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I was that bored I went to look at the Katie Price threads, where I saw a few familiar posters yourself included!
Yeah, I got picked on in there.😭 You know me Kez, always the voice of reason and calm.
But I've been put on ignore, allegedly, so all is well.:m

You hold the key @freda19!

Do your airport announcement and the cunts will surely follow with some shite stunt to draw you back!

Do it!Do it! Do it!
YOU are naughty!:giggle:
I doubt they'll make any big announcements while the evacuations are on their last legs, but the utterly riveting scoobie epilogue is due out on tuesday so we can expert more leakages on that to be getting on with.
Also, her uncle Sleepy Joe is taking a battering so that must be a hard pill for her to swallow.
I'm still astonished at Trumpy being banned from twitter but the bastard Taliban account being just fucking fine and dandy.:mad: It was one of the things that alerted me as to the power of social media groups during elections. Your life in their hands and your thought twisted to suit their agenda.
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Bubbles Tizzy

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I m listening to GB news at work (I didn't say that!) and they are taking about the gruesome twosome and the book FF. Not once have they mentioned the authors name - they are saying a source close to. Wonder why Scabies name is not being mentioned. They seem very anti the Harkles thank goodness.
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My thoughts on that are that the palace have no intention of telling us what's really going on. They keep their own council.

I suspect that behind the scenes they have people investigating what the Harkles are up to and monitoring the situation. If the Harkles go too far and name the 'alleged racist' they will be sued.

I think Meghan and Harry are frustrated that the mud they've slung isn't sticking. It isn't sticking because even those who supported them at first have seen evidence of so many lies that almost no one believes anything they say.
They want an apology for their perceived bad treatment. They aren't getting it, so they think if they name the person they will get their demands met.
I think the intention to announce the name reached the ears of The Firm's legal department and the Harkle 'team' were told to expect a legal fightback if a name is given.
And this has snowballed into "The Queen is 'lawyering up' against the Harkles."
That's what I think.
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Yes, the donations from which they then deduct any expenses for themselves, leaving as little as 5% of the original amount donated which they graciously hand out with much pomp and ceremony to let the world know how magnanimous they are. BS :poop: :poop: :poop:
Out of the many, many things that piss me off about the hateful pair, this is the one that really makes me want to drop them in a rock in the middle of the ocean and leave them there. The utter bastards. Compassion? My backside.
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Exactly. If they had stayed within the royal family they would have some influence, could have attended big events and would have had some fans who were interested in what they were doing. They would never be as important as the Cambridge family but talk about 'cut your nose off to spite your face'. 😄

They really do think that they can be more important going solo. Where the hell did Haznos massive ego come from? He must have some sort of personality disorder.
Just to add that had they stayed all of their narcissistic/woke/self serving traits would have probably stayed hidden/ been covered up. By leaving the relative protection of TRF their true horrid personalities and grifting is open season for anyone with half a brain (ref to the sugars etc). I agree they will never be anything special
I believe Trump has started his 2024 campaign again and has quite a good turn out - so let’s see if she puts up and runs against him - oh go on Megzy that will give us Tattlers 3 more years on this thread 😀
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Wackie Jeaver

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there's a lot in life that's pissing me off today. Judith Kerr's The Tiger Who Came to Tea has been called out for gender stereotyping; Pen Farthing has chartered a plane to rescue his 69 staff and animals with a further 130 places for refugees and that twat Ben Wallace won't let his plane land despite no public cost; and although it's sunny it's blowing a bloody gale. The Cali Cunts are just the icing on the cake...
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Scotch Mist

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I believe that @Pom Bear is busy relaxing at a spa today and is having a cucumber treatment to cleanse herself from awful views of the Harkles! 😌

Believe me you get a different perspective on life when you're small ☺
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Have they sent them some nappies/diapers that were left over from the Procter and Gamble freebie?
They're very careful these days not to say what was donated because of the mickey-taking, I'm just hoping it was more than a couple of packs of sandwiches.
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My offering:
That Woman
Traitorous wannabes
Too Weird
Tight Wads
Tormenting William
Talentless Wastrels
Tainted WhatFredasays

Saw this article on Facebook - a few points, they are allowed out and do “normal” activities (contradicts M and the fact she felt locked up etc) no images of the children or DoC (just like there never was any pictures of M in public apart from her staged pap walks and none of Archie) shows HW bullshit about privacy — they had the most privacy when they lived at KP!!

