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I am home alone poorly and sent my family off without me yesterday on our preplanned new year trip, so I could recover in peace. Anyway i had nothing to do yesterday sooooooo…… I watched the documentary out of pure curiosity 😬 sorry 🫣🫣 a few points I took from it.
They didn’t mention KC and QC really, I felt like they were mostly left out of firing line. I suspect these were the cuts that were made. Very calculated, they don’t want to piss off the king. I think if our Queen was still here KC would have been more much more heavily criticised by the two of them.
Next point and just wow, they really threw the Prince and Princess of wales under the bus!! I felt like the entire documentary was made for that purpose to discredit the POW, it was quite uncomfortable to watch tbh. There were lots of subtle insults down to the photographs and footage they chose to use of the Princess, trying to make her seem unattractive and stuck up. They were trying to make it look like the princess in comparison to smeg is just there for ornamental purposes and that she does nothing and has no brain, and the smeg in comparison is so much more 🥱
They really have fallen out with each other, no doubt about that, but instead of acting dignified (like the P and POW) and keeping family issues private, they have gone all out and created a documentary just to try and ruin public opinion of them. It won’t work but really how pathetic to create this shit show for that one purpose, it’s so embarrassing. I see straight through you !!
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Thanks for the new thread and title. :)

Source is Neil Sean, but I can easily imagine this to be true. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

She forgot the Razzies. Might actually stand a chance of winning one of those.

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To go back to curtseygate... millions and millions of little girls do ballet and therefore learn to do a normal curtsey. Most people in the world have access to google, especially those who are whipsmart feminist self made millionaires. Some of them have executed a neat bob while acting in a TV series. (Soz, I'm just thinking how fucking hard would it to be learn stuff, even without a 30 page dossier with a relevant etiquette person to contact for every item!)
she did incorrectly anyway.... the arms outstretched is thee ballet curtsey. I have never ever seen anyone unfold their arms like an albatross to the queen. a deep curstey, arms tucked in, yes - but the Pegasus getting ready to take flight? nope. It was blatantly mocking and sarcastic and trying to ridicule TQ and Monarchy and britain in the eyes of her American fan base (spit).
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50 Shades of Bench (draft)

On meeting Prince William: "His voice is warm and husky like dark melted chocolate fudge caramel... or something."

"And from a very tiny, underused part of my brain – probably located at the base of my medulla oblongata near where my subconscious dwells – comes the thought: He's here to see you."

"I feel the colour in my cheeks rising again. I must be the colour of The Communist Manifesto."

"His lips part, like he's taking a sharp intake of breath, and he blinks. For a fraction of a second, he looks lost somehow, and the Earth shifts slightly on its axis, the tectonic plates sliding into a new position."

"He smiles, then strides with renewed purpose out of the church, slinging the cashmere scarf over his shoulder, leaving me a quivering mass of raging female hormones."
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Is anyone going to buy the book? I'm not. I wouldn't waste money on it and I don't want to read it anyway. I know that as I read, I'd either hear his whiny voice in my head or hers. Why would I do that to myself?
I actually pre-ordered it and will have it in my hot little hands on publication day. I buy all the books on the royal family (even these two wanna-bes) so I have source material. I will actually read every page of it, too. I will happily write synopsis, post quotes, opinions, whatever you want or need here, as well. It is my compulsion, this royal book buying and reading. I have quite the collection now.
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Bethenny Frankel made a negative comment about them sometime ago, she said that she was then contacted directly by a very very well connected a-lister who asked her to stop commenting negatively on them. The A-lister said they were really badly treated by royal family and they lived in a house that they couldn’t even stand up in it was that small. I have just realised this must have been Oprah who contacted her given what has now come out in the Netflix series.
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It was the Sistine Chapel :)

Unfortunately Lilli didn't finish her Plasticine statue in time....

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Scotch Mist

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I’m at a loss to understand why us Brits, have allowed any credence to be given to the opinions of Americans based on the deluded rantings of one sick individual, who hasn’t got what she set out to achieve by marrying into an extremely privileged family.

(Yes, I’m fully aware I’m generalising - shouty Shola is one of my least favourite people).

Apparently, we are all a nation of twats. We’re all racist, all from a long line of slave owning oppressors who don’t acknowledge mental health issues and enjoy being subjects of an out of touch monarchy.

I’m working class from a mining, mill working, farming, pub landlord, clerical worker, council estate background - traced back to the 1700’s, and I’m comfortable with my family’s back story. Nothing to hide and no one has been cut adrift because they didn’t match up to the image I want to portray to the outside world.

