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But they did. Hudson only spent a week in a men’s prison and then was moved to a women’s for the rest of his sentence. He was supposed to be suing the MOJ but I can’t find anything out about what happened other than the date got moved.
Ah sorry I misread the initial post ! As if. What a joke
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I visited Manchester recently and felt the same. London I didn't notice anything. Is it more noticeable in smaller University cities maybe?
I think with London it’s different because the vibe is that it is made up of so many mini cities within one huge city
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Kelly Jay Keen.
I've been to a couple of "Let Women Speak", events and think she's brilliant.
Harsh maybe, but I think it's necessary at this point.
It still tells you something that the biggest of her events in London is, 'Picnic in the Park' in June.
Oh noez, those dreadful women speaking and, and having a picnic.

I'd say the SNP and Greens are painting themselves negatively all by themselves.
I won't touch them with the gender woo.
They’ve definitely lost the plot. It’s tricky cos I’m a Yes voter so the way I’ve brought myself round is they’re a means to an end then we can boot them out and concentrate on what’s needed as a country. Their ‘it wisnae us, the bad boys (in Westminster) done it and ran away’ excuses are wearing very thin too. I’ll shush now as it’s the gender thread not the Scottish politics one 😆
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For those of you keeping track of the boycott list of TRA ally companies/people. Intersting list - it includes Cats Protection and Dreamies:D

Boycott list - Google Docs
Anyone know what the London Library has done?

ETA: Oh just realised it’s the London Public Library in Ontario

Not the London Library in London
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Chatty Member
I agree that usually people 'passing' will be on images because of angles and make up. Yasmin, the trans actor in doctor who Christmas specials, was obviously not female on screen, but does look female on photos. Similarly Elliot Page looked ridiculous in Umbrella Academy, so tiny compared to the male actors. I dont think all women are small or that all men are large, but in general the standard deviation is different for men and women.

I was in a doctors waiting room the other day and browsed the leaflets when I came across one for breast screening. I know men can also get breast cancer but it's less likely, but this leaflet was more about gender identity recorded at the doctor, where it would be entirely possible to even use the term "assigned female at birth" if you really didn't want to say woman. But saying you will be invited if your gender is female seems stupid, I don't think trans women should be going in for breast screenings, unless there is some other underlying risk factor. Again, it's taking valuable NHS time from real women
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Can anyone recommend a book about menopause written by a woman who knows the difference between a woman and a pervert in a dress? I really don’t fancy reading about menopause and being inclusive of men….

ETA the idea of tiptoeing around men’s feelings while dealing with something that really blows up a woman’s life makes me so mad!
Perimenopause Power by Maisie Hill - I think I only spotted two places where she'd used people rather than women, but it's been a few years since I read it, so it's possible she's 'updated' it.
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Chatty Member
Is it possible Keir just slipped up his words??
Possibly, he hasn't actually said he has a trans child.

In the interview clip posted from Twitter, he says, "we've got two relatively young children, a boy who's 15, a boy who's 13". He doesn't enunciate those words very well - when he says "thirteen", it sounds like "thirty" to me and the second "boy" is a bit mumbled. But why would you accidentally say you have two boys?

Strange given that article by the BBC was posted just yesterday and says he has a boy and a girl, and also references the same interview that was posted. There's an article posted by the DM a few months ago that mentions both a son and daughter so if anything has changed with his daughter, it will have been very recent.
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Is anyone watching First Dates on Ch4? There’s a TIF on there and I’m wondering at what point it’s going to be mentioned (on the outside chance the young female date doesn’t realise)?
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This is actually so upsetting. How is this actually happening and how can people defend this? I feel sick. An outrageous violation of women’s rights. This is rape.
It’s not r**e! Sexual assault yes but not r**e.
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I was reading something interesting that (definitely paraphrasing here) said along the lines of statistically it's our boyfriends/husbands, brothers, fathers etc, basically the men in our lives who are the most likely to commit crimes against women and that we are essentially displacing the fear to strangers (ie trans women) in a sort of 'fear of the unknown' situation.

An article in the Guardian says: "the major threat to women, straight or not, cis- or not, always was and still is straight men and patriarchy. Every category is leaky and there are exceptions to every rule, but that’s where the lion’s share of violence against women comes from, as rape and domestic violence and harassment and murder".
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BIB - I think I have to disagree with this. I live in Ireland - the women who are driving TRA ideology are well educated, high powered, politicians, working in NGOs and acadaemia, and have high media profiles. Women with, shall we say, less privilege think it's a load of b***ocks.

As an example, this is a link to an open letter (2020) ( asking that women who believe in the reality of biological sex should not have politcal representation or be given any media time. Of the groups who signed it, prominent is the National Women's Council of Ireland (NWCI) - who have a transwoman on their board. Scrolling down to the individual signatories, the majority are women.

A referendum to remove the word 'woman' from the Irish consitution will be held on International Womens Day (!) - the NWCI support this move from sex-based language to gender based language, even though there is no advantage for women.
Yes, maybe you're right. They all need a massive shake. Perhaps they're the Wives who look down on us Handmaids.
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