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Scotch Mist

VIP Member
Was anyone wondering about what Invisible Archie, aged 18 months, has been up to in the middle of biggest pandemic for a century? Thought not :ROFLMAO: but here you go anyway. Via People

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, along with their 19-month-old son Archie, are celebrating their first Thanksgiving at their new home in Montecito, California. They'll be joined for the holidays by Meghan's mother, Doria Ragland, who lives in Los Angeles.
"They are very happy," a source tells PEOPLE in this week's issue. "Archie is thriving and growing quickly. As a family, they spend hours outside."
Aside from the Thanksgiving celebration, Archie celebrated Halloween last month by trick-or-treating.

I call bullshit 💩 on Archiedoll ever going out trick or treating and he's too young anyway! That poor kid is completely hidden away (if he exists) 👻

I do think that something very weird is going on around Archie. Their behaviour is not like that of normal parents.

I honestly think that both Hazno and Smeggy are mentally ill. I don't know if drugs have anything to do with it or not but the secrecy around Archie goes way beyond normal protective behaviour.
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Happy Lady

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she also exploited those poor women in South Africa, including that poor girl who was raped and murdered. She exploited the poor dogs waiting to be adopted, she exploited the unemployed women looking for non-Lilac interview outfits, she exploited her dad, Trevor, cory, Invictus games (and therefore injured war vets), Queen Bey, Disney, Hazno, the UK legal system, her uncle, her soi-disant "race", the Canadians several times (just the stunt they pulled at Canada house with her sweaty armpits alone should have had her visa revoked),... all together now!!!
And ... She has totally disrespected our royal family. I cannot forgive her.
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Frees up Megzy to call herself Princess Henry and they won't want that. :ROFLMAO:

Maybe he'll just keep the baronetcy of Kilkeel so they are referred to as Lord and Lady Kilkeel.
Sorry to wade in here, but Kilkeel is Northern Ireland, not Ireland. Ireland is a republic and has no connection with these people, a lot of people have died to ensure that. This is why they couldn’t be given the title of Connaught either, as it’s not a part of the UK. These things matter to sovereign nations😁
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Chatty Member
Well that was a good laugh to start the day. Someone has lready posted the link
Is this how they get the attention back?
Have they not realised that awards are only worth something when there is a layer of approval from people's peers and contemporaries or approval from an institution.
I can give out awards. Actually I often do on Reddit. They don't mean much except my personal opinion. I would be embarrassed to be contacted and given an award by them. It would be like getting a certificate, a piece of paper, you know like for those driving licences you get as a kid from Legoland?
They're like kids. I used to make medals out of flattened foil milk bottle tops, and use a dead ballpoint pen to inscribe the foil with fancy curly writing. Once attached to ribbons I awarded them to my friends. And me of course. I looked like a wee Scottish Idi Amin.


They soon got squashed or fell off when we were playing, so we chucked them and got on with the serious business of being kids.

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Scotch Mist

VIP Member
Can I ask a question, that yanky wally and merky meg seem like vile nut jobs, am I wrong 😂
I stumbled on them by accident and I have no idea what I watched 😐
Sorry but nobody will agree with you on this thread. The real nut job is Meghan and her vile sugar stans are also despicable.
Harry and Meghan are delusional cunts. End of.
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Scotch Mist

VIP Member
👏 :LOL: This deserves to be a whole song!

Next line...

Raindrops and Roses and Right Royal Fibbers
Netflix and moonbumps and pretentious grifters
H wouldn't give me Diana's ring
Gan Gan won't pay for another damn thing


Come on Tattlers chip in....(or feel free to edit my lines you can all prob think of better ones...
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Thanks very much for posting this information.
I'm interested that you attended the same University. I read somewhere online that graduation gowns are purple coloured there and Meghan was pictured in a black graduation gown.
Is this correct?

A number of people online have speculated about her claims to a double major and that she was involved in theatre there at all as there's no record of her being in any productions. It looks as if she may have actually done a degree in Communications. It seems very likely that she lied about her academic achievements anyway.
Black with a gold sash. She is still a lying See U Next Tuesday. The RTVF major is in the School of Communications. You don't major in Communications. You choose a major from within the School of Communications. Political science is a major in the school of art and sciences. You can double major but only within your school. Like political science and history or econ, both from the School of Arts and Sciences. You cannot double major between 2 schools. So she is a double liar... not a double major.
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Freda, you're a poet and you don't know it 😁

Spill ! You cant leave us hanging 😂
What? I'm totally on topic LM, Hazza and smeggy are still cunts.

