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Nicola Sturgeon is stepping down. Saw that coming after the backlash from the gender bill, it was clear she was losing control and hated it. I didn't think she'd step down so soon though.
And I can't thank her enough for the monumental fuck up she made with her gender bill. She personally and single handedly moved the Gender Critical movement forward 15 years in the space of a week!
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If it makes anyone feel better my kid will only be reading the original versions of Roald Dahl’s books. He already loves loads of them. Not to sound too dramatic here, but it feels like a violation of RD to edit his books after his death. It’s chilling. But where do we stop? Some (a lot of) David Walliam’s books are pretty fatphobic as well as other things. I should know, I have read many of them to my son over the last few years. I’ve winced a bit at the language but we talk about it afterwards. I’ll talk about language around fat people and about judging people on appearance. It opens up a conversation. Books reflect the real world, albeit often exaggerated, and the real world is not a sanitised and perfect place where we all use the right words all the time. And it never will be. I cannot understand the thinking behind editing an authors work based on who’s moral standard?
Sorry - not gender related but just 😤
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Does Roald Dahl (from the grave) consent to his intellectual property being tampered with?!

If I were a parent right now i’d be buying second hand versions of the original classic kids books, so that I could have a selection of proper kids books for them to read rather than these 1894 redcated/censored doctored versions.
I’d imagine the original books will still be in print though. Certainly all the RD ebooks on my kids library app are still all originals (I’ve just checked). Whoever has decided to edit these books is already facing major backlash. I saw David Baddiel condemning it the other day. All authors should be quaking in their (gender non specific) boots in case they put a foot (word) wrong 🫠
Also just to say it is great to see new names posting. If you’re lurking then feel free to post and say hello. There are more of us than you know. We’re just not allowed to say it anywhere else apparently!
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I find this kind of stuff a bit sinister because you know he doesn't believe one word of that, JK might as well stick her hand up his backside and make his mouth move. 😂

Why not just report him to Twitter and get his tweets removed like everyone else? I dunno, a billionaire sending threatening legal letters because she got annoyed by a few daft tweets looks a bit petty.
Not the first time. And TRAs have been playing the 'solicitors game' with GC women for ages. Ultimate offender being that lawyer. I think she just wants to shine a light on them and make them accountable. Which is why I think they're stupid to try it on, her pockets are deep and she can't be cancelled; every time they act up, she can tweet and millions of people see TRAs for what they are and new people peak.

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So I saw an interesting IG story from a man I used to work with today, he went on a first date a few days ago, and yesterday he bought the hogwarts legacy game. He put it on his stories and said that he was excited to play. The date has now seen it and messaged him saying he doesn’t want to go on a second date because he’s a bigot who hates trans people 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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It’s so wonderful every time a new person arrives here, or on Twitter or I get a message on my fb from someone who has started reading my neverending posts about this hellish stuff.
About half the people I reckoned had definitely muted me since 2018 when I started posting about it.
But I know some of them still read lots of the links I share, because little by little I have noticed likes appearing from a wide range of those various fb friends.
I have also had 3 or 4 messages from people asking for more info or actually saying they feel foolish that they didn’t see the problems before.
JkRowling made the first huge difference in getting some to listen, and ironically Nicola Sturgeon made it the topic everyone is now openly discussing.
I wonder if Sturgeon realises that!
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Agree, she looks like a cunt.

I saw another article about how "disconnected" she felt using a surrogate. No fucking shit love.
Can’t stand people like her, Paris Hilton, Khloe Kardashian and Priyanka Chopra who think they can buy a baby from some poor woman. It’s sickening
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Scotch Mist

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Fucking fuck offffff. Now being GC means facism is my fault? If she was so miserable at school why didn’t her parents take her out, love her to another school, homeschool her? I got bullied horrifically at school, physically and verbally assaulted, no one gave a flying fuck. I am so sad that teenagers are being stabbed and they died, but the TRA’s are absolutely wetting themselves that they can attack TERFS. Also, why is having concerns about safety for women and girls suddenly mean we are promoting and encouraging violence against trans people?!

