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Coming up to a year this week when my 12yr old told us he had gender dysphoria completely out of the blue. What a year it's been!!

Saw a school therapist (who he had told first) who referred me to a mermaids type charity and on reading the website I just felt it didn't sit right with our family and our situation. She told me to put girls clothes in his wardrobe for him to wear at home. As a huge LGBT ally, I really struggled with my feelings on the subject. I wanted to be supportive and for a few weeks I contemplated leaving my marriage as my husband just said flat out no and buried his head in the sand and refused to even entertain the idea.

The trans acceptance I was peddled just didn't sit right with me though. I knew I had to protect my son who up to this point had never ever appeared gender non-conforming. So out of character. He was shy, not sporty, introverted, and had recently started upper school and found himself with a group of friends who were all mentally ill and struggling with their identity....but this didn't mean he was actually a girl?!

We told him that we loved him, we were sorry he felt so uncomfortable with his body in puberty, that it was normal and that we were not going to let him identify as someone else, change pronouns, clothes etc. I felt like the worst mother in the world. I barely slept for months with the worry.

I found this thread which was a lifesaver. Did my research. Stuck to our guns. Horrified by stories from detransitioners. Educated myself to the actual horror of transitioning medically and how just that first step is a slippery slope. Binged podcasts on the subject.

Fast forward a year and he is still a boy. We have had some wobbles but we have showered our son with so much love...we have convinced him he is normal, we've encouraged him to use his body in new ways (swimming, long walks etc), he has naturally gravitated away from that group of friends, he makes silly jokes about willies etc and we all laugh. I have stopped verbally hating on men so much (as a staunch feminist I have to remind myself that two people I love the most - him and his dad- are male) and generally things seem normal.

I heard on the Gender: A Wider Lens podcast that you don't ask a person recovering from an eating disorder how their anorexia is so I don't bring it up with him ever. He only ever spoke about it 4 times with us in the last year....3 times over text message and one forced face-to-face. I sometimes wonder if it was real or a horrible dream.

Not sure of the point of this....just to give some comfort to lurkers of this thread who may not be strong enough to post. There is a way to hopefully get through this. And between the laughable posts about AGPs and dodgy MP candidates there are real NORMAL families struggling with what to do when their kid out of the blue says that they are the wrong gender and I want them to know they are not alone.
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.... I see that E45 cream has gone totally trans now in their latest tv advert- wait until you see it , even mentioning trans on the radio playing while a trans is lying in the bath.😡😡😒

They can get to fuck. It's Aveeno cream for us,from now on......

Our money is shit, to them, obviously....... Good; glad to know.

We will be spending it ELSEWHERE.
I've seen it 3 times today (well, 2 and a half because as soon as it played the third time I switched over)
An entire campaign for 'your skin whilst transitioning ' but nothing for women.
No campaign for young girls with psoriasis. Or those who have scars, especially those with self harm scars. Or burns. Or who have survived scarring through DV. Or menopausal women who have dry skin. Or pregnant women, or new mums who have stretch marks.
In short, women don't need a campaign to raise their self esteem but apparently these men do.
E45 can get to fuck.
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So embarassing to be LGB now. We had a brief BRIEF moment of peace that we fought decades for and now, thanks to the trans lot, it’s been snatched away. Because of them, there’s been a horrific rise in homophobia (and thus hate crimes) that we experience bc of THEM -and they aren’t even same sex attracted so they don’t even feel the homophobia they cause. Because we’ve been lumped in with them we can’t even celebrate our sexuality and find genuine pride and peace in it instead of shame. We had 5 minutes to do so a few years back and that’s it. I’ll forever be angry for what they have stolen not just from women but for LGB people. I’m embarrassed now when people become aware of my sexuality, not that I hide it nor am I ashamed but I AM embarrassed to think that majority of people will lump me in with the “attention-seeking-straight-people-who-want-to-be-special-queers”.

This might have been said before, apologies, I’m just angry. We fought decades to not be snarled as ‘queers’, pedos and abnormal.
Now we’re back there thanks to them and it’s even WORSE. I’ve been to pride once and I never went back, the whole thing was just hijacked by the trans lots and freaks (mostly men) with their fetishes like acting like dogs. One man in a dog costume came up to me wanting to be petted! How the fuck does this have anything to do with our same sex attraction and why should this freak behaviour be celebrated? It really goes to show how homophobic the world is to begin with because straight ppl see gross and weird fetishes and kinks and think “yeah lump in with the gays” It just speaks volumes.

Anyways, as you were…
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Scotch Mist

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I went out with a group of women last night and was disappointed to find that they all seem very captured.

One of them was talking about her Great Aunt who she said had worn manly clothes and lived with another woman. Then she said that the Great Aunt must have been 'trans and ahead of her time', wasn't it lovely that we've now got a word for this. Of course I said 'your great aunt was probably a butch lesbian'. This idea was shot down by the group.

