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I’m really sorry to hear that. Honestly I’d tell him at the moment your priority is getting yourself better and if he can’t support you on that hopefully he can be civil. Could it be you are just both so stressed at the moment, as so many people are and perhaps if you give each other a little bit of space and time it might help. xx
I reached out to his family member who he always listens to and he’s been on the phone for hours. He’s now come to bed and is asleep. I’m taking some time to myself right now. I’m journaling. Something I’ve never been great at but it’s like letting it all out right now. Like a love letter of my life. I’m in tears as every part I write is hurting but it’s like it has to come out so I can come forward.

thank you everyone for listening.
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I might be the only one to actually be jealous of NOT HER but what she has! Have no one! No family, not any good friends. I do have an amazing daughter though. I’m so sick of her and her bullshit attempts at feeling sorry for herself. It’s Christmas and I have nothing/not one thing! No one to ask for help, no one to go to. I do have have family, really wealthy family actually. But they cut me off years ago for telling my truth about my step father, but they chose to believe him and stay in the money loop. My sibling lives in a massive 5 bed house, drives beautiful cars and goes on 4-5 holidays every year. I was left (I walked away really) with my kid and now live in a tiny wee flat that I hate, I never leave the place. I haven’t had a holiday in over 6 years only been 2 holidays my whole life 45 years. I couldn’t even afford an advent calander this year. My mental health is the worst it’s ever been EVER, I’m only here because of my kid and that’s because without me she has no one. A has her mum/dad/sis all there everyday. I would love to take my kid on holiday but there’s never enough money left. I have no idea how I’m gona do Xmas and the thought of another lonely day watching all these families is killing me. If the worst I had was some stranger on the Internet telling me to unalive myself then I’d think I was ok/pretty lucky. She never ever will think herself lucky in life, will always be the victim. I cry myself to sleep every night thinking why is life so hard. Yet this tool gets everything handed to her in life! Aimee just stop for one day and realise how lucky you are.
Bless you lovely
You have more than money can buy
Your child is lucky to have you, you have protected her, and you have to bear the cost of that, but that has shown her mire love than anything xx
So sorry things are hard for you and I wish I could send something to you and your daughter
Please look at the website
They can help sort out finances, make sure you are getting what you are entitled to and I think have a list of charities that you can apply to for all kinds of stuff
My daughter has used them and they are brilliant
She’s had a holiday from Family Fund, they don’t just offer holidays but you do hsve to meet their criteria, and she’s also had money for a new bed from a charity that helps ex retail staff
Please remember there is someone here all the time
I would say practically all of us will listen to you
Please please look at the links I posted and any questions please ask xx
You may be able to apply for a one off crisis payment (not loan) you don’t have to pay it back from your local council and a lot of gas and electricity providers can write off one bill if you can prove financial hardship
Worth a try x
Facebook usually has local pages where things are given for free and you may be able to say on your local ones that it’s an asking post and does anyone have any games for a ? Year old please
Or does anyone have a slow cooker they no longer need please
Things like that
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Bothers me more than in the past 20 hours she’s posted all these photos of meals. As someone running a “community fridge”, surely she should know better than to brag about all the food they can afford? Maybe I’m just salty cos I’ve got 73p and trying to find a food bank open on NYD to feed the kids is impossible, but still, is it really necessary? Food pics are so 2018.

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Wow what a load of nasty trolls we are hey 😑 @Elliesmum13 Please let us know if there’s any way we can help you, you deserve it xx
Aren't we just??
Trolls, bullies, jealous, unkind!
No aimless, we are not....we just recognise a complete and utter self absorbed, attention seeking, lying dick head when we see one 😡
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Okay so worked up the courage to write this in a note and then it doesn’t feel so daunting to post 😱

I found the NB case has really triggered something for me to the point I was reading the threads almost obsessively.

My mum was around the same age when she took her own life and there were some similarities - they even looked quite similar. She had a (very big) problem with alcohol and was going through menopause bought on by a hysterectomy. Not exactly the same, granted, but it’s definitely stirred something up for me.

Despite her being abusive and me spending what felt like my entire childhood trying to stop her from taking her own life, I still felt shocked and broken when she finally succeeded. I spent 15 years trying to bury much of that hurt and for some reason this being headline news has sent me on a spiral. I can’t eat, sleep or work. I feel utterly paralysed. It almost feels worse than when it originally happened and I can’t work out why everything from my childhood has come flooding back but it’s terrifying.

