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i do think that view picture is a bit thoughtless. if You weeent nervous about covid before surely seeing headlines saying thr Nhs is worse than it was in March surely you would change your ways.
she Has a gym in her lounge... use that or go for a walk or run don’t go putting your kids Into a crèche so you and Chris can go pose and make shit content. Maybe just maybe start taking it seriously.
Imagine that....her biggest worry is missing the view from the private gym that she runs to to escape her boy's 🤭 for her "me time." concerns whatsoever for all those people's lives that have been touched by Covid while she runs around every park in the west midlands to escape having them at home.... complete disgrace- she can shove her youtube videos right where the sun dosent shine- no one cares about her weight loss journey while we're in a pandemic.
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My kids have been to less places this year than hers have in a week. She's an absolute pisstake. She ought to do a shift on a covid ward. See if that changes her selfish mindset
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Happy New Year to you all 🥳✨🎆Wishing you lovely lot a brighter 2021 💜

Now back to Fopperbollocks 🤭 I think she believes the more she buys and spends on the boys the better Mother that makes her, which is so untrue 👎she's not naturally maternal and thinks that makes up for it sadly.

I really wish someone would #gift her a Colonic irrigation treatment to get rid of all her bullshit from her :poop::poop::poop: it would be a long treatment could take some time but hey on the plus side more 'ME ME ME' time🤭
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Gone in less than 3 mins 😂
I wish people wouldn’t make fake profiles to do this, it is trolling and fuels her case for blocking and deleting because let’s be honest it’s just baiting her. I can’t stand the woman and have met her several times in person and she’s as fake as these profiles so she will never respond and will always keep up the pretence it doesn’t bother her
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can someone tell me what relevance this picture is to Tier 4 and NYE ? Just another over filtered photo and an excuse for her to get some attention.... for the loveof God Deux Chebs tell your wife you think she's stooonnninggg ... 🙄🙄🙄


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That first cup of tea and buttery toast after having a baby is like 😋 bet she didn’t even have that, probably had a boiled egg in her hospital bag
Hospital toast when you've just had a baba is legit the dogs danglies 😋🤣🤣
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I’m actually embarrassed for her hashtagging #foppsfood I thought she’d seen sense and was going to ditch the awful name. Sadly not it’s very ‘stop trying to make fetch happen’ 🙈
In that video she says about weight loss not being the be all and end all 🤔 well why is it ALL you talk about?! She literally has nothing else it’s soooo boring!! She always says you can apply these ideas to any goal you have but her focus is ALWAYS on weight! I’d like to see her challenge herself to do something interesting like learn a new language, take up a new sport (maybe not with tier 4), train to climb a mountain. She’s just so dull! She recycles the same meals over and over and all she does at the gym is the treadmill and some measley weights. She could go into body building, she could do up the house have a total overhaul of the mirrored/velour tat she’s got everywhere. Just ANYTHING tbh would make her more interesting
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No sky news update from correspondent Fopps? Funny how it’s only when it benefits her she posts it
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Well my January has started off with a positive covid test even with no mixing and being super careful so I won't be joining in with her vapid fucking motivational hashtag ill be trying to survive and still be a good mother to my kids who now have to isolate too!!

Means plenty of time to get pissed off by her content mind 🤣🤣
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I'm surprised this lady isn't blocked 😂😂
Fatty to fitty comment is spot on and one of the reasons i quit SW. I was describing my cooked breakfast in group once and the rep asked oohh how much bacon did you have....oh 2 rashers is enough....she said she would have had the whole packet, she skirted around my salt content concerns and in another meeting she said how we could eat a whole chicken if we wanted to 🤢 yeeahhh don't fancy channeling my inner Henry 8th thank you very much love. She also didn't like it when I said no room for the speed if you eat the whole bird....
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When Nikki was doing the Twinset Twat challenge she made out like it was all about getting strong but we all knew it was BS. It's only ever been about losing weight for her. Surely this yo-yo stuff isn't good. If what she was doing was sustainable she wouldn't have gained again. Promoting a 12 week plan that went to shit when she stopped. She needs to focus on being healthy not skinny.
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Weren’t there comments on here the other day about the boys not wearing gloves.....but she doesn’t read here 😉
Wow, goes to show how affected she is by negative comments, why would you bother bringing it up? After her uhhmaazing xmas break she still finds time to add a little passive aggressive comment, even though she is so so so positive 🙄 And did anyone really comment on no gloves on her last post? Of course not. I have to laugh that she calls them 'perfect Paulas' as the only person trying to appear perfect is her! #projecting
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This needs to be the government message
Haha it should be 😅 I always think that one day Boris is going to come storming out to address the nation, slam his papers down on his podium thing, point at the screen and in a very angry fashion say 'right you lot, told you a million times to follow the guidelines, do you listen? Do you fuck! Now, stay at home know not arsed anymore do what you want, i quit...!' Kicks over podium, punches a wall and storms out 😅
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I reckon she is trying to be a super mum...ohh look at me, I am a stay at home mum, i cook, i clean, i go to the gym, i maintain my weight loss, i always keep on top of my appearance all whilst being a mum to twins thats two toddlers dont you know.
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