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Ministry of Defence Press Office


The final flight carrying UK Armed Forces personnel has left Kabul. To all those who served so bravely under enormous pressure and horrendous conditions to safely evacuate the most vulnerable of civilians: Thank you.

Not sure which emoticon to use.
Yes, I'm glad they're all finally out.
But also oh shit, the poor buggers left behind stuck there now.:(

Oh well cuntchops Farthing got his animals out and isn't that wonderful.:rolleyes: Now he'll be crying for money to house and feed them for the 4 months quarantine.

Pen Farthing, who flew back to the UK last night with his menagerie of animals rescued by the Nowzad charity, has also been accused of ‘bullying’ british gov officials officials.
A leaked voice message obtained by The Mail on Sunday has revealed the behind-the-scenes bitterness over the airlift, with Mr Farthing telling an Ministry of Defence official that he would ‘spend the rest of my time f****** destroying’ him if he did not secure clearance for a flight out of the country.
The official, Peter Quentin, an adviser to Defence Secretary Ben Wallace, is understood to have also received death threats from supporters of Mr Farthing as a result of his involvement in the animal rescue.

A defence source said: ‘This selfish charade has cost lives.’ Another source said the MoD’s help to evacuate animals meant ‘this is the first British Government explicitly committed to the idea of non-white people as equivalent to animals since the abolition of slavery.’
Yesterday, senior Tory MP and former soldier Tom Tugendhat issued a withering condemnation of the way MoD resources had been used for the animal evacuation.
Mr Tugendhat, who served in Afghanistan, revealed how his former interpreter, who is now stuck in Kabul, asked him: ‘Why is my five-year-old worth less than your dog?
I didn’t have an answer,’ he says.

The MP, who is chairman of the Commons Foreign Affairs Committee, told LBC: ‘People have been focusing on the aeroplanes. It’s not the aeroplanes that are the problem. There’s quite a lot of space on the aeroplanes.
They are coming and going relatively easily. The difficulty is getting people into and out of the airport.
‘And we have just used a lot of troops to bring in 200 dogs. Meanwhile, my interpreter’s family are likely to be killed.
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Innocent Hamster

Chatty Member
They are suing him because:

1) He's writing what they told him to write
2) He's not worth anything. Suing him would get them pennies. That's why they prefer to sue media companies. It's what she wanted with that ridiculous 'school walk' pap set-up, but no one bought the photos, no one published them, so she couldn't sue.
Oops, meant to say aren't suing, not are.

That's what happens when I type before my morning cuppa!

Reading the Mail's article on the leaked bits on the epilogue, I scribed some thoughts so I wouldn't be audibly screaming and scaring anyone. Quite glad the Mail did this, means I have even less enthusiasm to find me a copy of Finding Falsehoods (which was already in negative figures so that's impressive)
Claims from new biography chapter

Also BIOGRAPHY chapter?

Bolded parts are my reactions, normal text is taken from the article


The epilogue reveals that a source told authors Omid Scobie and Carolyn Durand that the Sussexes had considered naming the family member – but had ultimately decided not to. It also claimed that 'sources close to the Sussexes' had said that the Royal Family's reaction to the allegations made by the couple 'was not positive'. The source told the authors that there had to be 'some acknowledgment' about what the Sussexes went through for there to be 'progress'. In the updated edition, the authors write that the 'unaddressed' allegations 'have continued to threaten the Royal Family's image around the world' and 'could no doubt bring down the monarchy'. Sources told the authors that the Duke of Cambridge was said to be 'furious' after the interview because 'private family matters were being discussed in the public domain'.

If PWB is ‘never going to say who said something racist’ then why bring it up in the first place? They could not agree on who, what, when, why, so would they be able to agree on which member of the family may or may not have said something that possibly could have be construed negatively if your identity in this world is that of a victim?

“Recollections may vary” came DIRECTLY from HMTQ. There is no higher authority in the Royal Family. Quite right too, that the ‘unaddressed’ allegations are just that – PWB and Peg both hinted and suggested but never stated, never explained, never gave any evidence. Their raving rant of I AM VICTIM won’t bring down the monarchy – it has grown in strength, with more people who were ambivalent realising what ardent monarchists they are. That sentiment spreads across the Commonwealth, not just in the UK. [I have a close friend living in Asia and he and everyone he knows are disgusted with the Monteshito twerps and fully support HMTQ and the RF.]