I’ve found so much comfort in reading your kind words and advice to each other. I’ve also used some of the advice you’ve given to others for myself and have a doctors appointment in a few weeks to go through what’s been going on.

I’m not sure what I wanted to gain from posting this, I guess it feels cathartic even just writing it out and acknowledging there’s an issue. And to thank you all for what you’ve unknowingly done to help me too.

So yeah, thank you! And huge love to anyone also struggling ❤
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TW - sexual assault/eating disorder

I hope I’m ok to post here, I just need to offload, I’ll try and keep it as short as I possibly can.
So basically, I’ve been with my partner for a few years now, and we have recently welcomed our baby girl.
She’s our first baby together, but I have 3 older children from my first marriage and he has 1 child from his first marriage.
Looking back, there were a fair few red flags when we first got together, but I chose to overlook them (as you do),
The biggest red flag for me was that he repeatedly cheated on his ex wife for the whole 16 years that they were together (he has been completely open about this, and she still has no idea to this day), he also pressured me into having sex with him by crying constantly (even though I was still recovering from being chronically sexually assaulted by my ex husband).
There was other stuff too, like not really being there for his young son, and lying to his ex wife to get out of looking after him.
Anyway, I guess I could say that I was love-bombed in the beginning, and as I was very vulnerable at the time (still recovering from my abusive marriage), I stupidly ignored the red flags and fell for him.
In the time that we’ve been together, he has hurt me multiple times (insulted my weight despite knowing that I’ve struggled with an ED), lied to me about another woman which I’m pretty sure he’s cheated on me with, and criticised me as a parent.
He is very critical of my children and never has anything nice to say about them, it’s like he uses anything as an excuse to moan about them.
His son has learning difficulties, and my partner is very inconsistent with him, doesn’t make the effort to engage with him, and is slack with the boundaries that he so desperately craves.
It feels that 99% of the time, it is me having to constantly “parent” his son, and it is just exhausting.
Our baby was very much planned and wanted, but during the pregnancy, my partner became very unsupportive (physically and emotionally), and I spent the majority of it mentally struggling (so much so that I was referred to Let’s Talk). He used to gaslight me by saying it was my hormones and that I was imagining it (regarding his unsupportive attitude).
During my labour and birth, he was equally unsupportive and I don’t remember him once holding my hand or being nice to me, and after our baby was born the only thing he kept telling people about, was the “funny” things that i apparently kept shouting out when I was on gas and air.
There was no praise from him or admiration,
all he did was laugh about me.
For the first week that our baby was here, he was very helpful and supportive, but after that, he was back out 3-4 times a week doing social stuff and sports “commitments”, and I was left to manage with a newborn, plus my other 3 kids, and I’ve had to look after his son whilst he’s been out, who due to his LD has complex needs and behaviour, and it’s hard work.
He rarely contributes financially and offers very little practical help with the baby (I’m breastfeeding, but he could still offer to do other things).
I suffered a painful birth injury, and yesterday (after putting it off for months) I finally saw my doctor about it, my partner begrudgingly came along with me and he could see how anxious I was beforehand, not just because I knew the examination would hurt, but because it would be triggering due to my previous sexual abuse from my ex. Whilst I had the examination, I was crying out in pain (it was just as bad as I though it would be), and my partner just sat there (didn’t hold my hand or anything), and afterwards he didn’t even ask me if was ok or gave me a hug.
This has been the last straw for me and I’m so hurt by it all. I can feel myself getting more and more depressed, and I’m so anxious that I feel sick.
When I’ve tried to speak to him about his behaviour and how he makes me feel, he never takes any accountability and will always deflect.
He just says stuff like “well, I’m a man, I don’t know I’m doing this stuff” 🤦‍♀️.
I know how pathetic I sound writing all of this down, I’m actually an intelligent person and I just feel so stupid that I’ve let a man treat me like this.
I thought I had found Mr Right after my awful ex husband, but it just seems that I’ve gone from one toxic relationship to another.
I love my new baby so much, she’s beautiful and not for a second do I ever regret having her , I just feel so sad that I’ve brought her into these circumstances and that she’s unlikely to grow up with a decent father.
I almost feel like I’m loving her for both of us, and I vow to give her the best childhood despite her likely to be growing up with separated parents.
I haven’t spoken to him about wanting to end it, I haven’t plucked up the courage to yet. He says he loves me more than anything, but I’m not sure if he will ever have the emotional capacity to step-up, even if I give him an ultimatum.
Im terrified of being single, as I’ve always had to “rely” on a man, but being single and alone, has got to be better than this 🤷‍♀️.
Deep down, I already feel alone anyway, I feel like a single mum -as he’s living the single man life.
I know I shouldn’t care what other people think either, but I’m terrified of people judging me and all of the “told you so’s”…
I’m so sorry this is a long post!!, thanks for reading of you got this far xx
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I might be the only one to actually be jealous of NOT HER but what she has! Have no one! No family, not any good friends. I do have an amazing daughter though. I’m so sick of her and her bullshit attempts at feeling sorry for herself. It’s Christmas and I have nothing/not one thing! No one to ask for help, no one to go to. I do have have family, really wealthy family actually. But they cut me off years ago for telling my truth about my step father, but they chose to believe him and stay in the money loop. My sibling lives in a massive 5 bed house, drives beautiful cars and goes on 4-5 holidays every year. I was left (I walked away really) with my kid and now live in a tiny wee flat that I hate, I never leave the place. I haven’t had a holiday in over 6 years only been 2 holidays my whole life 45 years. I couldn’t even afford an advent calander this year. My mental health is the worst it’s ever been EVER, I’m only here because of my kid and that’s because without me she has no one. A has her mum/dad/sis all there everyday. I would love to take my kid on holiday but there’s never enough money left. I have no idea how I’m gona do Xmas and the thought of another lonely day watching all these families is killing me. If the worst I had was some stranger on the Internet telling me to unalive myself then I’d think I was ok/pretty lucky. She never ever will think herself lucky in life, will always be the victim. I cry myself to sleep every night thinking why is life so hard. Yet this tool gets everything handed to her in life! Aimee just stop for one day and realise how lucky you are.
Please can you give the Samaritans a call and they will be able to find help for you. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Never feel like you’re alone. There is always someone who can help and we are all here to support you 💕💕
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@Elliesmum13 I couldn’t read your post and skip past it. I am so sorry you’ve been through that. It’s time like this where I wish tattle wasn’t anonymous because I’m sure there’s probably one person in this thread who lives local or close to you that would reach out and help in a heartbeat. If there is anyway at all we can help please let us know! I wish I could give you a big hug ❤
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I can’t stop crying and I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I’m actually really annoying myself.

