family event). He isn't a working Royal, so nothing public. No Trooping, no balcony events, no formal photo ops, that's it. Notice that Harry will be invited to the Diana statue unveiling. No mention of any invitation for Meghan and her camera crew and hidden recording devices.

If Netflix think they've bought footage or access to anything to do with Royal life after March 2000, they just need to read this piece. The Harkles now live in ex-Royal Siberia with the penguins. The piece is also making it completely clear that no-one talks to them about Royal matters. William doesn't talk to Harry about anything other than maybe the Aston Villa results.

We'll get the announcement about military appointments after March. The patronages will quietly make their own individual announcements about their new patrons on a drip-feed basis over the coming weeks.
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I haven't taken much notice of the couple but do remember their wedding day, I was working offshore and saw some of the wedding and had a bet with an American mate of mine that they would be living in the States within two years and out of the Royal Family...I got the first part right. I don't know how anyone thought an American with absolutely no knowledge of the system over here could ever do the job plus she was clearly eager for fame and fortune.

Ten years in the Army, never got passed Captain and never fully qualified to fly a gun ship, lets be honest he's not the brightest bulb in the room and her providing much enjoyed pleasure just led to the cheese sliding off his cracker and off to la la land he went. Pretty good life from his point of view.
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Scotch Mist

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I was just reading some tweets on Smeggy discussing her dentistry and how different she looks these days and found this comment:

'Her face looks puffed up because she keeps Henry's balls in her cheeks, like a chipmunk.'
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Bookworm 2 message on Youtube 30 mins ago:-

I just heard from a reliable source that there will be NO Megxit extension!! Apparently decisions have been made and the parties are still battling about the finer details.... final conclusions will be made public at the latest end of March. It is being whispered that H's position in the line of succession is being hotly debated within the family and it has all to do with his continued stay in the US. It is inevitable that should he apply for a Greencard or citizenship he'll have to let go of ALL his titles - those are the laws of the US and has nothing to do with the RF. I sincerely hope that this is true! We have had enough.
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Short term lurker here ... been reading the last 3 threads the last couple of days and I must say these two bore the actual shit out of me.

I actually liked H before he got with flip-a-dick. He came across as a young man who lost his mother early, knew he was the spare and got carried away with the partying. The last 4 years or so (not including flip-a-dick time) whilst he was with K+W he was so happy and he genuinely cared about everyone and everything and you could actually see the compassion he had for everyone around him. Then came along cunt 1. Obviously she had preyed upon him long before they met that part is well known by everyone. She knew he was vulnerable and was able to use him and his emotions to her advantage. She twisted him and what amounts to domestic abuse the narcissistic witch used this information to turn him against his parents and the whole of Britain so all he had left was her. No one to turn to, no Wills or Kate. No dad, no gangan only her. She knew what to say to him.

Ohhh those engagement photos - cat got the cream is in no comparison to what she looked like. Head up, fake smile, fake everything plastered all over her face smiling and waving to the cameras ... look at me im important ive got him and I'm not letting him go.

I actually cannot wait for cunt 1 (M) and cunt 2 (H) to actually feel the downfall of what they think they, cunt 1 has gotten them.

HM has smelt more than cunt 1s farts before so she knows her game. The grey suits will be reporting every little thing to her. She may not be a spring chicken anymore but #timesup (not in the official capacity it is used for) for these cunts and I will be at the front and centre like her in those engagement photos smiling.

OMG I just can't. They infuriate me so much.

I have loved reading every single thing you guys have been posting and a lot of information is new to me as I actually gave up reading any article about them. In fact I found out about you tattlers from the daily fail in the comments someone said head over here and read the threads so I did. Best decision of 2020 I must say.

