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VIP Member
I am that parent at school - one of them. There will be more than you think. You are entitled to say your child does not get taught about that.
Yeh all the Muslim girls and fellas at my school were always pulled out of sex ed
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Possibly, he hasn't actually said he has a trans child.

In the interview clip posted from Twitter, he says, "we've got two relatively young children, a boy who's 15, a boy who's 13". He doesn't enunciate those words very well - when he says "thirteen", it sounds like "thirty" to me and the second "boy" is a bit mumbled. But why would you accidentally say you have two boys?

Strange given that article by the BBC was posted just yesterday and says he has a boy and a girl, and also references the same interview that was posted. There's an article posted by the DM a few months ago that mentions both a son and daughter so if anything has changed with his daughter, it will have been very recent.
Yeh that’s why I question if it’s legit. Keir has also been pretty vocal on being against self ID etc and tbh it’s not really a priority for Labour at the top if they got into government.
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Is this all thanks to Nicola Sturgeon?

I live in London and I haven’t spotted any recently at all round my way.
None here either but I live in a village but we often in the Town 7 miles away , can't say I've seen / noticed one
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What do people think of this.. i presume ‘non-birthing parents’ is mostly the other mum in a lesbian couple having a baby together?

Dads are also non-birthing parents aren’t they?
One would hope so because the only other interpretation is too gross to contemplate: a male who does not wish to ‘identify’ as the father à la that bloke in the Thames Water report.,the%20sin%20of%20'transphobia'.
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To be fair, this seems to be from 2008 - DTs current stance seems to be in support of his son, who probably wasn't born then. He probably had valid artistic reasons.

Didn’t even see that part, i just saw everyone on the post hailing him as some kind of hero for it 🙄
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View attachment 2705040
Urgh, should I be worried? I’ve trimmed the picture down as much as I can and scribbled out the teacher’s name.
Here I was, feeling smug that my kids’ high school are taking a balanced approach to teaching them about gender identity and I get this from the primary school my littlest one attends.
She’s 5 years old and knows there are girls and boys. She’s fine with her knowledge that some things are considered girly and some boyish but that you can choose to do, or wear, or be those things regardless of whether you are a girl or boy. She doesn’t need to know about gender or indeed “all (made up) genders”. I have a good relationship with school but I won’t be able to let it slide if they try to indoctrinate my child with this crap.
Government guidance on sex and relationship education: (I think ‘relationship education’ is compulsory in primary schools which this would fall under, but surely you have a right to oppose any teaching that children can ‘transition’.)
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It's from Brook Jackson though. She was the Pfizer whistle blower and said it was about her own son. Slightly more inclined to believe her.
Really?😂 she’s fucking nuts. I didn’t get the covid vax but her Tweets are unhinged calling vaccines “poison” and such.
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Baby Giraffe

VIP Member
I work in this area and I just want to clarify about this. It's not about being registered female at birth, the invites are sent out automatically based on GP records so it is about how they are registered at their GP.
This is mainly aimed at FTM patients because if they are registered at the GP as male but haven't had a double mastectomy then they need to attend breast screening but won't get invited so they need to contact us to make an appointment.

MTF will automatically get an invite if they have changed their gender with the GP and we don't know in advance that a trans woman is coming for a mammogram. Sometimes its obvious when they turn up, sometimes you have a suspicion but we don't ask about people's assigned gender at birth. We ask about every patient about breast implants and HRT so some trans patients will tell us then but they don't have to.
Sorry off topic but why do you ask about HRT. I had a monogram last week and am on HRT but wasn't asked so didnt say. Is this a problem?
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Apologies. I was conflating cavity search with strip search when I initially read the article and I was quite triggered. As it stands, it is still an incredibly humiliating and distressing invasion of a persons bodily autonomy. It’s shocking. Where will this madness end!
Both can be distressing but a cavity search still wouldn’t be r**e
rape is being penetrated in an orifice by a penis
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VIP Member
These are my go-to recommendations:

Trans by Helen Joyce, Irreversible Damage by Abigail Shrier, Material Girls by Kathleen Stock, The End of Sex by Debra Soh, The Abolition of Sex by Kara Dansky

Aside from JKR, who are some GC women you respect and admire pls? Not necessarily 'celebs' but those who speak out and do so in a considered and eloquent way.
Which of these books give the best overview? Or is one of them a standout read?
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Yes the trans YouTuber Jamie Raines (Jammy Dodger) is 6’1 or something, has hormone-induced facial hair and ‘the voice’. Still comes across as female to me. My mind just doesn’t compute ‘male’ when someone clearly isn’t. Same with female-presenting men.
Jamie has Rachel Maddow vibes for sure - the still photos can be convincing enough sometimes but probably camera angles and posing at play
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You know the judge in the case in Scotland recognised that the girl only got in the car with a man because he was wearing a dress?
What would you say to that young girl who was kidnapped and sexually assaulted?
Are you suggesting TRAs are to blame for this heinous crime and not...a sick and evil predator?
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