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I just had a convo with a friend. I always thought Viv was emperor's new clothes.
Friend said she was good at tailoring.
But we both agree she ripped everybody off.
I was a punk back in the day. In the beginning it was dirt cheap to be a punk. You just bought clothes from charity shops and set out with your own style. It was great fun. Vivienne Westwood was one of the people who made it way too expensive and commercial. Which was kind against the ethos of punk. Sorry for going off topic.
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I dont have an answer. She was welcomed! Not by everybody in the uk and world, however, and it seems like those are the voices that stuck with her. I genuinely think her issue was much more of being a fully grown, independent, adult woman and an American, who saw no reason to conform/adapt to royal family culture and customs.

She felt like there was a double standard in the attention that came from the press. I understand that people in the UK feel like attacking the press by calling them racist, is akin to calling the people of the UK racist. That didn’t occur to me until I learned how people feel here on tattle!

I doubt people think Charles and Wills are racist. Lots of people think their wealth and power grew out of racism but that’s a very different issue and nothing to do with the treatment directed at Meg by the press. She was an idiot for marrying into the RF because she knew that she would be giving up her own name and personal freedom.
Just to say; the United Kingdom's Monarchy ( the power and wealth you mention) had nothing to do with racism.
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II did more for uniting people of all Nations throughout The Commonwealth than anyone else has.
King Charles III is also now Head of The Commonwealth - 56 Countries around the World.
The Prince & Princess of Wales aren't racist either, I agree.
What meghan and Harry said happened , didn't.
They both lie.
She played the race card here & it blew up in both of their faces. She thought UK society was like USA society. It isn't.
We've never had the segregation that the USA suffered ( and South Africa, etc) & we've never had the racial problems in society ( that said; nowheres Utopia, of course, and you always get a few - that's life & that happens everywhere in the World ) that the USA has.
During WW2 , American servicemen served in the UK & their USAF Police tried to tell British people here, to segregate black servicemen in the shops and pubs etc.
They got very short shrift & soon got put straight ( including their USAF Commanding Officers) by the British that they would not be doing so & that all people in Britain were treated the same & they would not be dictated to over how they should, or should not, treat people.
We won't stand for it.
The United Kingdom is probably the least racist Nation on Earth. I'm not saying its Utopia- nowhere is- but in the main , we all rub along perfectly well together.
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I’m ill , did I mention that?

I started to watch some of the reality show after listening to TRG. I jumped through the first then jumped through part of the second but I had an intense need to smash Ginger tits’ face so I turned it off. They are such a boring self obsessed mess., what a shitstorm they are.

He is possibly the most annoying , spoilt cunt in the world and that voice 😡😡😡😡, the way he finishes speaking on the rise. She’s a malevolent bitch but he is by far the worse of the two.

Thick as shite too, the rank hypocrisy of them is nauseating.
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Adding my 2 cents to the Cringe Awards for 2022:
Pathetically, I can’t think of any not mentioned already. Most of my memorable moments are more Abomination Awards because I found them utterly disgusting rather than cringe-worthy. My Top 3 (may or may not be from 2022):
- Ulvade… imposing herself centre stage in the middle of grief-stricken families, just for a photo opportunity. Such an opportunistic and souless act.
- That exaggerated mock curtesy in the flopumentary. What a disgusting display of disrespect to our Queen (the remarkable woman), the Monarch (the institution) and her husband‘s grandmother (a family member!).
- When a disabled young man wanted a hug (on a walkabout) and she couldn’t hide her look of disgust. As a mother of a ‘forever child’ I found that revolting. In stark contrast, Catherine was at the same place and gave him a lovely genuine hug.

There are sooooo many more, but I thought I’d keep my post to three things.

ps/ actually a Cringe moment I can add: pretending to be oh so scared cos a single food delivery guy on a scooter a hoard of paparazzi were chasing them … “in 10 minutes we will be with friends”.
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I'm shocked the sugars are so fixated on race....
Shocked I tells you... shocked.

Speaking of the sugars racist antics...

As a Jewish anti-Harkle, these cunts can fuck right the fuck off, if you'll pardon my language. But honestly. Nobody is demanding that the Harkles be subjected to eugenics or fucking murdered indiscriminately, we just want them to shut the fuck up and go live their lives quietly like literally everyone else on earth. And stop blaming everything on Megan's not-even-half AA heritage, you antisemitic cunts.
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Scotch Mist

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The mouthpiece goes after the coronation. Because his Mistress complaining about living in a cottage or crying that her husband's relatives stop paying for their fake millionaire's California lifestyle were all signs of being in touch with "the people". We all know that, until May, this is going to be their distraction strategy, whenever we start pointing out the lies and contradictions between the reality show and the Spare book.

