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From this week’s The Word is Woman from Milli Hill, “frontal birth” as an alternative for vaginal birth is new isn’t it? Ugh.

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Waterstones including the women who wouldn’t wheesht book. The comments are amazing - the amount of people saying that book is their pick (surely it will make Sunday times bestseller list?) and then the others crying because ‘how dare they’ ‘Waterstones is not safe’ ‘only the second day of pride too’ waaah waaah 😭😂

I’m pleasantly surprised with Waterstones though.
Still refuse to buy it from there though!

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I don’t know a woman alive that would be jealous of a chubby bloke with ratty hair, wearying a truly hideous dress. 🤷‍♀️
Isn’t it always the way though that women are accused of being “jealous”. Who the hell would be jealous of that freak in a ridiculous dress. Can you imagine the nasty misogynistic comments if a woman of the same age wore it though? “Too old…mutton….“ that kind of thing. I mean, it wouldn’t do anyone any favours but it’s ridiculous on a bloody ugly man.
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I've heard the misinformation on Sunak's "transphobic" comments on Brianna. I corrected the manipulated conversation!
Politics should not be discussed at work!
I don't even want to know if someone likes Trump or Biden at work.
So much this! Back in the day, people went to work to, you know, work!

Nobody needed or wanted to know what Gerry at the next desk got up to, in his spare time. Whether he was religious or not. Who or what he voted for. His thoughts on gender issues. Anymore than Gerry wanted to know such things about them.

Can we return to those times please?
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I hate that term, ‘authentic self’. So for the other 11 months of the year, you’re putting on an act?
My ‘authentic self’ is a grumpy yet realistic cunt, but I don’t need a whole month to tell me that, it’s a year round dedication 😉
but also….for 8 hours a day you have to be professional and put the authentic self away? Boo fucking hoo 🙄🥱
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I bet she wishes she’d never said “dress however you want” because at the time, I don’t think she was thinking about AGPs and perverts. Also, y’know, opinions change. I don’t think she stands by “dress however you want” now.

I do think maybe she allows herself to get drawn into unnecessary snarkiness sometimes, whereas in the past she would have kept silent, but on the other hand nobody is perfect, she’s allowed to have a laugh on Twitter, and I don’t think her comment was particularly below the belt. She could have said “look at the state of this ridiculous bloke in a wig” but she didn’t.
Plus, she is a normal person as well as a mega celeb. I think sometimes people expect those in the public eye to take the moral high ground or keep a dignified silence about contentious issues, but she has been expected to take bucketloads of vile abuse. I don’t blame her for making that comment about ‘Lucy’ Clark, particularly as Clark has form for sending JKR bullying tweets way before JKR made her recent comment.
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Weebles Wobble

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Everyday. With his greasy, long and fine hair flicked over one shoulder. And his beret facing diagonally downward the other way. I just know he spends 5 mins+ positioning that beret every morning 🤢

Thank you!! 🙌🏼
Is this the look he's going for?


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I'm 52 & menopause has massively fucked with my life. I can't imagine doing that to yourself in your late teens/early 20s.
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“I am a woman. I no longer have to pretend to be a man”, says burly man over footage of him stomping, man spreading and demanding women nurture his feelings and accommodate him.

Fucking hell. Do whatever you want in your free time, Nikki, but if you show up to give my frail mum intimate care when she’s specified that can only be provided by women, we’re going to have a problem, and your feelings of “validity” may well take a hit.
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My employer has posted a bulletin (internal) about the History of Pride etc and inviting us to participate etc. It mentions politics and how Rishi Sunak has made some very transphobic comments recently 🙄🙄🙄 and moans about rise of 'hate crime'. So much for employers not pushing politics on us plebs.

Which reminds me, brace yourself, Pride Trans Month is coming...
Trans month is every fucking month of the year.
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Quite why handmaidens are willing to protect men at the expense of women is beyond me. And all the dick-pandering 'stunning and brave' comments - honestly, handmaidens, I just cannot be doing with that shit
I've had a bit of a falling-out with one of my friends, he's just hooked up with a new squeeze, who took him along to a drag show. I had a terfy rant about womanface, and how the new girlfriend is obviously a "handmaiden". He took exception to this and asked me what the problem was. I told him to ask her why she thinks drag queens are so keen to read stories to little kids, but not to old people in care homes, and that it's because young children believe anything that you tell them, like that TWAW, or that they can be born in the wrong body. He's all..."but some people are born in the wrong body"...that's when I laughed out loud and told him to stop being such a twat. Now he's not speaking to me! 🤣🤣🤣
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Miss Begotten

VIP Member
You need to put all other thoughts aside and decide whether being a woman is important or not?

If it is, then vote Conservative. If it's not, then either don't vote or vote anything other than Conservative.
I just can’t. I can’t look at a decimated NHS, the destruction wrought by Brexit, food banks, millions of children living in poverty, people unable to afford basic necessities and still vote Conservative.
Obviously safeguarding women and children is of paramount importance. But I just can’t bring myself to vote Tory. What am I supposed to do?
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Scotch Mist

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There seems to be a bit of infighting amongst gender critical feminism and I honestly don’t know where to stand. Some people hate Graham Lineham for example. Another is some people hate Debbie Hayton but Debbie fully admits to not being female and believes in biological reality. I have found Karen Ingala Smith can be a bit snippy to people on Twitter and sometimes I question her motives but other times she’s spot on about things. I guess it’s a case of you won’t be able to find someone you agree with 100% on.
Whilst that maybe true I don't believe everyone agrees with each other universally on the other side either. It's weird when people act as a homogenous sheep like mass, IMO as we're all individuals and we don't all have to agree about every nuance.

I instinctively don't trust or take any notice of those who smear Kellie Jay or Graham Linehan. Of course neither are perfect and make the occasional gaffe. Who doesn't? Kellie Jay said she wouldn't employ anyone who used pronouns on their CV. I wouldn't either and there's numerous other things I could list that would put me off working with someone as well.

I don't like Debbie Hayton at all - 'a wolf in sheep's clothing' is how I would describe him. He reels people in trying to be reasonable when underneath he is still a privileged male who's been given a platform by pretending to be a woman . He can fuck off.
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There seems to be a bit of infighting amongst gender critical feminism and I honestly don’t know where to stand. Some people hate Graham Lineham for example. Another is some people hate Debbie Hayton but Debbie fully admits to not being female and believes in biological reality. I have found Karen Ingala Smith can be a bit snippy to people on Twitter and sometimes I question her motives but other times she’s spot on about things. I guess it’s a case of you won’t be able to find someone you agree with 100% on.
Yep, I’m the one on the sidelines looking perpetually confused as I try to work out who is mates with who, who has recently fallen out with who, and who has always been mortal enemies of who 🤷‍♀️

I avoid the academic socfems though. They look down their noses at any women who aren’t as middle class and educated as them.

One thing I will say is I don’t believe Debbie Hayton deserves to be applauded and platformed for believing in biological reality. He’s an autogynephile and a hypocrite who uses women’s toilets. He is no more of a friend to GC feminists than Eddie fucking Izzard. All Debbie cares about is fame and his next freelance paycheck from The Spectator/GB News.
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Absolutely horrifying. Why my blood absolutely boils when men like Campbell diminish this as a non issue. And let me guess.. the one rape committed by a non-man will have been a special bepenised lady 🤬 so sick of this shit.
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Oh, boy. I've just had to curtail my weekly Facebook visit as I don't want to fall out with my baby cousin after seeing her post this stupid photo.
There's so much more to the trans debate than she realises and living in Canada probably doesn't help.
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