My sis in law was having a garage clear out and gave me a ratty old deck chair. It was sound(like old things usually are), it just needed a good scrub, which I duly did and it came up like new. A week or two later she saw it all pristine and asked for it back because she said it was the only chair that eased her achey back. Liar, she'd not used it in years. Anyway I said OK through gritted teeth and promiised to drop it off next day. That night I used my trusty stitch ripper to snip every 5th or 6th stitch where the fabric attached to the wood.:m Dropped it off at sil's next day. Apparently the first time she sat in it the stitching all popped and she fell through it to the ground on her fat arse, got jammed in and had to be hauled out by her neighbour. "Oh dear" I said when she told me "maybe I used too much bleach when I washed it and it rotted the stitching".
I know it was a cunt move but she was forever pulling cunty stunts on me for stealing her cash cow brother. Sorry, not sorry at all.😈

Freda, you're a poet and you don't know it 😁

Spill ! You cant leave us hanging 😂

Harry and Meghan #50 Santa, here is my wishlist, make them gone by Christmas
I like it. Maybe, Harry and Meghan #50. Santa baby, they want a yacht and really that's not a lot.
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I read a comment a couple of weeks ago that The Queen had to ask Markle to drop the court case because it was reflecting badly on the RF.

Since then there's been almost a blanket silence about it.

I have a suspicion that the Queen has settled this out of her own funds as a trade-off. Time will tell. What a relief for the dastardly duo if this were true.
No chance that Brenda did that. The markles shitting all over the gaff like a pair of incontinent old dogs is no reflection on the real Royals in my humble opinion. They are digging their own graves and it's best to step back and let them get on with it rather than try to rein either them or their victims(MOS)in. There is no shame in that. They've insisted all along on being independent (not financially though) and making their own choices. Leave them to it. Brenda need do nothing.
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Found a picture of the trophy that winners of the Megzie Awards will be receiving

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Well-known member
Harry, if you read this forum....Your now a right scruffy git, arse hanging out your trousers and only own one tee shirt so smarten up, have a shave, and have a No2 all over your bonce.

Your not a middle aged innercity out of work wreck living on the streets, your a wealthy man (at the moment) living in an expensive house (albeit tacky in style) so shape up man, get your act together!
I don’t know how she can still fancy him. He’s so different to the man she married. The image was of a ‘dashing’ prince, who’d shown some bravery in a war zone, was a bit of a cheeky Jack the Lad, obviously showing his charming side and looked pretty good in a uniform. Now look at him. He looks like a fucking vagrant, mooches about with no purpose and is probably as miserable as sin and a whingeing, whining victim. He’s now incredibly unattractive to the point of being repellant imo. This is what she’s reduced him to but more fool him for allowing it. I give it two years, if that, before he’s back here with his tail between his legs.
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I don’t know how she can still fancy him. He’s so different to the man she married. The image was of a ‘dashing’ prince, who’d shown some bravery in a war zone, was a bit of a cheeky Jack the Lad, obviously showing his charming side and looked pretty good in a uniform. Now look at him. He looks like a fucking vagrant, mooches about with no purpose and is probably as miserable as sin and a whingeing, whining victim. He’s now incredibly unattractive to the point of being repellant imo. This is what she’s reduced him to but more fool him for allowing it. I give it two years, if that, before he’s back here with his tail between his legs.
Whilst William becomes more debonair and statesmanlike by the day. Heck, even Charles is more attractive.
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Hell smack it into them if she does start calling herself Princess Henry. They allowed her to join the royal family and made her the nation’s problem. Also, there would be something quite satisfying about the proud “feminist” so obviously having to use her husband’s title.
To be honest if she wants to start calling herself Princess Henry she can give it a try and see how she gets on. Remember when Biffa Tweedy decided to relaunch herself as simply "Cheryl"? Didn't work, everyone still called her Cheryl Cole and those of us that are old enough to remember before Ashley, Biffa Tweedy. Smegs is already not technically Meghan Markle any more, but that's still the name that the papers use and will carry on using forever.

You occasionally still see "Kate Middleton" and you definitely see "Pippa Middleton" even though she's been a Matthews for a few years now. It's very rare that a celebrity manages to totally shake off the name they had when they originally came to prominance in the media. Only people I can think of right now that have pretty much managed it are Geri Horner (Halliwell) and Samantha Womack (Janus).

Round here we'll carry on using what Freda says, that's for sure.
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I’m so sorry to read of all the women on here who have suffered the horrible ordeal of a miscarriage. I am so sorry to all of you to you that you had to go through that.