I’ve always wanted to live close to the sea; to be able to get up early, and go for a walk along the seafront or sit and watch the waves with a coffee.

Sounds daft, but everyone has something that relaxes them a bit, and that’s mine - though I rarely, if ever, get to do it these days.

OH hates change and really would stay where we are for life. He’s always been able to pacify me by saying, when the kids are older we’ll look, or, when he doesn’t need to go into the office every day (they are older now, and he works from home most of the week)

We both have siblings who have moved out. His is around 2 hours away. Mine is slightly nearer but looking to move abroad.

We both have one living parent, getting older and needing us more ( although my Mum has a better social life than me!)

Yesterday we got talking about a friend who’d moved to the exact place I’ve been saying for years that i’d love to move to.

I said how lucky they were and I’d love to live there.
OH immediately started being negative about it. Throwing obstacles in.

Eventually he said one of the reasons he’s against it right now, is that we’re the only ones near our parents.

And I just had a meltdown when he said that. He’s absolutely right. We’ve always been the ones to stay close to our parents while our siblings spread their wings.

And it occurred to me that I’ve lived my entire life to please the people I love, to the point where I don’t even know what my own hobbies or interests are. This has been my choice/fault, so I can’t complain about that.

But I just feel really panicky and that all my ships have sailed.

I’ve never made a mark, or done anything worthwhile, or realised an ambition; it’s like I’m a sort of non person who just exists for others.
Am actually ashamed of myself for writing this because it’s pathetic, but I just need to get it out.

