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I’m so sorry to read of all the women on here who have suffered the horrible ordeal of a miscarriage. I am so sorry to all of you to you that you had to go through that.

I do have a question though I hope it doesn’t sound insensitive but I’ve seen Megan and some others saying she is removing the ‘shame’ and ‘taboo’ around miscarriage, and it’s taken me by surprise as I didn’t think there was shame and taboo around miscarriage? Obviously grief, upset , trauma etc - but a taboo subject? Maybe someone else can educate me on this as I found the wording jarring.
She's talking shite, as are any charities backing her up on this "Shame/Taboo" shite and quite frankly I'm appalled at them encouraging that kind of crap.
Women bottle it up because it's such a hard thing to discuss. It hurts. You feel "Why me, what did I do wrong". Lots of Why me and mental pain.
I think the taboo thing arises from not wanting to seem whining and being afraid of inflicting your grief on others.It's not something you mention in the corner shop when picking up your morning paper, but that's not from shame, it's maintaining a shred of privacy about something personal.Smeggy really really has a weird comprehension of the word private.
Women choose who to discuss it with and then leave it to the grapevine to do it's usual job, then if someone wants to commiserate with you it's up to them and then up to yourself how much you share. Shame my chubby arse.:rolleyes: Don't rip my fucking knitting, stupid PC cunts.

Oh yes ... thanks for the new thread Kev and well done margaretta.:m:m:m

It's not a taboo subject, you are right. Made me angry to see her claiming that it was shameful as well - no, it isn't and never has been.

People just don't know what to say if you bring it up - no different from any bereavement or disclosing a serious illness, really - so you have to cope with well-intentioned clunkers like 'never mind, you can always try for another one'.

The papers today are full of first-person discussions of miscarriage, so all the newsrooms sent an email around their staff asking for a story. Thank you to all the women journalists who have written stories today that are genuine and have something to say that helps.

That NY Times piece screamed fake to me in all the details, even though most likely either Meghan or her surrogate lost a child sometime in the spring/summer. I also believe now that Meghan/surrogate is pregnant again. This miscarriage story is setting up the pregancy announcement, and also explaining why Harry won't travel as 'he won't leave her side'.
She might even have had two surrogates on speed dial. It wouldn't surprise me if she had a list of reserves. ⬅⬅ Not a joke or sarcasm. I literally could see her planning this down to the last detail. Plus she says she loves making lists.
List this smeggy, yer a cunt and we're onto you.
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Scotch Mist

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What's the betting she'd add in a chapter how William came onto her but because she's a woman's woman she turned him down
😆 Oh definitely, they would all be in love with her (except for jealous bitchy Kate).

Charles, William and Philip would be constantly leering at her during a state dinner. In the ladies powder room there would a scene where Camilla and Kate plot to kill her but they are interrupted by Anne who has now turned into a butch lesbian and also fallen in love with Meghan. 😜
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Kate tackling those cobbles like a pro in those lethal looking boots ❤ And she didn't even need to cling onto her husband for dear life! Imagine the scenes if Megsy attempted this...spindly birds legs and bunions everywhere.
I think the royals must have special training on how to walk in heels. I'd break my ankles in the shoes they wear! Kate always looks so classy. Bet her Smegginess is grinding her teeth this morning.
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Chilli pepper 19

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So with Kate launching her big 5 insight today what's the plan going to be? The fact this is Kate's solo project and a lot of research has been done, this is too big to allow her to have any limelight or coverage. Especially when the death of Maradona pretty much sent hef onto page 5 within hours. My bet is on either a new fuzzy picture of Archie, the reveal of a pregnancy or a scabbied special leak about how migraine reached out to Kate in her pain and she ignored her to suffer in loneliness.

Also what is going in with the beef with camilla? This is the second time she's deliberately stolen the limelight from her solo speech about domestic violence. To me it feels like absolute hatred of camilla on a Kate level so wondering why that is. Its not clever considering she's attacking the two wives who'll soon own the purse strings. And I think based on all the shit she's had, camilla wouldn't think twice at decking her. I'm in the minority but I like camilla and if I was at a state dinner, would definitely want to sit next to hef or Philip. Imagine the gossip you'd get
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Wu Tien

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I'm still gobsmacked how detailed she described it yet was complete opposite and over the top privacy on birth details of Archie, and I'm confused why they didnt issue a simple statement announcing the pregnancy of this second one.
It's pretty simple: traditionally, royal births are documented and publicised. But Smeggy wanted to stick two fingers up at the RF by doing it her way and so the secrecy. It also means that she controls the RF's access to Archie, which is another way she shows them that she is the party in control.

