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It would make sense. My son James has been given the most peaceful lifestyle possible to make sure he feels comfortable. Seeing him meltdown breaks my heart.
Ever so slightly off topic, but that's a huge part of why I despise Pricey. The way she treats Harvey. She screeches at him like a banshee and hauls him into videos to parrot "Harvey loves mummy" or " Mummy loves Harvey" while surrounding him in total chaos ... then complains to The Sun that he damages things. BECAUSE YOU OVER STIMULATE HIM BITCH ! Fuck you Pricey, try giving the lad a peaceful atmosphere and stop agitating his delicate mind balance and his life would be better.Might be nice to let him think for himself and use the reasonable command he has of English to join in simplistic calm conversations, rather than treating him like a pet parrot then ignoring him the rest of the day. Cunt.:rolleyes:
Sorry for the rant. You're obviously a great caring mum MrsFW, 👍
Hope everyone has a good day.🥰
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Wu Tien

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WaterBear? Hunh? I don't associate bears with water (other than salmon fishing) or with Africa.

What is it with the gruesome twosome that they can't come up with a name that is recognisably sensible in English? Like Archewell. Who the hell thought that atrocity up? I can only imagine that they tipped over a Scrabble board and then chose the letters that landed face up.

Oh, and Hazno and Smeggy going to stop watering their eight-acre garden in California, land of water shortages? I'll bet their garden alone uses up more water in one month than I do in a year.

I cannot stand to be preached at by people who have one set of standards for themselves (don't fly, say the couple who take private planes) and one for hoi polloi.
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Has the photo of megan been shopped in that article? The way she is standing is bizarre, all hunched over and looks like she has no neck at all. I would say she hates that photo if its real.
I thought the same. I’ve not seen that photo before but her posture is dreadful and makes the green goblin dress look even worse than before!


I knew the “no neck” reminded me of someone - Mrs Overall!

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Only for those interested, latest Taz 😄

Can I just say bubba, the comments upthread, including from me, were not critical of anyone who posts these videos. We're all different, some like them, some don't and some love them so don't take some people's lack of interest in them as criticism of the posters who post them.🥰

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Well that was a good laugh to start the day. Someone has lready posted the link
Is this how they get the attention back?
Have they not realised that awards are only worth something when there is a layer of approval from people's peers and contemporaries or approval from an institution.
I can give out awards. Actually I often do on Reddit. They don't mean much except my personal opinion. I would be embarrassed to be contacted and given an award by them. It would be like getting a certificate, a piece of paper, you know like for those driving licences you get as a kid from Legoland?
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Scotch Mist

VIP Member
I’ve never liked Meghan, and her dipshit puppy Harry deserves the bed he’s made for himself in his LA basement, or wherever she has him locked up.

I’ve seen people on here accuse mods of being “sugars” in the past 😂 and I’ve never hated y’all more.
But how does my issue with those odd women make me a “sugar” 😂
They sound like reclusive women who have nothing in their lives but the Daily Mail, their hatred for Meghan and Harry and silkcut blue.
Well you don't have to like the bloggers. They are all a bit hit and miss, sometimes they come out with something interesting but we're usually ahead of them on this thread 😆

I'm off to have a fag now 😆
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Happy Lady

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Here we are again in the land of MeMeMe
Can't stay away long cause she needs the big fat fee
Now what can she say that's not been covered before
Oh yes, she'll tell the world a little more

Had a miscarriage, she wanted everyone to know
But so have thousands of others, though we've not stooped so low
We never invited the press to cover our private mishap
And we didn't abscond with a special British chap.

But now she's got her lawsuit delayed
She can avoid the UK for longer, I'm afraid
So poor Archie remains in his cocoon
Unable to meet his royal family so soon

Poor Megamania has used up her stories
Oh wait, I'm sure she'll have more for us
Private and discreet she definitely is not
She's loving the spotlight in front of us lot.
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Scotch Mist

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I made a picture of Hazno with a shaved head

I think he'd look a lot better if he shaved off the ginger fuzzy pubes 😁
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Good for samantha.It won't be wall to wall scandalous but I hope some of the tea spill is interesting.

T'is the season etc etc so

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VIP Member
WaterBear? Hunh? I don't associate bears with water (other than salmon fishing) or with Africa.

What is it with the gruesome twosome that they can't come up with a name that is recognisably sensible in English? Like Archewell. Who the hell thought that atrocity up? I can only imagine that they tipped over a Scrabble board and then chose the letters that landed face up.

Oh, and Hazno and Smeggy going to stop watering their eight-acre garden in California, land of water shortages? I'll bet their garden alone uses up more water in one month than I do in a year.

I cannot stand to be preached at by people who have one set of standards for themselves (don't fly, say the couple who take private planes) and one for hoi polloi.
This is a waterbear. Posted without further comment :ROFLMAO:

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I was interested in her saying there was a lot more to Eugenie & Jack Frogmore scenario than meets the eye. She obviously knows but it doesn't seem now is the right time.

What the dickens went on there, I wonder?
Yeah! I can't wait for Lady C to spill the beans.. maybe in 5 months time when their 1 year review is up. Counting down to April 2, 2021!! It's amazing how strangers from around the world came together because we all dislike smeggy's actions and word salads. I bet no PR team in the world can pull that off 😆
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The Devils Arse

VIP Member
The pair are such dicks.

