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Smeggy exploited
1. the media
2. Rememberance day
3. BLM
4. Voting
5. TRF
6. global warming? environmentalist? travalyst
7. miscarriages/ abortion (spontaneous abortion is the proper medical term for miscarriage)

she will soon be exploiting mental illness... oh wait, she already did with her "are you ok"

Next topics for her to exploit
-children using Archie doll
she also exploited those poor women in South Africa, including that poor girl who was raped and murdered. She exploited the poor dogs waiting to be adopted, she exploited the unemployed women looking for non-Lilac interview outfits, she exploited her dad, Trevor, cory, Invictus games (and therefore injured war vets), Queen Bey, Disney, Hazno, the UK legal system, her uncle, her soi-disant "race", the Canadians several times (just the stunt they pulled at Canada house with her sweaty armpits alone should have had her visa revoked),... all together now!!!
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You make some good points. For somebody like me with failed IVF it's very hard to read about miscarriages being welcome, except a miscarriage would have indicated fertility. It's not miscarriage that results in shame, it's being childless. I've lost count of women asking me 'so you didn't want to have children? ', assuming it was a choice, and bringing those feelings to the surface. Personally what really triggers me is women who have a child talking about fertility issues. I just think 'be grateful for what you have'.
As for Meghan, just shut up and stop finding causes to champion!
This!! I understand completely as I’ve also been unable to conceive. The intrusive and insensitive comments and questions get rather exhausting don’t they? One of my favourites recently was ‘so what do you do with your time if you don’t have children?’ 🙄
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Scotch Mist

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From over there. Totally unfair picking on George
View attachment 336433
I've just watched a clip on the Daily Mail website and it's tasteless crap.

It's nor fair to pillory a child who can't help where he was born in society to take cheap shots at the monarchy. If the piece of shit who write this show wanted to make a programme about a Prince to push his sad little anti monarchist agenda he could've have made him fictional with a different name.

I really hope that someone takes action over this. Whst a disgusting cheap shot. Apparently he makes insinuations about George's sexuality too. 🤬 Poking fun at kids is really out of order. 😡

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With regard to surrogate/rent- a-baby issues. Harry has suffered his whole life with jokes and rumours regarding his parentage and they must know about the speculation on the internet about Archie.
It baffles me that they haven’t sued or made comments about this to protect their “son” from the gossip that will plague him forever
I said that long ago. Hazza's paternity rumours have meant he's long been ripped to bits by comics and yet he is allowing a huge black cloud to hover over 'his' own son.
He'd rather sue people for farting at his wife or for printing what we all know ... that he deserted the marines to go idle in hollyweird.
Yet he will not speak up or sue to dispel rumours about his own offspring. It sickens me TBH.
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plastic scooobie just retweets... for his boss smeggy, he puts her words in quotes and embellish them :sick: his twitter consists of 3 smeeggy tweets and 1 K&W re-tweet...he needs to publicly declare he is on team sucking.

I wasn't obsessed with K&W before but after smeggy, i just love them. She looks so genuine and i see her real personality that is relatable. I know TRF thread constantly talks about how K&W don't do much, but whatever they do is genuine and they're doing it for the country. And I respect that. Smeggy and Hazzo are country-less. lost causes with lost identities. Their reckless ways are making K&W look good instantly!
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Scotch Mist

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"'Fuck me I think I married a witch. Look what she's hair has vanished and my balls are gone....... Now where the hell did I put my brain?" 🤪
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Raindrops on Hazza and yaught girl's legs spreading,

Soho House fixers and then there's a wedding.

Amal & Clooney, stolen tiaras and rings, these are a few of my favourite things

( 2nd verse to come later)
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I've just watched a clip on the Daily Mail website and it's tasteless crap.

It's nor fair to pillory a child who can't help where he was born in society to take cheap shots at the monarchy. If the piece of shit who write this show wanted to make a programme about a Prince to push his sad little anti monarchist agenda he could've have made him fictional with a different name.

I really hope that someone takes action over this. Whst a disgusting cheap shot. Apparently he makes insinuations about George's sexuality too. 🤬 Poking fun at kids is really out of order. 😡

See this is something that bugs me. When gay people poke fun at the sexuality of others but scream bloody blue murder "HOMOPHOBIA !!!" if anything even remotely amusing regarding their sexual orientation is levelled at them.
Before anyone hits the report button, obviously I'm not talking ALL gay people :rolleyes:, I'm talking mouthy cunts like Janetti who dish it out but cry foul when it's tossed back at them.
He will justify it as artistic licence, just watch, and he knows people will need to walk on eggshells if they choose to publicly admonish him for attacking a child. He must have a sewer of a mind anyway to be thinking about 7 yr old boys in that way.

His hubby comes from Canada so maybe they are part of the Toronto soho chicken roasting brigade with smeggy and hazza. That'll be it, he's batting for team smeggypants. Nasty cunts.
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I think some new Dukedoms should be created. I quite like

The Duke & Duchess of Cockermouth.
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I thought that was what Sophie, Countess of Wessex, said in response to her miscarriage?
Ah, sorry. My point is, they didn't write an over the top essay. No detail, just a sad acknowledgement, I don't suppose either had any backlash from what they said. Meghan leaves herself wide open, I suppose that might be down to American pr, and down to her always knowing best (not).
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Scotch Mist

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Oh for sure! if you’ve seen me post here before you know I can’t stand the pair.
I just think the other two seem like they smoke 40 a day and read the daily mail like it’s their bible. 😐
Sorry I thought you were a sugar for a moment 😁and those nutters bring me out in a cold sweat.

I just cannot understand how people are taken in by the Harkles. A quick trip to Digital Spy will make your head spin 🤯 it's full of them 😜🤪
That site is stuffed full of sugars crying racism everytime anyone utters a word against the phoney pair of roast chicken loving wannabes.
Thank goodness we can criticise them here.