I wish the media and people cared so fucking much for the THOUSANDS of women murdered and raped each year.

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They are so close to getting it. Vulnerable people ARE being let down. Whether they are women, migrants, old people, people with disabilities, trans people, young people, people with mental health conditions, and so on... But the media and government certainly did not murder Brianna and I don't know why no one is talking about this spate of violence between young people in the UK.

Also interesting how people are up in arms about some news articles originally not mentioning that Brianna was trans. But I thought we were to believe that trans women are women. So if trans women are women, then surely you wouldn't need to specify 🙄
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Misogyny, pure and simple. It’s blatant.

There was a brief period on Tiktok (trends change so fast) with women discussing not being given pain relief for coil insertion, cervical biopsies etc because doctors told them the cervix has no nerve endings. Because the textbooks say the same. Obstetric forceps are literally medieval. This complete and utter resistance to modernise and change practice only happens in women’s health.
Yeh exactly, ditto things related to smear tests and does anyone remember the vaginal mesh scandal a few years ago? I went to a talk with some (female) doctors taking about it and apparently women had been advised, as they could no longer have vaginal sex with their male partners, to try anal...i wish this was a joke
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I've always found JKR to be very very astute and I think if people hear her in her own words for themselves, it could change a lot of people's minds about her (that is - of course - if they give the podcast a chance and listen to it without their friends knowing lol).
That’s exactly it. She comes across as so decent and so human (listening to her voice crack as she talked about the loss of her mother really got me) and all the Potter fans who denounce her could gain a lot from remembering the actual character of the woman they used to worship. She’s amazing.

Fuck the BBC and The Independent for their biased AF headlines though. As you can see, Sky news chose a much less inflammatory angle…


Just goes to show that you can take any quote out of content and put a negative spin on it. Her point about not caring about her legacy and about being dead is “I care about NOW”. That’s what she followed it up with.
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I saw this on Twitter, about an event at some hipster brewery in Manchester (I think). It wasn't the TRAs jumping to his defence there - it was the #bekind mob and the "non-binary" twenty-something year old women. TRA brigade were suspiciously silent, perhaps because the author himself had publicly admitted to a "diaperfur" fetish that he "won't be kink shamed over" and had been exposed for tracing photographs of actual babies to turn them into sexually provocative images of er... childlike cartoon animals wearing nappies... I see he is on tour and due to perform at Strathclyde University tomorrow night - fuck knows why these organisations are so blinkered that they can't see this for what it is and they're platforming a paedophile in a dress, but god forbid they shut it down because trans. The brewery did shut the event down, but blamed big bad terfs for threatening their staff, of which there was absolutely zero evidence :rolleyes:

Meanwhile Kate Forbes is being lambasted for her conservative Christian beliefs about family life - many of which I strongly disagree with - but the woman is being absolutely vilified while this trans-p*edo-acceptance bullshit goes on in the background.
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Scotch Mist

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So I'm Jewish, and I loved reading Enid Blyton's books when I was growing up in the 1990s. I definitely picked up on the sexism, classism, snobby Englishness, and downright racism in the books. Brown people were always either dirty, ridiculously superstitious or childish, etc etc
Yes, it bothered me. I knew it was wrong, and thought that it was stupid and cringy when I was reading the books. I also remember wishing it wasn't in the stories because I knew deep down that the Famous Five would judge me or not want to hang out with me. I still loved and love the books. They're fun and exciting, and the atmosphere is wonderful.

