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I am currently going through a forced medical menopause in my 30's as a part of my cancer treatment. It's horrific. I do not understand how this can be a recommended treatment for a form of body dismorphia. The toll it has on your body, you bones, your joints, your energy levels, your mood.

It's insane that people think this is a legitimate medical pathway for a psychological illness. That they minimise it, just like they do with mastectomies. I know how horrific surgery like that is, it should not be made light of or glamorised.
I’m so sorry you’re going through that, I hope you are doing OK 🫂

I was given Triptorelin for endometriosis in my thirties and it was beyond brutal. I was an absolute wreck. When I found out that they give this drug to vulnerable, confused children to treat an ill-defined psychological disorder that seemed to be mostly defined by not adhering to gender stereotypes, I was like “WHAT?!”. That was in about 2015, and when I posted about it on social media, I was roundly told off by people I had supposed were friends, and subjected to a whispering campaign about my “transphobia”. Apparently, my lived experience didn’t count…

Turns out Hilary Cass proved me right, but fat fucking chance of the wokescolds formerly known as my friends admitting that to me now.

Anyway, in more cheerful news, the entirely wonderful Jo Rowling is terfin’ it up in the Times this morning and she remains brilliant, incisive and clever.

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I saw some graffiti today - same handwriting- saying “free Palestine” and “trans rights now”.

I realise a lot of people assume GC people are right wing, pro-Israel/zionist however I’m a left leaning, pro Palestine, GC feminist.

I find the conflation of trans rights (as demanded by privileged little white shits of students) and actual ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people deeply offensive.

Not trying to get into an Israel/Palestine debate but just the ridiculous overreach of “trans rights” and “trans genocide” in relation to actual global crisises.

Like tell me you privileged little shit, what rights do you **not -** have? What you want is special privileges, not rights
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Proud mum of the bride/groom or groom/bride. How lovely it will be to look back in later years at your wedding photographs. 🤷‍♀️
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If the % of trans people in the general population is around 1%, how have they got so many representatives in positions of power, or positions that are on the power track?

Why are we seeing so many political candidates? It seems disproportionate (I could be wrong).

This is why we need more female candidates who stand up for women. Rosie Duffield and Joanna Cherry shouldn't be the exceptions - they should be the standard.

Talking to my son and husband, they basically said men in women's changing rooms doesn't happen often, and although we agree with you, please stop going on about it.

A few days later talking to my women's group, they were all concerned, specifically about AGPs. Most are fine with genuine trans women, but don't believe men's feelings come before women's safety. I don't understand why this concept is so hard to grasp.
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Clark harassed her for years and years. He’s deleted all his tweets to her now but he targeted her endlessly. She lost her patience at a post which was asking people to celebrate him because he’s wearing a wig. These are the few that survived.

A woman who screenshot most of them and shared them has had her account suspended.
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I cannot fathom why his wife would want to stay with him. She married a man and now her husband is a man in a dress and wig who abuses other women on Twitter. What on earth is in this for her?
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I think the "queers for Palestine" demos are fine when it's coming from the POV of, "You think my sexuality is wrong, but I'll still defend your right to live in peace." I also think their "queerness" doesn't need to be mentioned - it's not about you and it's not the point of the protests.

However, if you want peace for a group who would want to strip rights from you, and wish harm to a group (terfs) who want you to keep the rights you *already have*, you're a spectacular hypocrite.
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I'd been lurking on the Election thread to try to understand the politics but missed all the trans/human rights fights.
Wow I can't believe the ignorance and lack of empathy/support and understanding of the rippling effect on women's basic rights. They don't get that these political parties that won't say what a woman is, therefore can not promise single sex places and are also going to be the enablers/supporters of young children and people becoming trans.
Well done to the GC team on there 👏
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Saw this on Facebook and it made me feel sad and roll my eyes in equal measure.
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Doesn’t this just sum up how regressive the whole trans movement is? I’ve cropped out the picture as I don’t want to repost someone’s childhood photo, but it shows a young child with shoulder-length hair dressed in jeans and a red checked shirt. She could easily tell people “this is a picture of me when I was a little boy” and nobody would think twice because it’s not uncommon for a boy to have long hair, but for some reason she needs somebody to photoshop a ‘boy haircut’ in order to feel affirmed!
We should have moved past the point where people think long hair = girl and short hair = boy but it feels like we’re going backwards. With this mindset it’s not hard to see why she’s decided as a gender nonconforming woman she must actually be a trans man.
Trans is all about reinforcing old gender stereotypes. Your daughter likes cars? She must be a boy. Your son likes dolls? He must be a girl. Get them on puberty blockers quick. It's a very regressive, oppressive movement.
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Sorry to change the subject but I need a rant! This weekend I went to Bpool for a hen do and we went to a Funny Girls show. One of the drag queens told me I had amazing tits which just made me feel awful. I was wearing a dress where if I pulled it down to a comfortable length my tits were out but if i pulled it up the slit in the side meant my arse was on show. So him drawing attention to it just made me feel even more self-conscious and pissed me off cos he wouldn't get away with that if he wasn't in woman costume.

The drag queen performing kept making gross sexual jokes which I know people argue that’s part of what drag is, but why do they have to dress as a woman to do it? Cos they know they wouldn’t get away with it otherwise. They’re all just sick perverts.
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I despair :mad:
Their ‘lived experience’ is plastered all over the media 24/7. We don’t need to see any more light shining on it.

Case in point below, although this couldn’t be funnier if it was a parody. Bridal shop:LOL: :LOL:🤣
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Regina Fellangi

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Just completed a postal survey from my local (Tory) MP, mainly about immigration & policing. I made sure to add my number 1 priority for receiving my vote, the end the influence of the trans angenda across all echelons of society and to restore & protect the rights of females.
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The idea that anyone needs to "check" if someone's male or female is such a disingenuous argument.

Infants can differentiate between male and female very early on.

Women's safety depends on knowing who's male and female - men might think women are just a collection of body parts and female signifiers, breasts, long hair, makeup, clothes (which is misogynist in itself), but I'd wager that most women will be able to determine the sex of someone walking behind them at night by the sound of their footsteps alone with reasonable accuracy.

My cat was born blind and behaves noticeably differently around men and women for fuck's sake.

I've slept with both men and women, and never have I ever been surprised by the genitals I have discovered during an intimate moment.

As for the TIMs who "pass" (I know one*, east Asian, short, slim, started hormones early, lots of very expensive cosmetic surgery), it's irrelevant. If you pass so well that you go unnoticed, and you're just going about your business not getting a kick out of encroaching on women, none of this makes any difference to you. I can't fathom why someone who passes well (and has presumably made a huge effort to do so) wants to be associated with a middle aged heterosexual AGP dressed like a pantomime dame anyway. I'd want to be as far away as possible. And the truth is the vast majority don't pass - we see even with high profile TIMs who have money to burn - nature is a difficult thing to overcome.

*He, to me, has the mannerisms and voice of a camp gay man, but in passing I doubt anyone would notice
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