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Something I’ve been doing as part of my study, is to contemplate that my premise might be wrong. So for everything you THINK you know, just stop and take a couple of minutes and think about it from the perspective that it’s wrong. Even explore counter arguments that are touted by the opposing side or position. It has to be done in good faith, but it has been very illuminating for me, it has made my work better because I present better arguments AND there have been a few occasions where I’ve changed my position (maybe not to the exact opposite but to a more middle-ground). I’ve been trying to apply it to other areas of my life and recently I did the same with my GC views. It’s made me even more committed and to my position and I feel very confident that gender ideology is a dangerous, reckless phenomenon. This is the hill I’m willing to die on! My only wish is that TRAs would do the same. I know how uncomfortable it can be to have to admit when you’re wrong BUT it also comes with a massive sense of relief when you can surrender that unwinnable fight. Anyway, it’s a good reminder to keep fighting the fight and not be discouraged by the petty name calling and insults that are flung our way!
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That is a tough read 😢 those poor women. They’re entering hormonal states normally seen in a woman’s fifties in their early twenties. How fucked are their bones, joints, hormones, and every other part of them going to be by the time they actually reach their fifties? Jesus. I went through early meno following surgery at 41 and had a cascade of medical issues thereafter. I can’t understand how doctors can do this to women, and frankly the lawsuits just can’t come quickly enough.
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It's not an understatement to say there are times that I feel like I'm living in a parallel universe full of utter looneys.

How did such a tiny percentage of the population take over common sense and in some countries the Law and enforce their quite clearly deranged views.

I HATE the way the trans mob have infiltrated children and women's spaces. It's horrific that right minded people have to adhere to their repellent sick views or risk censure, is alarming. :( :mad:
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Unsurprising from Mimmymum there, who transed her child and egged on countless other parents to do the same - she will absolutely go to the mat rather than admit the harms she has caused.

Puberty is the process by which a juvenile reaches sexual maturity. The amount of people who seem to believe that chucking the wrong hormones at a child will somehow make them reach the sexual maturity of the opposite sex is frightening. Of course they won’t! That isn’t how any of this works. We genuinely have no idea what will happen to these kids in the long term, but it’s not good. They will be physically, emotionally and psychologically stunted from missing a key developmental stage and the MimmyMengeles of this world absolutely need to be stopped.
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I'm tall and a reasonably large build and I spent most of my 20s with either very short hair or a shaved head. Number of times I've been mistaken for a bloke - zero.

On account of my face, voice and body being obviously female.

Once I was in the pub and the barman called me "sir" with his back to me, he must have registered tall with short hair out the corner of his eye, but as soon as he looked at my face burst out laughing and apologised. Not that I give a shit about being "misgendered" because I'm not a fragile little narcissist.
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It’s horrific isn’t it? Imagine not being allowed to object to having a creepy man in a women’s changing room, and actually being chastised and told to “educate yourself”. I find it particularly disturbing within the NHS as surely anyone with an in depth understanding of biology knows that gender ideology makes no more sense than believing in the bloody tooth fairy.
Well done those nurses, let’s hope we see more push back on this bullying of women.
wonder if Emma Watson would have an issue if this was her changing room or would she take part in reeducation
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How do people who transition later in life expect to be taken seriously? How on earth can you be a man for 40? 50? years and then suddenly you decide you’re a woman and everyone is meant to accept it. So where does being a man end and being a woman begin? It’s not something you can pick or choose and it’s demeaning to real women. Of course, I feel the same for anyone transitioning, regardless of age. Biological sex isn’t a choice, it’s a fact and everything else is self indulgent nonsense.
Thinking on it, another thing that I’ve seen people comment on is how some TIM “pass” more than others, if they are smaller built or more delicate featured and perhaps don’t physically look so obviously male. However, biologically they are no different from the ones that look like a fat ugly middle aged bloke in a bad wig, awful makeup and inappropriate clothes. Looking more feminine doesn’t make them any less of a threat than the pantomime dame gang.
Sorry, I’m on a roll today. These shops with that godawful monstrosity of a flag. What has sexual orientation got to do with going round the supermarket?
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"Sex predator, 47, who put on a wig and fake breasts to sexually assault 'hammered' man, 20, who had lost his friends after night out is jailed"

Wayne Rogers wore a wig and fake breasts when he approached his 20-year-old victim, who was so drunk after a night out with friends he had fallen over a couple of times.

The defendant had been acquitted of offences against three other men in separate trials in 2022, the court was told.

The first incident was in December 2019 when Rogers is said to have performed oral sex on a drunken worker who had been to his firm's Christmas party.

