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she is a really pretty girl 🫤 She has so much potential, the endless hauls and comparisons to high end homeware is boring 🥺 She could do so many videos that young women would enjoy.
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But guys, Beige Betty only did the Shein haul because her fans really wanted her to do one and have been requesting it like crazy ... Sure Jan. That was a very cunning comment to start the video off with.
Not long until her next Temu haul.

Funny, she got all sad and defensive over some negative consumerism comments while she had a Shein video in the works.
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Rosie glow

VIP Member
Surely the last thing we are thinking about in the UK right now as we're sweltering in nye on 30 degree heat is is bloody oversized jumpers candles and frigging pumpkin spice lattes
I don't want to get cosy under a autumn themed throw I want to stick my head in the freezer and cool the hell down
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Rosie glow

VIP Member
Who has time to put the toaster in and out of a cupboard for frig sake
Why does she need all of those spices and oils and shit she only ever cooks hello fresh or m and s ready meals
That glass jar of dog treats which are for a puppy BTW not a fully grown adult dog really grind my gears just why
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Rosie glow

VIP Member
Tommy went away for the night without her on her birthday 😲 her mum had to come and spend the evening with her instead i really find that quite sad 😔
And all he got her was a ysl card holder (in beige obvs)
She was so happy with all her white company crap for her birthday bless her,
Freya love you need to be with someone who wants the same life as you not to just blindly follow them living the life they want wake up woman all the stuff in the world is not going to make up for that one day you will wake up and it will be too late
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I thought she would be using one of the many scented kitchen cleaners she buys to wipe down all the kitchen cupboards. But nope, she just put items wrapped in plastic bags into said cupboards and complained about how long it'd take for her to organise.
She can't wait to light another chemically fragranced candle on the new kitchen island along with all the other synthetic chemicals she sprays and diffuses round the place..... I'm surprised they aren't all choking to death!! That poor dog......
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Rosie glow

VIP Member
How much beige autumn crap can one house hold
Now we have astetically pleasing dog treats in a jar for display 🤦‍♀️ ffs
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I’m being so inspired by the latest video. Very relieved that the dog leads hung in the utility room match the aesthetic of the artificial plant bits in the styled up shopping bag.

My dog leads sadly don’t measure up at all. Must try harder.
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Well-known member
Just out of curiosity, are tray, book and candle the tools for beige exorcism? How the those neutranella's think they can fight sins against interiors? Just put a tray, a book and a candle on every surface (colour coordinated, of course)
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Well-known member
I liked the £120 worktop decor candle. Might do a spontaneous fast this month and treat myself to one too! And when it burns out, I'm gonna reuse it as a potato planter. I can look after our planet. And eat.
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VIP Member
Er... She got 1 (mildly) negative comment (OK, liked by 39 people but it's not tons) and she's made a thing about it. Must be quite thin skinned! Makes me think she considers herself little miss perfect and can't take constructive criticism.
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VIP Member
We should pity all these 'influencers' living a fake life for the camera. Why don't they all just ditch the camera and start living a 'real' life
They don't deserve our pity. They're happy to grift from all the sponsored ads they do, gifted items and money made from ads before and during their videos based on how many subs they have to how much they receive, plus the affiliated links they reap benefits from also. They live life by planning content (that's what THEY call it) but it's all same old, same old and copying off one another. They're all mentally unstable and rely on acknowledgement from strangers online to boost their pathetic ego's..... The Influencer trend will come to a natural end eventually and then what they gonna do???? 🤣
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When you travel to Lapland to see some faint Northern lights and a couple of days after you come back you get a spectacular Aurora all across the UK for free 😄
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I get that people have a favourite colour etc but I can't understand why she buys beige leggings, vests etc from Pep and Co when she buys this stuff from other shops every other week. She must have about fifty camel coloured blazers, fifty more oatmeal coloured tops, thousands of cream hoodies etc. How does she get through them all?
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I can't believe she filmed their yoga class again... No one looks good doing yoga - it's pretty cringey content. Cos she's paying for the woman to come to their house (and it seems to be the one thing they do together each week) she probably wants to get some content from it.
because if she does then she can write it off as a content cost and not pay for it herself
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Well-known member
That brown dress from M&S is one of the most awful, unflattering piece of clothing I’ve ever seen. Makes the chest area look droopy!!
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It's because of people like her that Christmas gets earlier and earlier every year. She's like a child who gets bored with a new toy after 5 minutes... Autumn decorations up? (in 30c heat no less) Right quickly, time to move onto Christmas now. Also who prefers Celebrations to Quality Street? They're literally just the bite-size version of chocolate bars you would have all year round
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These idiots need to be cancelled. Autumn in July!? She’ll be talking about Christmas in August. Get the fuck out of here, miserable basic neutral bitch. Enjoy summer and all it has to offer, enjoy things as they come…but she’s too stupid to understand.
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Soapy Dolphin

VIP Member
They’ll chew 10 vitamin gummies a day and supplements no one’s heard of but draw the line at modern medicine
She can get to buggery! The amount of chemicals in that house. 🤷‍♀️ Plug in air fresheners, scented wipes, sprays, spritzes and I'm sure she sprayed the dog. But don't come near me with those tried and tested medications. Oh no, I don't mind filler or botox...just a lickle tweakment you know! Such a flipping hypocrite.
And what is wrong with hot, soapy water? I was amazed when she wiped out the kitchen cupboards with individual wipes and then kitchen towels...what a waste!
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