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VIP Member
I had a car delivered the other day, the woman delivering it had a progress lanyard.
I was tempted to ask if she chose it or it was a company thing, but didn't.
(The company was Enterprise BTW)
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I was just going to ask this. Has she had a mastectomy? Would they have topless women on the cover of their magazine? Big huge saggy bare boobs for example? Or is it just cos she says she’s non binary and appears boob less? Seems fuckin mental.
Also, Halsey. Doesn’t she identify as non binary too? She’s referring to herself as a woman in that clip so maybe I was getting her confused with another singer.
I'm not 100% sure if it's Halsey too, but Demi Lovato said she was non binary for a while before going back to female pronouns a year later.

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Just seen

I suspect this is part of a wider campaign to paint the SNP & Greens in as negative a light as possible given they have said they will use the 2024 GE results as a mandate to start independence negotiations if they get a majority. The Daily Fail is against Independence. They will continue to publish things to make the SNP appear as awful as possible to try and stop this. If you read the full consultation not just the bits extracted to suit that rag it specifically excludes parental rights & responsibilities towards their children so the headline isn’t accurate at all. Expect a lot more in the run up to May.
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Lovely shiny new thread over here

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Scotch Mist

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Ugh probably going to out myself, but I'm on the committee for a theatre group, and we had a show at the weekend in which we have a new member who is a transwoman. We also have a 14 year old female member. We have separate changing rooms for males and females and the transperson was told to use the changing room they feel most comfortable with. They chose the female room. The child member had a chaperone but was in the same room with the adults but in a corner behind a divider.

It just doesn't sit right with me, and no one appears to have raised any concerns. I only found out about the setup tonight so have not been able to influence this in any way (I'm a no performing member so don't attend the rehearsals)

Do I out myself as GC and raise a concern?
Nothing will happen. I used to be a member of a theatre group and they had men and women changing together in the dressing room. Most theatre companies don't have enough dressing room space anyway.
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@Mismatched Pegs Thanks for your post. I hear you.

"I imagine that when you think of a transwoman, you visualise a delicate effeminate male suffering gender dysphoria" - this is true, I really do.

I do NOT want a male predator in a changing room with previous poster's 10 year old daughter. This thread did open my eyes to AGPs and I was and am horrified.

I suppose I see the above quote from @Mismatched Pegs as the majority and the predatory 'bloke in a dress' as a minority giving the rest a bad name.
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Why are women being called terfs, bigots, getting sacked from work etc. for sharing their concerns? Look at all the death threats JKR has received from the trans rights movement community. Why are women the ones expected to feel uncomfortable in their own spaces to make a man feel better about themselves?
That's another extremely salient point - I completely disagree with GC women receiving awful abuse for voicing their opinions. Everyone is entitled to an opinion. Whether or not you agree with JKR, nobody has the right to send her death threats. Disgusting.

From what I understand, the majority of GC beliefs and outrage stem from fear, safety concerns or downright anger at the idea of women's rights and safety being diminished. I dare say that some GC people's beliefs come from a place of hate but clearly so do some TRA's beliefs.
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There's a podcast series/book called Bad Gays which I think demonstrates this very clearly - absolutely old school in seeing homosexuality as something which has meant different things in different societies, but when looking at the story behind Dog Day Afternoon (which is a fascinating one) the person who at one point wanted a sex change operation is TRANS and SHE throughout, even though they changed pronouns regularly - and so their lived reality is completely erased.
Watched that film 30 years ago and thought it was excellent, but always thought of Leon as a gay man.
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There are a number of journalists also - Sonia Sodha in the Observer, Janice Turner in the Times, Joan Smith freelances. Try the Critic - this article by Michael Foran - a (male) legal expert - clarifies yesterdays Meade judgement The right to be gender critical | Michael Foran | The Critic Magazine
Suzanne Moore and Hadley Freeman too. Both left the Guardian as they weren't allowed to write freely about gender critical issues and it also sounds like they were bullied by Owen Jones &other colleagues while there and not supported when they complained.

Julie Burchill often writes on the subject. I know she can be a bit 'Marmite' but I find her bluntness refreshing and she's usually pretty funny too!
And also Julie Bindel
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😂 Surely it can't be an expression that originated in the UK? I'm sure those other meanings are maybe tongue in cheek
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Hansnoms Mumma

Chatty Member
I'm not sure about that, because if the transwomen is taking oestrogen I would have thought there would be an increased risk of breast cancer. Maybe.
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Yep, Edinburgh is hoaching. You can’t walk for a few minutes out of Waverley before spotting one. Glasgow isn’t far behind.
I think it's easier to avoid it in Glasgow. If you avoid the rainbow flags and "vegan" places you're fairly safe.

But the west end is bad and they're trying in bits of the southside.

And they've mainly got English accents!!!
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Keir in July saying he has a 15 year old son and a 12 year old daughter

I’m gonna hope it was a slip of the tongue.
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