Prince William is furious? Ha, pretty sure he has more than an army of equally furious people behind him. Aside from anything else, PWB and Peg need to learn the virtue of not airing your dirty laundry in public. It’s not the way to become popular, high-flying figures in the public eye. It makes you the laughing stock.

Authors Scobie and Durand wrote that Meghan had hoped to return with Harry but added: 'In truth, several members of the Royal Family are understood to have been 'quietly pleased' that Meghan stayed in California because they 'didn't want a circus' or, commented a senior royal source, 'the duchess creating a spectacle'.' They also claimed that the funeral was 'surreal' for Harry. They cited a source suggesting that saying goodbye to his grandfather was made even more difficult by being with family he hadn't seen in over a year 'while the world watched'.

We were given different reasons that Peg wouldn’t return for the funeral.
1 - She wanted PWB to decide if he needed her support
2 – She told friends she didn’t want to be the centre of attention
3 – Her pregnancy was too advanced, orders by doctors to stay
To now suggest the Royal Family didn’t want her creating a spectacle? One has to be a very special type of narcissist to attend a funeral and manage to steal the spotlight. The average person is too busy mourning, remembering and finding solace.

Are not funerals for dearly loved ones generally surreal? As one’s mind processes the idea that someone is truly gone and you’ll never be able to have that conversation or a hug etc.

Is it the Royal Family’s fault PWB had not seen them in a year – or indeed, his grandfather? He could have returned before Philip’s death (see, all the newspaper hints he would). But he was too busy having a hissy fit, spitting the dummy and generally acting like an overly spoilt, overtired toddler. Having the world watching is usual for an important royal event, how many events has he done with cameras? They were fairly respectful of the family during the service, and hey, during this covid time, many funerals have been streamed for those who want to be there but are not allowed for density requirements.

Philip’s funeral is NOT about PWB. It is about Prince Philip. It is about Her Majesty. It is about their children. And then the grandchildren and great-grandchildren and friends. Yes, it would be surreal and potentially devastating, but PWB is not the only one there, nor is he meant to be the centre of attention. It’s not about him.

The leaked epilogue claimed that Harry and Prince Charles, were only on 'light speaking terms' in the lead up to the funeral but that the pair chatted after the service at a small gathering at Windsor Castle. The book alleged that though there were many unresolved issues, the funeral had allowed for 'steps forward' in the 'healing process' for the pair. It also detailed how Harry and William had 'at least two further conversations' after the funeral beyond the chat they were seen having as they left St George's Chapel in Windsor. It added that Harry was also able to spend time with the Queen with a source saying: 'Her life of duty and service is one of the many ways in which she has inspired him to also serve.'

Ah yes, ‘light speaking terms’. “Pa, I need money.” “Then get a job.”
There ‘were’ many unresolved issues? Should that not be there ARE? It’s not healing for the pair, Charles needs it after everything that fuckwit and wife have put him through. How do these sources who are definitely not PWB and Peg know that PWB had two extra conversations with William and one with Charles? Spend time with the Queen, something in the nature of “sorry grandpa has died, Gangan.” She is so inspirational and wonderful for PWB that he couldn’t stick around for her birthday. Naturally.

The authors wrote: 'What has continued to be troubling for the couple, more than a year after their decision, is knowing that courtiers inside the institution are still appearing to actively undermine Harry and Meghan by deliberately leaking information to discredit them.'

What are these stories the naughty courtiers have been leaking to discredit them? You cannot throw such accusations in the air unless you have proof which you name. More importantly though, there are more leaks coming from the Monteshito camp than in a roof that’s half missing. The couple are doing just fine to discredit themselves without any help from anyone associated with the Palace. If courtiers are leaking stories, do they think it would be entirely without sanction from senior members of the Family?

The book claimed that Palace aides were actually instructed to brief the Press that the couple did not want a title for Archie. It said that in reality, the couple did want the option, 'given that it would provide their son with a level of security that only comes with a title'.

How many times must it be said that no great-grandchild of a monarch is titled Prince/ss? How does a title ensure a level of security? Princess Alexandra is not entitled security, although she is a princess of the blood. Archie is not a direct heir and will never be needed as a fulltime working royal, therefore he would never, even as a titled princeling, have security unless serving on behalf on the monarch.

Despite the fallout from Megxit and the couple's explosive Oprah interview, the book claims that the Sussexes have no regrets. A friend of Meghan told the authors that she found her interview with Oprah 'cathartic'. The friend added that all the things she had kept to herself or been 'too afraid to say' she felt 'safe to finally share. It was liberating'.