also can’t imagine Princess Smeghan taking her sprogs to the local shop or stationary store - you know because she’s too famous
Sophie Wessex and her kids are sometimes spotted out shopping too. Smeg’s claim that she wasn’t allowed out was for an American audience who wouldn’t know any differently.
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I'm sorry for going off topic, I usually just read and barely every post. Life's been a bitch for months, whenever I have time, I come here and it's not even about the two clowns anymore, it's your creativity, sense of humour and this little corner of internet where you're always guaranteed a good laugh, coffee on the phone screen that went through my nose and some encouragement, thank you ❤😘🥰
Hello and welcome.
Sorry life is hard for you right now but I’m glad we help a little.
If you feel able, please join in whenever you can, but no worries if you prefer to just read instead.
There is also a Tea and Sympathy thread lower down the forum in the “Off Topic” section and several of us post there for support too.
Take care x

EDIT to add the link…
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Churchill's Ghost

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They haven’t named the person because it wasn’t a nefarious racist conversation. It was most likely someone in the family joking that maybe her genes would override his ginger genes. He didn’t go back and talk to them because it wasn’t offensive and he wasn’t offended until HW convinced that it obviously must have been.
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Lady C 'plunging right in'

Video starts re. Afghanistan and Lady C links to comprehensive article in Times for anyone interested. Lady C annoyed that Smeg and Haz have made sure we know they made a donation (to Afghan women) through Scooby but not how much. Attempting to capture the limelight in an awful situation. Should Smeg open up her home to refugees? Would be very virtue signalling action by her. She delightfully describes Smeg and Haz as 'airheads, facile, shallow, ignorant, posturing'.
Haz's negativity has maximised and his positivity has minimised. He will probably attack Camilla in his memoirs even though both him and PW were aware that Charles and Diana were never going to stay together, and Camilla is the right woman for PC.
Meghan lives out her created character 24/7. Dominant and opportunistic, a shrieking banshee by all accounts, bullying staff and underlings.
Meg unwilling to learn the royal ropes. Couldn't risk the staff learning of her agenda to beat a track back to USA by age 40. Why she dispensed with services of mentors like Angela Kelly and Lady Susan Hussey early on. Unrealistic in expectations but devious in planning.
İt is true that TQ is lawyering up. We won't know 98% of what is planned. Royal bitchslap coming for Megsy Baby. TRF will be civilised even though they are still reeling from Megxit and Orca accusations. They are not going to allow M & H to create more chaos with their lies - they have played victim, race, daddy cut me off cards so far.
Cost of constant self-promoting PR questioned. Grandiosity plays a big part - talking up huge figures, hot air, pretend what you want to be. Tasteless jewellery, chicken feet in too-big shoes, inappropriate undergarments, ill-fitting wedding dress screams no class. Video ends with some speculation on possibility of Smeg partnering up with Bill Gates......
Thanks missus. Brilliant synopsis.
I so agree on the lawyer stuff. Most of what those guys do is done behind the scenes and we will never know about it unless it gets to actual court stuff (which is unlikely). I think they'll be told to recant some stuff and rephrase other stuff and we'll never even be aware of it. I'm happy to believe the leak that some things are indeed being addressed.
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Scotch Mist

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According to Richard Eden in The Mail Smegatron is still friends with my little pony Jess, not that we give a shite !
But of course mean girl Jess (along with Marcus and Dorito) was in on the con from the start.

Does anyone else find it odd that the Harkles have to put out puff pieces such as 'they still zoom the Queen every week' or that they 'are closer than ever with Kate and William and they zoom over cooking dinner' yeah right 😉 😅

Putting out statements about their 'friendships' a real low for the Harkles when the world is thinking about tragic events in Afghanistan.

I don't believe that anyone in the RF has talked to VolderMeg since the Orca interview and she has no friends other than the people she pays like melt face.

So how much is Jessica's silence costing?
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All I will say is this is disgustingly self centred bullshit and more evidence of a poor is me, victim mentality. It is laughable. And thank goodness that hopefully anything in the future that he may attend, will be brief and heavily controlled so he won’t have anything much to add. Notice I haven’t included Megabitch in the future visits. My hope she never touches foot in bloody Britain ever again. Bitch can stay in America.

Let this new bullshit out and be said in the open because once it is said it’s
old news. A lot of it is just a rehash already, not new, so how many times can they rehash bullshit. Its the same bullshit over and over again. So bloody boring.