The man reported leaving a pub and being guided into an alleyway by a person with 'long fingernails' who was wearing perfume. Rogers claimed the activity was consensual and was found not guilty of sexual assault.

A jury also cleared him of engaging in sexual activity without consent in connection to a series of encounters between May 2018 and April 2020. The complainant said he believed he had been indulging in sexual activity with a woman.

The defendant was also cleared of coercive control in an intimate or family relationship with a man between January and July 2016.

Rogers, who appeared in court today wearing a grey tracksuit, targeted the 20-year-old on September 11, 2022 – just three months after his most recent acquittal.

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This woman is dangerous. Won’t listen to the science and says puberty blockers don’t go far enough, advocating for kids to start cross sex hormones and surgery when they should be starting their normal puberty.

View attachment 2960171
Puberty blockers and cross sex hormones don’t switch puberty to the opposite sex / it halts development and growth, stunts brain and IQ, destroys sexual function and leaves these half people. Undersized bodies and genitalia, brains partly formed, emotionally teenage and vulnerable, and that’s even before they hack themselves to pieces. They will be unable to study to an academic level, work effectively or sustain health or relationships. They are all terrified of the real world and live online off their parents. They will be massive drains on the health system, suffer from chronic mental and physical conditions, be a high risk of suicide. This is the future for medicalised children. Why are medical professionals advocating for this? It’s Mengele on steroids. It’s the pursuit of money and I wish them all sued into oblivion and then imprisoned for child cruelty.

(In my more eye for an eye mood I would consider they must submit to the surgeries they gleefully inflict on mentally ill children. )

edit to clarify
Rereading I think that I mean half the people they were or could be before they took these drugs, because I don’t consider anyone with chronic illness, mental illness or a disability to be a half person. I think of Ellen/Elliot Page who seems to have physically shrunk, although she was always a petite woman, she is now a shadow of her former self.
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Not a parody. This person is employed by the NHS to look after vulnerable adults.

This is the same person, who works with elderly people with dementia


Thread detailing his level of perversion here:

Why are people bending over backwards to accommodate individuals like this?
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I worked from home yesterday... I've come in today to the eye of sauron flag flying outside the building, on a massive fuck off pole. Leaflets explaining what each colour, triangle and circle means. And.... a pride themed menu. A gay colleague said to me... what do they think we eat.

I kid you not, corn dogs.
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I know you will have all seen the Tickle vs Giggle stuff, but this was on YT this morning, and although it's old ground it's worth a listen

I just feel so sorry for all these young people who think their life will be perfect if only they were someone else.

Thanks @MaineCoonMama . I read one of those trite little fridge magnet things once - it said "Be Yourself - everyone else is taken".. Clichéd, but true.

What these girls aren't being told is that puberty is bliddy awful for almost everyone - it's a time of so many hormonal surges, and emotional rollercoasters, and physical changes, and sudden sexual urges and longings that you just aren't mentally able to cope easily - but that's the entire point of the process. In the same way that a caterpillar dissolves and re-makes itself aside a chrysalis, a child "dissolves" and remakes themselves during puberty. It is a complex process because we are higher animals than butterflies, and it takes a number of tumultuous years, but you do eventually get there.

For those girls (and boys) who "trans", that process will never finish. They will never properly mature, physically, mentally or emotionally because their bodies will not have undergone the hormonal process they NEED in order to become adult. They will grow bigger, they will grow older - they will never grow up. And they will suffer terribly.
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He’s autistic and has Asperger’s and for the past 10 years has worn a 3 piece suit with a pocket watch EVERY SINGLE DAY. Now suddenly he’s a “woman” that wears mini skirts and a beret everyday. Ugh it honestly makes me so angry that these men think they wear a dress and that makes them the same as us!!! 😡 l

My brother is a really quiet and shy geek, that met him and for some reason they’ve been boyfriends for years. It confuses me so much but I feel like the AGP/TIM issue will cause my brother to not speak to me or my mum again, which upsets me.

I’ve already said I refuse to invite him to my wedding and my brother can come alone if he wants. Why do I have to have this freak in my family ugh 🥲
I feel compelled to describe the situation my 30 yr old daughter and her friends are faced with this summer. There are 6 of them who have been friends since teenage hood, 4 are big terfs and 2 avoid the subject because they are outnumbered but more on the woke side. Anyway one of the woke ones has a brother who has declared he is trans. He was a communist before that, lives pretty much rent free off his parents according to my daughter. Then he declared he was a woman.
Recently he roller bladed into their local pub in a gypsy skirt and crochet cardie and sat with my daughter and their group. The sister suddenly ’remembered’ she had to be somewhere. They were stuck for two hours as he talked at them about how girly he felt. They were so fed up and cross, they started talking in great detail about periods, then left.
The other woke friend is due to get married this summer and has confessed she is not inviting him because he will ruin her photos! Not so woke then …..
Me and my ex girlfriend always went to Pride when we were younger. We lived next to Canal Street in Manchester and spent a huge amount of time there. There used to be a significant lesbian presence and a couple of lesbian bars, but they're all gone now. Gay women are pretty much none existent in the community and its entire purpose is to pander to men in frocks. I used to love the bars where the cross dressers went, they were always really fun, but back then we knew the difference between cross dressers/AGPs with their poor wives in tow, who were tolerated and drag queens, who are gay men and part of the community, and the actually pretty rare transsexuals, who were usually same sex attracted (so if not trans they would have identified as gay) and generally kept to themselves and were well accepted.

