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I have a lot of respect for Meghan publicly speaking about how until she married Harry, she never thought of her blackness as having meaning deeper than other people talk about having Irish ancestry. After moving to the UK, she experienced blackness as race not just heritage.

I don't believe she experienced any discrimination because of her race. Thats what she is hinting at. I don't buy it.

She was welcomed by the UK. With open arms.

I do believe she may have experienced classism as do all commoners who marry in. They have to earn acceptance into the closed ranks if they arent from the aristocratic classes.

Then there's the other class, ie - being classy.
You need that to fit in and to do the job of a working royal well.
Andrew isn't classy and look how it's turned out for him.
You need to be classy. Sadly Meghan isnt classy.

I don't think she understood how the ranks work. She was treated like a lower rank than the Queen, Philip, Charles, William and Catherine because she IS a lower rank.
She took that to be racism.
Or it suited her to call it racism.

She expected staff to endure her 24/7 emailing of instructions and " American work ethic" and said it wasnt her job to coddle people when they were trying to adjust to her new ways of working.
That will have got people's backs up.

Two way street Meghan.
You needed to adjust to the rankings of royal family members.
It wasnt their job to coddle you.
But he Queen gave you one of her staff to guide you and Camilla tried to talk to you about how it was for her to get accepted - her "lived experience" - in order to try and help you adjust and understand.
But you refused their help because you had Harry.

And you both bailed out.

Nothing to do with race.
Everything to do with character and being classy.
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So I (forced) myself to watch their documentary - using that term extremely loosely. Honestly 6 hours of the whiniest shite imaginable with alot of convenient fake 'yes' friends. Very convenient to carve out a negative poor me narrative when you've hand picked people who won't speak against you.

Biggest issue for me with them in general is how they have insulted the British people. I'm from the UK and am done with being branded as automatically racist for just existing on this tiny island. If we were so go damned racist then why would so many nationalities choose to reside here?

I understand elements of racism are a social construct - if I think of how my parents generation viewed race vs how my generation viewed race, one would like to think that as a collective educated society we can continue to respect and understand culture/race and stop prejudice. But these two? Just a pair of race baiting arses.

She wasn't on this island long enough to be fully ripped to shreds by the press. Princess of Wales suffered far worse for years whilst she was with William when they dated, then broke up as 'waity katie', her family were criticised in the press. I could go on but you get the idea.
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Yes! If only they had just done some real work!
It could all have been so different.

The Queen gave her life to service, she served her country.

Yes she had a nice life filled with beautiful buildings, material possessions and access to things most people could never have, but in return, she gave her life to serving her country. She put on her bright coat and hat, waved and smiled and made small talk with miners, shop keepers and presidents. She was the patron of hundreds of charities and in doing that, she raised profiles and donations increased and people benefitted. She attended events, read speeches that had been written by others that were neutral and non offensive and she sat through hours of 'entertainment' that would have bored most people to tears.

People who met her spoke about it for years to come. She made an impact on thousands, if not millions of people's lives because she came from a place of service.

Markle wanted the people of the UK to serve her. She wanted to become famous and to be admired and worshipped. And because we decided we didn't want to serve her she called us racists.

She moaned about serving our country and said she should be paid to do overseas tours. She wanted to have a free rein to do and say what ever she wanted and she wanted all the trappings as well. She wanted to modernise our monarchy.

Here's the thing love. We don't want some gobby, entitled narc modernising our monarchy. We like our monarchy nice and vanilla. We want it steeped in tradition. We love our pomp and ceremony, evidenced by the 37 million in the UK who watched our Queen's funeral. We want them to wear nice clothes, smile and wave and do acts of service that people will remember for the rest of their lives. We don't want our monarchy whinging, playing the victim, seeking fame and fortune and trying to discredit people we like and respect. Markle, we don't like you because you are nasty and have all of the characteristics we despise in human beings. Not because of the colour of your skin.

