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VIP Member
A podcast that you might enjoy. Elaine Miller, the viva your vulva, merkin flasher, chatting on the American Heterodorx podcast. I know a few of us here were scratching our heads at why she pulled the merkin stunt and she explains (with humour) in here. In my view she is very brave. Enjoy!

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Piff paff puff

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Because IPSO guidelines demand they respect the offender's gender identity. It's a men's rights movement.

Via Fair play for women on FB.

This self ID as you likey is really starting to grate now.

The GRA must be repealed (I think the Tories may do this as part of their next election manifest) and all GRC's cancelled, they are nothing more than a fiction.

"Well done EHRC. Much needed clarity. This is the U.K. equality regulator doing it’s job well. Rapid response confirming British Athletics CAN lawfully exclude GRC holders from women’s sport. British Athletics can’t say they weren’t told. “We [EHRC] reached out to UK Athletics and offered to discuss the legal advice underpinning their statement. We are disappointed that they have chosen to publicise their inaccurate advice”. Proof of how confused and fearful sports orgs now are about protecting women’s sport. Even when the UK EQUALITY REGULATOR calls to tell them female-only sport is lawful they still don’t dare implement the policy! The chilling effect of the GRA is real."

UK athletics needs sacked, the spineless turds. Replace them with people who don't break the law.
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Was she affiliated with them or was it a case that they attended her speeches similar to Sunday where they where obviously there but in very small numbers. It is an open invitation after all in a public place.
To be honest they were the only people who entertained her originally. Left wing, only want pro trans and are never willing to report an honest and opposite opinion to the agenda they shove down everyone's throats. Most people are left of centre IMO
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VIP Member
Oh god I’ve just stumbled on a page on insta that had really shocked me. On first glance it looks innocent enough. But I read a bit closer and realised it’s a page set up by a ‘trans dad’ basically this dad with a son who is now his daughter. And he’s set up a company making trans and non binary swimwear!! Which on inspection appears to be padded bikini tops and bottoms that hide the penis. There are toddlers and little kids in there. I’m not kidding. This is a legit company and the dad and ‘daughter’ have been on the today show (as obviously they are American). Just…wow. It’s insane. It is so efffed up that little boys who want to wear unicorn swimwear feel they have to tuck their penis away and become girls to do so. I honestly despair for humanity.
I know you’re not kidding, I’ve seen who you’re talking about before and can even picture the image of the dad and “daughter” together on the main page, it may have been discussed on one of these earlier threads, but I can’t remember the name of the company now
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But you're a man, just like TW's. You don't have to deal with menstrual blood on your hands, you don't have to semi undress to pee, you don't have to deal with pissed on toilet seats and you don't mind seeing other bloke peeing at urinals.

Women on the other hand, absolutely do!

Mixed sex facilities only ever benefit men and take away from women.
That's why I think there should be 3 - ie separate male, female and gender neutral options. Never just one.

For absolute clarity, I mean the male and female toilets should both continue to be single sex, which addresses your concerns above.

I think having 3 choices is the 'best' way forward, because then all the people who want a single sex option (which is most) can continue to have that, but trans people who don't feel comfortable in toilets assigned to their birth sex can have another option.

I agree with others that where there's not the space to have 3 - like on trains - then there should be one single occupancy toilet that has everything contained within it.
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Ruby’s mum

VIP Member
You see what happens when you allow men to lie about being women in the context of the law?

Women can't rape, so it isn't rape - right?
Wow. Aside from the fact that they are incorrect as rape is defined as penetration with a penis, so if the ‘woman’ uses a penis against another woman’s wishes it is still rape, that is unbelievable. Where is this from?
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Mary Whitehouse is often ridiculed, but she was on the money about the eventual pornification of our culture (I disagree with her views on homosexuality). I haven't listened to this yet, but Samira Ahmed is very thorough and thoughtful in her work.

The BBC news article on celebrity surrogacy is absolutely grim. I really hope the lid has been lifted on this barbaric practice, despite all the propaganda that is being churned out.
My issue with Whitehouse is that it was her way or the highway. She decided that certain things were "obscene" and, therefore, should be banned for everyone. She was seemingly motivated mostly by her religion which was effectively a way of enforcing her beliefs on the nation.

I mean, she even took issue with Doctor Who of all things! Now I appreciate she was against certain material that most people would agree is obscene, but she took it too far in my opinion.

And, like you say, she was homophobic. She thought homosexuality was caused by abnormal parental sex during pregnancy or just after and she also said that being gay was "like having acne: 'Psychiatric literature proves that 60 per cent of homosexuals who go for treatment get completely cured'". I mean, that sums it up for me!
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She may have been over the top but look at how much boundaries have been chipped away over the last 30 years. It feels like there are no boundaries anymore when it comes to the public consumption of sex.
Well yes, it's definitely too easy for children to get hold of porn. I don't have children but if I did, I certainly wouldn't let them go on iPads or give them phones when they're too young for them.
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I don’t see much evidence of many TIMs wanting to have sex with men anyway. But surely this just needs better rules based on risk.

The tweet makes gay sex sound like this awful thing that should exclude any gay man from giving blood. Thankfully here in the UK the rules were changed to look at behaviour - ie gay men who aren’t sleeping around all the time are at a lower risk and hence can donate blood. I’m sick of low level homophobia in tweets like that.
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Your last paragraph is sorta what I was thinking the case must be. I have done a lot of unfollowing this week as anyone who shares these studies do not seem to want to look at them in depth and anyone who asks questions just have their heads bitten off.

Funnily enough I'm also finding it hard to find the link to the study they speak about and I do generally like to read these things and make my own mind up but as of now I have no idea of sample size, conditions etc.
Its in Rhys McKinnon's head as every other study shows what we all know
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VIP Member
I get people don't like Sam Smith for the daft they/them pronoun thing, but I can't help feel at least some of the objection to him is a bit puritanical. 😂

I mean, Madonna was doing videos like that to 'shock' in the 1980s and here we are in the 2020s and some people are still clutching their pearls in mock horror. I think it risks undermining the position, as it makes it seem like any objection to trans stuff is rooted in Mary Whitehouse mentality.

I know it isn't, but the high horse tutting is a bit much at times.
I think I find Smith a bit pitiful because the stuff is not actually as wild/transgressive as Smith thinks? Because as you mention Madonna etc have done it all before. So too have loads of performance artists (Though personally I think that sort of performance art is bad).
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Well-known member
This association counts every woman killed by her partner or ex partner.
No trans woman has been killed by a partner or ex.
But, as I have already written here about it, TRAs keep accusing them of transphobia…

Here again… no words about women being killed… « and what about trans?” 😤


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They've dropped the second camera in the stream so the sound is steadier 🤞 👏


The second camera back online and the sound has gone completely. Oh dear...
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