I do have a question though I hope it doesn’t sound insensitive but I’ve seen Megan and some others saying she is removing the ‘shame’ and ‘taboo’ around miscarriage, and it’s taken me by surprise as I didn’t think there was shame and taboo around miscarriage? Obviously grief, upset , trauma etc - but a taboo subject? Maybe someone else can educate me on this as I found the wording jarring.
Not insensitive at all. When I had my miscarriages I didn’t feel any shame or taboo. I felt a lot of guilt but was already going through fertility treatment so not only was I failing to get pregnant, I was failing to stay pregnant. That was a hugely difficult time and really reflected how I viewed myself. I had two further miscarriages after my two children and I found the loss entirely different - I grieved for the potential family member I had lost but I didn’t internalise it so much as I did prior to having children. I knew exactly what I was missing.
I found that people who knew I was pregnant and would then ask me how things were going only to learn I had lost the pregnancy were often embarrassed at their ‘faux pas’. I was in the main, treated very kindly.
I think the shame and taboo of miscarriages really does come from them being glossed over in the past, glossed over but I’d like to think we are better informed today. And if not, I’ll await further instruction for Meghan ;)
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Step away from the Harkles for a day and they've launched another lawsuit! Schillings' partners will be happy - that's next year's bonus sorted out. Who would want to do business with these two thin-skinned ex-Royals, with their lawyers on speed-dial and time on their hands to be perpetually offended about something or other..

The Guardian has a decent recap of their litigation this year. If Harry's paying for all this he must be burning through his trust funds at a rate of knots.

They’re trying to curtail the freedom of the press through the courts. I really hope a senior judge is going to throw this out and read them the riot act about vexatious litigation.
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omg that literally just broke my heart..... the heartlessness of not taking their toddler to such a magical event. Nasty fuckers. Cruel nasty fuckers.
Whilst I can to an extent understand their desire to bring Archie up away from media scrutiny, the upbringing they are giving him seems to be a joyless one.
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Late to the party but had to come to see what was being said about Megains “announcement”.
What she wrote just didn’t ring true with me. The language was too flowery, too descriptive. I’ve experience miscarriage and it just couldn’t identify with what she wrote in any way. The dramatic sudden pain, collapsing to the floor, etc etc. I wouldn’t wish miscarriage on my worst enemy, and I would want to give Megain the benefit of the doubt that even she wouldn’t lie about something like that, but sadly she definitely has it in her and as a result I just don’t believe her account. I found Chrissy Teigens honesty about her experience completely arresting, and the difference is that she had already announced her pregnancy and had publicly documented her problems with ongoing bleeding for weeks before she miscarried. Megains announcement just seems like a selfish ploy for attention than anything more meaningful than that.
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I love this bloke's reply to a comment. From The Markles. Such a way with words.

I've no desire to be fair to the pompous prick Roberta.
He has not been fair to us. Has there been one word of sympathy regarding the plight of his country in the grip of a pandemic. No. Instead the turd lectures us about unconscious racial bias in the Commonwealth. Doesn't mention how Covid19 is ripping through parts of his “beloved" Africa.
So beloved. I doubt he could find Sentebale on a map these days.
Does he, given the effects of lockdown on his country's economy and sky rocketing unemployment pause to consider that being lectured by a hypocritical, over indulged, not a Nobel laureate who regularly and cannibalistically feasts on the hand which feeds him so generously is not going to play well over here? No. He doesn't.
In retail alone this week 25,000 people will soon be unemployed. 25,000 people. Think of the consequent knock on effects of that within the broader community.
Now then, let's all be raindrops!
Regarding Netflix and the fact they've tied him up like Laocoon and his sons beset by Hera's vipers well serves the jumped up prick right. I've a zero tolerance policy when it comes to the House of Montecito.
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Found this thread today and can honestly say I've never felt so oblivious. I always thought M was a bit sketchy, never particularly liked her but always was on her side thinking all these 'rumours' about fake preg, fake miscarriage, plotting and scheming etc were all made up by trolls but seeing all these posts has completely changed my mind. She's the sketchiest, most suspicious non royal royal going! Obviously so desperate for some attention that she's faking horrific stories. I wonder if she hadn't planned on her and H's leaving England to be so absolute. She's dumb enough to not understand how the royal family work so maybe she thought they could leave and come back whenever they wanted. Either way she's not got what she wants (money AND fame) so she's going to keep popping out every now and then with a fake sob story. What a vile person. H isn't much better for going along with it but I always knew he was a bit of a wet wipe.
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