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Apparently the sugars are trying to "cancel" Richard Eden for reporting the Cambridge donation to Invictus.
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I didn't read HM getting in lawyers as being specific to the book just a general "You've had your fun now. If there's any more crap from you two or any of your 'sources', you'll get slapped down hard"

Might be wrong though.
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Happy Lady

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So there's quite a number of top fighting machines who volunteered to stay behind in Afghanistan. This fills me with hope that they'll be helping to rescue more people, albeit that this article says different. Perhaps they have two jobs to complete. Good for them, all working together. I'm also thinking that they'll be disarming or destroying as much of the weapons left behind as possible - or even using some of it if needed.

Harry needs to take note. These are real men, dedicated to their country, who will do whatever it takes. They are not gutless, and don't have a "look at me" attitude.
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I wonder how she'll dump him. Is she going to have her "3 of us in this marriage" moment? Or is she going to accuse him of something even more serious?

If Harry's memoir includes a bunch of lies (which it most likely will), is this where the wife will be able to declare him insane so she gets custody of the kids?

She'll have a plan for how she will dump him, but seeing as her other plans have failed, maybe HE will dump HER.

I just wish the Press would dump them both and stop reporting about them.
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Oops, meant to say aren't suing, not are.

That's what happens when I type before my morning cuppa!

I only scanned the article - I may read it in full later - but the complaints that Her Maj did nothing about the accusations they raised in the 'interview' with Orca while having the bullying allegations investigated is pathetic.

The bullying has been reported to the correct authorities to have it investigated, ie the palace's HR department. Accusations of racism were only made in a TV show, and with no specifics (because Mrs 6 hasn't decided yet who/what/where/when) how do you investigate something so vague against an unnamed guilty party?
Maybe they expect the queen to do the actual investigating? Picture her as a cluedo character but add a pipe and a trench coat and an ultimate "tell me the truth or its off with your head".
Not sure what else they expect apart from maybe allowing those who are trained to do the job they need to do and investigate fully. Without the queen involved in any way so it will remain impartial. I think this may go back to megs impression of the royal family. That they can do anything they want because they are princes and princesses and queens. Like a Disney story. She/they still don't get it do they?
The queen isnt the ultimate authority, she is, in fact, the ultimate representative of the people. Not a dictator.
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Thieving ,rich, low life fuckers, how the bleeding hell do they get away with it???
I've read The Clintons made millions out of their 'Foundation' so that's probably where they got the idea from. Although I think a lot of others do exactly the same thing.
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I think the whole world has a vast shortage of decent leaders just look at all the idiots in office they do not have a fucking clue as to how people are feeling and also people are voting for leaders for stupid personal reasons, it's worrying.

If Potus falls we all fall especially if the Harris Harpy takes control.

US needs another election I am sorry to say, don't think they will get it unless they take to the streets and protest very loudly, such a shame to see such a powerful Country sink to this level. The Russians and Chinese must be pissing themselves.

This beacon of Democracy has made themselves a laughing stock, very sad😢😢😢
The politicians know how we're feeling. They just don't care. There is no legal mechanism in place that I know of for the US to have another presidential election until 2024. We are stuck with Biden until he finishes his term, dies, or strokes out. So strap in because we have 3.5 years more of stuff like this. If you think Kamala is going to do any better, or that the Democrats will hold the first woman president accountable for squat, then you haven't been paying attention. And yes, the Russians and Chinese are loving this because they sit around all day trying to come up with ways to destabilize governments and get weak leaders in place and we've done the work for them.

The RF seem to be hanging back on the bullying outcome or are they waiting to use it as ammo for the dicks stupid book, either way they owe it to us to announce the outcome since most of us have supported them during these outbursts from the petulant ponces they need slapping down now, sod family loyalty, it's gone way past that now
Even before Haz announced the book, the BRF said the results of the bullying investigation wouldn't be announced until next year-- IIRC sometime really close to the jubilee. So I'm wondering if they did know that the book was coming, or if they had gotten wind that something was going to happen next year. Still, legal stuff moves slowly so maybe I'm reading too much into it. I would hate for the staff to have to wait for justice simply because of PR games.
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I thought it was a visit to the dentist 🤔 wasn’t he having his ‘teef whitened - more crappy historical nothing ‘news’
that is as staged AF - her in the front in virgin white, him dragging along behind like a lost puppy - and above all else no one knew about the miscarriage so they were fair game - considering how long they have been living there 1 photo taken over a year ago is hardly being stalked by the media - wish they would STFU
It is staged - they’re Backgrid photos.