If you wanted to be a Princess you should have read the brief like Kate did. The job was to serve people, not for the people to serve you.
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Hi, this is my first real post. I have been lurking for many months and have come to think of this group as bar friends. Friends I would love to go to the pub with and have a few pints while we solve the world’s problems. And by world’s problems, I mean — of course — those of the Royal Family. I am huge fan of the RF but see them with real eyes being an American married to a Brit who has lived in both places. LOVED Diana and watched her wedding at 13 and funeral at 29 and saw her for what she was — little bit of crazy there. The Queen is it, though. Bawled my eyes out when she died and just believe she was the epitome of what the monarchy stands for. By stark comparison, the Overseas Two are not. They are everything I abhor about privilege. In short, they threw away their duty and made the last few years of the Queen’s life needless painful with their whining and whinging. They are liars who practice revisionist history and take no blame for their lives. ARGH. I have repeatedly thrown her out of my gender because she makes hard-working women look stupid with her antics. I admire The P and POW for their hard work and dedication and am just watching with extra butter on my popcorn to see how this train wreck comes to an end. As I am in PR/Communications, I have my prediction written down on a piece of paper and sealed in an envelope. I can’t wait to see if I am correct! Anyway, I will be here with all of you, commenting, hopefully adding something worthwhile (or at least funny) and just hating on the Duke and Duchess of Smegness for basically being lying, deceitful a-holes who were mean to an old lady.
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Chatty Member
This appeared in my FB feed this morning and Hazno and Smegs immediately sprang to mind.

Compare and contrast my fellow Tattlers, compare and contrast.

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Copied from Twitter and so true - To anyone wondering why the people of the UK have no time for Meghan Markle, I paraphrase Martin Luther King: we judge not by the colour of her skin, but by the content of her character. You can't trash the Queen's
family & expect respect.
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Chatty Member
Thanks to @Happy Lady for the new thread title.

There was a lot going on in the last thread. We live watched the lovely HRH POW carols service, spread a lot of Christmas cheer, and there was reason to douse the thread with some ice water after talk of one equerry.

The return of the Sandringham walk was a hit with all, the BRF put on a united front. The little kids stole the day.

We discussed Prince George’s prodigious talent after his water colour painting was shared by his parents, and then @wibble kindly shared Archie’s Christmas painting that seemed to be frescoes on the ceiling of the palace of Versailles.

Best of all though, the tattlers demonstrated on the last thread that while there may be some frank opinions, there’s a lot of love for each other whether Christmas is a time or joy or a time of sorrow. Everyone is here to support each other.


Old thread here.

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From what I’ve seen the idea that the British media is racist therefore British people are racist is a narrative pushed mainly on Sugar-y gossip sites like Celebitchy and Lainey Gossip, and by columnists in left leaning media eg The New York Times etc. People like Trevor Noah spouting complete falsehoods, deciding that one ignorant talkshow caller represents the whole of the UK (re Rishi Sunak ). I do actually think there were a couple of headlines in the early days of Harry and Meghan that I found troubling (both Daily Mail, not both UK office). However the UK media is not one homogeneous whole, the broadsheets were universally supportive of Meghan, as was the consumer press, and within tabloids, they have different agendas, so for example it’s clear the Mirror has a more Sugar-y narrative.

So it’s bullshit for M&H to pretend the British media was out to get her, and it’s bullshit to infer that the British people are racist as a result, because the British press isn’t some racist, white supremicist whole. How ridiculous. It isn’t allowed to be, there are regulations and rules it has to follow, fines to pay, and anyway, the papers narratives and agendas are so different that there just couldn’t be some kind of coordinated attack on Meghan. Most titles were falling over themselves to support her. As for the British people, they turned out in their thousands on her wedding day, bought plates and souvenirs, were excited about them, the Fab Four etc. How would the ‘Fab Four’ as a concept exist if the media was out to get her?

