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Do you feel comfortable speaking to other parents? Much more powerful going in as a group. You don't have to be overtly GC with parents, test the waters.
I honestly don’t know many of the parents and I have a sneaky suspicion it wouldn’t be on many if anyone’s radar tbh. I will be contacting the head I think. Urgh.
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Piff paff puff

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And this is what it all boils down to.

If you're waiting for other people to validate you, to be the main character in everyone's story, then in my opinion you need a bucket load of therapy.
I actually agree with Owen there - don't faint.

I've watched the full video. I didn't really want to, but if you're gonna comment on something, you should at least know the subject matter.

There's nothing in it that isn't in a load of pop music videos. If there was nudity I couldn't see it. Scantily clad dancers yes, but showing no more than most people show at the beach on a summer day. Sam is a man (sorry but he is) - so wearing nipple tassles isn't as obscene as a woman wearing tassles on her breasts would be. I know it's a double standard, but that's the world we live in.

I think most of the 'controversy' comes from the part that's supposedly meant to be a 'golden shower'. However, the bit in question is tame really because it's clear water, so is no more obscene than drinking from a water fountain. The opening credits of Friends where they play in the fountain and spit water out their mouths also needs banning if this video needs banning.

Of course the Daily Mail is whipping its readers up into a moral outrage, demanding to know why kids can view it on YouTube, etc. But that's a YouTube problem that's existed long before Sam Smith's videos. Children shouldn't be allowed unfettered access to YouTube anyway and that's the responsibility of parents, no one else.

So, as per usual, it's much ado about nothing!
Again, a publicity stunt. Such an old trick but works EVERY time.
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Another unexpected outburst of common the tide finally turning?
Not sure if it's the reporting but under these rules all the DSD athletes would still be legible as it says recorded female at birth which they were. Hopefully the rules cover that anomaly
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And it's not even that trans women are being excluded...

There is no space for them in women's sport or women's spaces because they are not women.

This is a very important point. You can't exclude someone who isn't a woman, because they do not fit the criteria to begin with. They can argue TWAW until they're blue in the face but it simply isn't true.

Isn't it funny that they ALWAYS demand that women welcome them with open arms into our spaces, because men's spaces wouldn't be safe? Why not argue for men's spaces to be inclusive? It's because they want access to OUR spaces, not because they want to feel comfortable. There are many many other options available but it always comes back to wanting to be included in single sex spaces.
Because the majority are autogynephiles. They need the validation from women to get their sexual euphoria. This shit show all stems from these middle aged billionaires who wanted the biggest high of all. Then they joined with the medical conglomerates to start trans-ing the children. Then they paid for the T to be added to LGB globally. The original LGB charities were already well placed to infiltrate kids and businesses, as they had spent years with their genuine and sincere efforts to gain basic human rights for LGB people. This has been a well funded and deeply concerted effort to change society from the babies up. These children are now the ones being put on puberty blockers and having the experimental surgeries. It's shameful.


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I hope this rapist news makes a lot of people THINK “A male rapist in a womens prison? Hell no!”

I still also can’t get over the attempt to cancel Aretha Franklin’s Natural Woman song… when will the masses wake up and say “no more” to being told what not to listen to, what to read etc.

Heartened though to see David Blunkett and Tony Robinson speaking out. More need to do it but maybe people are feeling more brave (not you, Mark Hamill)
With Fiona Bruce the men's rights activist trying to shut him down!

Her and Lorraine Kelly need to be off our screens pronto. Both are just TRA propaganda spewers!



Are kids shown this when they make these life altering decisions? Of course they aren't.


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If you ever pop over to the Jessica Alves thread, I’ve no doubt he’d have an unscrupulous enough surgeon going by the state of his face and body. His nose already looks as thought it’s going to fall off at any given moment
I do go on there, yeah. I totally agree, if there was even a remote possibility that womb transplants were going to be available to men he’d be first in the queue. And it would probably be the death of him, too.
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My son knows a lot of furry/brony types from his gaming groups. He calls it the ‘pipeline’. They start off liking My Little Pony, then eventually it progresses to being a furry, changing to a kind of unisex name, then eventually they end up being called something ridiculous like ‘Luna’ and identifying as a ‘trans girl’. It’s a real shame in some cases, one of the lads currently in the pipeline is someone he’s been friends with since he was 5 who used to be a really outgoing, friendly boy, but now he just sits in his room all day watching anime and drawing ‘original furry characters’. My son doubts he’ll be friends with this group much longer because they constantly take the piss out of him because he likes girls, is very tall and takes pride in his appearance - apparently that means he’s a ‘fuckboy’.
Don’t forget the anime girl twitter profile pic 🤣
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Article about the planned attack of the furries against standing for women.
[COLOR=%s]"furious furverts have planned a [/COLOR][COLOR=%s]counter-demo[/COLOR][COLOR=%s]. A ‘battle of Furlodden’ could be on the cards."[/COLOR]
This is so frustrating.

If you look at the initial optics...... furry cartoon characters arent seen as threatening, they are seen as harmless childrens characters. So its a group deliberately choosing a costume where they can completely hide and mask their identity in a child friendly cartoon outfit.

I wish there was a way to respond that was supportive of the gender critical women speakers? Its hard to know how to react to this level of incipient aggression, and part of me is so glad that there are women out there prepared to be open and gender critical.

But Could they in some way also dress up, so that their identities are hidden? Something like


although perhaps the headscarf and boiler suit is a bit aggressive. Im just thinking of something that is perhaps non aggressive and non threatening, but also a way for less confident women to hide behind, and yet still show support? Something to contrast against childish furries? or black covered ninjas?
Maybe Aprons...and wooden spoons, and pushchairs?
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I thought it was obvious I was giving an opinion - ie I think some people are letting their bias get in the way. Clearly not everyone will agree with me, but that's life.
I'm afraid it wasn't obvious. At least to me. 🤷‍♀️ The tone of your post made it seem like you were judging people who disagreed.

But whatever.
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I am sceptical. She's said they won't be incarcerated in Cornton Vale - well, no one will be there shortly, it's due to close in a few months, be knocked down, and a new women's prison built on the same site. The current inmates are all being moved to HMP Stirling. Will Isla go to Stirling with the women or actually be put in the male estate? Until we have an answer to that I'm not convinced this isn't just weasel words.
There are woman in different jails in Scotland - Greenock is one with Grampian being another one. The reason for this is that Cornton Vale was not suitable many years ago and it had been decided to move some to other estates so that it was easier for family to visit. So unless this bloke is sent somewhere like Shotts we can never be sure where he is being housed.
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So the last few days on Instagram there have been posts about how research spanning the last 10 years has proven that transgender individuals have no advantage when it comes to sport.

Have any of you read this research? If you have read it what do you think of it? I just don't understand how someone who was born a biological man doesn't have the upper hand against women.

Also, I'm assuming that these biological men will at least have to have transitioned and that self ID'ing as a woman without hormones, surgery etc. won't be allowed. I feel like these are questions you can't even ask without being jumped on online.
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I’m really sad for Madonna. She would have been a gorgeous kick ass older lady aging like Helen Mirren, Susan Sarandon. sexy AF. Attitude like Vivienne (RIP). Now sadly she is a joke and no one sees the pioneer.
Agreed. I don't understand celebs who ruin their face with plastic surgery. And that applies to men and women.
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