Now the AGPs dominate and somehow have been placed front and centre of the LGBT community and subsequently Pride. There was always a bit of a sexual element to Pride, mostly shirtless gay men and guys in leather, but it wasn't overt, gross 'kink' like it is now, and children were not expected or encouraged to participate. Incidentally I'd have had no issue taking a child to see the parade back then, but nothing else as Pride has always been awash with drink and drugs.

There is absolutely an agenda going on here, and it's clear to any of us who have been watching this shit for the last 25 years. And the lesbians have been forced out.
I’m not sure if you would be interested but some of us are having a lesbian only march in London this year, Jenny Watson wants to try it and I really want to support a young woman doing her best to build our community back up.
I was one of the protestors at London Pride in 2018 and haven’t been near one since but want to give this a go. Any other lesbians on here are really welcome to join us!
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Does anybody think that the whole trans agenda is just a money making ploy by pharmaceutical companies and certain doctors???

Tell people that all their mental health problems will be cured by changing sex (it won't - you'll still be deeply unhappy)

They then have a lifetime of surgeries and drugs. And the Dr's and pharmaceutical companies rub their hands with glee. And all they're doing is exploiting mentally ill people.

It's like Michael Jackson and his face. Someone should have said no. But when money is to be made, ethics go out the window.

As with a lot of things in life in the 21st century, follow the money!!!
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I don’t see the eye of Sauron flag and think gay, I think trans ideology. I also think the black and brown stripes are deliberately othering - all gay people of any race should be included in the LGB rainbow. And yes, the rainbow flag has gone from being a signifier of inclusion and acceptance to ‘are my rights as a woman being eroded her as men in dresses takeover’. I don’t think acceptance of gay people has eroded, the ones who are living their lives, and dating and getting married etc. it is the encroachment onto the public arena of fetishes, exhibitionism, erosion of boundaries for children around adult entertainment and increase in surrogacy that is being rejected. That isn’t a reflection on increased homophobia, but the extreme slant that Pride has taken for example, does not do the LGB any favours. Society needs to reinstall some boundaries between private and public behaviour. Your sexuality and proclivities should be irrelevant in your public and working life. Nowadays I’m an old prude but keep it to yourselves ffs, it’s not interesting. I don’t care if you are bi/pan/aro/furry in your spare time, can you do this data analysis on budget?
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What occurs to me is that the ideology is so entrenched in corporations with the DEI initiatives that I'm not sure any government can topple the ideology completely. America is pushing this stuff, EU is pushing this stuff etc. Corporate index thingys are pushing it... follow the money.

I really do hope that more people push back and the ideology becomes uncool. When it becomes uncool it will then hit the corporations' wallets and when it hits wallets that's when they change tact.

Apparently Starbucks is being boycotted especially in America for apparently funding Israel despite Starbucks insisting they don't (I've no proof, I saw a commentary video on Youtube). The point is there is currently a perception that they do (maybe they do, maybe they don't) and so people are boycotting them and Starbucks is feeling the hit financially. Good, they deserve it because of the pro TRA stance they've had for years. But my point is the young people are boycotting it when in the past Starbucks has been 'woke' etc etc... when it becomes uncool or they don't align visibly with the issue of the current time, their fans will turn...

We need that vibe towards the ideology on a mass scale.

Gender ideology aside for a moment, there's something that unsettles me about Kier. He always looks smarmy and when he talks he just seems disingenuous. And most of the time his speeches are just him pointing out flaws of others without actually bringing anything to the table himself. And Rishi just seems like a school boy playing a Prime Minister in a School Play. He has no gravitas or any qualities that inspire confidence in him.

TBH both Tories and Labour could do with new leaders and deputies that actually care about serving the public. I'm sick of seeing the petty put-downs these give each other in parliament whilst we all suffer.
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My bookclub book this month was written by a they/them.

Everyone at the discussion referred to them as she/her the entire time which filled me with joy.
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