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Lovely new thread. Many thanks to @50sGirl for the title. Not just the most popular title but the most popular post in the thread!
Old thread here:

We don't like Meghan and Harry
We don't like Scobies
We don't like Sugars
Forgotten everything else, can someone fill in the blanks please?
Also it seems HM is lawyering up to fight back at long last.
Scoobie may have been Markled.
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the musician

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I’ve just noticed it says this: “The book alleges that palace courtiers had lied to the media over Meghan and Harry's wishes on the issue of Archie not being made a prince, claiming that the couple did in fact want this option”. Harry ought to have known his place. How on earth can he think his children are of an equal status to William’s children? Plus his father’s plans to slim down the monarchy have been known for decades. I’m sure they all loved Archie but H&M were upset that he wasn’t getting equal treatment (i.e. a princely title) like the Cambridge children.

I still think that HW is the driving force behind all of this but Haz is definitely a willing participant. He’ll do anything to make her happy. They think they’ve got the Queen in their back pocket. That’s why in the Oprah interview they made some stupid claim about the Queen not being able to make her own decisions when she’s the head of the nation. It’s been mentioned before that HW thinks that with her false accusations via Scobie she can get Harry as regent after the Queen dies. Harry is probably in on this plan too hence saying his father and brother are “trapped”.
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Ugh so plasic cunt face Scrotie thinks that naming the royal 'racist' is going to bring down the monarchy. The Harkles seem to think that people care about their lies and anything written by the melt 😆

There are people right now in actual grave danger and these two have the audacity and ignorance to whinge.
They are so tone deaf they need hearing aids.🦻

Anyway if they go ahead and accuse someone (Charles or William) I'm sure the person in question will fight back with a claim for 'defamation' against them.
This is exactly why they don’t name them. Some vague accusation has everyone looking at everyone. It’s an easy accusation to make as many will believe it.
Now they’re rewriting the ‘dentist’ appointment as a pap attack. I wonder how Backgrid knew they were there? 🙄
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Look and learn no6, this is how you do things when you have class --->

Prince William has sent a down-to-earth letter to a former Royal Marine, Sean Ivey, who lost his caravan in an arson attack, which he believed to be due to his stance on anti-social behaviour in his neighbourhood. In the letter, William wrote: “For a person to be put in such a position, simply due to having the moral courage to stand up for what is right, is reprehensible; I stand beside you.” He added that he had been “heartened” by how the public had supported Sean and his family, with an appeal receiving over £300,000.
Sean, who previously served in Afghanistan and Iraq, opened up about the letter, and revealed his amazement that the Prince had simply signed the letter ‘William’.
It hasn't even got Prince William or His Royal Highness Prince William Duke of Cambridge, it's just William. He recognises the problem and I'm honoured he's said that.

I also bet it didn't have "please email this to this person at x newspaper on x date to publicise this letter as we really need some good publicity" on it.
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Yeah, same here. I was gonna make an airport announcement a few days ago when I was struggling in general with world events and these two cunts screaming for attention through megaphone scoobie, but I know that if I bid a flowery (temporary) farewell then sure as shit the montyshithole muppets will toss a grenade and try to stir some more shit and I'll be back in like Flynn battering my keyboard.:m
I was that bored I went to look at the Katie Price threads, where I saw a few familiar posters yourself included!
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Yes, the donations from which they then deduct any expenses for themselves, leaving as little as 5% of the original amount donated which they graciously hand out with much pomp and ceremony to let the world know how magnanimous they are. BS :poop: :poop: :poop:
Thieving ,rich, low life fuckers, how the bleeding hell do they get away with it???
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Scotch Mist

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Hamster, these porn shots are the first photos on this thread I've EVER seen where you don't appear in the picture!!! Surely you could have squiffled yourself in somewhere??? 😂 On top of the box of sex toys? Clinging onto his leg?.... c'mon Scotchy!

Thank you @Cassandra333 and @50sGirl !
It was a terrible experience 😪
Not the buttplug again I hear you cry 🤯
As you can see I collapsed on the floor overcome by terror and the fumes 😃
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H moaning about his wreath not going on the Cenotaph is apparently in the new FF edit - NONE OF THE RF PLACE PERSONAL WREATHS YOU COMPLETE AND UTTER CRETIN!!!! - they have made this in to such a huge issue H knows the protocol of Remembrance Sunday surely?

How would Scrotie know there even was a wreath or that it stayed in the box if he hadn't had any contact with the Gruesomes? Their lawyers are again saying they have had nothing to do with the epilogue - BS - unless Scrotie is lying, he wouldn't do that would he? 🤔
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Biden has totally disrespected his oldest and most loyal ally and must pay the price.

He can go live with the Cali Cunts we know how she loves old people!!
They can put him in one of the chain of care homes that Dorito is somehow CEO of!
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Diamond Mel

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According to the authors of Finding Freedom, the couple were “furious” when they discovered the photographer had been tipped off about their presence at the medical centre

The photos in this article published in July.

And to save you a click this is the photos they're angry about

View attachment 730252
she must be the only fucking woman alive who chooses to wear white after a miscarriage or a supposed birth .....
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This annoys me. They updated to include Lilibet, but don’t update the rest to reflect what is happening. They are not “balancing their time”. Harry has made 2 short visits and Smeggy hasn’t been at all. How is that balancing their time? And don’t even get me started on “Honouring their duty” /

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Fertile young Tattlers will be pleased to know that the ASOS maternity dress worn by Minge in New Zealand while she was pregnant with Farch is now back in stock. She wore it in October 2018 so it's taken ASOS 3 years to recover from the bad publicity.