Didn’t we previously have a close up of what she had in the pouch?
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Ok, for all you Tarot people. Blackmail, yorks, backers, how did they really meet. All with a lovely Irish voice (i think)

Damn. I've been reading my new Radiant tarot card book, trying to absorb the card meanings prior to using the cards I bought. But frankly if the readings turn up this kinda crap I'll give up. Yes, lovely voice, but really?:unsure:

The Royals decided they needed black blood infusion via Hazza and it was discussed so openly that fergie knew of it and told Marcus A at soho house. No, not told ... SOLD ... yeah she sold the info for 40k to marcus A. :rolleyes:

after that shite I gave up. Seriously, she's nuts. I can just about overlook and smile at the theory (re injecting a splash of colour) but FFS, they aren't going to sit around openly discussing it as if deciding what colour to wear to Ascot.
Even as a non card reader (yet😜) and from reading just 20 pages in my shiny new tarot book my 'card intuition' says the 40k the cards threw up was money given to fergietwat for business introductions and interviews, not for top secret family info that the dopey tart would never in a gazillion years be permitted to hear.
Besides they didn't need to marry no6 off to a dusky maiden when William was already married to someone a lot duskier looking than smeggychops and from a family of dark hued people, so the future already looked relatively ginger free. Yes, George and Charlotte are fair, but Louis looks mediterranean, like his Middleton grandpa.
No6 could marry a ginger Russian homosexual vertically challenged man and it would make no difference to the basic line of succession.
As far as the family are concerned, ginger is SO last century darling and the future is not remotely orange.
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Murphy Brown

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Anyone else catch the retweet from murky Meg about a possible reason why we don't have any photos of the second cash cow?!
I went and had a look and I think it's a pretty crazy idea. Why would they have a surrogate without using their own donor material? And neither of them looks that way at all. Harry has had to deal with rumours of his father not being his father most of his life, which really must have been incredibly difficult.
I don't believe that Harry is deep down as much of a cunt as Meghan and I doubt he would support the idea of a baby who looks nothing like either parent.
And Meghan actually is a total cunt and doubt she would risk having a baby of unknown provenance - what if she were morbidly obese or very unattractive? Meghan would have to throw the baby in the bin. It's not like you can order Dakota or Elle Fanning.

I think there is definitely something very, very weird about the Lillbet situation but I don't think that's it.
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D. A.

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Hubby accidentally took my phone out tonight so I had to watch tele 😲
I have caught up on the Paralympics. PWB & TW need locking in a room & watch every bit of footage. They need to listen to those stories of determination, true grit & over coming so much. Then they need to watch their car crash interview & get their head out of their arses & realise what fuckwits they are.
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Pom Bear

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🥰😁 Thank you Pom - wot an honour 🎖❤

🤣 Wow 'the people's hamster' 🥰❤
Thanks so much that's fabulous 💋

When am I going to be interviewed? ☺😊

Well done @Scotch Mist did well at your interview 😄🥰❤🤗😘 x.


...and was rewarded to a lovely meal at your new office desk later that day 💖🥰😄😘 x.


Looks like you gone grey with stress at the interview so this should help 🥰🐹 x

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Happy new thread day Tattlers 🥳🥂🎉 thank you to those who created it ❤. Start to a new week and my heart's singing at the news no.6 is gonna have to face his grannie's lawyers. I sincerely hope Wallis and vomit are shitting themselves ,💩💩😃😃.
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I bet we will hear quite a bit from the Gruesomes this next week ..........

1) they will be unable to keep quiet on Tuesday - the anniversary of the death of Diana. We'll have the whole 'how sad, poor me losing my mother, affected me so much, blah blah blah' from Noballs. Then HW will have to put in her bit 'she would have backed us leaving the RF, she would have doted on her American grandchildren, look at the lovely jewellery I wear which belonged to her, blah blah blah'. May even release a picture or two of Harry when a little boy with his Mum as a loving tribute to her. :sick:

2) they will wait until Wednesday/Thursday to comment on 'the epilogue', don't want to overshadow Diana's death anniversary too soon. "We had nothing to do with this epilogue, don't know how they found out about how we celebrated our second wedding anniversary, blah blah blah"

Can't wait (not) but at least we will have something to tattle about :D
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ginger badger 001 text on.jpg

Damn. I've been reading my new Radiant tarot card book, trying to absorb the card meanings prior to using the cards I bought. But frankly if the readings turn up this kinda crap I'll give up. Yes, lovely voice, but really?:unsure:

The Royals decided they needed black blood infusion via Hazza and it was discussed so openly that fergie knew of it and told Marcus A at soho house. No, not told ... SOLD ... yeah she sold the info for 40k to marcus A. :rolleyes:

after that shite I gave up. Seriously, she's nuts. I can just about overlook and smile at the theory (re injecting a splash of colour) but FFS, they aren't going to sit around openly discussing it as if deciding what colour to wear to Ascot.
Even as a non card reader (yet😜) and from reading just 20 pages in my shiny new tarot book my 'card intuition' says the 40k the cards threw up was money given to fergietwat for business introductions and interviews, not for top secret family info that the dopey tart would never in a gazillion years be permitted to hear.
Besides they didn't need to marry no6 off to a dusky maiden when William was already married to someone a lot duskier looking than smeggychops and from a family of dark hued people, so the future already looked relatively ginger free. Yes, George and Charlotte are fair, but Louis looks mediterranean, like his Middleton grandpa.
No6 could marry a ginger Russian homosexual vertically challenged man and it would make no difference to the basic line of succession.
As far as the family are concerned, ginger is SO last century darling and the future is not remotely orange.