If they had to have a child by a surrogate and released a simple statement confirming this, no one would have given a flying fuck. They would have looked progressive and relatable to joe public.

The Queen and the firm would look old fashioned and mean if Archie were unable to take a title because of the surrogacy. And I think this would have turned the public opinion tide against the Queen, and towards JCMH and migraine.

But by lying and deceiving has lost of all that support and adoration they crave, and was entirely their own fault. Keep digging that hole migraine. You will need to buy, or JCMH will, a pair of sky scraper heels to be able to see out of this huge hole of shit.
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❤ to you @ResidentMerkin S

This NYT article utterly disgusted and slightly triggered me.
Made me feel sick and so upset when I read it. I'm not a one for using the word 'triggering' but this time it fits.

The latest Harry Markle. Carefully written and noticing all the reactions from women who can spot the fakery in the NY Times piece.

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Scotch Mist

VIP Member
My problem with the surrogate theory is the line of succession. I alway thought that a child had to be born of the body. If I’m right (I could be wrong) and TQ knows the doll is not legit then why would she allow him to sully the line?

I know there is something not right about this whole affair but everything uncovered just leads to more questions.

Can you imagine if it’s true and TQ has been deceived? She will be on the blower to the tower ravenmaster telling him not to over feed the birds as they will soon have some fresh hung, drawn and quartered corpses to pluck clean!
I would be happier if he was removed from the line of succession. I know it's highly unlikely that he would ever inherit but strange things do sometimes happen.
Does anyone remember that old film 'Kind Hearts and Coronets' ? In the film a distant poor relative of the Duke D'Ascoyne plots to inherit the title by murdering the eight other heirs who stand ahead of him in the line of succession. 😁

Not only that but Archie is going to grow up as an American and will have no idea of what is involved. How could he possibly cope? That's reminded me of another film 'King Ralph' about an American who becomes the unlikely King of the United Kingdom after an electrical accident wipes out the British royal family.

Let's let the ravens loose 😁
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I read a comment a couple of weeks ago that The Queen had to ask Markle to drop the court case because it was reflecting badly on the RF.

Since then there's been almost a blanket silence about it.

I have a suspicion that the Queen has settled this out of her own funds as a trade-off. Time will tell. What a relief for the dastardly duo if this were true.
I absolutely do not believe that one, sorry. All this court case is doing is making Meghan and the team she surrounds herself with look like a shadey, shifty bunch of fibbers. The admission in her court papers that she allowed information to be passed to Scobie & Durand for Finding Freedom, after denial upon denial for months, really was toxic for her. The longer it runs, the clearer it is that the RF were wise to put a distance between her (& Harry as long as he is with her).

I can believe though that if she drops the case, she will try to imply the RF 'made her drop it' or something like that. In the same way she is trying to say now that she wrote her letter to Thomas Sr on the advice of the RF, so it's all their fault. Classic narc, blaming everyone else for her own mistakes.
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Someone a few threads back said it wouldn’t surprise them if Meghan never announced her next pregnancy and instead just announced the birth.
Could that be what this is all about?
She delays the court case so she won’t be seen in January, does the NYT piece and then lays low for a few months because the doctors told her to rest...
Then voila, a birth announcement of their baby daughter Diana (named as a big f#ck you to the RF) - no need for an alleged moon bump this time...

Or is that too far fetched even for her?
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Harry, if you read this forum....Your now a right scruffy git, arse hanging out your trousers and only own one tee shirt so smarten up, have a shave, and have a No2 all over your bonce.

Your not a middle aged innercity out of work wreck living on the streets, your a wealthy man (at the moment) living in an expensive house (albeit tacky in style) so shape up man, get your act together!
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He was a recently graduated student in the Santa Barbara area. Looked like he had lived in London at some point as he was a fanatical Tottenham Hot Spurs supporter and watched European football in the small hours (he'd also been complaining about being broke). Harry's last stunt charity visit had a Instagram post on a small account that no-one picked up on for a few days (until Scobie et all were told to publicise it). I'm guessing that the student's tweet was supposed to be blasted out by their PR in a few days time. Anything 'spontaneous' that describes Megz as 'Kind' is PR - one of the tells.

Prince Harry is so busy saving the planet and decorating the invisible tree with invisible Archie but appears to be actually spending his days watching Strictly Come Dancing training videos of JJ Chalmers

JJ is doing my head in . Does NOT deserve to still be in the competition.:mad: His dancing is OK-ish but I've not seen one routine that made me go "Oh well done, that was quite good". But it's a popularity contest these days and with his military background endlessly shoved in our faces (in case we forget) he'll have all the military family backing him so we're doomed to endure it... fuck sake he wears military T shirts in training and even wore his dress uniform in a routine. Give it a rest, we get the message. Besides which he's been allowed to dodge the party latin dances (not his fault of course, but blatant favouritism). Nice guy etc etc, but still only a week 1 or 2 dancer in talent and needs to go home and let the better dancers battle it out on an even playing field.
And Hazza is still a cunt.
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