The alleged miscarriage enhances the victim narrative and (temporarily) makes her immune from criticism. Also, it will make for good Netflix fodder for Hazno's and Smeg's dreams of a media empire: brave ol' Smeggy, bravely shining a light on a taboo subject.

Pass the sickbag, Alice.
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I love the fact that she barely made the front pages 🤣🤣🤣 and now all this tier 1,2,3 business is dominating the news she wasn't even yesterday's news. I love it 😂😂
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Thanks @kev1974 for the shiny new thread.

I agree, @Ceejayaitch

I think, on balance, she probably has had a miscarriage. Even Megatron must realise she would be finished without hope of redemption if she were to be caught lying about this.

If she is making it up, she needs psychiatric intervention, not slating. I'm going to give her a pass on this, because it's feeling very "wrong" whichever way I look at it. I would support any woman who had been through a miscarriage, so, assuming it is true, I genuinely feel for her and am sorry for her loss.

Not on the other stuff, though. The profligate spending of taxpayer money, snubs to my country and monarchy, the preaching word salads, the two faced duplicity ( eco-travel vs private jets/ online kindness vs openly supporting trolls/ and of course "privacy " hahahahaha), the ridiculous tax payer funded clothes, the unbelievable crassness of earning at a mass grave and other charity stunts. Oh and the "supermodel" chicken legs. They are still all fair game. 😁 🤣
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I've just watched a clip on the Daily Mail website and it's tasteless crap.

It's nor fair to pillory a child who can't help where he was born in society to take cheap shots at the monarchy. If the piece of shit who write this show wanted to make a programme about a Prince to push his sad little anti monarchist agenda he could've have made him fictional with a different name.

I really hope that someone takes action over this. Whst a disgusting cheap shot. Apparently he makes insinuations about George's sexuality too. 🤬 Poking fun at kids is really out of order. 😡

That's awful, unlike with the adult members of the family they aren't even basing their trolling on any recognisable characteristics or bad behaviour. Since all we've seen of him he looks like a happy, normal football and spider-man loving kid who yes is privileged but seems more shy than anything.

You know if it featured Archie the same way the Harkles would already be suing and releasing angry "this is disgusting, you're sick, the media is evil" statements and using it as victim fodder for the next year and the Sugar Squad would be rioting. But since it's George, crickets. Probably want their own show on HBO.
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Hi everyone. I mostly lurk here and read when I can’t sleep. Thank you for the company!

I just wanted to say something about that video where markle creeps up on Archie. When my son was that age he started behaving differently. Any loud/unexpected noise would really frighten him. He would cry and scream. We had to approach with caution. He would be like this all the time. Even if he had been awake a while or just woken up. He was diagnosed with Autism when he was 4. He is severely affected now (he’s 16). I’m not trying to diagnose Archie, it’s just an observation based on my experiences.
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Wu Tien

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The Roast Chicken Awards - known as The Roasties.

And I see that Hazno is suing the Mail on Sunday. The Guardian practically jizzed all over itself reporting on this.
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And sympathies to anyone who has ever had a miscarriage, but the only people I have ever heard get this upset about a miscarriage, are those going through IVF, where the disappointments can be even more acute, and the failures become more significant!
I’m not sure if you have ever experienced miscarriage, I truly hope not, but trust me....I was absolutely and totally devastated when I miscarried and even though I am pregnant again I am still grieving for the last pregnancy. And both were conceived the old fashioned way!
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As things stand, the place most affected by association to the gruesome twosome is Sussex. Sussex is their principal title, they are widely known as the Sussexes. There is no association to the town of Dumbarton beyond a silly title they don’t use and that is neither use nor ornament.
I love that someonne referred to smeggy as The Duchess of Bumsex.
I might tweak that and nick it actually.
If smeggy can plagiarise then so can I.:m
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❤ to you @ResidentMerkin S

Made me feel sick and so upset when I read it. I'm not a one for using the word 'triggering' but this time it fits.

The latest Harry Markle. Carefully written and noticing all the reactions from women who can spot the fakery in the NY Times piece.

I didn’t comment on here yesterday because tbh I didn’t really know what to say and being fortunate enough to have never miscarried I don’t feel qualified to comment on the accuracy of her description.

I do agree with pretty much all of Harry Markle’s article.

I do think she miscarried, mainly because I don’t want to believe that anyone could be that vile to make up something like that. I HAVE to believe it because the alternative is too awful to comprehend.

I do not understand why we needed to be told as we were unaware of any pregnancy. Also strange behaviour for one so “private”.