I agree with you. I have always felt titles for their kiddies have been their biggest wish. When they were told no to that, it became all about revenge. Their egos believed they could take revenge and come out smelling like roses with everyone on their side. They under estimated that part immensely. If their kiddies don’t get titles, and they have milked the royal connection to death, then they don’t care about the monachy and how much damage they do. They know there will be streamlining and their kiddies will not be part of the new monachy so revenge and bitterness have taken over. It’s as simple as that. If the RF were to give the kiddies titles, they would do a 180 in a heartbeat. JMHO.
I think this is true. Their egos are staggering - when has the sixth in line ever been given the status and importance Mr & Mrs Six expect? Aldi and Lidl are only great grandchildren of the monarch who are not in the direct line of succession. And that’s the part they seem unable to grasp or accept…they want their children treated exactly the same way as the Cambridge kids, but don't seem to be able to accept that the Cambridges are the direct line. If things go as expected Prince George will be king one day. Archie might become a used car calesman. He and his sister rank around the same as the Tindall kids. It’s laughable that Wallis and Vomit’s supporters claim they could topple the monarchy - they’re just not that important.

They are still trying to link the titles with getting security when that is not the case and the RF aren't even responsible for setting the level of security.

They do understand how it works, but the American public don’t. It’s a way of swaying public sympathy in their target audience.

I think the whole world has a vast shortage of decent leaders just look at all the idiots in office they do not have a fucking clue as to how people are feeling and also people are voting for leaders for stupid personal reasons, it's worrying.

If Potus falls we all fall especially if the Harris Harpy takes control.

US needs another election I am sorry to say, don't think they will get it unless they take to the streets and protest very loudly, such a shame to see such a powerful Country sink to this level. The Russians and Chinese must be pissing themselves.

This beacon of Democracy has made themselves a laughing stock, very sad😢😢😢
BIB - I think the modern day cult of celebrity has a lot to answer for. People no longer vote for politicians with education, intelligence, or ethics. No one who has any gravitas. It’s all about personality and vague, ill considered promises that do nothing other than get people to vote for them and are then either forgotten or watered down.
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Is there a reason she no longer posts here?
Has someone upset her?
No upset.....
She had/ has a lot going on. First of all it was clear up from the last hurricane and now her military son is seriously ill. 😣
She's a fighter though...😍
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Pippa M

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Excellent post written by Michael Conner from Quora:

'Harry is a traitor and Meghan is a spy.

Harry was born lazy with an innate sense of privilege and has serious anger issues, he was always going to cut and run. Meghan is an amoral mendacious opportunist who together with Soho House and Hollywood planned to make multi millions by infiltrating the royal family. Fortunately this agenda, first spotted by Prince William, is now known by The Palace organisation and the royal family have sadly accepted the painful reality of the situation. It is now clear that Meghan’s inexplicably destructive attitude at The Palace was quite deliberate; she had to engineer bad relationships with them to justify the latter day Flight Into Egypt, baby and all.
Therefore each and every contact between Harry and Meghan with any member of the royal family, no matter how junior, or any member of The Palace staff, no matter how distant that staff member may be from the centre, must be treated as an attempt to gather information.

Such Information will either be used in a television series or spread across social media to discredit the royal family, particularly The Queen, who Meghan hates to the point of insanity for standing up to her vicious lawlessness. Next in line for Meghan’s visceral hatred are the heirs: Prince Charles, Prince William and Prince George.

Anyone doubting what I say has never read a newspaper, let alone a book, in their entire life. The royal family know exactly where they stand with the Markles…they are the enemy.'
Excellently put and alarmingly accurate.
I see it more and more in their (Haz and Megs) eyes when new photos are posted in the papers. They look so arrogant. Dreadful pair.
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Mrs Fluff

VIP Member
According to Richard Eden in The Mail Smegatron is still friends with my little pony Jess, not that we give a shite !
But of course mean girl Jess (along with Marcus and Dorito) was in on the con from the start.

Does anyone else find it odd that the Harkles have to put out puff pieces such as 'they still zoom the Queen every week' or that they 'are closer than ever with Kate and William and they zoom over cooking dinner' yeah right 😉 😅

Putting out statements about their 'friendships' a real low for the Harkles when the world is thinking about tragic events in Afghanistan.

I don't believe that anyone in the RF has talked to VolderMeg since the Orca interview and she has no friends other than the people she pays like melt face.

So how much is Jessica's silence costing?
How does zoom cooking dinner work with an 8 hour time difference?🤷‍♀️
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She's a narcissist. She doesn't care about the heritage, the nations, & the history of the UK or the US, or any way of life besides what SHE wants. She is an embarrassment to the good people of both nations.
Just saw a good American article from Washington Post...
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This was the photo I tried to find ages ago with smirking markle and some poor old bloke kneeling to them. 😠
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