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Just wanted to come back and thank those of you for the kind words last night. I actually did work up the courage to contact SHOUT and just having someone say to me "that sounds like a lot to handle all at once" and that "it makes sense to feel overwhelmed right now" and to just validate my feelings made me feel lighter. I actually started to fall asleep whilst chatting to them because I felt like I wasn't on my own and that my current feelings arent just me being dramatic like what is put on me constantly.

Whilst all of my problems are still there, just having someone listen who was on my side made the world of difference last night. Thank you for the encouragement, you're a special lot ❤
Oh this is exactly how I am, its an awful feeling. I'm so sensitive, always on high alert and thats absolutely exhausting, Ive come to realise its a self defense mechanism. Ive gone through alot of shit in my life as Im sure many of us have. I've been on medication here and there but never had therapy. The reason for that is, Im absolutely petrified! Petrified of opening that can of worms and then spiralling to the point I cant get myself back out once I start talking about it. I think you're all so brave just the fact you're having therapy. I can't even bring myself to do that.
You have put into words exactly how I feel about talking to someone professionally about my problems. The thought of opening a can of worms and the effect that could potentially have on me is terrifying. I did a couple of sessions of therapy about 18 months ago but it started getting abit too close to the mark so I gave up rather than persevered.
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Might need to dip out for a couple of days my lovelies, just letting you know in case I’m not about, not to worry. Hope you are all hanging in there xx
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Sorry I'm late coming over.
The interaction on the NB thread was incredible and I actually learned some things about myself. Am so pleased to find many of you here, plus the new people to meet.
You are all warriors and believe me I know how hard it can be, but you are all worth something even if you can't see it right now.
🫂 🫂 and ❤ 💕 ❤ to every one of you. Take care x
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I might be the only one to actually be jealous of NOT HER but what she has! Have no one! No family, not any good friends. I do have an amazing daughter though. I’m so sick of her and her bullshit attempts at feeling sorry for herself. It’s Christmas and I have nothing/not one thing! No one to ask for help, no one to go to. I do have have family, really wealthy family actually. But they cut me off years ago for telling my truth about my step father, but they chose to believe him and stay in the money loop. My sibling lives in a massive 5 bed house, drives beautiful cars and goes on 4-5 holidays every year. I was left (I walked away really) with my kid and now live in a tiny wee flat that I hate, I never leave the place. I haven’t had a holiday in over 6 years only been 2 holidays my whole life 45 years. I couldn’t even afford an advent calander this year. My mental health is the worst it’s ever been EVER, I’m only here because of my kid and that’s because without me she has no one. A has her mum/dad/sis all there everyday. I would love to take my kid on holiday but there’s never enough money left. I have no idea how I’m gona do Xmas and the thought of another lonely day watching all these families is killing me. If the worst I had was some stranger on the Internet telling me to unalive myself then I’d think I was ok/pretty lucky. She never ever will think herself lucky in life, will always be the victim. I cry myself to sleep every night thinking why is life so hard. Yet this tool gets everything handed to her in life! Aimee just stop for one day and realise how lucky you are.
Please don't ever feel alone and that u have no one we are all here for u. And like everyone else I would also love to help u in anyway that I can I am also on my own with my son but I am lucky enough to have a great family around me but I know how lonely it can be at night etc when your own your own wish we could set up a wee private chat group somehow someone would always be there when anyone of us feel lonely and just want a chat ❤ sending u a virtual hug 🤗
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My best friend of 21 years died last night he was only early 30s. Absolutely heartbroken, we only made plans a couple of weeks ago. My life will never be the same again.
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Hey everyone ❤😘 just passing by but couldn't not say Hi to all the lovely people here from the NB threads. You're all amazing, supportive ladies, hugs to you all xxx
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Bothers me more than in the past 20 hours she’s posted all these photos of meals. As someone running a “community fridge”, surely she should know better than to brag about all the food they can afford? Maybe I’m just salty cos I’ve got 73p and trying to find a food bank open on NYD to feed the kids is impossible, but still, is it really necessary? Food pics are so 2018.