Of course they wouldn’t have any regrets. If they did, they would not have carried merrily on their way down the black hole they’re skipping down. ‘Safe to share’, perhaps, as you are no longer in and around the country and people you are deriding? It does always feel safe to say bitchy things about someone when you’re far away from them. Liberating in your plot for world domination?

The book also claimed that Harry and Meghan had a low-key second wedding anniversary in May 2020 when lockdown restrictions were imposed in California, and celebrated with a Mexican takeaway. The Sussexes spent the day at their nine-bedroom, 16-bathroom mansion – which they took out a mortgage to buy –'remembering their 2018 nuptials with people who had been involved in the ceremony' and 'exchanged cotton-based gifts, as is traditional for second wedding anniversaries'.

Because of course PWB and Peg HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THE BOOK. This level of detail is imagined. That’s why the lawsuits by the couple towards the authors are incoming and the book will never see daylight………..

The authors also offered a new take on Harry's financial situation in the run-up to their departure from the UK, saying if the couple had not had Harry's inheritance from his mother, they 'wouldn't have survived'.

The large sum Charles gave them as a final gift would not be able to sustain anyone on the planet at all, this is true. Why, anyone being given millions of pounds/dollars will instantly need to work five jobs just to keep the roof over their head and food on the table. Wot a bastard Pa is.

Harry commissioned a wreath but it was left in its box at a branch of the Royal British Legion in Kent, which, according to a source, left Harry feeling 'saddened and disappointed. The source told the authors: 'Ten years of service and a lifetime commitment to the military community and this is how it's been acknowledged by his family.'

Only working members of the Royal Family are allowed to have wreaths put out in their name. This is common knowledge. PWB would have known in advance that by stepping back from duties things like a Cenotaph wreath would no longer be for him.

I only scanned the article - I may read it in full later - but the complaints that Her Maj did nothing about the accusations they raised in the 'interview' with Orca while having the bullying allegations investigated is pathetic.

The bullying has been reported to the correct authorities to have it investigated, ie the palace's HR department. Accusations of racism were only made in a TV show, and with no specifics (because Mrs 6 hasn't decided yet who/what/where/when) how do you investigate something so vague against an unnamed guilty party?
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Didn't she also slide into Matt Cardle's DMs if I remember correctly?
She did. He rejected her as well. She also tried to get herself onto Made in Chelsea but they didn’t want her either.
Jesus H Christ Hazza! You really were the only stupid cunt who couldn’t see through the used up old slapper weren’t you?
It also makes you wonder how many other wealthy Brit men she tried to entice with roast chicken evenings. There’s probably quite a few that we’ll never know about.
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o, sorry, but no no no. Humans first, every time unless the human is a drug dealer or serial killer ... then save the pooches.
It was never one or the other, they don't occupy the same space, so perhaps you were a bit reactive.
I was also referring to a previous point wherein the sixwife (I like that one) left her dog behind to move to London because he was too old. A) he was not old. B) sixwife was allegedly a millionaire who could have hired a private jet and a veterinarian to accompany her on the flight but still left her first dog behind.(we know she has no aversion to private jets) As to the dog not liking hairy, who does?? That's just a question of training and management.

The tragedy of the fall of Afghanistan and the gross mismanagement of the Biden regime will haunt our world for many years.
i disagree with this, it is only because the dogs are not adopted. I have a puppy and he means as much to me as a child would. Am too old so will never have my own children so he is effectively my child. You need to question more why the evacuation flights were filled with men leaving their women behind to the Taliban. Like who would do that.
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Happy Lady

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Pathetic little man

People are now starting to come out of the woodwork. Charles needs to get a grip with his younger son, lay it on the line, and if Hairy doesn't man up, then he needs every title removed. Madam won't like that!
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Been thinking about Porker Winfrey. I wonder how the friendship with smeggy is going these days?
As if knowing smeggy fed her a pack of lies and makes her look like a douche wasn't enough, she gets it rubbed in further by seeing smeggy snubbed for the Obama bash. It must sting like hell knowing Barack and Michelle saw right through the snarkles and chose not to include them in the huge crowd of 500 invited to the birthday bash, while they (the snarkles) took her for a mug on international telly.
All that money and no common sense or ethics ... sucks to be you, eh Porker?🤪

For the cat & dog folk. It seems the animals are in the air as we speak. Maybe even landed somewhere safe by now.
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Thread idea based on Scobie's statements and Harry's Oprah show!

