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I don’t think tiktok helps people like this at all. It just provides them with attention and enablers of their victim mentality. I’m not victim blaming at all. What Hannah says happened to her sounds horrific and I have no doubt that it has left deep scars. She isn’t responsible for what happened to her when she was a child but she is responsible for her behaviour as an adult instead of using her trauma as a shield against any kind of criticism and an excuse to treat others like shit.

She also switches it on and off when she needs something, she always has one of these screaming fits when her fridge is broken or she's run out of Dettol. The PayPal donations come rolling in.

Also she's a liar, if you can lie about a su1c1de attempt you can lie about anything so I take what she says with a pinch of salt. The kidnapped by crackhead dealers was yesterday's excuse for treating Badger like shit, not heard that one before but she seems to add a little detail here and there.
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That peachy is smacked off her t1ts ain't she? Got all jealous when Marge Simpson was on phone to her father.

Yyyyyyyou aiiiint seeeeen nothin yyyyyyyyet
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the cheek

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Needed to stick my pence in on H. I thought she was ok in the beginning until she went bat shit crazy over L because Peachy got jealous. Now she’s so vile towards people, says some right crap in front of her daughter. Her daughter is going to be damaged and traumatised by her own mother
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What the actual fuck. I haven't mentioned the girl today, I haven't messaged her. Fuck all. To be sent sr of Katie the kitty nipple feeding animal abuser twisting Hannah's head? all of this cus I was nice to Katie? For two fuckin days 🤣. But Katie's like ah babe what best friends haven't slagged eachother off, it's ok that badger was in a group chat slagging you off. But wasn't ok for me to be scooped up by Katie when I was hurt. And you're 100% I wanted u away from Katie Hannah, cus look what she's done to you already!! I ain't one of your pick me friends who would sit and say aww yeah let her back in and drug you again. YOU told the whole of tiktok Katie drugged u, Katie abused you, she filmed you at your most vulnerable. Any real friend would be like no don't go back there, after seeing you on your fucking knees because of that girl why the fuck would I encourage u to b around her. She's dangerous and you've said it yourself. I mean you NO harm Hannah. None. I was trying to save u from this fucking shit. Cus now I'm conspiring to get everyone against you? No not at all I even said to badger new year's eve make sure u stick by her cus she's gonna need u when Katie fucks her over again.. which she will. You've had Katie around a week and you're in thi state yet again. And yeah we was in a group chat, me and Riley were BEGGING badger not to walk away from you when you started talking to inkchick! When badger said she's lost a diamond chasing a brick. Meaning she's waiting for you and her to b together. Get a train come to me and listen to the whole of that group chat Hannah cus I can tell u now all me and Riley did was sit for HOURS getting badger to stay when she was walking away from you! Hannah I loved u and I cared about you. Seeing u the way you are is just dejavu. I promised u if u ever had Katie back in your life I'd be gone, cus I can't and don't wanna see u in the state unwas in last time. Or have u forgotten about her drugging, filming, outing all Ur shit to me and I still never slagged u off to Katie.. for Katie to say it's ok if badger slagged u off that's what friends do. Like is she tapped? Honestly hannah I hope u do keep badger close cus you're gonna need her after this one does her work on you again. I ain't doing anything cus u don't wanna be my friend. I have plenty of friends Hannah I don't need you. Do I miss you, of fucking course, but you're not the Hannah I knew. When she fucks u up again, fills unwith street diazepam, oxys etc. Please make sure someone is there to pick u up the way we did last time. I'm not gonna mention Hannah again cus I don't like being sens screen recordings of her upset like that. As for katie... You've got it so twisted Katie and your karma is coming darling, go get ya nipple out and feed Coco I'm sure she's hungry u dirty animal abusing slag.

just think of it as a lucky escape. In a few months time you will be glad you ain’t got that as a friend cos she just uses people. She will be using k to get diazepam and whatever else they pop together 😂
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You're a weirdo @Chaoticbexi? How dare you give a shit about someone and buy them gifts, but that obviously means you want to get in their knickers. She is triggered and with her bestie KB whispering in her ear she is losing control. You have sent a few voice notes, so what. You're hurt and you have let her off mildly in my opinion. They obviously love this drama because that is all she has talked about and she is out of order for talking about your kids and your parenting.
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It's very strange. Jess cannot help but repeatedly remind everyone about her prison days. I've seen the woman 3 or 4 times and each time she has listed her medical ailments and her criminal history.

I couldn't give 2 shites about either but I wouldn't be introducing her to my 14 year old daughter. Ever.

Also how are social services not involved with H and S? How is she not going to school? She is being let down badly, not just by her mum but by the authorities. Poor kid has no chance really. She seems to have nobody sensible to turn to and at that age we start to experiment with what the world has to offer. She's over exposed to sex, drugs and self harm for a girl her age she will have good knowledge of those and I find that scary.

Hannah is a bit like my Mum was so I have a massive empathy with Sophia. I was lucky I had a wonderful Nan to keep me from the gutter. She has nobody 😑
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Why are Hs and Ks lives both gone on about tattle. I think you should be gifting us now H.. we give you your content babes
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Have to seen her on live since last weekend
I'll give you a round up of the weeks events.
-Ate Mcdonalds with her gob open
-Hoovered, febreezed and dettoled
-Got stoned
-Sat on tiktok talking shite

That's about it really petal!
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She’s spouting about tattle and bexi now 😂 someone wrote in the comments about a YouTube video…. Is there a YouTube video on it?
Yeah it's on Katie's thread. Its a long one. And a massive lesson not to get yourself involved in the relationships of 2 narcissists.
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I genuinely think Linda is looking better than her these days with her new teeth 😂😂

Hannah looks like she’d body slam you in the bedroom
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Publicly outting Jess for calling her fat then meeting up with her for a coffee on Sunday. So unhinged. How funny would it be if they ended up being a couple?!
You are joking? Oh I've missed that bit! I hope they do....she is more crackers than KB that Jess 🤣🤣🤣

Peachy will be FUUUUMIN!
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I've had to unfollow her, she's just so bloody boring! What's with the gun fingers, who does she think she is? My cat is harder than her and he only has 3 legs. Embarrassing love.
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A go fund me so she can visit her pal?? I’ve heard it all now 😳 Jesus Christ!!! Is the cat not just going to stay with someone until Hannah gets a house? Saying you’ll off yourself if you lose your cat is a bit extreme 😂 I know pets are like family but fucking hell
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Honestly, don’t think she gives a shit about anyone but herself. Blames narcissism on everyone else, isn’t that the biggest narc trait?
Her dad was always telling her off about posting all her shit on TikTok and now she’s gone he’s disappeared - don’t blame him for wanting to be away from it all. After dealing with that he deserves a medal and a fucking break.
Are you really surprised she lets S on the train on her own this time of night when she lets her smoke and vape? She slagged K off for buying her son a vape but does the exact same.
The kids language as well, swears like a trooper. I’m 30 and would never dream of swearing in front of any my elders let alone my mum!
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