I haven’t watched the series but from what I understand, they weren’t actually able to provide much evidence of this ‘racist agenda’ beyond ‘Almost Straight out of Compton‘ and some feature about avocados - in fact a lot of the deadlines included relate to completely unconnected stories such as the Hillsborough ‘Demons’ headline.

The truth is that as it became more and more obvious that she was problematic in terms of how she talked to and treated other members of the royal family, courtiers, staff, random employees, her sense of entitlement, her appetite for expensive clothes and freebies, her disinterest in the actual job, her inappropriate actions (writing ‘Live laugh love’ on bananas for sex workers), hypocritical behaviour around private jet use etc etc ETC, negative stories began to leak out. They were protected massively by the RF and the media gave them a comparatively soft time compared to other royals. It was only really after the shocking lie fest of the Oprah interview that the British media started to run more critical articles, with columnists like Julie Burchill etc (who had previously run gushing columns about Meghan) realising they had been duped.

We‘ve had the argument about her ‘blackness’ before - personally I find her hugely problematic. She was caucasian when it suited her to be, married white men, had white friends. She wrote about ‘making her own box’ in an article about her white father. No mention of Doria. She played the racist card to pressure Harry, to force through a wedding to an obvious gold digger, to justify leaving the royal family (when this was really about the megabucks deals they had already begun negotiating) and finally in the Oprah interview, revenge for not getting half-in, half-out, and to position themselves as woke martyrs and establish sacred caste status so tricky issues like the bullying scandal could be dismissed as racism against ‘the angry black woman’. Suddenly Doria’s back, Thomas is gone, and actually Doria brought her up all those years? So how come she only realised her blackness when she came to the UK? Having grown up with a black mother, that’s something she wasn’t aware of?

There’s nothing admirable there, I’m sorry. She’s a bullshitting grifter who shamelessly uses race to her advantage and no one else’s, and now we have uneducated, uninformed idiots saying all Brits are racist as a result.
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Oh yes, he's going to be target number 1 once the divorce proceedings start. Amber Heard 2.0

I bet all those "his only crime was falling in love with a PoC" posts on Twitter will be swiftly deleted. Get screenshotting them now and go back to the same accounts once the split is announced - I bet I'm right ! :geek:

Divorce proceedings you say?

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VIP Member
I have a lot of respect for Meghan publicly speaking about how until she married Harry, she never thought of her blackness as having meaning deeper than other people talk about having Irish ancestry. After moving to the UK, she experienced blackness as race not just heritage.
What a crock! She’s an American. She was raised in a country where race issues are an obsession and have been for decades. It is pervasive in every aspect of our lives. What about the race riots in LA in 1992…Rodney King, etc. Supposedly Doria ‘raised’ her in a Black community. But race had no meaning other than wearing green on St Pat’s Day?

Good Lord! How could that possibly be true? How could you believe that?
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I've decided that, for me, the cringe moment of 2022 was the curtsey on NF. She didn't know how to curtsey but she took years of dance lessons? Yeah right. But we knew she was a liar.

That clip showed that she has absolutely no class, as in people who have grace and know how to behave. She has no class so she didn't recognise class when it was in front of her. She compared meeting Elizabeth the Great to some tacky medieval thing they have in the States.

Proves she has no sense of humour. She probably thought that clip would make her look super witty and everyone would think she was cute. Alas, she is neither witty nor cute. She's mediocre and fake.

So that's my cringe moment of 2022. What's yours? What bit made you cringe and want to throw up? Lets have some fun. ;):LOL:
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On a race note Whoopi has had to once again apologise for saying the Holocaust was a white against white crime again.
It seems its only considered racist if black are attacked.
Whoopi has fallen for Critical Race Theory which posits that racism can only come from White people and can only be suffered by Black people.

Absolute nonsense of course and easily proven wrong by looking at China and the Japanese during WWII. And many, many other examples. Unfortunately academics have to make a living and this is providing work.