Harry and Meghan #135 New era of visibility, it's the us you can't bear to see!
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Murphy Brown

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She's just so crazy. What sort of person in their right mind would think they can go up against the Queen?
Meghan has been relying on the BRF's 'never complain, never explain' policy and now it's backfired. Did she really think different attacks against the BRF in the media would work for her?
The Queen has way more money, way better lawyers and way more clout. The most stupid part of it is that it makes both Harry and Meghan look like total loose cannons that no company would align with. I honestly have no idea what Harry and Meghan are thinking. Harry seems to be hinting that he will release a book claiming that the BRF had Diana killed. Did he really think that would not cause a fight? .
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The weirdest thing looking back at it is just how deeply ungrateful she was from the state. An ageing, divorced biracial actress from a fairly unsavoury family was welcomed into the BRF.
She didn't pay a cent towards her own wedding - dress, reception, nothing. She was given cash, holidays, clothes, jewellery. Prince Charles even gave her a diamond tennis bracelet. Given millions of dollars when she decides she doesn't want to do the job anymore.
And before she's even married she's demanding access to the Queen's jewellery. Then throwing her weight around as though she had any idea about running a foundation and knew better than everyone. She really must have some sort of substance problem because her behaviour is just so unhinged.
The family had very certainly heard the rumours about her being a prostitute, yet still helped and supported her family members, financially and with the media.
Yet somehow from the start she decided she was better than them. It's just so completely bizarre.
She was welcomed into the RF because she's bi-racial and they feared accusations of racism. But who knew she was? She certainly described herself as Caucasian on her CV. Harry in his Nazi outfit? Was that ok with her? And that 'what M wants M gets' statement from no nuts. Does he think it makes her sound like a go-getting, dynamic businesswoman? No H it makes her sound like a spoilt, entitled bullying bitch. Which we now know she is. But it's your brother who's trapped eh?
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Why is everything so artificial now they saying he had a “very special reunion” with queen at funeral. Fk sake no he didn’t she prob said hello reluctantly.
Have you noticed that everything is special with these two? Special relationship, special reunion, special snowflakes. When everything is special, nothing is.
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Pom Bear

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New thread 🥰😘🥰🥰🥰💖 x.

I'm on page 51 of last thread..I be catching up in abit. Hope the water isn't too cold at Niagara Falls my swimming cap on 🙂 x

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Reading the Mail's article on the leaked bits on the epilogue, I scribed some thoughts so I wouldn't be audibly screaming and scaring anyone. Quite glad the Mail did this, means I have even less enthusiasm to find me a copy of Finding Falsehoods (which was already in negative figures so that's impressive)
Claims from new biography chapter

Also BIOGRAPHY chapter?

Bolded parts are my reactions, normal text is taken from the article


The epilogue reveals that a source told authors Omid Scobie and Carolyn Durand that the Sussexes had considered naming the family member – but had ultimately decided not to. It also claimed that 'sources close to the Sussexes' had said that the Royal Family's reaction to the allegations made by the couple 'was not positive'. The source told the authors that there had to be 'some acknowledgment' about what the Sussexes went through for there to be 'progress'. In the updated edition, the authors write that the 'unaddressed' allegations 'have continued to threaten the Royal Family's image around the world' and 'could no doubt bring down the monarchy'. Sources told the authors that the Duke of Cambridge was said to be 'furious' after the interview because 'private family matters were being discussed in the public domain'.

If PWB is ‘never going to say who said something racist’ then why bring it up in the first place? They could not agree on who, what, when, why, so would they be able to agree on which member of the family may or may not have said something that possibly could have be construed negatively if your identity in this world is that of a victim?

“Recollections may vary” came DIRECTLY from HMTQ. There is no higher authority in the Royal Family. Quite right too, that the ‘unaddressed’ allegations are just that – PWB and Peg both hinted and suggested but never stated, never explained, never gave any evidence. Their raving rant of I AM VICTIM won’t bring down the monarchy – it has grown in strength, with more people who were ambivalent realising what ardent monarchists they are. That sentiment spreads across the Commonwealth, not just in the UK. [I have a close friend living in Asia and he and everyone he knows are disgusted with the Monteshito twerps and fully support HMTQ and the RF.]