Where does this leave us? I would personally argue to leave the books as they are. Most children who are raised right will pick up on the racism and conclude it's stupid on their own, just like I did. Those whose bigotry is reinforced by the books have bigger problems, most likely racist parents and environments.
And I wish there were more adventure books in the style of Enid Blyton that are more, eh, truly "inclusive". Where girls do dangerous stuff, where brown, Black and Asian people are just part of the group without it being super obvious or constantly discussed.
Also, I'm curious why the TRAs haven't yet picked up on George, "the girl who wants to be a boy". Wouldn't she be a poster child for the entire trans kids thing? I'm surprised there are no debates raging on about her.
I totally agree with you. I remember that Gypsies always got a hard time from Enid Blyton too.
I read loads of Blyton's books as a child and was often appalled at the snobbishness of the characters but always enjoyed the adventures.

Sometimes changes should be made e.g. Agatha Christie's '10 little xxxxx' is now 'and then there were none'. That's a necessary change, but unless something is outright offensive then it should be left.

People should remember the time period and context of when things were published instead of applying today's values onto everything.
I once had an argument with a woman who complained that all Jane Austen wrote about was marriage and how she wasn't a feminist (to her disgust). I said that Jane not marrying herself and trying to earn her way as an author was a pretty good stab at 'feminism' during that time.

Revisionism is erasure of history and we can't learn from history if it has been eradicated.
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Scotch Mist

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When I was a teen, like most teens, I had many questions about sexuality and was not sure what my sexual orientation was. It made me very anxious.
I read books for teens seeking reassurance and in these books I read it was normal to question myself and it did not make me homosexual.
Today’s teens are not allowed to question themselves, they are not allowed to doubt. Society coerces then into thinking they are trans if they ever doubt about their own bodies and minds.
Most people question these things it's natural to do so. I had a crush on my art teacher when I was early teens because she was young and pretty, but eventually I realised it wasn't sexual attraction but a form of admiration because I liked the way she did her hair and the clothes she wore.
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I saw an interesting theory that a lot of this gender stuff has become popular as awareness of racism has increased and people pay more dues and attention to other cultures, sort of a selfish need and desire to find an identity which is quirky or different instead of just being “normal”. Would be interesting to see demographics in a study to see if this has any truth to it. I remember Dave Chapelle making a joke about something along these lines too.
People like to compete in the Oppression Olympics, plus so many people seem to be scared of being average, mundane. I embrace being boring, lol, but it seems so many are conditioned to think they have to either be oppressed, quirky, different, neurodiverse etc. It's like you can't just be a boring person from a boring town minding your own business anymore 😂 No, now you have to be All the Genders at once and self diagnose yourself with 20 + disorders. Making a mockery of biology, genuine sexuality, genuine disabilities etc in the process. It comes across so desperate to be honest.

I think the world overshares now. Let's get back to some personal privacy, self-motivation, and reduce the need for external validation outside of friendship and family. Why do we need to perform in our e-signatures and on socials all the time? It's sick.
I saw a Tiktok from Anonymous (remember them?) that they’re looking into Jeffrey Marsh. It’s quite a big deal that he’s coming to the attention of other groups outside of feminists and gender criticals. I hope they manage to shine a light on him, he’s such a blatant predator.
About time!
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This is chilling. Being reported for the wrong opinions. People are allowed to have opinions on a fictional state of being. This is not the same as being homophobic or racist or prejudiced against people for what they are, it is refusing to accept the fiction that you can change sex. Fiction, lies, nonsense. I was once very live and let live about it all. I think that was a mistake as it eroded boundaries for women. Also the sex work is work crowd. Belle de jour glamourised the happy hooker, and maybe it was fine for her, but for every one of her there are a thousand trafficked and abused women trapped, and those women should be protected.
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But she HAS been victimised by these thugs! They have sent her death threats, stalked her, doxxed her and made disgusting allegations about her. Yes, she is an extremely wealthy woman but that doesn’t mean she cannot be victimised. She is fortunate that her wealth gives her some protection, that’s probably what enables her to speak out without being cancelled. But she is 100% being abused by TRAs.

I had to chuckle at the first one. I know it’s a bit disingenuous but it sums up how some paint JK Rowling as a poor victim.
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