I found it odd that this woman wanted her late relative to be trans rather than gay.
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Chatty Member
My husband bought me this card at Fenwick's in Newcastle and asked if it meant what he thought it meant, because he was a bit surprised they were selling them 'as it seems a bit terfy'.

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I can't stand Izzard, he's such a hypocrite. Loves to wear women's clothes and use the ladies toilets but happy to still accept men's acting jobs probably because they pay more. He graciously says he wouldn't accept a straight woman's role though because it would take away from a woman...but really it's because he just looks like an ugly bloke in women's clothes and he knows it. If he really thought he could pass as a woman I'd bet he would accept it.
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Scarlett O' Hara

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It's not an understatement to say there are times that I feel like I'm living in a parallel universe full of utter looneys.

How did such a tiny percentage of the population take over common sense and in some countries the Law and enforce their quite clearly deranged views.

I HATE the way the trans mob have infiltrated children and women's spaces. It's horrific that right minded people have to adhere to their repellent sick views or risk censure, is alarming. :( :mad:
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I was at Women Won't Wheesht, in Kirkcaldy today.
The TRA pet kids turned up in their masks and shouted.
All in, a bunch of bloody amazing women who will not stop until women and children are safe.
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I cannot fathom why his wife would want to stay with him. She married a man and now her husband is a man in a dress and wig who abuses other women on Twitter. What on earth is in this for her?
That would be a divorce for me. I couldn't look at my husband if he started wearing frocks and makeup let alone live with him. I couldn't respect him or find him attractive anymore and let's face it, the percentage of middle-aged men whose looks improve after they 'transition' is a big fat zero.
I don't care if that sounds shallow, I've been with this man for over two decades and we've been through a lot of challenging times together but that would be the end of us.
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I’m not one for conspiracy theories, but I really do think there is a concerted effort at the moment to sexualise children, tear down boundaries around child safeguarding and blur consent. Let’s be honest, members of PIE never went away, they just resorted to other means to try to circumvent those who stand in their way. Take this bill voted in last week by members of the German parliament to decriminalise the possession of child SA images.

Once the bill comes into effect, minimum sentences for the possession of child pornography will be reduced, and the offense will be downgraded to a misdemeanor.

How can any reasonable-thinking adult consider the possession of such images a ‘misdemeanour‘? The article cites a well-known German CSA consumer who is advocating for the age of consent to be lowered to 12. Peter Tatchell anyone? The links between gender ideology and the sexualisation of children are there for all to see, yet the juggernaut keeps moving forward with no one in power taking any serious steps to stop it.
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So IW, who had well-documented facial feminisation surgery and a hair transplant because they were mercilessly mocked online for their lack of aesthetic appeal, is using ‘horse-faced’ as an insult aimed at biological women and accusing them of jealousy?
Catch yourself on, Johnathon. 😂
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My husband called me a bigot once when I called Rachel McKinnon or whatever he calls himself a cheat. He’s not been brave/stupid enough to do so since.
My husband called me a man hater and told me I was only going along with the GC stance as I'm lonely and want to be part of something.
(I have a chronic illness and spend a lot of time with just my cats for company.)
I took a couple of goes for it to get through his head why I am like I am the past few years, Explaining why I don't want men in women's spaces and all the rest and showing him photos and proof of what's going on. He understands now but good grief it took a while.
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Well done these women for standing up together.
Absolutely well done to them.

It makes me so angry that they were told to be 'more inclusive' and to 'broaden their mindset' to allow a filthy pervert into their changing room. He actually asked one woman repeatedly was she not getting changed. 😡 These perverts must not be able to believe what they are getting away with.

And it makes me want to cry too because I wonder how things have come to this. That women cannot feel safe in their own workplaces and are shouted down if they dare to speak out.
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Watching lots of news coverage of D Day, hearing veterans stories, mentions of the rows of headstones and the ages of the soldiers lost, 18, 19, 20 years old...and nowadays we have people having a meltdown because they are "misgendered". It really puts into perspective what a shit show the world is today.
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Not Now Bernard

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I don’t know a woman alive that would be jealous of a chubby bloke with ratty hair, wearying a truly hideous dress. 🤷‍♀️
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I'm 52 & menopause has massively fucked with my life. I can't imagine doing that to yourself in your late teens/early 20s.
I am currently going through a forced medical menopause in my 30's as a part of my cancer treatment. It's horrific. I do not understand how this can be a recommended treatment for a form of body dismorphia. The toll it has on your body, you bones, your joints, your energy levels, your mood.

It's insane that people think this is a legitimate medical pathway for a psychological illness. That they minimise it, just like they do with mastectomies. I know how horrific surgery like that is, it should not be made light of or glamorised.
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wonder if Emma Watson would have an issue if this was her changing room or would she take part in reeducation
That’s the entire problem with idiotic gobshites like EW: in her rarefied bubble, she’s never going to find herself in the situation these women were forced into. It’s easy to preach ‘shut up and be kind’ about something that’s complete hypothetical within your own frame of reality.
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