Prince William is furious? Ha, pretty sure he has more than an army of equally furious people behind him. Aside from anything else, PWB and Peg need to learn the virtue of not airing your dirty laundry in public. It’s not the way to become popular, high-flying figures in the public eye. It makes you the laughing stock.

Authors Scobie and Durand wrote that Meghan had hoped to return with Harry but added: 'In truth, several members of the Royal Family are understood to have been 'quietly pleased' that Meghan stayed in California because they 'didn't want a circus' or, commented a senior royal source, 'the duchess creating a spectacle'.' They also claimed that the funeral was 'surreal' for Harry. They cited a source suggesting that saying goodbye to his grandfather was made even more difficult by being with family he hadn't seen in over a year 'while the world watched'.

We were given different reasons that Peg wouldn’t return for the funeral.
1 - She wanted PWB to decide if he needed her support
2 – She told friends she didn’t want to be the centre of attention
3 – Her pregnancy was too advanced, orders by doctors to stay
To now suggest the Royal Family didn’t want her creating a spectacle? One has to be a very special type of narcissist to attend a funeral and manage to steal the spotlight. The average person is too busy mourning, remembering and finding solace.

Are not funerals for dearly loved ones generally surreal? As one’s mind processes the idea that someone is truly gone and you’ll never be able to have that conversation or a hug etc.

Is it the Royal Family’s fault PWB had not seen them in a year – or indeed, his grandfather? He could have returned before Philip’s death (see, all the newspaper hints he would). But he was too busy having a hissy fit, spitting the dummy and generally acting like an overly spoilt, overtired toddler. Having the world watching is usual for an important royal event, how many events has he done with cameras? They were fairly respectful of the family during the service, and hey, during this covid time, many funerals have been streamed for those who want to be there but are not allowed for density requirements.

Philip’s funeral is NOT about PWB. It is about Prince Philip. It is about Her Majesty. It is about their children. And then the grandchildren and great-grandchildren and friends. Yes, it would be surreal and potentially devastating, but PWB is not the only one there, nor is he meant to be the centre of attention. It’s not about him.

The leaked epilogue claimed that Harry and Prince Charles, were only on 'light speaking terms' in the lead up to the funeral but that the pair chatted after the service at a small gathering at Windsor Castle. The book alleged that though there were many unresolved issues, the funeral had allowed for 'steps forward' in the 'healing process' for the pair. It also detailed how Harry and William had 'at least two further conversations' after the funeral beyond the chat they were seen having as they left St George's Chapel in Windsor. It added that Harry was also able to spend time with the Queen with a source saying: 'Her life of duty and service is one of the many ways in which she has inspired him to also serve.'

Ah yes, ‘light speaking terms’. “Pa, I need money.” “Then get a job.”
There ‘were’ many unresolved issues? Should that not be there ARE? It’s not healing for the pair, Charles needs it after everything that fuckwit and wife have put him through. How do these sources who are definitely not PWB and Peg know that PWB had two extra conversations with William and one with Charles? Spend time with the Queen, something in the nature of “sorry grandpa has died, Gangan.” She is so inspirational and wonderful for PWB that he couldn’t stick around for her birthday. Naturally.

The authors wrote: 'What has continued to be troubling for the couple, more than a year after their decision, is knowing that courtiers inside the institution are still appearing to actively undermine Harry and Meghan by deliberately leaking information to discredit them.'

What are these stories the naughty courtiers have been leaking to discredit them? You cannot throw such accusations in the air unless you have proof which you name. More importantly though, there are more leaks coming from the Monteshito camp than in a roof that’s half missing. The couple are doing just fine to discredit themselves without any help from anyone associated with the Palace. If courtiers are leaking stories, do they think it would be entirely without sanction from senior members of the Family?

The book claimed that Palace aides were actually instructed to brief the Press that the couple did not want a title for Archie. It said that in reality, the couple did want the option, 'given that it would provide their son with a level of security that only comes with a title'.

How many times must it be said that no great-grandchild of a monarch is titled Prince/ss? How does a title ensure a level of security? Princess Alexandra is not entitled security, although she is a princess of the blood. Archie is not a direct heir and will never be needed as a fulltime working royal, therefore he would never, even as a titled princeling, have security unless serving on behalf on the monarch.

Despite the fallout from Megxit and the couple's explosive Oprah interview, the book claims that the Sussexes have no regrets. A friend of Meghan told the authors that she found her interview with Oprah 'cathartic'. The friend added that all the things she had kept to herself or been 'too afraid to say' she felt 'safe to finally share. It was liberating'.