What doesn’t sit right with me is the fanciful language she used. As has been previously posted, it was like a Disney script.
She still had to make herself the heroine, a PR piece - always an agenda with her.
Why not just a simple statement if she felt compelled to disclose this information?
Why the dramatic article?
Why no mention of charities that could help others in that situation?
Why the racial stories, what’s the relevance?
Also, perhaps she should be asking “Thomas Markle/Dad are you ok?“

The Harry Markle piece also mentioned that Prince Harry is the only one named on Travlyst and another charitable foundation - Meghan is not named. This set off a huge warning bell to me.
Remember the rumours about Doria allegedly trying to get Thomas charged with tax fraud because the business was in his name only but it backfired on her?
Hmmm, like mother, like daughter perhaps?
Or as my mother in law says - what’s in the roots comes out in the branches!

Hugs to all those who need them xx
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Chatty Member
Well she got what she wanted PR wise. I went to a gossip site that I frequent. When Megit happened anyone who said a bad word about her was called racist. Over the summer with clanger after clanger from them, even those who were team megan were saying shut up and go away.
Now they are back to anyone saying perhaps she didnt need to write like it was a Mills and Boon story are being called racist again.
When she announces her current pregnancy she will be off limits as you can't say anything bad about a pregnant woman, as apparently it will give her saint like status.
I cannot stand either of them, the smugness is too much for me.
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Chilli pepper 19

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Was anyone wondering about what Invisible Archie, aged 18 months, has been up to in the middle of biggest pandemic for a century? Thought not :ROFLMAO: but here you go anyway. Via People

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, along with their 19-month-old son Archie, are celebrating their first Thanksgiving at their new home in Montecito, California. They'll be joined for the holidays by Meghan's mother, Doria Ragland, who lives in Los Angeles.
"They are very happy," a source tells PEOPLE in this week's issue. "Archie is thriving and growing quickly. As a family, they spend hours outside."
Aside from the Thanksgiving celebration, Archie celebrated Halloween last month by trick-or-treating.

Wednesday: we had an awful loss and don't know how we'll get over it or if we ever will Thursday: yay its Thanksgiving and we're tge happiest we've ever been.

Its this which is my problem. I want to believe she's not so bad she's lying but everything has to be an agenda to promote her. She could have really had a big influence for good with so many thing's but she's just an American Katie Price whoring her lifestory out.

She needs yo hire competent PR who understands the importance of having a consistent story and long term plan. Any idiot would help her to build key talking points but it's just about being in the headlines. What's the betting she's in Argentina next week for Maradona funeral
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Thanks to @margaretta and @kev1974 for the bright shiny new thread.

Has anyone asked the old thread if it's OK?
I've just lost my shit at that :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

No I'm sorry to report that the old thread is now abandoned and consigned to history. You can still see it but you can't interact with it any more. Just like MeAgain's friendships and yachting skills!
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I do think the wording around shame and taboo isn't right and is a bit OTT. What i think they mean is that it is something which if you tell people, it makes them feel uncomfortable and they usually don't know what to do or say. Ironically I was asked if I was ok, but then you could see with everyone a real look of fear in their eyes if you were going to actually say how shit it felt. I think people don't want to say the wrong thing so say nothing but it can actually make it feel worse somehow. I think we should talk more about it but that fanfiction she wrote will not help.

It really triggered me yesterday and I couldn't work out why. I think the dramatics made me immediately feel ot was fake and then I felt shit for disbelieving someone who could be going through a really shit time. The charities are stuck. They have to say something otherwise they'll get attacked for not supporting someone who needs them.

I don't get her long term game. Yes it'll get her headlines and a bit of sympathy but what next? Is miscarriage and child loss their new push. If so great although perhaps focus on the charities and other people. Or is this just a promo for her first Netflix show?

Also could you imagine telling people you've lost a baby and people's immediate response is you're lying. At what stage do they take a step back and look at themselves and who they are and what they're seen as?
It's Netflix promo. We know that the 'loss' is going to be covered in their documentary, for sure. Meghan's NY Times intro was:

By Meghan, The Duchess of Sussex
The writer is a mother, feminist and advocate.

So that's the new branding for her but that just isn't how anyone sees her, and PR can't solve the problem.

I'm on team surrogate for Archie, and Lady C's hints are that was why there were no titles for Archie. Maybe Meghan wants a child 'of the body' to secure the maximum advantage from this marriage (titles and rights of succession).

But looking at what they were up to in the Spring, including those stunt charity visits during a pandemic, without any social distancing, and all her obvious facial work, I just have a really hard time believing in this pregnancy.
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