She is a cheap little tramp who thinks that flipping-a-dick is the way to get a head in the world. She is a monstrosity and the sooner cunt 2 comes to terms with it the better. Not that, that makes it better when he does, he won't be anyone. He has proved that the past few days where he has fucked over PC and everyone else. He has nothing and will have nothing and she - well she doesnt even know one iota what HM can do yet but she will. Revenge is a dish best served cold. Karma - well karma comes round ever so slowly but it will in the end. Let's see what Sam Markle has to say, all those comments elsewhere that say, she hasn't seen cunt 1 for all those years but she knew her, she lived with her in the early years. She has secrets to divulge and cunt 1 stabbed her family in the back so Sam will dish on everything !!!!
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Don’t shoot me, but I don’t hate either of them - I don’t know them.
However, I do hate their behaviour and hypocrisy.
Humanitarians, don’t make me laugh!
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I dislike Harry far more than I dislike her, tbh. She’s just another narcissistic Hollywood chancer, nothing special, but he’s so spoilt and stupid he decided he wanted to have his cake and eat it too - the money, the fame, the privilege, but without the constraints of royal protocol and being forever upstaged by the Cambridges. He believes his own hype, and I’m sure Smeg has learned to feed into his inferiority complex.
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Exactly, and William was older when she died so would have known her personality much better than Harry did and would be more believable talking about what she wanted. Diana herself called William her confidant. They better hurry up and make more money as their relevance fades. Also who cares about her pregnancy really those mimi markles are going to be so far down the line once the Cambridge children start having children, a Kardashian will be more 'Royal than them. The markles are also making sure they don't have any connection with the higher up royals to use either.
Yes, Diana herself spoke (I think on the Bashir*spit* interview) about how she used to lock herself in her bedroom during crying jags and william would sit on the floor outside her door pushing folded tissues under the door for her. That's the kind of story hazza would kill for, but Wills trumps him yet again:rolleyes: with a story from mummy's own lips. "IT'S NOT FAIR!" 🥺Also in the interview that the bros did jointly hazza bemoaned the fact that in her last phone call to the boys he refused to come to the phone because he was outside playing (soldiers I think he said) so it was William who had the last conversation with mummy. I think hazza has twisted these things into William stealing mummy's attention from him even to her final moments.
Which segues nicely into the oprah(spit) /mental health thing ... I think oprah thought she had a gold mine of info on diana and the boys' youth, but upon delving deeper there is nothing there but hazza being a spoiled brat protected by big bro William and the rest of the family since birth. He wasn't mistreated or neglected as he'd have us believe, quite the opposite. She's no fool and likely realised this was not the story she'd hoped to build a mental health program around. Apart from anything else,(dons therapist hat) I personally totally believe that hazza has some issue/ism that affects his ability to absorb facts and details.Hence being held back at prep school, the Eton cheatin' incident and his inability to pass the full exams for helicopter piloting where he had to settle for co-pilot position. Not to mention very recent events since megxit. She won't want the responsibility of going down that rabbit hole. Much as I despise her she's a smart cookie.
Also, when this was first floated as an idea Covid was just a blip, but since then it has rampaged through our lives and we are all suffering mentally. Nobody gives a shiny shit about millionaires in their mansions wailing that daddy had a mistress and it hurt. Boo fucking hoo. People are struggling for real and cracking under genuine pressure ... no sympathy to waste on fools like oprah and hazza.
I'm sure a program will come eventually but hazza will not be the main focus. He won't like that.
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Two years ago I never would have bought Sam’s book and was disgusted at the idea of her trying to make money off trashing her sister. I even avoided clicking articles about any markles as I didn’t want to encourage them any more than the papers already were. Now I’ve just pre-ordered her book. How times have changed.

I suspect a lot of purchases were similar to me, dismissing Sam as nothing but a shit stirrer in beginning, but proven truthful and accurate over time. Waiting till now to publish was very smart as people have come around to what Sam has to say after Meghan revealed her true colours.

Also want to note the title says ‘part 1’ as in there’s a part 2 still to come. How much tea are you going to spill Sam 😯
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Hmm. Mega success?
New thread, YAY! Nice one Kev again and well done 50'sGirl.:m:m
It was a good article up until the last sentence. I think the writer is confusing the fact that smeggy is being shoe horned into everything but the crib with genuine popularity. She needs to remember the obscene amount of money smeggy(or someone) is forking out to buy her gigs and mentions. Around 3 million in the past year on Sunshite Sucks and the more recent ones. I think even I could manage to look popular if some cunts were getting hundreds of thousands every month just to promote me.
I can't see how next year will be her year when covid is still firmly nailing her to the floor(small mercies and all that) and she can't physically promote herself and use her finely honed sea faring talents sexy-schmoozing doddery old blokes and air kissing their womenfolk while the ginger dick holds her handbag and tries not to fall asleep.

