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Hey, Jonathan, aka 'India', real women with real vaginas and not smelly open wounds that need daily dilation, do not need to pronounce ourselves as 'cis' because it's meaningless terminology. We are ADULT HUMAN FEMALES. You are a MAN who fathered a child with your sperm and are simply a gay man too embarrassed to come out so you decided to play dress up as a woman. Honestly, you need intensive psychiatric help. And I feel so sorry for your Son, what sort of Father are you?

You can wear all the wigs in the world, get your tits enlarged indefinitely and buy tampons to pretend to be a woman, but ultimately you are a MAN with a smelly open wound.

You have automatic 'terf' blocking on Twitter/X, which is a real shame because I really miss your illuminating, intelligent posts, er, not.
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I'm at the women's* mini marathon in Dublin. Have spotted a few AGPs already.

*Women's mini marathon but they allow anyone who ✨ identifies as a woman ✨ to participate
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I think its crazy that someone can say, I feel like I should only have one arm or no legs and rightly everyone says - you're not well dear, take some of these tablets.

But people say, I feel like i shouldn't have breasts or a penis and everyone says - you're so brave, let's book your operation.

Honestly, what's the difference???

The nutjob who was using the fake tan to pretend she was black must be kicking herself for not just pretending to be a man.

And for Ellen/Elliot Paige to be their poster child is equally bizarre. The most unhappy looking person you'll ever clap eyes on. You do wonder what happened to her and if she'll ever admit that the trauma is what made her decide on transition. Has "Elliot" ever secured an acting role
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Nelly's mum

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It's not an understatement to say there are times that I feel like I'm living in a parallel universe full of utter looneys.

How did such a tiny percentage of the population take over common sense and in some countries the Law and enforce their quite clearly deranged views.

I HATE the way the trans mob have infiltrated children and women's spaces. It's horrific that right minded people have to adhere to their repellent sick views or risk censure, is alarming. :( :mad:
Yes to all the above.
However, I can somewhat understand the TIM's speaking out in support of trans ideology- they are mentally ill, they're speaking 'their truth' and advocating for things that will benefit them.
It's the handmaidens that completely baffle me - they support taking rights away from women that were introduced to protect them from men, and it is men who are benefiting from this!!!

Quite why handmaidens are willing to protect men at the expense of women is beyond me. And all the dick-pandering 'stunning and brave' comments - honestly, handmaidens, I just cannot be doing with that shit 😒
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Weebles Wobble

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Just got off the phone to my oldest boy who is at uni. He was telling me he felt really uncomfortable earlier as he went to the toilets (labelled 🚹 not 🚻) and a girl came in while he was using the urinals to use the only cubicle (think I’ve mentioned on a previous thread that his uni have started putting san pro in the cubicles in the men’s toilets) and then a guy came in and wanted to use the cubicle but couldn’t because the girl was in there. He said there was nothing he could say because the uni have clearly adopted a self-ID policy by putting feminine hygiene products in the men’s. It’s just ridiculous when there’s a plethora of cubicles in the women’s toilets, not to mention that he feels on edge going in the men’s now in case a girl walks in.
Although men don't have to worry about their safety when using the toilets (at least, not from a TIF aspect) they have just as much right to dignity and privacy as women do. I think the men in my family would hate a woman walking in while they were using a urinal. And it's unfair to use a cubicle when there's often just one or two in the men's I believe.

I'm sorry your son's experiencing this, when he should be enjoying his time at uni.
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Fucking misogynistic, homophobic arseholes

View attachment 2977377
They make my blood boil. So, clearly someone senior there is either a trannie or has a trans kid and is doubling down. I really hope this backfires.

On another note - my daughter says they've talked more about Pride in her school than they have about D-Day which just stinks.
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The term ‘front hole’ was one of the most offensive and disgusting things that made my head explode when I first saw it years back. I remember being so insensed about it that I actually brought it up infront of a friend who was friends with lots of trans people.
To her credit, she was equally disgusted and it began her gc journey.