Treacherous cunt faced arsehole 'Aphid Omicrom O'Plasticface Scabies'
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Chatty Member
Exactly! Gregg and Chase say he does not sound like a soldier. He lacks precision and intent. He speaks like an unsure valley girl full of meaningless phrases.

At the military base, he also talks about the military dangling a carrot at him and offering him stuff (probably different positions and ranks). And he is saying this to people who gave their youth and mental health to protect the world and actually earned their stripes with no protection orders.

Lacks self-awareness.
I can't fathom how Hazno's got the gall to think he's fit to be associated with the UK, or any, military. All serving personnel in the UK swear an oath of allegiance to the Monarch which is taken very, very seriously.

He then goes and betrays and badmouths not only an old lady, his grandmother, who has lost her husband and is herself dying. But the Queen: the very Monarch he swore to protect with his life.

I don't think this can be blamed on his being dim. Not all members of the armed forces are academically clever but they have a deep sense of honour and loyalty. I don't think Hazno has any decency, morality or self-awareness whatever. Not one bit. I'm struggling to think of any redeeming features at all. He has every vice I can think of: spite, envy, meanness, untruthfulness, selfishness, cruelty, arrogance, greed, pride, self-indulgence, deviousness... The list goes on and on. Even his so-called love for his mother is skewed and tainted and is based on some weird unhealthy fantasy.
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Blackness is not about color in the USA. It’s a mix of family lineage and social construct and power relationships. But I’m happy to explain what I meant earlier. Meghan has always known she’s half black but because of where she grew up and being white passing, she wasn’t experiencing the world as a black American woman. It was about family. She wasn’t treated by the world as a black woman. Then when she got with Harry and suddenly being half black became a well known thing. And how she was treated by the world changed. People began speaking about her in charged language and targeted by microagressions all too familiar to black women. In other words, her relationship to blackness, became intimate on a valence wholly different from just family history. Maybe it’s all about skin tone in the UK but that’s absolutely not the experience in the USA.
I think differently. I’m not from the UK and can’t pretend to know how things work there but I am a black American woman and can only speak about my experience as a black woman who grew up in predominantly white spaces. I’m not light skinned but my sister was. As are many members of my immediate family. While I’m not biracial, I can relate to Meghan’s experience of knowing you are black and then having experiences where knowing becomes knowing in a broader context.
For the benefit of my understanding.
Are you arguing that Meghan knew (obviously) that she was half black, but as she was able to pass as white it was not a "problem" for her. Then, when it came out about her heritage, people who were previously unaware treated her differently, with some feeling that she had cheated in some way?
Potentially this could explain, but not excuse, her extreme snit with the press who "outed" her in a way she couldn't control.

Here in the UK we are more in the spirit of MLK - “I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” couldn't have been written in the UK as we are (were) already there. Unfortunately for Meg she falls squarely into "the behave like a cunt, get treated as a cunt" category which she then seeks to escape by freely throwing accusations of racism.
By doing this she does a great dis-service, and has helped to introduce a sort of "reticent racism" where people are now afraid of being welcoming & approachable in fear of similar accusations.
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Mock Turtle

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Some thoughts this morning…just opinions, of course…but trying to scope out The MM. Game plan…

i wonder if MM’s sudden promotion of her ‘blackness’ after snagging H…was a ‘divide and conquer’ strategy from the start. Did she perceive that utilizing ‘race’ would be the ideal way to make her a powerful equal or more…even to the Queen? Because we can see in the reaction of her Sugars how powerful that shared racial identity is to some folks. They will reject any criticism of her because they are so immersed in protecting ‘their own’…due to US identity politics.

Did she ever promote her Black pride/heritage on Tig in the years prior to Harry? Or was this a calculation from the start?

Maybe she saw herself as becoming the uncrowned Queen of certain parts of the Commonwealth. Definitely more powerful than W and K. but also sidelining an elderly sick woman. Was Harry convinced his moment in time to topple his brother had come? . But that elderly sick woman saw what the plot was… and banished the both of them.

Maybe the next step was to leverage that banishment into a power base in politics in the US. In that case, she needed to be the victim in a broader sense to underscore her appeal.. She could not be a money hungry bully…she must be the Rosa Parks of the monarchy…made to sit in the back of the bus after a grueling day swanning around being curtsied to. The idea is…if the people in the UK don’t rectify this ‘outrage’…then you all are racist enablers…yes, racists too.