View attachment 2661511View attachment 2661512View attachment 2661513

Can we help in anyway?
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Struggling today. I’m two weeks post break up and last night was horrendous. I’d be surprised if I slept an hour. My whole body was literally shaking, I could feel my heartbeat in my chest for hours. I feel so defeated. I led in bed for 13 hours feeling like that. I really felt like I don’t know how to move on.
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@Elliesmum13 you are a very brave and strong mum and your daughter knows you are there for her. Like everyone else has said if I can help in anyway I would love to. There is a great guy james Anderson who runs a charity decper ( think I've split that wrong ) Google james Anderson plumber and you'll find his info he might be able to help you out with Christmas coming up xxxx
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Everyone sharing and helping others so selflessly here are amazing ❤ you were all so inspiring and compassionate through the NB threads and it’s really lovely to see some of you over here with a healthy sprinkling of new posters too. The experiences and advice you can all share is invaluable, it really is.

For me, while life is good right now - as in today, it’s all about to go to shit. I might post about it later if I’m feeling brave. But for now I’m watching and admiring you all from the sidelines.

I hope you’re doing ok today - however that looks for you.
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I’m reaching out to each and every person on this thread.
I have posted about my own difficulties and whilst I am still struggling, I know I am not alone in this.
I found ‘talking’ about my problems very cathartic. No one knows who I am and I can be open knowing I’m not being judged.
I find that I often paint a picture that life is great, my closest friends and family know what’s going on but to the wider world I’m the same as ever, even though inside I feel like I’m drowning.
Putting my thoughts down has helped, if I can impart any useful advice it would be to free write… let your thoughts and feelings come naturally. It can be emotional and overwhelming initially but it’s also like releasing a valve.
Lastly, please know you are never alone. X
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Postnatal depression and anxiety is still kicking my arse so hard. I live alone with my young son (under 2 years old), and I have very little support.

no one checks in with me despite knowing I’m suffering, I constantly have a nervous sick feeling in my stomach, sometimes I can’t catch my breath, I feel lonely in the evenings when baby has gone to bed even though I’ve been clock watching all day waiting for bedtime cos I’m struggling with his temper tantrums etc.

Rarely leave the house as I have no confidence and I get nervous.

I am under the right professional help, it’s just taking its toll. I phoned the sarmartians the other day, at 6am! First time ever and I was so scared but it really did help calm me down just talking to a friendly voice. I would definitely recommend it to anyone who just needs a distracrion
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Dotty Merton

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Honestly, therapy. Therapy to help me realise how serious losing my mum was.

What about you? How have you coped?
Thats really interesting about the age, I was an adult, I have a way to go yet, my Mum died 14 years older than I am now (my Dad died at the same age as Mum, diff reason #fuckcancer) so I am becoming increasingly aware of that date and that I should grab life, just incase. With a daughter too I also recognise some of your fears and do try not to project my own on hers, it's not easy or always doable is it.

I had immediate grief counselling at the time which was very helpful. I recognise that I probably would find some benefit in going into further counselling about Mum and my wider relationship which was very complicated but I am avoidant of that for a number of reasons.

I found nature my best cure all, I volunteered very quickly with a gardening in the community organisation which really brought some light and life back into my life. I work in art therapy sometimes and went nuts with projects, changed my career totally. My daughter was a late teen at the time so I had time for me. I felt that I must do the things that make me happy just incase not doing them would make me as sad as Mum. I make sure I get some exercise and sun on my face, I've found a bit of buddhist practice/mediation very useful and am lucky to have some older girlfriends who provide a shoulder to wibble on and some sage advice when required which I am incredibly grateful for. Nothing can replace 'your Mum' even if it was a tricky relationship, I miss her dearly especially now the daffs are up.
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I’m not sure what to do, I’m on an Iva that’s crippling me financially, I binge eat, I over spend (hence the Iva), I’m a carer for a relative and don’t have much time or money.
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Is this the 'I just want to scream because life is unfair' thread?

I had a stoke therefore had a ct scan, mri etc etc. It turns out I have an aneurysm now 3 yrs later they decide I really need surgery. Needless to say I'm shitting myself. I have an appointment this coming week to discuss my most recent mri scan and what we are going to do moving forward. I feel so very alone as i can't tell me family as they all think in going to die which puts more pressure on me.