I hope all who are struggling manage to find at least a small window of calm today x
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My spending gets away from me too. I have developed a way of reducing it. I will browse a site, adding stuff to the basket. I then leave it 24 hours and go back to it - take out some stuff that I definitely don’t need. Although, sometimes I add more however I try to sleep on it. I can repeat this many times before it’s reduced to what I need or nothing! I have no passwords or bank card details saved on my phone. I have them written in a book that I keep in the living room - hubby’s seat is in front of the cupboard it is in. These techniques put space/time in between we wanting to buy and actually buying. Slows the process down so I don’t impulsively buy.
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My dad died yesterday, I'm 37wks pregnant, I don't know how to feel or what to do. Not sure why I'm posting this here.
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I am the exact same. It's getting awful. Whether it's junk food (that I immediately gobble up), or otherwise, I have to buy something. I feel empty otherwise, like my day hasn't gone properly. I haven't 'treated myself' and it's ruining my finances....

I'm under a lot of stress this month, and next week is absolutely the worst, studies wise, I've had in a very long time, and I've just frozen up. Not been preparing at ALL. Just absolutely frozen up in the face of all the assignments and work, but you can bet that I've been out treating myself, day in day out.

I can't let myself crumble (again) for reasons I can't get into, but I just feel like I'm teetering on the edge on 'salvageable' and 'too far gone'... That should wake me up, but I feel like I'm sleep walking right into a huge crisis if I don't wake up now.

Gonna hit the books now and see what I can manage, as I really can't give up yet.
I'm so sorry to hear your feeling this way 💖 if you ever feel like you need on the spot help but don't feel ready for a full on talk (or because its either late at night or early hours of the morning) there's a text chat helpline called Shout that you can literally post your message with whatevers worrying you and a professional (real person with training) will text you back with advice and they keep texting/chatting with you until you feel ready to end the conversation,
it's anonymous btw
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@Squittel thank you, really truly thank you for writing that. I’m having a really hard shitty day and reading your words - although not actually what’s happening here - really helped.

Sharing the honesty of the constant worry just made me feel a little less alone.

Thank you x
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I might be the only one to actually be jealous of NOT HER but what she has! Have no one! No family, not any good friends. I do have an amazing daughter though. I’m so sick of her and her bullshit attempts at feeling sorry for herself. It’s Christmas and I have nothing/not one thing! No one to ask for help, no one to go to. I do have have family, really wealthy family actually. But they cut me off years ago for telling my truth about my step father, but they chose to believe him and stay in the money loop. My sibling lives in a massive 5 bed house, drives beautiful cars and goes on 4-5 holidays every year. I was left (I walked away really) with my kid and now live in a tiny wee flat that I hate, I never leave the place. I haven’t had a holiday in over 6 years only been 2 holidays my whole life 45 years. I couldn’t even afford an advent calander this year. My mental health is the worst it’s ever been EVER, I’m only here because of my kid and that’s because without me she has no one. A has her mum/dad/sis all there everyday. I would love to take my kid on holiday but there’s never enough money left. I have no idea how I’m gona do Xmas and the thought of another lonely day watching all these families is killing me. If the worst I had was some stranger on the Internet telling me to unalive myself then I’d think I was ok/pretty lucky. She never ever will think herself lucky in life, will always be the victim. I cry myself to sleep every night thinking why is life so hard. Yet this tool gets everything handed to her in life! Aimee just stop for one day and realise how lucky you are.
@Elliesmum13 I can’t add anything to what everyone else has already said. You have more resilience in you than Aimless will ever have. You don’t have no-one, you have all of us, we are always here if you want a rant or anything, there will always be someone to listen. Massive hugs to you ❤
Honestly, I wish all of us could have a WhatsApp chat or something!
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I might be the only one to actually be jealous of NOT HER but what she has! Have no one! No family, not any good friends. I do have an amazing daughter though. I’m so sick of her and her bullshit attempts at feeling sorry for herself. It’s Christmas and I have nothing/not one thing! No one to ask for help, no one to go to. I do have have family, really wealthy family actually. But they cut me off years ago for telling my truth about my step father, but they chose to believe him and stay in the money loop. My sibling lives in a massive 5 bed house, drives beautiful cars and goes on 4-5 holidays every year. I was left (I walked away really) with my kid and now live in a tiny wee flat that I hate, I never leave the place. I haven’t had a holiday in over 6 years only been 2 holidays my whole life 45 years. I couldn’t even afford an advent calander this year. My mental health is the worst it’s ever been EVER, I’m only here because of my kid and that’s because without me she has no one. A has her mum/dad/sis all there everyday. I would love to take my kid on holiday but there’s never enough money left. I have no idea how I’m gona do Xmas and the thought of another lonely day watching all these families is killing me. If the worst I had was some stranger on the Internet telling me to unalive myself then I’d think I was ok/pretty lucky. She never ever will think herself lucky in life, will always be the victim. I cry myself to sleep every night thinking why is life so hard. Yet this tool gets everything handed to her in life! Aimee just stop for one day and realise how lucky you are.
I can only echo what everyone else has said❤❤❤
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I’m not sure what to do, I’m on an Iva that’s crippling me financially, I binge eat, I over spend (hence the Iva), I’m a carer for a relative and don’t have much time or money.
Sending you so much love. I hope I've replied properly, I hardly ever post for fear of mucking it up!

