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Thanks for the new thread and title. :)

Source is Neil Sean, but I can easily imagine this to be true. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

She forgot the Razzies. Might actually stand a chance of winning one of those.

Has Neil Sean done a video to go with this claim, or is it just this article giving us the info?

I have a lot of respect for Meghan publicly speaking about how until she married Harry, she never thought of her blackness as having meaning deeper than other people talk about having Irish ancestry. After moving to the UK, she experienced blackness as race not just heritage.
It's bollocks.

Race is an American thing, not a British thing.
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I've decided that, for me, the cringe moment of 2022 was the curtsey on NF. She didn't know how to curtsey but she took years of dance lessons? Yeah right. But we knew she was a liar.

That clip showed that she has absolutely no class, as in people who have grace and know how to behave. She has no class so she didn't recognise class when it was in front of her. She compared meeting Elizabeth the Great to some tacky medieval thing they have in the States.

Proves she has no sense of humour. She probably thought that clip would make her look super witty and everyone would think she was cute. Alas, she is neither witty nor cute. She's mediocre and fake.

So that's my cringe moment of 2022. What's yours? What bit made you cringe and want to throw up? Lets have some fun. ;):LOL:
The polo event:
  • the Eric Morecambe shorts & funeral hat
  • the climbing on the back of a tractor trailer to celebrate an imaginary win
  • the trying to nick a player's box and the subsequent pretendy laugh and toddler style clapping
  • the being eclipsed by a trophy the team didn't win
  • the fake kiss and subsequent mummy spit wash

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This is true.
Did I mention before that, during the loo roll crisis of the pandemic, a chap appeared at the check out with his trolley piled high with all makes and sizes of packs of loo roll. You just knew it was going to be sold on at profit in a wee shop. The protocol was followed and stopped at loud comment after a VERY loud voice declared “Hey son, just hoo many erses do you have needin’ wiped?” Collapse into laughter of queue around him and intervention of store manager prevented argument phase but, it being Glasgow, it would have been a cracker😂
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".....she never thought of her blackness as having meaning deeper than other people talk about having Irish ancestry. After moving to the UK, she experienced blackness as race not just heritage. She saw Dollar signs actually,
Twaddle. By now we can all see the exact opposite. When she landed in the UK and hooked the Gormless Cod she knew that her most deadly weapon against the RF to get what she wanted was Racism.

Of course she publicly spoke about how she'd just discovered what it was to be black (DUH!) In the UK of all places and racism from the RF of all people. Our RF, so paralysed with fear of being accused of racism that they broke all the rules and turned themselves inside out to accommodate her bogus "heritage". England, the most tolerant and civilised place she was lucky enough to pitch up in.

She never experienced blackness as a race or heritage? Load of tripe, she is what she is, a tortured WOC who hates herself, everyone hates her and she hates everyone else. Above all a fraud, and I'm sick of her hanging her hangups round my neck.
If she said it, guarantee it's lies.
@Cinnamon.girl - "I'm sick of her hanging her hangups round my neck." Loved how you worded this.

Interesting that TW now identifies as a WOC whereas in the timeline of her world, BHE (Before Harry Era), she identified as Caucasian. Even had her hair straightened and nose re-defined. Not to mention that she kept the last name of her white father instead of adopting the last name of the black side of her family: Ragland. Only dated white men etc., etc. (I know these points have been brought up by fellow Tattlers. Not writing anything original.)

But stay with me here...

When TW realized that she wasn't getting the adoration of the RF like she thought she deserved at the first "hello," she starts trotting out Doria like a show horse at every photo-op, Harry stupidly supports her race narrative and she then runs to Porca and any and every black celebrity she knows for them to identify with her pseudo-victimhood at the hands of the "Crackers." It's not HER that they don't like: It's the color of her skin. (After it's spray-tanned that is.) It didn't work in the UK because it was a false narrative but here in the US, certain groups are running with this bullshit to push their own agenda.

And it's getting dangerous. Saw an article titled: "Why White People Hate Meghan Markle." Didn't click on it for obvious reasons but I fear what is happening. Certain black "activists" are calling for a return to segregation but for opposite reasons, the Wokeratti have made authentic discussion about any issues of importance impossible and aside from people like Candace Owens, the voices of black people here in the US who have called MM out and disavowed her have been mostly silenced.