In the US press Nicki Swift writes: "Meghan Markle's Ring Might Be Getting An Upgrade". What are we to make of this? Has it worn away? Collapsed through wear and tear? It seems that nothing is private any more, and I'd not be surprised if her Ring Collapse starts a new #MyBum2 Bandwagon and we're in for more riots and looting and grief-stricken slebs on TV revealing their piles. Tattlers must brace themselves for a shit storm.
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Well this is interesting. I wonder who told her to post that stuff.

This stinks of the gruesome twosome trying to distance themselves from Scabies due to upcoming appeal/trial where they claimed they had no input into the book. They’re now trying to discredit him.
Have you noticed that in every recent interview Scabies has made sure he has declared he got his facts from a ”source” rather than directly from the couple? Me thinks he doth protest too much…
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View attachment 735379 🤣🤣🤣 X box Harry toy soldier's done something to his hair! Latest benj. Smallbrook

I know a bit about that kinda stuff - it doesn't look like a lace system yet, but he'll probably go for that when he gets more bald.

Guys can get stuff to attempt to camouflage the baldy bit so he's either used the coloured spray, the fibres or the compacted stuff.

The aerosol things come in different shades but unless the guy is very lucky, they are never an exact match and they end up with a kind of two-tone head. Likewise dying the remainder of their own hair to match the product is also tricky.

The fibres are literally sprinkled on and combed through [with a special comb that looks like those used to search for head lice] to give the appearance of thickness at the root - and again, getting the exact colour is tricky, and of course the fibre sprinkles can't hide a bald patch which is where the spray is used or there's another thing that comes in a pot and it looks like Blusher and that is applied to the bald bit on the scalp - and again, getting the right colour is tricky.

Then once the bald patch gets bigger and the hair around it gets thinner, the guy usually goes for a lace or a membrane system.

They're not like the toupees or wigs of old, they are more realistic.

The lace once is literally a lace 'skullcap' upon which real hair is woven and the membrane system is a skin-coloured very thin membrane upon which real hair is somehow attached. That one looks like real scalp and is barely detectable.

Because real hair is used for these, the wearer has a piece of their own hair taken by the manufacturers and they dye the hair systems to match.
They are widely used in TV and Film so, obviously, Meghan will know all about them.

They have to be replaced and cleaned often and run very expensive which is why its mainly Hollywood actors and wealthy TV stars who have them because they can afford to have them done so frequently.

Looks like Harry has started the first stage of colouring in the gaps and a system will be next.
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They are still trying to link the titles with getting security when that is not the case and the RF aren't even responsible for setting the level of security.

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Lady C's latest plunging right in.

Are Thomas Markle and Smeg partners in crime? Thomas Markle heartbroken at being dismissed in same way as Trevitty Trev. Struggles to accept enormity of rejection. Will she do the right thing and make contact wth him before he dies?
Only a sociopath thinks like Smeg. Facial expressions tell us everything A narcissist thinks they are special and unique and all attention on them - special above even TRF. Did not seem nervous at wedding - smug like the cat that got the cream. Samantha and Thomas Markle know who she truly is.
Rumours of friendly zoom calls with PW and Catherine?
Prob. PW and Catherine will attempt to mend fences at some point for appearances and civility's sake but they are too wise and have been too damaged and betrayed by H & M's behaviour to trust them or zoom them anytime soon.
What happens to Haz when Maggot dumps him? Can he return to UK and will he be welcomed and trusted in TRF again.
Hard to see how Haz would ever be comfortable living back with TRF or they be able to trust him. Background fear of Haz's suicide so they would prob. welcome him back into fold. Problems with 'resourcefulness' Haz has learnt - incompatible with being a proper royal. PW dismantled Fab Four because of distrust of Smeg.
Truth about Haz's time in Afghanistan needs to come out - Haz needs to tell truth eg gunner not pilot, guarded by ghurkas in bunkers. Lady C points out dilemmas of royals serving in military. Being protected v. carrying out dangerous duties. Haz apparently wanted to serve but was prevented. İf anything had happened to him, his comrades would have been discredited etc. so for their protection too. İn contrast Prince Andrew in Falklands was a genuine hero.
İf H re-integrated in royal duties (without Smeg) - will be problem but Haz will reach into positive side of personality to appear genuine.
Do H & M now regret supporting Biden? Biden is a metaphor for America's decline (commentator opinion not Lady C's). Smeg adept at jumping off sinking ships (sailing ships) when no longer heading towards her required destination. Smeg is concerned to find a way to milk the situation without scuppering a possible political career.
Latter part of video some discussion of current world situation, China, Republican and Democrat presidents...
Thank you for your summary Mardy you must be very patient! Nothing seems to be happening with the Harkles so I'm not posting, just lurking for a bit and keeping tabs on stuff.
As other posters have commented, these two are boring and only wind me up in defence of our Monarchy. H&M Are sour, stale, seedy and have a lot to answer for. Would it be a step too far to suggest that Minge's and Noballs's support for imbecile senile Biden helped him get in? Helped create the chaotic climate that lets this evil thrive? I don't believe that this would be happening if Trump was president. Fwiw I always thought the vote was rigged. Whatever, H&M cause trouble wherever they go and are a force for negativity and destruction .
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And please remember to keep voting in the Grifties. 1 MM, 2 Orca, 3 G King, 6 T Perry and 17 Robin DiAngelo (race baiting author)

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