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I've decided that, for me, the cringe moment of 2022 was the curtsey on NF. She didn't know how to curtsey but she took years of dance lessons? Yeah right. But we knew she was a liar.

That clip showed that she has absolutely no class, as in people who have grace and know how to behave. She has no class so she didn't recognise class when it was in front of her. She compared meeting Elizabeth the Great to some tacky medieval thing they have in the States.

Proves she has no sense of humour. She probably thought that clip would make her look super witty and everyone would think she was cute. Alas, she is neither witty nor cute. She's mediocre and fake.

So that's my cringe moment of 2022. What's yours? What bit made you cringe and want to throw up? Lets have some fun. ;):LOL:
When she appeared at the window and shushed them kids.
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Mine was that highlighter single tear and the pseudo-sad yet stoic expressions she kept making at the funeral. Though it was more angry-making than cringe, but that's a recent one which I remember with the biggest eyeroll. Competing with her growling singing in the shitumentary.

Thank God for a memory that doesn't remember much.
The shitumentary spoiled us for choice, let’s face it. The curtsy thing was up there in the level of cringe, but I think the dancing in the doorway might be my winner. She thought she was so cool. Wonder if she read any of our posts and googled Max Wall ? If she did, that has to sting. 😂

There is a WHOLE THREAD about it here! Do go and join in the discussion!

How I would love to start following that thread, but I can only just cope with this one 😂. I am a very ordinary woman, I thought there would never be any skeletons in my family cupboard. But at the age of 52 I discovered that a boy I thought was my cousin was actually my half brother. The likeness of him to my mother and my grandfather were obvious once I knew the truth, but I had never wondered about it. So if that can happen in a close knit small family, I can believe anything of the rascally aristocrats. 😂
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5 episodes into the docuseries. Getting the impression that Harry is unwittingly participating in his future ex-Wifes big budget dating video via Netflix i.e. this is Meghan trying to wipe her slate clean in lieu of snaring a richer husband who will be under the impression that she's this saint, a saint who tried to make it work with her darling but damaged husband who was ultimately a lost cause.
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I'm hoping Netflix do a follow up like they did with Joe Exotic showing the erratic behaviour of the two.
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I had lunch with some friends yesterday and we got talking about the King’s speech, I was the only one in the group who’d watched it. The first question was did KC mention the overseas 2 and then the comments were that they should shut up and live the private life that they supposedly wanted.

I have very sensible friends 😂 😂
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I wonder if the royal family has told Meg and Harry to stay out of controversial American political issues like guns and gun violence. The whole Uvalde photoshoot is such filth that it makes me wonder if the British government asked them to stay out of partisan American politics.
For this reason alone their titles should be removed. With their titles they are still representing (either real or imagined) The Crown abroad and as such should not get involved in politics in anyway shape or form. As plain citizens with no titles they can spout whatever political shite they like.

As such, Charles SHOULD make a statement, something along the lines of (mostly lip-service and bollocks): "As the US remains our major ally in the world in order to maintain our 'special relationship' Megnut and Hazno will not have any titles, it is never and will never be the place for any member of the British Royal family to tell the US how to conduct their political affairs and those that do so are in breach of our special bond and it will no be toletated".

Just something like that, ie: It's nothing personal you pair of cunts, but we can't have you causing any political problems for us. Cheers. Now FUCK OFF.
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I hope Charles does just that and takes away their titles. Let them be Mr and Mrs Mountbatten Windsors! After the Netflix documentary it’s clear to me that Meghan isn’t interested in the UK. Everything about that series was calculated to portray herself in a certain light to American audiences. I have no idea about Harry’s long run game but Meg’s got no interest in representing the UK or appealing to a UK audience. That’s why I worry about Meghan stepping into very divisive and messy American social issues like gun violence in schools. She’s an attention seeking narcissist. She’s going to cross that line for attention and relevance. Charles will have to do something
I don't worry about her at all.
We here in the United Kingdom couldn't give a flying fuck about her, or him.
We certainly don't want them representing anything to do with us- and as they are" no longer working Royals" & live " their new lives overseas" - as stated by The Monarch, King Charles III , that's that. 😃😃
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In reply to OiOiNosyParker - No - that was to merch her shoes. I see Sonic has already posted this!

Best moment for me this year- candlegate at the Abbey service. I hope HLMTQ laughed. Worst moment for me this year - the sheer effrontery of their showing up at the Plattyjoobs.
Best silver lining - meeting a bunch of like-minded individuals with the reasoning ability to call out the BS spouted around the globe about this pair.
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I’ll never understand why the media just accepted all the lies in the Oprah interview. It was a disappointing time for me and I am forever grateful I stumbled on this thread because I thought I was losing my mind. Why my friends and family bought into the bullshit was disheartening.