Now she is trying to pit two cultures against each other with every stupid, culturally ignorant move she has ever made blamed on: "It's because I'm American."

Please, please don't buy into this crap and think this how the majority of Americans think. We don't. We're embarrassed and disgusted by her. We respect the UK and, for empirical back-up, there is a reason why so many US tourists visit the UK each year.

Love you guys...
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SMEG origin stories aside...

I'm one of those types that looks back at a year as we head towards a new one, and I have to say, H&M have not had a good year. When you think back to January, there were very few dissenting voices out there (and those that were, were instantly written off as racist).

2022 is the first 'normal' year that they've had since Megxit, the pandemic was a solid excuse for hunkering down and doing sweet FA (except the 'home movies'). This really is the first year that they've been 'out and about' and they haven't achieved anything. Their charitable endeavours have been vacuous to say the least and the rest of their time has been spent slagging off the family.

We end the year with a new King :( and the release of a subpar documentary and a boring podcast. the general public (worldwide) are bored of their whining and the media have pretty much joined us on the dark side. Next year will see more whining, the book, probably a book from her and the Coronation, which will be overshadowed either by their appearance or non-appearance.

TL: DR They're on the skids, all hail Tattle.
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It’s a little boy and you only see his chest up. There are weirdos yes, but there is nothing salacious about a picture of a little boy and the upper part of his chest. There is nothing more irresponsible about this photo than any other photo of a little boy. Yes there are inappropriate bathtub shots but this one, in my opinion, isn’t inappropriate. I guess it could be too casual for the royal family that dresses their little boys in shorts and knee socks when in public. And it’s an old photo. Kids faces change so security issues with this photo are different.
Do you have kids? I wouldn’t put a fucking tub pic of my toddler on my barely followed private Insta let alone a fucking Netflix doc… and I haven’t made some big massive deal about privacy or not ‘serving my kid up on a platter’ - they will serve their naked child up on a platter for Netflix $$$$$$ - they are hideous people.
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Chilli pepper 19

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When she appeared at the window and shushed them kids.
Being totally pissed and caught on camera bullying a staff member taking flowers so you couldn't get a pap picture when you're supposed to be respectfully seeing the flowers laid for your husbands grandmother's death
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Churchill's Ghost

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I think that in her delusional mind, she thought that she and Harry would or could be elected head of the Commonwealth…but she thought that it would be theirs by default due to being the President and VP of the Queens Commonwealth Trust (never mind that the Commonwealth had already declared Charles the successor back in 2018) She honestly did not think she would have to do any work to gain it
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I've decided that, for me, the cringe moment of 2022 was the curtsey on NF. She didn't know how to curtsey but she took years of dance lessons? Yeah right. But we knew she was a liar.

That clip showed that she has absolutely no class, as in people who have grace and know how to behave. She has no class so she didn't recognise class when it was in front of her. She compared meeting Elizabeth the Great to some tacky medieval thing they have in the States.

Proves she has no sense of humour. She probably thought that clip would make her look super witty and everyone would think she was cute. Alas, she is neither witty nor cute. She's mediocre and fake.

So that's my cringe moment of 2022. What's yours? What bit made you cringe and want to throw up? Lets have some fun. ;):LOL:
Yes, mine would be the boos we heard when they walked in to the veterans ball, her in that awful red dress, when the audience didn’t follow the overhead projector instructions to cheer and clap about as welcome as a fart in a lift 👍
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Chatty Member
It was always there in plain sight wasn't it? But we somehow just didn't see it...

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Chatty Member
From what I’ve seen the idea that the British media is racist therefore British people are racist is a narrative pushed mainly on Sugar-y gossip sites like Celebitchy and Lainey Gossip, and by columnists in left leaning media eg The New York Times etc. People like Trevor Noah spouting complete falsehoods, deciding that one ignorant talkshow caller represents the whole of the UK (re Rishi Sunak ). I do actually think there were a couple of headlines in the early days of Harry and Meghan that I found troubling (both Daily Mail, not both UK office). However the UK media is not one homogeneous whole, the broadsheets were universally supportive of Meghan, as was the consumer press, and within tabloids, they have different agendas, so for example it’s clear the Mirror has a more Sugar-y narrative.