Nowhere in my tarot card book for dummies does it say any card relates to 40 thousand quid. So where did she get that from????
And the only time Prince Charles wanted some colour in his life was when he had the hots for Shiela Ferguson from the 3 degrees back in the 70s.

I'm a bit behind (have been for a while, hence the lack of posts because I have been reading the thread to catch up) - but does anyone else think that PWB might use the current situation in Afgto try and bolster his argument for security from the RF & UK - you know, I am a RF member (albeit a knob and grifter, currently non serving nor living in the UK by choice) and also an ex army ex Afghanistan veteran so possibly (i.e. for my purposes definitively) a target for the resurgent Taliban and ISIS K - So send over some SAS Protection ASAP!!!

He can have Pen Farthing to protect him and if he wants to come back to England, maybe Pen can find him some room on a charter plane full of stray dogs.
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Scotch Mist

VIP Member
I think the whole world has a vast shortage of decent leaders just look at all the idiots in office they do not have a fucking clue as to how people are feeling and also people are voting for leaders for stupid personal reasons.
I certainly agree with you about that statement. There's not a single person in power anywhere in the world that I admire these days. I don't know if it's because I'm old and extremely cynical but it's very worrying. I don't even want to vote for anyone anymore 😕

Unfortunately those who seek power are often the most unsuited to weald power because the vast majority are self serving narcissisic psychopaths.

In that sense VolderMeg would fit right in but she's not intelligent or hard skinned enough to make it (thank goodness).
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Here's what I think happened. Someone(probably a York) innocently said something like
" OH MY GOD Hazza, your babies with meg will be gorgeous. Hopefully none of them will have your ginger genes".
So it was more gingerist than racist.
I read something that suggested a set up. Perhaps Haz might have turned to Meg and said, ‘I wonder if the baby will be dark or fair’. And that would make the Oprah statement true, technically that would cover it. There’s your Senior Family member discussing the color of the babies skin.
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If they want to destroy the monarchy what is their reason?
Somebody once said some hurty words to Harry about his potential children being ginger and to destroy his whole family might make him feel better?

The pair of them use their Royal status to make money and keep them famous. So if the institution they leech from no longer exists, they have killed their golden goose. How stupid is that?

And if they think that a destroyed British Royal institution can be replaced by them... how stupid is THAT???

Idiots spouting big words in an effort to appear intelligent, when really they are just like Joey from Friends when he read one volume of the Encyclopaedia.

And their most stupid idea of all is that they might be able to destroy the monarchy in the first place.

Egos the size of a continent.
Talent the size of a pygmy flea's willy.

They can have the award for being stupid........

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I was thinking much the same thing. Just ‘Why?’ Does it all boil down to spite and revenge ? Money? They must be two of the most fortunate people on the planet, having a family life with plenty of money, their health (physical anyway), safety in their home, the world could have been at their feet had they acted differently. They could have led an idyllic life away from the cameras. Just what are they hoping will happen, what is their end goal ?
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I was thinking the best outcome for us tattlers is they lose princely a ducal titles, stay in awful wedded togetherness and we still have something to tattle about. It is too nice a community to lose.
This site has been a life saver for me with the laughs I've had, but don't worry @just_me 1954 I expect the Gruesomes will give us something to tattle about and laugh at for many years to come. I'm in this for the long haul. 😂

There is a comment under an article on the DM website. It's in the RF section, the one about HMQ getting legal advice on the cali2.
It said Scabie poo was on an American morning show telling the American people how much H loves his grandmother. Yeh right.
Scabie must have been instructed to lay the foundations in American minds of how much he loves her so that when Gangan sues him he can, yet again, play the victim. "I loved her so much, how could she do this to me?' etc etc

Give us a break Noballs, more and more people are starting to see right through your little games.
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Just to dial this back …this WHOLE debacle comes from Harry’s pathetic , spoilt kid outlook on life .

IF someone said something that was racist ( probably a York , as @freda19 says 🤣) Why didn’t he go back the next day and say how offended he was , have a showdown …Nine out of ten people would apologise , acknowledge their gross error and promise never to do it again…Tell them you don’t want anything to do with them if you are that offended. Or go public when it supposedly happened .

But he didn’t , did he , he festered and festered on it , like a sulky kid …then continues to fester …and the only way to find any redemption is to flee the country for his safety ( topical Huh ! ) and find absolution on Oprah.

This all came about as he is a petulant child who does not deal with things !!!!( Eg. Moves country without working out how to financially support himself )…….Weak, spoilt .
Just to add that he also told his supposedly hormonal pregnant suicidal wife.

The only member of the RF who has form for racism and commenting on skin colour is 6 so the only scenario I find believable is that he joked about it, "pregnant" wife found out and went ballistic and, being the man-child he is, he blamed someone else.
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