I would love to meet the individual who first coined it, I really would, and discuss how they came to such a choice. Was it a woman that was transitioning? Or was it a fucking AGP who so hates women that they wanted to use the most demeaning term they could think of.
Honestly this attack on our language makes me more angry than I’ve ever been about anything in my 58 years!
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I don't know if it's a consequence of the general "dumbing-down" in education, or it's just the malevolent influence of relentless social media, but it's like brainwashing. I work in women’s health, and I've been with my team for over a decade, not one of us believes that TWAW, any more than we believe in the tooth fairy or Santa. I'm betting that none of our gynaecologists, obstetricians or senior midwives do either, but then again they work at the "business" end of the female body, there's no hiding place for TIM's in our department! 😬
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How does that saying go?
Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit.
Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.
If I'm getting this weird analogy correct, then I guess that TIM's may consider themselves to be fruit? But they definitely don't belong in fruit-based spaces! 🤣🤣🤣
Knowledge is knowing you can put on a dress
Wisdom is knowing it doesn't make you a woman

Knowledge is knowing you can be gender nonconforming
Wisdom is knowing not to irreversibly mutilate your body

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It's tragic that it is considered brave to have these events in a University.
What is tragic is that over 100 years after women died to give us the power to vote, we don't feel that there is any party that has our best interests at heart. I've always been proud to be able to vote and I've never missed a single GE, but I'm politically homeless...I'm outraged to be honest. Talk about second-class citizens 😡
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That's a very good point. It's going to be difficult enough for kids who are not neurodiverse to understand but they have to try and get the indoctrination in early. Your 5 year old is just the right age for impressing this on them as 'truth'.
Once they've been told this is fact its very hard to persuade them otherwise. What a sick world we live in.
You’re spot on. My little one is 6 and she takes her teachers word as gospel. She’s always so wide-eyed and earnest when she tells me what she’s been learning 🥺 Luckily her teacher is a regular everyday woman who’s special interests are conservation and sport. I don’t know anything about her personal life because guess what? That’s not appropriate or any of my business!
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I've had a bit of a falling-out with one of my friends, he's just hooked up with a new squeeze, who took him along to a drag show. I had a terfy rant about womanface, and how the new girlfriend is obviously a "handmaiden". He took exception to this and asked me what the problem was. I told him to ask her why she thinks drag queens are so keen to read stories to little kids, but not to old people in care homes, and that it's because young children believe anything that you tell them, like that TWAW, or that they can be born in the wrong body. He's all..."but some people are born in the wrong body"...that's when I laughed out loud and told him to stop being such a twat. Now he's not speaking to me! 🤣🤣🤣
I don’t get all this “born in the wrong body” nonsense. It’s impossible, any anyone thinking they really have been born in the wrong body has dysphoria. I suspect that’s a small minority of TIMs though, and there’s far more AGPs with creepy agendas getting off on female discomfort. Drag IS woman face though and I find it as unacceptable as blacking up.
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.... I see that E45 cream has gone totally trans now in their latest tv advert- wait until you see it , even mentioning trans on the radio playing while a trans is lying in the bath.😡😡😒

They can get to fuck. It's Aveeno cream for us,from now on......

Our money is shit, to them, obviously....... Good; glad to know.

We will be spending it ELSEWHERE.
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We had a TIM call to the house this morning, canvassing for the local elections. We were out but our Ring camera captured him - receding hairline, long straggly hair but had little bow hair clips to hold it back and wearing denim short shorts 🙄
I’m intrigued to know what you might have said if you were in.
I think I’d be brave enough to state my GC credentials, I’d at least say I wasn’t voting for any of them because of the women’s spaces issue and the failure to understand that sex is immutable. I’d also mention Cass. But I feel it’s easy for me because I know as soon as I’m accused of being anti LGBTQ I have the ace up the sleeve, I’m a lesbian! That really makes people feel awkward! 🤣🤣
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Surely frontal birth should be a caesarian though? Our Vaginas arent at the front of our bodies, they are in the middle!!!
It's because "front hole" is the word "trans men" often allegedly feel is less confronting to them than saying vagina. Because, as we all know, getting pregnant, carrying a baby and giving birth through your "front hole" is the most masculine thing any "man" can do.
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