I've been in a similar situation. I have an ongoing DMP and after scrimping everywhere to a damaging degree for months just to try to keep up with my payments I finally asked if I could reduce my monthly amount, it was agreed quickly and they were supportive. You can ask to reduce an IVA, I've just had a look and found this

BEAT have a helpline open until midnight everyday if you have chance in the evenings to chat, or you can webchat. Maybe when you feel ready you could speak to a member of their team about your situation and they would be able to offer advice. I know it can be so overwhelming giving up what can feel like your only comfort but they can help you talk through your feelings and put your thoughts in order even if you're not ready to stop just yet.

Could social services help at all with any respite for your loved one?
Hi everyone

I’m a nurse and mum of 8. Three of the children are mine and I also have a baby boy who passed away at six months from a congenital heart defect. The other 4 are my sisters children. She was killed by a drunk driver in 2021 just before Christmas. I had to identify her.
My mum died a few months later and now my dad is on end of life care with cancer. He’ll pass away in the next few days.
Needless to say, I’m struggling massively. Sending love to all of you who are also struggling xx
Please send hugs my way xx
Poppysmimi, I have been thinking of you since I read your post yesterday. I just wish I knew you so I could hold your hand.
I knew from your posts I'd read on other threads that you are a loving and committed mum. For what it's worth you have my absolute admiration. I wish you and your family strength and all the love in the world ❤
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I haven’t posted in here since the early days of the thread, but just wanted to send love to anyone who isn’t feeling particularly sparkly today.

I have a lot to be thankful for, I know, two healthy children and a roof over our heads, but I suddenly today feel so unbelievably sad and lonely - despite being with my children (and our dog) today, with no external pressures (I just keep in our own little cocoon today) - it’s totally floored me how shit I feel.

I’m parenting alone and I just hoped I might feel a bit loved, appreciated, I don’t know what the right word is really, but my eldest (16) hasn’t even written me a card.

I just needed to get that out.

Hope everyone is surviving xx
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My marriage is crumbling and I just don’t know what more I can do. I am scared to end things as I truly adore him, but it’s just not good at the moment.
I can’t talk to anyone about it as, well you Know, when you say it out loud it becomes real and something I have to deal with.
then on the other hand I’m not even sure if the issue is me or my marriage. My anorexia is back, and it’s absolutely wrecking me but I can’t let go.Everything feels so messed up right now
Please ignore me if this isn’t right for you and I don’t want to come over like a nagging mother 👀🙏….but are you making sure you‘re getting enough nutrients if your anorexia is coming back my lovely. I only say that because if you are depleted that will make stress and anxiety so much worse. And I just wondered if you weren’t already doing that it might help if you could take a multivitamin. I know to some it will sound 🦇 shit crazy but it’s really important for your mental wellbeing as well as your physical health and stress depletes nutrients further, so building those back up can help make a difference. xx
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Oh guys. I’ve bawled my eyes out at all your messages. Been so long since I’ve received any kindness and I’m so awful to myself daily that it been nice reading all your lovely replies. My daughter is 21 now but she’s still my baby, she’s away to Uni but home now. Just wish I could treat her the way she deserves to be treated. She’s honestly such a kind person. More than gifts I wish I could give her a big loving family I really do. I did ask my brother for a loan of £100 and when I tell you that is pocket change to him but so much to me. Anyway I was told no and to not ask again. Feel so bloody silly for asking but I was desperate. I did say it was to buy his niece some gifts but no reply. Him and the rest of them are spending Xmas/new year in Dubai in the famous hotel there. But as you can imagine it hurts because I done nothing wrong but tell the truth! Hey Ho tho. I do work guys but after all my bills I’m left with barely anything. But I have a home and a bed so I’m already so much better off than so many. I keep reminding myself of that. Again thank you all so much for the much needed kindness ❤
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