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just something funny before my head pops off from anger 🤣

Could be better. Could be worse
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Vips, Piquet, Bernie - I like how the PR disasters this week increase by fame of the involved person
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Fuck this. All of this.

Bernie Ecclestone can go fuck himself, Luisa haters right with him.
Lando wasn’t totally wise to say what he did about George but it’s not wrong, it’s just what naturally happens when going to a bigger team - George literally says it himself. Ironic how Lando talks in the same article about getting hate and death threats and yet that’s what people give him for his comments on George.
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Is it just me that gets the ick from alpha tauri clay shooting? Sure red bull did something similar in previous years.
It just screams gentrified countryside toffiness.
This is not the pastime of normal British people.
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Chatty Member
I wish some of them would just say fuck the PR and any potential litigation and tweet/insta something. For Lewis’ sake more than anything.
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Just caught up with everything before my lunch break ends! So disappointed that this can still happen in this day and age. It must be such a lonely place for Lewis, I can see why he sometimes chooses to keep himself to himself a lot of the time when he’s put up with comments like this all his life. It breaks my heart that we live in a world where anyone can think this is acceptable.

Really hope more drivers speak up by the end of the day. Especially as the majority of them were probably posting BLM stuff two years ago. Put your money where your mouth is guys!
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Everything has been said and I’ve nothing else to add except for I cringe at the thought of what Lewis was called last year in private. My thoughts are with Lewis and other people of colour or people from different ethenic backgrounds who have to deal obvious racism and micro aggression in their daily life’s, I can’t imagine how exhausting it it

Just to say also I’ll be very very disappointed if Daniel and other drivers don’t at-least retweet statements against this. I know Lando has already. I’m kind of disappointed how long it took McLaren to make a statement, everything is so PR these days when somethings shouldn’t need big discussions to realise a short statement against racism
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100% agree.

Also I don’t know if anyone has seen the tweet from Natalie Pinkham from sky last night where she said support was coming for Lewis from “every corner of the paddock”. Really?! Yeah because every team and driver has made a statement or paid lip service to it haven’t they? She’s getting called out a lot in the replies.
I think people are targeting their anger at the wrong people at this point. Sure what she said isn't right but coming for her throat her won't fix anything. She's not standing there praising Piquet, she's made a wrong judgement call about the response but ultimately it's rather harmless. Just like people are using the entire statement debate to hail their favourite drivers or use it as an opportunity to bully the ones they dislike because 'driver x did a better statement, driver y only copied driver z'. It's like they've lost sight of what this is about in the first place. Of course the response matters and it's really the bare minimum we're seeing but the response or lack thereof shouldn't be used to target other people.
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Is Venturi the team managed by susie wolff in FE? Anyway it is nice to see team/person from FE speak about it.

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I hope you're right and I agree about how it's not easy. However Max has never been outspoken, he can't say anything without looking like an absolute hypocrite. I know he's not a racist, of course not, but he is in a damn tricky spot right now. I think he and his people will say it's easier to be silent than end up in an even bigger mess.
Max would be the happiest if he could just race and not talk about other stuff. On one hand I get that, I get he's young, BUT such is the world and profession he choose that it's impossible to pretend you can just be silent and only talk about racing in some situations.

If it was not NP that this whole situation would regard, I'd be able to not expect too much from him. But this hits too close to him and he is associated with NP also because Kelly is so actively demonstrating their relationship as a couple. So I am giving him few days but if he says nothing I'd be judgmental.

For the fluffy feelings to help with today's anger and bfore we come back to adult topics, babies:
Lewis, one of the cutest babies I have ever seen, how he grew up from such innocence to be so hot I don't know.

baby Sharl - he looks the same

Lando, also, nothing changed

PS from thirst, to exhaustion, to anger, to baby fever - I swear the heatwave is hitting me and my hormones big time

EDIT: OMG, I dont' know how to make these pics smaller, I thought they would be small when I posted, sorry .... I think I used all space today LOL
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I’m raging mad that what Lando’s said about George is causing a bigger outrage than what Ecclestone said, or Piquet or even what he said about the death threats. Where are people placing their priorities ffs?
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if you saw this a few minutes ago, no you didn’t 😉😉
So taking the conversation on a full 18” with this weeks outfit post. It’s been a while for me (I haven’t done this since Monaco I think) but as we have established I have Covid so I have time so here we are.
Now I was going for a colour theme if you can’t tell by looking at Friday and Sunday, but then I saw the outfit for Saturday and decided to sack the colour scheme off. But I mean you could say it is still on brand as it’s like AM green and they are a British team…does that work??
Also is anyone wants to buy me the Friday shoes, I’m a UK 5/5.5😉 ✌😗✌ xoxo




P.S. I have also made the executive decision that it isn’t going to rain this weekend purely for these outfits.
P.P.S. I want the figure of the girl wearing the Friday outfit 🥵🥵
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It will be interesting to see how Max deals with this. Obviously his advisors and everyone else will be pulling strings, but I don’t get the impression that Max is particularly versed in real relationships.
He’s come from divorced parents to a Dad who’s arguably insane at times with a Grandad who could have given him a run for his money too. His schooling was interrupted with competition so being around peers and forming relationships with girls wouldn’t have happened as often, if at all.
He finds himself in the big leagues with women throwing themselves at his feet and he’s absolutely shagging himself Stupid.
He’s probably emotionally years behind a normal bloke of his age because he’s never had the chance to be normal. He’s utterly besotted with Kelly in the way a 16 year old is with his first real girlfriend. You forgive a lot at that age because you don’t really know any better.

Garbled, but hopefully you get my meaning. In my defence I’m tired and it’s late.
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If RB aren’t addressing this situation in its own dedicated statement do you think they’ve asked Alpha Tauri and both team’s drivers to keep quiet on the situation too?
Alpha Tauri probably asked their drivers themselves. I think every team asked their drivers to stay put until further notice to avoid any legal action. Alpha Tauri themselves probably can only do what RBR does, the joy of being a B team

I like what red bull did - words + action

Way better than I expected from them tbh (general statement) 😅
Regarding just the Juri incident it's great. But it does scream double standards when they say 'we condemn any form of racism' but tell a journalist they won't address the Piquet thing. That's not condemning any form of racism. But I guess any isn't all, is it?
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Sebs Scooter

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Agree with everyone here. I gave Kelly the benefit of the doubt but that ship has sailed. @Ultimate Lurkee I agree with you that Lewis is going to have shoulder the burden of talking about this all weekend and it's bullshit.
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Jesus....this seasons been a shit show so far hasn't it?
And @flowertoes_ ...welcome and I agree with everything you wrote. I don't think it was meant maliciously but poor George, he just can't win can he? Even his mates calling him out now when he's literally the least offensive one there. The worst he's ever said is "Blimey" 🤣. I'll take that over swearing, rudeness and racism any day, even if that's having no personality!
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Fcuk Mick, Charles is a true F1 prince

Such a great statement 👑 this should be taught in pr schools
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