So it’s bullshit for M&H to pretend the British media was out to get her, and it’s bullshit to infer that the British people are racist as a result, because the British press isn’t some racist, white supremicist whole. How ridiculous. It isn’t allowed to be, there are regulations and rules it has to follow, fines to pay, and anyway, the papers narratives and agendas are so different that there just couldn’t be some kind of coordinated attack on Meghan. Most titles were falling over themselves to support her. As for the British people, they turned out in their thousands on her wedding day, bought plates and souvenirs, were excited about them, the Fab Four etc. How would the ‘Fab Four’ as a concept exist if the media was out to get her?

I haven’t watched the series but from what I understand, they weren’t actually able to provide much evidence of this ‘racist agenda’ beyond ‘Almost Straight out of Compton‘ and some feature about avocados - in fact a lot of the deadlines included relate to completely unconnected stories such as the Hillsborough ‘Demons’ headline.

The truth is that as it became more and more obvious that she was problematic in terms of how she talked to and treated other members of the royal family, courtiers, staff, random employees, her sense of entitlement, her appetite for expensive clothes and freebies, her disinterest in the actual job, her inappropriate actions (writing ‘Live laugh love’ on bananas for sex workers), hypocritical behaviour around private jet use etc etc ETC, negative stories began to leak out. They were protected massively by the RF and the media gave them a comparatively soft time compared to other royals. It was only really after the shocking lie fest of the Oprah interview that the British media started to run more critical articles, with columnists like Julie Burchill etc (who had previously run gushing columns about Meghan) realising they had been duped.

We‘ve had the argument about her ‘blackness’ before - personally I find her hugely problematic. She was caucasian when it suited her to be, married white men, had white friends. She wrote about ‘making her own box’ in an article about her white father. No mention of Doria. She played the racist card to pressure Harry, to force through a wedding to an obvious gold digger, to justify leaving the royal family (when this was really about the megabucks deals they had already begun negotiating) and finally in the Oprah interview, revenge for not getting half-in, half-out, and to position themselves as woke martyrs and establish sacred caste status so tricky issues like the bullying scandal could be dismissed as racism against ‘the angry black woman’. Suddenly Doria’s back, Thomas is gone, and actually Doria brought her up all those years? So how come she only realised her blackness when she came to the UK? Having grown up with a black mother, that’s something she wasn’t aware of?

There’s nothing admirable there, I’m sorry. She’s a bullshitting grifter who shamelessly uses race to her advantage and no one else’s, and now we have uneducated, uninformed idiots saying all Brits are racist as a result.
BIB: The more Megxit is talked about by them or anyone, the more I think that this is ultimately why they left. Harry’s either been gaslit or has gaslit himself into believing this whole ‘we were unsafe’ narrative but really I think they’d gone so far down the path of committing to these commercial deals they’d been working in since before they were married that they couldn’t back out when the RF found out. Thus the RF said ‘you can’t have it both ways, go to Canada for 6 weeks to decide on in or out’ and instead of losing face one way or the other they launched the ambush to still try to get their way. There is no way the Sussex Royal website wasn’t a massive tantrum, based on what we’ve seen of them since!
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I feel sorry for Whoopi. She's gone so far into this idiotic belief that she's completely lost her moral compass. Tragic.
Changing her name to 'Goldberg' and then making anti-semetic remarks is beyond bonkers, even for a Hollywood weirdo. :rolleyes:
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Dooley Doo

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Thank you lollipop_panda for the new thread and recap.
Congratulations Happy Lady on the title.

I have been reading thread 280 and noticed the Aldi in the bath pic. Like others on that thread I noticed the gruesomes are looking down. Like at Aldi's butt.
Also it looks out of proportion, may be because Aldi is nearer the camera.

On a race note Whoopi has had to once again apologise for saying the Holocaust was a white against white crime again.
It seems its only considered racist if black are attacked.
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Cringiest moment for me was when they thought everyone was clapping for them, but they weren’t they were clapping something else, and they were standing there thanking everyone and lapping it up, and that guy was standing behind them like “wtf?” because they were being a couple of self important bellends embarrassing themselves
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To me the cringe moment was taking that Netflex crew to film her at Uvalde. To presume in her mind that her exalted presence had any meaning…and then to monetize such an horrendous tragedy for personal gain.
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