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VIP Member
I think most people, yes the silent majority, recognise the gestures for the tokenism they are and just dislike them as they are divisive in nature. And that includes gay people too.
Let’s make a meaningless tokenistic gesture aaaaand make it dangerous 🎉 not even responding to the goading 🥱🥱
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There was a recent court case (unsure where in the UK) whereby the complaint took the place to court due to imposing unisex toilets. The judge ruled in her favour stating that it was not acceptable to have to open the door and potentially see a man at a urinal but also that a man should also not expect to be at a urinal and have a woman walk in.

People do not want them
I think it was this -

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I sympathise with you all having to put up with this pain in the arse. It does make me wonder what is the legal position on all of this?
If 2x colleagues are having a conversation, not connected to work, are they not permitted to say something factual? Eg Sam Smith is male or TIM's are still men, or biological men should not be housed in female prisons?
Would HR deem this as an transphobic - a conversation, to a colleague, discussing facts with no intention to offend anyone? 🤔
I have a feeling its extremely complicated....!!! And a total minefield!

There was a woman who recently won her case against BT for racial discrimination at work.

She was American, and got upset because of a couple of instances of what were proved to be racial discrimination. She had left her job citing stress and anxiety and took the company to court.
The 2 instances used were: as a US national, she needed to renew her work visa. Her manager tried to intervene on her behalf and told HR I assume that she might be deported if they didnt sort out the work visa paperwork. This remark caused her stress and led to her being anxious and having to stay at home off work.
This was then made worse after, with a comment made in an evening discussion whilst the team were at an evening meal, whilst working overnight in Northern Ireland. ( which surely isnt a work situation? ) about whether or not she could swim, and her colleague wondering why so many black women didnt swim.
Apparently its because of something about the texture of peoples hair? And its racist because in the USA there is a history of black people not being able to use swimming pools that white people used? A history which I doubt many UK residents have a clue about?
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I actually wasn’t aware that Fiona Bruce was so captured. That’s massively disappointing. She’s supposed to be impartial is she not? They never are though. How anyone, much less a woman, could defend IW is beyond me. Him and his fake cervix is so open with his absolute hatred for ‘cis’ women.

Apologies for the use of the words cervix and open there, just realised how it sounds 😂
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I know I should probably feel some second-hand embarrassment on behalf of Anum Qaisar, but instead I’m wondering a) how was someone so inept allowed to speak publicly on issues she has no intellectual capacity to understand, and b) when she later reflected on this exchange, did she feel that she’d done an excellent job under the circumstances but was bullied by a nasty terf, or does she have an element of awareness of how embarrassingly out of her depth she was?
She’s basically yet another one of the SNP production line who are student politicians. She tried to stand in my area for the Holyrood elections in 2021 and didn’t get selected, then managed to get the Westminster gig because Neil Gray stood down.
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I actually wasn’t aware that Fiona Bruce was so captured. That’s massively disappointing. She’s supposed to be impartial is she not? They never are though. How anyone, much less a woman, could defend IW is beyond me. Him and his fake cervix is so open with his absolute hatred for ‘cis’ women.

Apologies for the use of the words cervix and open there, just realised how it sounds 😂
What programme is Fiona Bruce said to be biased in?

I've never seen her be biased on Question Time - she just acts as a moderator - making sure people get their say, keeping to timing and making sure people don't veer too far off topic. I've even heard her say things like "no one is interested in my opinion" if a guest asks her a direct question.

Sometimes she has to interrupt to keep the BBC out of legal hot water. For example, when one of the panellists makes a comment about someone who's not there, she might said: "I do have to tell you that X said Y". That's not her view, but it's usually to stop the person being talked about suing the programme.

It's a tough job, I wouldn't want it!
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It could simply be that he has been arrested - asked what his name is to which he has replied with Andrew Miller and assuming he has been asked sex replied a man. This has then been reported by the police and thus through the press as a man. BBC and others maybe covering their ass by also stating the other name he sometimes goes by.
This is what I reckon too. He posted online a few days ago about how Westminster shouldn’t mess with the Scottish trans agenda or something - he will be astute enough to realise that his transvestitism/AGP/whatever it is isn’t doing the trans lobby any favours. I doubt the police have changed their trans policies practically overnight, they’re still captured.
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Miss Begotten

VIP Member
You are aware it is representative of a 'golden shower?' - not quite the same theme as a bikini clad woman in Trafalgar square..

ETA: I think Sam Smith is a prick. A completely misogynistic, self absorbed, twat. I don't don't like his music and I don't like him. 100% gives me the ick. He is a grubby little man whom one day I wouldn't be surprised if there maybe a few police reports about him (ala Boy George?/George Michael?)
Fully aware. I’m old, but I’m not that old. Maybe I’m so old I’ve seen so much shit that lots of it just washes over me.
Look, I think that Sam Smith is pretty bloody awful and he is clearly going out of his way to be what he thinks is provocative.
I do get it. He’s a twat.
However. There is a bit of me that wonders whether the “outrage” at his video would be the same if he was a conventionally attractive, not overweight man or a woman. Maybe it would. I don’t know. But I suspect the “journalists” on the DM would be creaming their pants and screeching about empowerment if a Kardashian put out a similar video. ( Well, most of the Kardashians. Not Rob obviously)
Either way, I’m giving the attention seeking wanker far too much thought.
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Since the decline of MTV and all the music channels I honestly haven’t watched a music video in years. They don’t play on Spotify or anything. Do they play them in clubs? I don’t go out regularly anymore. It’s a surprise to me that they still make them for YouTube.

The Sam Smith issue for me was his non binary Brits tantrum and I don’t really like his music (also ripping off Tom Petty). Watching him do his drag Queen little teapot walk round soho is cringe. As others have said, the music video is trying to shock (like WAP - which I didn’t like) and it’s a bit pathetic really.
They still play them on all the music TV channels, and they do still act as a good promotional tool given how popular YouTube is. That said, they try to make them as cheaply as possible these days, hence why you’ll often see some fairly blatant product placement in them!

I didn’t care about the Brits controversy, award shows are pointless anyway. I like the music I like because of how it sounds, I couldn’t give a stuff about how many awards it wins. It’s just the industry patting itself on the back.

Finally on the WAP point that didn’t bother me. They clearly weren’t coerced into doing it and so why not? They released a clean version anyway for radio and if parents let their children onto YouTube unsupervised to see the rude version then that’s on the parents. Too many parents seem to think looking after their own children is everyone else’s responsibility but theirs.
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As @obnoxiouspelican says, we have yet another woman and her child, apparently killed by the man of the family. Every single week, two women are killed by their partner. And they wonder why we don't want to share our spaces with them, they wonder why we're scared? 😡

I watched a very good youtube video last week that stated that the trans invasion of women's spaces, rights, language, jobs etc 100% depended on women initially supporting it. So no, we can no longer afford be kind to men.

This is very graphic and not for the faint hearted.

Gender non-conforming 3rd gender in India


This is very graphic and not for the faint hearted.

Gender non-conforming 3rd gender in India

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