Thankfully as I mentioned earlier over Christmas these same friends and family have changed their opinion after the crapfest of the doco. It’s funny actually that it took the idiot duo themselves to change so many people’s opinion of them. The RF didn’t have to do a thing looking back, the Harkles have done it to themselves.
BIB I said this right from the start, as did a number of others on here, and we have stuck to our guns. While some wanted the RF to pile in .... take the titles, refute their lies, ban them from all events etc. we were of the opinion that they should just sit back, stay quiet and let the Harkles dig their own grave. We likened the RF to a chess Grandmaster whose every move is carefully thought out, no knee jerk reactions but slowly, bit by little bit, undermine the overseas ones. So far so good ..... still some of you want the mighty chop but some have now come round to our way of thinking.
I know it is so frustrating sometimes, when it appears they are getting away with so much, and it must be ten times worse for the RF but they have expert advisers who are guiding them all the way on how to deal with narcissist's behaviour. The monarchy will win in the end. All I can say is we need to hang in there, patience is a virtue.

A little footnote ...... let's just sit back and have a laugh at The Gruesomes antics as they keep on digging that ever deeper hole. Imagine if they disappeared to 'live the private life' they always wanted, what would we do? I can't imagine not having this site to peruse every day (for hours on end sometimes) ...... I would have to do some housework! 🤪
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Also why do the call each other ‘H’and ‘M’ and ‘my love’ constantly it is so fucking irritating.

and….Im sorry but this telling our love story 😂, you peeked to fucking early my loves. Who creates a documentary on a love story when they have only been married five mins? This sort of thing (if it really is about your love story……. And not to try and ruin your brother) should have been released in I don’t know 30 years time 😆 it is so irrelevant right now and no one cares. If they made it to a significant marriage milestone yeah we might be interested in a “love story” not now though 🥱bore off my loves 😘
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Why do people connect calling British tabloids racist to saying the UK and all the people in the UK are racist? And even there, I think the Netflix show was a bit vague on whether or not the tabloids are racist or are just using racism to further a narrative that benefits the image of other members of the Windsor family.
Short answer from me - I suppose that the press/media reflects the society, which in turn is reflected in the media. It’s a self perpetuating argument, that if Britain was not racist then we wouldn’t tolerate a racist media, & that the media wouldn’t be racist if Britain wasn’t.

The trouble comes when something is deliberately misinterpreted to start the argument which then rumbles on, & this what is so distasteful to me about Meghan’s activities. I don’t like her because she seems to be a user, or at least her supporters are, happy to employ any tactic necessary with no care for any other opinion or person.

This can be seen in the outrage that is accompanying the Politico opinion, the justification being that she is defending herself. Unfortunately the same, or similar, arguments of “self defence” were equally misused to justify the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, apartheid, & the historical & ongoing oppression of many races & religions.

Britain & the British press welcomed Meghan with open arms & delight, we spent £32 million on her wedding, the man who is now king walked her down the aisle before she was driven in front of cheering crowds, we sent her overseas as a representative of our country. Can you understand how betrayed we feel that our distaste for her actions & activities is dismissed as racism? She & her husband were treated well, but it wasn’t enough & resulting events have been almost Trumpian in the levels of petulance.

Britain then was not a greatly racist or sexist country, certainly as much as it is being portrayed as now, just that some in society can only see in terms of conflict so the conflict has to manufactured so it can be opposed. As a country we are 87% white & only 3% black or black British yet all are welcomed to all aspects of society. We have, & have had, no laws preventing any social mobility, the only barriers being exactly the same barriers that others face, mainly ability and application.

A problem between us & the USA is that we are not merely divided by a common language as has been said, but by widely different cultural experiences. Just as some in the US (for example) are unable to see in terms not governed by race, most here are unable to view something through a lens that, for us, doesn’t exist. We would rather learn from the mistakes of the past & move forward than endlessly dwell on them. We are all one society, and should strive for cohesion not division.

I would like to say thanks for your posts - though often I disagree with what you say they make this white Briton think, & I wish that there was a way we could converse.

Best wishes for a Happy New Year
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There are many cringefest moments obvs but an early doors cringe for me was the banalities she wrote on the bananas for the street workers. I couldn’t quite believe what I was seeing. She seemed to think it was so profound as well. Totally toe curling.
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Chatty Member
I actually pre-ordered it and will have it in my hot little hands on publication day. I buy all the books on the royal family (even these two wanna-bes) so I have source material. I will actually read every page of it, too. I will happily write synopsis, post quotes, opinions, whatever you want or need here, as well. It is my compulsion, this royal book buying and reading. I have quite the collection now.
Ooh we like new members like you 😁 😉
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In my opinion, Michelle Obama understood the assignment.

She was the First Lady. Her job was to be the rock of the nation and she did exactly that.

Being the centre of the conversation is unhelpful. If a powerful person walks into the room and the topic of conversation is her/him instead of the issues then she/he has lost the plot. That is one thing that Peg does not understand.

Michelle analysed the situation and made a sophie's choice. Now in her own time, she can wear her hair how she wants to and advocate for her personal causes. I do hope that the US and the world in general start to see all natural hairstyles as a right for women.
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A reader comment from The Independent. Spot on, but I’m not worried she’ll ever get into politics. She’s proven (and still proves) herself to be too inept to handle even the slightest slight!! Oh. And she’s just nucking futz!!
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I have a lot of respect for Meghan publicly speaking about how until she married Harry, she never thought of her blackness as having meaning deeper than other people talk about having Irish ancestry. After moving to the UK, she experienced blackness as race not just heritage.
Nonthing a'tall admirable about meghan's sudden blackness. Being 'black' became useful for her victimhood campaign once she married hairy and so voilà, meghan suddenly became black!
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