Of course they wouldn’t have any regrets. If they did, they would not have carried merrily on their way down the black hole they’re skipping down. ‘Safe to share’, perhaps, as you are no longer in and around the country and people you are deriding? It does always feel safe to say bitchy things about someone when you’re far away from them. Liberating in your plot for world domination?

The book also claimed that Harry and Meghan had a low-key second wedding anniversary in May 2020 when lockdown restrictions were imposed in California, and celebrated with a Mexican takeaway. The Sussexes spent the day at their nine-bedroom, 16-bathroom mansion – which they took out a mortgage to buy –'remembering their 2018 nuptials with people who had been involved in the ceremony' and 'exchanged cotton-based gifts, as is traditional for second wedding anniversaries'.

Because of course PWB and Peg HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THE BOOK. This level of detail is imagined. That’s why the lawsuits by the couple towards the authors are incoming and the book will never see daylight………..

The authors also offered a new take on Harry's financial situation in the run-up to their departure from the UK, saying if the couple had not had Harry's inheritance from his mother, they 'wouldn't have survived'.

The large sum Charles gave them as a final gift would not be able to sustain anyone on the planet at all, this is true. Why, anyone being given millions of pounds/dollars will instantly need to work five jobs just to keep the roof over their head and food on the table. Wot a bastard Pa is.

Harry commissioned a wreath but it was left in its box at a branch of the Royal British Legion in Kent, which, according to a source, left Harry feeling 'saddened and disappointed. The source told the authors: 'Ten years of service and a lifetime commitment to the military community and this is how it's been acknowledged by his family.'

Only working members of the Royal Family are allowed to have wreaths put out in their name. This is common knowledge. PWB would have known in advance that by stepping back from duties things like a Cenotaph wreath would no longer be for him.
All I will say is this is disgustingly self centred bullshit and more evidence of a poor is me, victim mentality. It is laughable. And thank goodness that hopefully anything in the future that he may attend, will be brief and heavily controlled so he won’t have anything much to add. Notice I haven’t included Megabitch in the future visits. My hope she never touches foot in bloody Britain ever again. Bitch can stay in America.

Let this new bullshit out and be said in the open because once it is said it’s
old news. A lot of it is just a rehash already, not new, so how many times can they rehash bullshit. Its the same bullshit over and over again. So bloody boring.

I thought PWB said in the engagement interview that TQ's dogs "adored" TW? Much like PP "adored" her? Clutching my pearls, can't believe that they would have LIED about that?

I think the key to everything is the nugget that they wanted the "option" of a title for Archie and were "forced" to say that the lack of a title was their choice. That is the pill that has been sticking in her craw and, in my opinion, was the driving force for all of this.

On what planet did they think that attacking the family publicly, without even attempting to speak to them privately, would create space for healing? What color is the sky in their world?
I agree with you. I have always felt titles for their kiddies have been their biggest wish. When they were told no to that, it became all about revenge. Their egos believed they could take revenge and come out smelling like roses with everyone on their side. They under estimated that part immensely. If their kiddies don’t get titles, and they have milked the royal connection to death, then they don’t care about the monachy and how much damage they do. They know there will be streamlining and their kiddies will not be part of the new monachy so revenge and bitterness have taken over. It’s as simple as that. If the RF were to give the kiddies titles, they would do a 180 in a heartbeat. JMHO.
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Listening to Biden give a speech is like listening to the kids at primary school who couldn't read very well. They pause and cough and take ages to get all the words out and it's hard to be patient with them. Only difference is listening to those kids made the listeners fall asleep but when Biden speaks it looks like he's falling asleep in the middle of a sentence.
Now he's saying he's going to hunt the enemy down - how's that gonna work then when you've pulled all the troops out?

FFS how did this guy get voted in?????? [Was Trumpo right and the result was rigged?? Makes me wonder]

I don't know which is worse, the Biden style of speaking, or a Harry/Meghan public address where they waffle on saying lots of words that don't actually mean anything.

EDIT - both styles. I hate 'em both.
My cousin voted for Biden purely because he wanted to “get back to people speaking politely to each other”. I think lots of people felt like that, exhausted by Trump (or more precisely by the media’s total hatred of him). That kind of sums up for me the utter banality and mediocrity of public life and our current political and media class - that you would vote for someone purely because they won’t offend your polite little middle class ears, and that’s the best you can hope for.