Work have been great. The support I have had has been brilliant tbh.

I just want to scream. My life is starting to feel like I want it to be, minus a nagging/possessive man.

Personal rant over
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Honestly, therapy. Therapy to help me realise how serious losing my mum was. I was young when it happened and as I became older I built this fortress around it where I could talk about it without much emotion and told myself that although it was tragic it didn’t effect me too much.

The fact that I didn’t allow myself to get too close to my own daughter in her first year on this Earth? Nope. That had nothing to do with being scared of leaving her. The fact that I worry constantly about people in my family dying and if they don’t answer the phone straightaway I would assume they were dead? Nope. Completely normal. The fact that I used to spend a good portion of my time worrying that my daughter would die? Nope. Nothing to do with my mum.

Therapy actually drummed into me that it’s ok that it hurts. That I am a disaster planner and that I sometimes need to stop imagining all the worst case scenarios but also that it’s natural that I do because what is the worst thing a child can imagine? Losing their mother usually. And the worst thing did happen to me, so why shouldn’t it happen again? I had to always feel constantly prepared for EVERYTHING and that was exhausting.

Therapy also helped me realise that my mother loved me and it wasn’t a choice she made. It was also not my fault, that I wasn’t a “bad” child which I had believed for a long time. It helped me to grieve for her a second time, but this time more healthily. It helped me to speak to her sisters (my aunts) about her instead of just never talking about her and find out more about her as an adult and what she was like, without the last few months of her life hanging over me.

Last year I became older than my mum when she died. That was a weird one. But it was like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. I could never imagine being older than her. I felt certain I would die somehow too. But I didn’t. I’m still here.

What about you? How have you coped?
Thank you so much for sharing 💕 that really resonates with me.

I lost my brother when I was 12 and I know this may sound odd but I was closer to him than my parents although I loved them, but they were extremely strict/controlling and had quite narcissistic traits, which I didn’t realise until much later in life when I eventually got counselling.

I didn’t know my brother was dying so it came as such a shock and the day he left this world my childhood ended. As a child you don’t really give death a thought, I don’t think it even entered my head as a child that children die as daft as it sounds. My dad never spoke about my brother again after he died and my mother was devastated understandably, so I kept my feelings to myself.
I also find it difficult not to think the worst and like you worry about something happening to my girls/loved ones, I don’t think that will ever change.

Life can be so wonderful but also absolutely shite and bring up so many emotions, even guilt that I’m here and my brother didn’t get that chance, he really was the most beautiful person inside and out, he was so positive and loved life. There are so many things I would love to share with him especially my girls. I don’t have any siblings and left home at 16 so I’ve muddled my way through life but I think I’ve finally found some peace within.

I know it‘s such a difficult time for many for various reasons and the cost of living crisis and covid has added even more to peoples stress/anxiety/struggle, so sending love and hugs to anyone that needs it 💕xx
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Thank you for this thread, it’s a great idea ❤
Personally I’m absolutely terrified of going through the menopause after reading some of the comments in the NB thread. I’m in my late thirties so it’s probably on the horizon and I’m so scared that it’s going to be awful!
Please don’t be terrified as there are many things that can help if you do struggle with symptoms.
Enjoy the here and now as they say, as you may not even have many, or any symptoms and you’ve worried yourself for nothing.
If anything see it as a positive that you‘re better informed about it now and able to get help sooner, rather than later if you need to xx
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I found your post really touching and insightful.
I’m so sorry you didn’t get to meet you birth mother for both you and her. I’m sure she would be immensely proud of the beautiful person you are, so understanding and caring of others even though it’s been far from easy for you. Thank you for sharing 💕xx
that’s a very kind thing to say and has really lifted me. Many thanks 🥰
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Does anyone else find Christmas Day overwhelming? I hate all the big fuss for one day! I've got a 4 year old and whilst I love the magic of Christmas I'm so over it all, everyone goes mad for one day! Urgh
Always too overwhelming! Xx

I’ve ended up choosing to spend alone with my three dogs as I’m too overwhelmed to spend it with loud family. I don’t have children so it’s just another day to me!
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