If we were ever in any doubt what her appeal is to the sugars then there you have it, plain and simple racism.
That lot were all whoopy-doo ra-ra-ra behind her because of the fact that she's part black and they are now whining because she is hiring white women instead of black women. No nod to ability or suitability, as long as she was part black these women were happy to cheer lead smeggy and dox anyone not in agreement with them. Simple racism fueled support of her that they are now questioning because she hired white help.

Direct quote from one of her staunchest supporters
.".. don't have a black army mobilise for you and then hire a bunch of white women."
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Yes, Diana herself spoke (I think on the Bashir*spit* interview) about how she used to lock herself in her bedroom during crying jags and william would sit on the floor outside her door pushing folded tissues under the door for her. That's the kind of story hazza would kill for, but Wills trumps him yet again:rolleyes: with a story from mummy's own lips. "IT'S NOT FAIR!" 🥺Also in the interview that the bros did jointly hazza bemoaned the fact that in her last phone call to the boys he refused to come to the phone because he was outside playing (soldiers I think he said) so it was William who had the last conversation with mummy. I think hazza has twisted these things into William stealing mummy's attention from him even to her final moments.
Which segues nicely into the oprah(spit) /mental health thing ... I think oprah thought she had a gold mine of info on diana and the boys' youth, but upon delving deeper there is nothing there but hazza being a spoiled brat protected by big bro William and the rest of the family since birth. He wasn't mistreated or neglected as he'd have us believe, quite the opposite. She's no fool and likely realised this was not the story she'd hoped to build a mental health program around. Apart from anything else,(dons therapist hat) I personally totally believe that hazza has some issue/ism that affects his ability to absorb facts and details.Hence being held back at prep school, the Eton cheatin' incident and his inability to pass the full exams for helicopter piloting where he had to settle for co-pilot position. Not to mention very recent events since megxit. She won't want the responsibility of going down that rabbit hole. Much as I despise her she's a smart cookie.
Also, when this was first floated as an idea Covid was just a blip, but since then it has rampaged through our lives and we are all suffering mentally. Nobody gives a shiny shit about millionaires in their mansions wailing that daddy had a mistress and it hurt. Boo fucking hoo. People are struggling for real and cracking under genuine pressure ... no sympathy to waste on fools like oprah and hazza.
I'm sure a program will come eventually but hazza will not be the main focus. He won't like that.
Oprah probably got Dr Phil to do a few sessions with Hazza.... and he came back and said "Listen O. don't know if the ink is dry on that contract but I'd make sure it accidentally falls into the incinerator. The man-child is thicker than cheese grits, and he is losing the three things he had going for him: his royal relevance, his purdy accent and his hair/looks. and his Succubus wife is known for nothing more than her curse. Step away quietly and don't look back. oh and don't drink the coffee. It might be laced like JimJones did with the KoolAid"
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Omid was moaning away on his podcast this morning that 'he had personally confirmed that TQ hadn't had a COVID vaccination' and wasn't it terrible that she wasn't setting a good example... :ROFLMAO:

They obviously aren't telling him anything these days, are they?
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Just found this thread and also have a new interest in the royal family however, I don’t have a ton of time to go back and read everything. Is this forum mostly about Meghan hate, Harry hate or both? lol
Both were equal until hazza outstripped her by shitting on his dad and brother and by virtually digging up Diana's corpse to flog bits of it.
She is what she is ... the list is endless and not good. He was brought up better and should have inherited some sense of family and loyalty.
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Chateau Marmont

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Have loved lurking on these Smug and Mug threads so much last year/this year. Just wanted to thank the regulars who expose Smug for the nasty piece of work she is, and who make me feel a bit more sane by denouncing Mug and his word salads every time he gets preachy. Most places on the internet seem to have banned all critcism of these two grifters, even if only by means of allowing their supporters to drive away anyone who tries.
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