If Harry had left the royal family to actually forge a new career for himself in another field I would've admired him for it. Setting up as a royal in America and just doing the same old stuff outside of the family really isn't going to work and just makes him look pathetic.
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Thank you @Wu Tien for reading my mind and typing it all up; this was literally my first thought with his environmental hypocrisy crap! 15 bathroom mansion doesn't exactly scream Friends of the Earth to me:rolleyes:
I recall a nice Murican detailing the costs of running a mansion in Cali and it was attrocious. The water bills especially were ridiculous and because of the climate maintaining a garden is a huge expense there.
Hazza must be tearing what's left of his hair out by now, seeing the bills coming in and his money flying out. He never had those issues in his life ever. Gangan paid all his accommodation bills and daddy chas paid for his entertainment and polo ponies and clothing. This new life must be a huge shock to his system financially.
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Duke and Duchess of Cambridge is trending on Twitter, actually a lot of positivity!
Plates are smashing in Montecito today, I wonder if we will get a H&M tour of the USA now - Merchin USA!!!
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That is the view I've come to as well. I've tried a few minutes of a video from each, but they look like they're going to be long, and the voices sound a bit weird (I'm shallow) so now I just pass on by. Shame really, I bet I'm missing out on some really entertaining stuff:D
I've got to admit I don't watch the videos posted here any more. Sorry 😳I know some tattlers love them so I try to be nice by just liking them and moving swiftly on, but honestly while they used to be informative or give us something to chew on they've gone down the rabbit hole in recent months and are also too padded out with umms and ahhs and repetition. They used to be brief but now they're dragged out to death and I just watch reactions on here to get the gist.
I do like Lady C though. Sadly her vids are longer too these days so I save them for when I get some 'me' time, but she's interesting and intelligent and not obsessed, so I always get something from her vids.
Same with the sugar tits shite. I avoid those cunts like the plague. I really don't know how anyone stomachs their shite, you're brave, but it ain't my cuppa tea.
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I’m not sure if you have ever experienced miscarriage, I truly hope not, but trust me....I was absolutely and totally devastated when I miscarried and even though I am pregnant again I am still grieving for the last pregnancy. And both were conceived the old fashioned way!

I'm sorry for upsetting anyone... I think perhaps the part I thought was over the top in the article was the hospital scene of the 2 of them gripping each others hands tearfully....

But you do raise an interesting point...and one that I hope doesn't upset to many people....I actually have the opposite issue, i get pregnant very easily and had to be careful with contraception....and was incredibly grateful to go through the menopause because it took away the risk of pregnancy. I think we live in a generation of women that with the easy availability of birth control...have forgotten easily and unexpectedly conception used to happen. My dad was one of 13 children. I cannot imagine having a family anywhere near that size. But large families used to be fairly common.

I did have a miscarriage in the early stages of a relationship and although it was painful, I was grateful, because in no way was i ready for a child. I didnt plan my other children, just got pregnant quickly, almost accidentally. I did want children, but hadnt planned to have them then! Then had to be careful afterwards with contraception!!

It sounds as if there is a whole spectrum between women who want children and sadly cant have children,
through women who have no interest in having children at all...
.to women who are trying to have babies, but finding it tough,
through to women who get pregnant easily and to whom miscarriage may well be a relief!
through to women who would like children, but are scared to bring children into the crazy world of pandemic and climate change, so are chosing not to have children!

A miscarriage may well be awful for an awful lot of women. And i do have massive sympathy for anyone going through anything like this. To have to give birth to a dead baby must be dreadful.

But it isn't everyone's experience. Which may well be why miscarriage is such a complicated subject to discuss.
some women are trying really hard not to get pregnant, and some women are trying really hard to get pregnant. And most women fall somewhere in the middle!

Sorry for derailing the thread...back to her Meghanness and Harribo.......wondering what will happen next for them..!!!

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This is a clear attempt to rival William's Earth Shot awards. Gits!
William's Earth Shots awards are backed by actual names that are interested in the environment.

  • Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah (Jordan);
  • Cate Blanchett – actor, producer and humanitarian (Australia);
  • Christiana Figueres – Former UN climate chief, responsible for the landmark Paris Agreement on Climate Change (Costa Rica);
  • Dani Alves – professional footballer (Brazil);
  • Sir David Attenborough – broadcaster and natural historian (UK);
  • Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim – environmental activist (Chad);
  • Indra Nooyi – business executive and former Chairman & CEO of PepsiCo (US & India);
  • Jack Ma – philanthropist, entrepreneur and UNSDG Advocate (China);
  • Naoko Yamazaki – former astronaut onboard the International Space Station (Japan);
  • Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala – economist and international development expert (Nigeria);
  • Shakira – singer and philanthropist (Colombia);
  • Yao Ming – Naismith Basketball Hall of Famer and environmentalist (China).
not to mention the project's Global Alliance Partners, including Greenpeace, National Geographic Society, the UN Environment Programme and WWF.

Maybe it's just me, but I don't think Sicko Janetti, abusive Generes, the bloke smeggy shagged in the store room in Suits, Doris and Scoobie-doo have the same gravitas.

The contributors to the ARRSE website are questioning them alright. He may have been a serving member of the military once, but his peers aren't so impressed now (if they ever were)
Do you have a link to the thread about them please? And welcome.

The dastardly duo markled JJ in Strictly and he's gone at last.:m:m:m:m:m
Now JJ seems a lovely chap(though I sensed he was getting a bit arrogant in his interviews in this past two weeks), but he was just an OK dancer and really really should not have been kept in over the likes of Clara and even Max. But it's a popularity contest more than a dance comp these days , so what can you do.
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