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Sami Lee

VIP Member
It’s a brand of plastic trash bags.

The best way M can stop the online criticism of her…is to stop her own provocative, unkind, spiteful actions and those of her minions.

Now, if you Tattlers will excuse me..I must hop over to X and see if the second American civil war has started. Are they reporting this standoff at the Texas border .between Biden and 25 “StandWithTexas” states on BBC?
Blimey! Is Texas seceding again? Goeee Texas!!
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You can see the maths at work in that Telegraph article:
Presented 148 articles initially, told to whittle it down and arrived at 33.
Fifteen of those were found to be plausible & £140,600 awarded.
That leaves 115 yet to be decided, and at a 45% success rate that means that there's another 59 cases that could be won meaning a possible additional pay-out of £550,000 to come - ker-ching!
(Of course on the same basis it could mean another £7,000,000 in legal fees...)
I suspect what they aren't telling their client is that they chose the strongest 33 cases (you know, the ones with actual evidence) & so the future success rate may not be as high - "but look what you could win!" and don't look at what we will bill..
Maybe the lawyers can justify their fees …can you imagine trying to explain the intricacies of the law to Harold !?! ….over and over and over …
Plus I bet he was ‘ on the blower’ 24/7 !!!

Isn’t there some rumour that any costs he can’t get back from Mirror group will be met by the Max Mosley Legacy Fund ( through Hacked Off)???
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“those six men were bill collectors, weren't they?”
…Or previous one night stands who were after her because they ended up with 🦀 🦀 or festering boils…😉
Could be. But why would they come back? They probably narrowly escaped with their lives (and without their wallets) the first time 😂😂

Unless they needed to ask her about the particular strain of the bacvirgus they'd taken home so the doctors could treat it 😂

Or they were asking for their unfrozen little things back. That Minge is no less than Bermuda Triangle 😂 If the USS Enterprise used to travel where no man had gone before, it's a 50% chance that a man's thing would come back from the Minge.
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Sami Lee

VIP Member
I can't see Chuck executing a total Stoat takedown. He has the huge problem of having put the Flatpacks in our LoS with titles, and no gaslighting amount of Congo or prostate headlines is going to gloss over that fact, no amount of exposure or humiliation for the Stoats.
The Flatpacks are there cast in stone, Prince and Princess, they should not be there and Chuck put them there. It's easy to lose focus but as I've always droned on, this is the central issue.
The Crown always wins, but they have a problem here.
I hope it's Chuck's plan to take them down. But I fear you're right.
Do you reckon Georgie's humungous, 'unimaginable' spring secret is the flatpack exposé ?

Surely that would be an abdication jobbie?! Interfering with the LoS is a treasonous offence, isn't it?

I wish I could be as sure as you are about the flatpack scenario. For one thing, we'd have William and Catherine crowned and the LoS intact and secured, the stoats would be completely banished into oblivion....
I've kicked the claims and evidence (such as it is) around for years now. As much as I'd like it to be so, I still have this thimbleful of nagging doubt. It's almost but not quite beyond reasonable doubt for me. Can you identify what tipped you over the brink into the certainty you have?
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Yes, she has. I served in Brighton from ‘98 onwards and my skipper was DC Skerret.
You might have served with a friend of mine who then went to the Met. Ex French Foreign Legion. He died suddenly a couple of years ago.
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What could go wrong?

Well-known member
Intriguing mention of four bedroom villas there. Surely two separate rooms would be enough?

Also sniggering at the $100 NF deal. Was that their take home after all that failing to deliver?
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Sami Lee

VIP Member
The heroine in a Pakistan tv show used to keep comparing the hero to different animals. We can perhaps get some tips from her 😂

Let's see.

The lawyer could have been weaselly. So could have been Sparry, and his Ho 🤔

The Ho would have shed crocodile tears in court. She would have sobbed on the floor about how her dog stepped on a bee. Also how they wanted to pay the elephants but not her even though she sang to seals and they sang back to her, all moaning very gutturally. Oooh and she wrote letters in her spidery creepy-crawly scribbly calligraphy.

Sparry had turned up at the court looking like a rodent (that covers a whole set of animals) with beady little eyes.

It's 4.15am here, that's all I can think of right now 😂
Fabulous! Superb improvements! 💐 🐘🐁🐍🐉🦖🦈🦨🐭🐗🦝🐽🐾
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Chatty Member
That’s what I don’t understand.
Couldn’t marry Charles and Camilla as they had been divorced (although technically he was now a widower) but the twice married trollope could sashay down in her white dress and veil for a third wedding
The CofE's attitude towards remarriage has changed a lot since 2005. It wasn't really the done thing then and it's more common now. This was compounded by the fact that Charles was due to become the Head of the CofE one day.

Apologies if this has been said. Still catching up.
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Dooley Doo

VIP Member
Saw the fecken Audible ad tonight.
Jimmy Giggle (James Rees) is in bed and fecken dimwit's face pops up on the screen for the Waaaugh book twice.

Why is fecken Audible pushing dimwit's book still.

Probably be nightmares tonight.
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VIP Member
I learned something today while reading Hardman's book. He wrote:

Before his wedding to Camilla Parker Bowled in 2005, a proposed civil ceremony inside Windsor Castle had to be relocated to the town hall following an error over the licensing arrangements ....😱

Can anyone remember this?
Yes, I can.
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VIP Member
The top Royal story on the Mail on line is now:

The horrific African charity article is way down after these:

Are DM trying to balance the scales? The Harry Afghan tour story is old news!

For those on this thread with a military background, would Hazno be allowed to have such long hair on duty/playing his X box?

View attachment 2719287
The guy in front of him has longish hair too.
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He's stopped her writing a book because they're so confused now about which version of events to stick to. And, they've hardly any staff left to help them remember. 😂 And they'd need to check in the Tattle Wiki to establish which lies we've cracked. 😜
Hahahahaaaaa, thats it exactly! 😆😆😆😆💀
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