I’m heartily sick of the likes of Oprah, Gayle King, Tyler Perry and various unknown sugars across the pond spouting shite about British people in general, our press, our culture and our Royal Family. What does it matter what they think and why are they so keen on letting us know their views?

They’d be incredulous if Jonathan Ross, Jeremy Kyle or Daniel Craig (in other words chat show hosts/actors) were constantly banging on about how they thought Congress should be run.

Perhaps Oprah et al would be better trying to put their own country’s wrongs to rights before criticising ours.
Oprah was a friend of Weinstein and that was conveniently brushed under the carpet .

She's a walking contradiction.
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Cringiest moment for me was when she said people in South Africa danced in the streets when she married H like when Mandela was released from prison 😂 oh and the bench: my heart goes pump pump 😂😂😂😂😂
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Scotch Mist

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Krazy Bitch wants to write a book…🙄
What a cunt 😤 still this bit is amusing 😄

'Sources close to the Sussexes say Harry needed a ghostwriter, but the duchess intends to fly on her own. “She’s a gifted writer and fully capable of writing this whole book herself, although she will involve an editing team when that becomes necessary”, said the source.'

She thinks that she can write 😁
At least Hazno knows he can't!

This will be waffling word salad about nothing.
What has the grifting bitch got left? She'll probably say that all the royal men tried to grope her and that the women were cold bitches because they're racist.
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Just watched a film called Relative Values. It's a Noel Coward play and not one of his best but it has some funny moments for reasons that will become apparent. The Earl of Marshwood brings home an American actress he has become engaged to. At dinner there is talk of whether she will continue to act. No she replies, playing the Countess of Marshwood will be her role for the rest of her life. It later becomes apparent that she has told some porkies about her family, or lack thereof. Her intended excuses her, saying she has just romaticised her past. The dowager countess is having none of it. "We cannot have the Countess of Marshwood running around the country telling lies." Hmm.
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If only we’d had a Mary instead of a Meghan!

‘Why Meghan Markle could learn lessons from Princess Mary of Denmark’

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Meghan experienced nothing here in the U.K.
It didn't happen.
They both lie through the back of their teeth.
She mistook British society for American society- thought it the same ( it isnt) & thought she'd play the race card..
It all blew up in their faces.
She's a cunt, just like him.
Best they stay in America, getting papped left, right & centre.
You act like a cunt- you get treated like one.
Best move they ever made. 😎😎😎

award (1).jpg

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Lady C plunging right in

The Harkles are prime examples of everything rotten in contemporary culture? The effect of their conduct is divisive and destructive. Civil liberties are at stake with their dictator agenda. They are a morality tale that Lady C wishes would come to a speedier conclusion.

Lady C trending on twitter/trolled by Bouzy? She dared to criticise his false goddess. Lady C has no inclination to respond because Bouzy (the botter with dead fish eyes) in is breach of free speech as well as YT rules.

Lady C alluded to knowing something coming down the line in '23:m

Harkles weakening CW? Black writers/articles accepting Smeg's false narrative and demanding regime change. eg. The Hill. People being misled and coming to false conclusions. Harkles relying on ignorance and people's superficial rather than detailed knowledge.

Politico called Smeg a narcissist?
Writer predictably accused of racism.

TRF happy and relaxed without Harkles? Unifying effect and people appreciate work they do.

Diana regretted Bashir interview? William respected this and asked for it never to be shown again but Haz disrespectfully included footage in NF.
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Chatty Member
The fact that she was re traumatising him in the car about that scooter following tells you everything you need to know about her .
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To go back to curtseygate... millions and millions of little girls do ballet and therefore learn to do a normal curtsey. Most people in the world have access to google, especially those who are whipsmart feminist self made millionaires. Some of them have executed a neat bob while acting in a TV series. (Soz, I'm just thinking how fucking hard would it to be learn stuff, even without a 30 page dossier with a relevant etiquette person to contact for every item!)
Yes it’s this kind of shit that makes me utterly despair at people who watched that and didn’t think ALERT ALERT BULLSHITTER ALERT ALERT same with the bollocks about the lack of ‘princess training’ (which actually there was) or having to learn the National Anthem BOO HOO etc. They have absolutely shit all to moan about so come up with crap like this and people entertain it????? I mean yes, partly because it’s presented as fact and worthy of notice with absolutely no pushback by NF or Oprah, but hello people engage what’s left of your brains! The second this kind of idiotic shit came out of her mouth people should have realised - these people are lying morons! They aren’t even good at it! My toddler‘s fibs kick their arses!

How the fuck anyone believes anything this shit actress and her ginger sock puppet spout is utterly beyond me!

ETA: What is cheese in a can?
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