I on the other hand could see a lot of possibility with Trump. I also knew Biden was a fucking idiot so at least I’m not disappointed there. I make a point of loudly and boringly reminding family and friends of that because I took so much flak at the time for not voting for such a goon.
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Apparently Harry and Meghan’s first cinematic masterpiece will be called “Escaping the Palace” which judging by the title will be an inspirational tale of the couple escaping a life of publicly funded extreme wealth and privilege to a life of Netflix/Oprah funded extreme wealth and privilege.

The Only Way is Windsor?
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Reading the Mail's article on the leaked bits on the epilogue, I scribed some thoughts so I wouldn't be audibly screaming and scaring anyone. Quite glad the Mail did this, means I have even less enthusiasm to find me a copy of Finding Falsehoods (which was already in negative figures so that's impressive)
Claims from new biography chapter

Also BIOGRAPHY chapter?

Bolded parts are my reactions, normal text is taken from the article


The epilogue reveals that a source told authors Omid Scobie and Carolyn Durand that the Sussexes had considered naming the family member – but had ultimately decided not to. It also claimed that 'sources close to the Sussexes' had said that the Royal Family's reaction to the allegations made by the couple 'was not positive'. The source told the authors that there had to be 'some acknowledgment' about what the Sussexes went through for there to be 'progress'. In the updated edition, the authors write that the 'unaddressed' allegations 'have continued to threaten the Royal Family's image around the world' and 'could no doubt bring down the monarchy'. Sources told the authors that the Duke of Cambridge was said to be 'furious' after the interview because 'private family matters were being discussed in the public domain'.

If PWB is ‘never going to say who said something racist’ then why bring it up in the first place? They could not agree on who, what, when, why, so would they be able to agree on which member of the family may or may not have said something that possibly could have be construed negatively if your identity in this world is that of a victim?

“Recollections may vary” came DIRECTLY from HMTQ. There is no higher authority in the Royal Family. Quite right too, that the ‘unaddressed’ allegations are just that – PWB and Peg both hinted and suggested but never stated, never explained, never gave any evidence. Their raving rant of I AM VICTIM won’t bring down the monarchy – it has grown in strength, with more people who were ambivalent realising what ardent monarchists they are. That sentiment spreads across the Commonwealth, not just in the UK. [I have a close friend living in Asia and he and everyone he knows are disgusted with the Monteshito twerps and fully support HMTQ and the RF.]

Prince William is furious? Ha, pretty sure he has more than an army of equally furious people behind him. Aside from anything else, PWB and Peg need to learn the virtue of not airing your dirty laundry in public. It’s not the way to become popular, high-flying figures in the public eye. It makes you the laughing stock.

Authors Scobie and Durand wrote that Meghan had hoped to return with Harry but added: 'In truth, several members of the Royal Family are understood to have been 'quietly pleased' that Meghan stayed in California because they 'didn't want a circus' or, commented a senior royal source, 'the duchess creating a spectacle'.' They also claimed that the funeral was 'surreal' for Harry. They cited a source suggesting that saying goodbye to his grandfather was made even more difficult by being with family he hadn't seen in over a year 'while the world watched'.

We were given different reasons that Peg wouldn’t return for the funeral.
1 - She wanted PWB to decide if he needed her support
2 – She told friends she didn’t want to be the centre of attention
3 – Her pregnancy was too advanced, orders by doctors to stay
To now suggest the Royal Family didn’t want her creating a spectacle? One has to be a very special type of narcissist to attend a funeral and manage to steal the spotlight. The average person is too busy mourning, remembering and finding solace.

Are not funerals for dearly loved ones generally surreal? As one’s mind processes the idea that someone is truly gone and you’ll never be able to have that conversation or a hug etc.

Is it the Royal Family’s fault PWB had not seen them in a year – or indeed, his grandfather? He could have returned before Philip’s death (see, all the newspaper hints he would). But he was too busy having a hissy fit, spitting the dummy and generally acting like an overly spoilt, overtired toddler. Having the world watching is usual for an important royal event, how many events has he done with cameras? They were fairly respectful of the family during the service, and hey, during this covid time, many funerals have been streamed for those who want to be there but are not allowed for density requirements.