She had to have been terrified at the reaction of the world to the Queen’s death. And she expected an outpouring of sympathy and admiration to her vanity projects…but even our Woke US media has begun to mock her. I wonder what new game plan she is devising for 2023…because even she must see that her ‘kingdom’ only consists of woke bands of Sugars on social media. Not quite the world domination/Queen of Hearts role she was planning on…
She did bang on about racism and sexism on the Tig - I think she learned long ago the victim persona gave her leverage she couldn’t get from anything else. But yes, the race accusation was a plan from them both from the start. Lady C says it was plotted at the very beginning that they’d use it to get whatever they wanted out of the RF.


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The question is why?
Why do the media give in to it?
I’ll never understand why the media just accepted all the lies in the Oprah interview. It was a disappointing time for me and I am forever grateful I stumbled on this thread because I thought I was losing my mind. Why my friends and family bought into the bullshit was disheartening.

Thankfully as I mentioned earlier over Christmas these same friends and family have changed their opinion after the crapfest of the doco. It’s funny actually that it took the idiot duo themselves to change so many people’s opinion of them. The RF didn’t have to do a thing looking back, the Harkles have done it to themselves.
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I think most people know what went on with KC and QC so what new information could Smeg write about in a book except Charles leaving the toilet seat up or other banalities. She is truly batshit crazy and Sparry is a nasty prick. I hope they stay married forever and continue to make each other miserable.
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But, but, but, Catherine and Camilla are both weqring cream, this is the reason for hairy's thundercloud expression.
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If only we’d had a Mary instead of a Meghan!

‘Why Meghan Markle could learn lessons from Princess Mary of Denmark’

I have often thought this. I think there was a reason they made Mary relinquish her citizenship and live in Denmark for two years working before they got engaged. Although I have always gotten slightly harkle vibes from Joachim and Marie so maybe other monarchies aren’t immune either.
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Don't blame Ashley Cole. Blame this woman right here:

His fucking ugly face when he realises what she is saying 😭

What a turd, what a massive cunt.
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These are just a small selection of comments about the Variety story of their NF documentary. There were many, many more in the same vein.
From all over the world…
It certainly feels like the tide is turning 👍

I am Irish and they as former neighbours are a total embarrassment to me and any right thinking criminal but that doesn't look right so leave it that we are all embarrassed

I am Australian and I think most of the Commonwealth feels the same. Nice to have something unifying for us all I suppose.

I am American too, and I totally agree.

She was born in the US, and I wish she had been born elsewhere. She gives us a bad name.

Another American who can't stand them and extremely embarrassed about their behavior.

I am Canadian...they are an embarrassment to USA , Britain and the entire Commonwealth

I'm Costa Rican and I feel a cringey embarrassment for them. Imagine having it all and choosing to whine and complain incessantly and publicly.

South Africa was not happy and angry over Meghan. Everyone said not welcome H&M.

I am Canadian, they are so despised here after they took our tax money for the security in Canada and complained our police. We are fed up with them.

I am Spanish and I agree

Thank you to the US, Canada, NZ and Australia from the citizens of the UK.

Probably for the first time in the world's history we have all come together to agree on one thing; the markels are entitled, whinging, perpetual 'victims' that will try and dine off their titles and their unfounded grievances for as long as they can.
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Interesting talk about Charles' possible abdication. There was another prediction I read online from someone else saying that Charles would never be crowned. I've always felt that he won't be King for long. William and Catherine will get the gig sooner than people think.

I also suspect that Camilla and Charles are not in the best of health and may be struggling to fulfil duties because of this. I'm sure Camilla would rather not be crowned at all but is only going along with what Charles wants.

Back to the Harkles... yes they are an appalling pair who would like nothing more than to ensure that William won't be King but they simply don't have the power, however many shite books they publish. They've shot most of their load already. Hazno will be firing blanks soon enough 😄

The commentary from the New York Times is irrelevant, they have no say in our affairs of state. Furthermore they have failed to realise that the British don't like being lectured or told what to think (especially by foreigners). Attacks from such quarters will make more of us pro monarchy with a large 'fuck you' in response.
So this meme would be applicable then, @Scotch Mist ?


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Wackie Jeaver

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To go back to curtseygate... millions and millions of little girls do ballet and therefore learn to do a normal curtsey. Most people in the world have access to google, especially those who are whipsmart feminist self made millionaires. Some of them have executed a neat bob while acting in a TV series. (Soz, I'm just thinking how fucking hard would it to be learn stuff, even without a 30 page dossier with a relevant etiquette person to contact for every item!)
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