I feel sorry for Whoopi. She's gone so far into this idiotic belief that she's completely lost her moral compass. Tragic.
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Don’t know if it’s already been mentioned but the DE reports she is now complaining that Ffark has been denied the childhood she wanted for him. She always felt so alone when she was a child and hoped that Ffark would be surrounded by plenty of other children growing up.
Now I wonder whose fault it is that he has no friends? 🤔 You can bet your bottom dollar it will be anybody’s but hers!
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I’m at a loss to understand why us Brits, have allowed any credence to be given to the opinions of Americans based on the deluded rantings of one sick individual, who hasn’t got what she set out to achieve by marrying into an extremely privileged family.

(Yes, I’m fully aware I’m generalising - shouty Shola is one of my least favourite people).

Apparently, we are all a nation of twats. We’re all racist, all from a long line of slave owning oppressors who don’t acknowledge mental health issues and enjoy being subjects of an out of touch monarchy.

I’m working class from a mining, mill working, farming, pub landlord, clerical worker, council estate background - traced back to the 1700’s, and I’m comfortable with my family’s back story. Nothing to hide and no one has been cut adrift because they didn’t match up to the image I want to portray to the outside world.

I’m heartily sick of the likes of Oprah, Gayle King, Tyler Perry and various unknown sugars across the pond spouting shite about British people in general, our press, our culture and our Royal Family. What does it matter what they think and why are they so keen on letting us know their views?

They’d be incredulous if Jonathan Ross, Jeremy Kyle or Daniel Craig (in other words chat show hosts/actors) were constantly banging on about how they thought Congress should be run.

Perhaps Oprah et al would be better trying to put their own country’s wrongs to rights before criticising ours.
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I hope Charles does just that and takes away their titles. Let them be Mr and Mrs Mountbatten Windsors! After the Netflix documentary it’s clear to me that Meghan isn’t interested in the UK. Everything about that series was calculated to portray herself in a certain light to American audiences. I have no idea about Harry’s long run game but Meg’s got no interest in representing the UK or appealing to a UK audience. That’s why I worry about Meghan stepping into very divisive and messy American social issues like gun violence in schools. She’s an attention seeking narcissist. She’s going to cross that line for attention and relevance. Charles will have to do something
Charles does have to do something. Meghan severely misjudged the American audience. She believes everyone here in the States has the same contempt for the monarchy and the Royal family that she and her idiotic husband do. But most Americans respected the Queen for her service, her dignity, her stoicism, her wit, her dedication and her 70 years on the throne, let alone the achievements of her reign. We respect the monarchy, the royal family and the British people they serve. We DON’T respect those who believe they are better than, are superior to or openly mock those who given their lives in service to others. The Smarkles have shown who and what they are by ridiculing the Queen, the King and other members of the family. They claim divine guidance from an unbalanced parent who has been gone for nearly three decades. Don’t worry about her influence on Americans. We may eat cheese out of can, but we are smarter than that.
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Wanted to reply to a post but old thread was closed.
So heres a screenshot of the post.
View attachment 1835125

Yes! If only they had just done some real work!
It could all have been so different.
This is it! Besides being a narcissist, Smeg is also LAZY af. The dimwit as well. I was watching (gone on a black hole of old videos) the video of the "fab 4" press conference and her word salad is all about "hit the ground running" and "working behind the scenes", which we now know is equal to nothing but worrying about which tiara to wear, which shade of beige to choose and demanding brands to send her things - and then throw fits when palace aids tell her she can't have those grifts.

They've been gone for almost 3 years and nothing that isn't self serving has been accomplished. Yes, they have highjacked other people's and organisations initiatives and claim them as their own, but NOTHING has been achieved by the duo. Actually the only thing that makes the Duchess of Monteshit's ass move is a good photo op. If you bring paparazzi to where the needy are, she will eventually show up.

To top it off, they even used people's suffering in Uvalde for photo ops. That's how shamelessly opportunistic they are.
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