Philip’s funeral is NOT about PWB. It is about Prince Philip. It is about Her Majesty. It is about their children. And then the grandchildren and great-grandchildren and friends. Yes, it would be surreal and potentially devastating, but PWB is not the only one there, nor is he meant to be the centre of attention. It’s not about him.

The leaked epilogue claimed that Harry and Prince Charles, were only on 'light speaking terms' in the lead up to the funeral but that the pair chatted after the service at a small gathering at Windsor Castle. The book alleged that though there were many unresolved issues, the funeral had allowed for 'steps forward' in the 'healing process' for the pair. It also detailed how Harry and William had 'at least two further conversations' after the funeral beyond the chat they were seen having as they left St George's Chapel in Windsor. It added that Harry was also able to spend time with the Queen with a source saying: 'Her life of duty and service is one of the many ways in which she has inspired him to also serve.'

Ah yes, ‘light speaking terms’. “Pa, I need money.” “Then get a job.”
There ‘were’ many unresolved issues? Should that not be there ARE? It’s not healing for the pair, Charles needs it after everything that fuckwit and wife have put him through. How do these sources who are definitely not PWB and Peg know that PWB had two extra conversations with William and one with Charles? Spend time with the Queen, something in the nature of “sorry grandpa has died, Gangan.” She is so inspirational and wonderful for PWB that he couldn’t stick around for her birthday. Naturally.

The authors wrote: 'What has continued to be troubling for the couple, more than a year after their decision, is knowing that courtiers inside the institution are still appearing to actively undermine Harry and Meghan by deliberately leaking information to discredit them.'

What are these stories the naughty courtiers have been leaking to discredit them? You cannot throw such accusations in the air unless you have proof which you name. More importantly though, there are more leaks coming from the Monteshito camp than in a roof that’s half missing. The couple are doing just fine to discredit themselves without any help from anyone associated with the Palace. If courtiers are leaking stories, do they think it would be entirely without sanction from senior members of the Family?

The book claimed that Palace aides were actually instructed to brief the Press that the couple did not want a title for Archie. It said that in reality, the couple did want the option, 'given that it would provide their son with a level of security that only comes with a title'.

How many times must it be said that no great-grandchild of a monarch is titled Prince/ss? How does a title ensure a level of security? Princess Alexandra is not entitled security, although she is a princess of the blood. Archie is not a direct heir and will never be needed as a fulltime working royal, therefore he would never, even as a titled princeling, have security unless serving on behalf on the monarch.

Despite the fallout from Megxit and the couple's explosive Oprah interview, the book claims that the Sussexes have no regrets. A friend of Meghan told the authors that she found her interview with Oprah 'cathartic'. The friend added that all the things she had kept to herself or been 'too afraid to say' she felt 'safe to finally share. It was liberating'.

Of course they wouldn’t have any regrets. If they did, they would not have carried merrily on their way down the black hole they’re skipping down. ‘Safe to share’, perhaps, as you are no longer in and around the country and people you are deriding? It does always feel safe to say bitchy things about someone when you’re far away from them. Liberating in your plot for world domination?

The book also claimed that Harry and Meghan had a low-key second wedding anniversary in May 2020 when lockdown restrictions were imposed in California, and celebrated with a Mexican takeaway. The Sussexes spent the day at their nine-bedroom, 16-bathroom mansion – which they took out a mortgage to buy –'remembering their 2018 nuptials with people who had been involved in the ceremony' and 'exchanged cotton-based gifts, as is traditional for second wedding anniversaries'.

Because of course PWB and Peg HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THE BOOK. This level of detail is imagined. That’s why the lawsuits by the couple towards the authors are incoming and the book will never see daylight………..

The authors also offered a new take on Harry's financial situation in the run-up to their departure from the UK, saying if the couple had not had Harry's inheritance from his mother, they 'wouldn't have survived'.

The large sum Charles gave them as a final gift would not be able to sustain anyone on the planet at all, this is true. Why, anyone being given millions of pounds/dollars will instantly need to work five jobs just to keep the roof over their head and food on the table. Wot a bastard Pa is.

Harry commissioned a wreath but it was left in its box at a branch of the Royal British Legion in Kent, which, according to a source, left Harry feeling 'saddened and disappointed. The source told the authors: 'Ten years of service and a lifetime commitment to the military community and this is how it's been acknowledged by his family.'

Only working members of the Royal Family are allowed to have wreaths put out in their name. This is common knowledge. PWB would have known in advance that by stepping back from duties things like a Cenotaph wreath would no longer be for him.
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