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I’ve listened to that voice note a couple of times and she sounds like a right nasty bitch in it. I bet she’s absolutely vile if you get on the wrong side of her!! She portrays this innocent first time mum look yet she really is a nasty nasty twat
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So she's just admitted on her stories that Chris us at home walking because of lockdown so she can walk on her own. Obviously needs her self care how would she manage. So why take them food shopping. Why not go food shopping when they napped and take them on a walk with you. That way theyre getting fresh air but staying safe
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Well done that's fab! Could I ask what the very strict diet for you you are following please 🙂
thanks, it’s a local nutritionist to me that’s worked out my macros and I have to send pics of all meals/snacks to her. Nothing special but keeping me on track as she’s very strict and tells me off if I need it 😂

Well done lovely...... I too am on week 6 of a very strict diet (1:2:1) and I've lost 21lbs ..... have another 6 stone to loose still ..... and I will def still be heavier than Fopps before pics... but you know what.... I'm FINE with that lol ;) and when I'm at target no way will I be weighing 13g of cheese - 15g minimum..... lol !! x x

ETA...... ooops that's 8 weeks corrected ;) lol x
thanks and well done to you too💚

I wouldn’t even waste time getting the grater out for 13g, would take me longer to wash it afterwards 😂 Nor would I be weighing cups of tea either, she’s got serious issues with calories.

thanks, it’s a local nutritionist to me that’s worked out my macros and I have to send pics of all meals/snacks to her. Nothing special but keeping me on track as she’s very strict and tells me off if I need it 😂

thanks and well done to you too💚

I wouldn’t even waste time getting the grater out for 13g, would take me longer to wash it afterwards 😂 Nor would I be weighing cups of tea either, she’s got serious issues with calories.
@Dontmissmuch I also need to add, that we may have 6 stone to loose but we’ll have something fopp will never have. Grown up children that love and respect their parents and ones that look back on their childhoods with amazing memories of parents who were there for them without a camera in their hand. I wouldn’t change my life and family for all the sized down clothes in RIV.
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I bet the company were like ffs we asked you to advertise this in a christmassy happy way! Like Omg how cute are these. The boys will loves love. So excited for Xmas. However in fopps mind she goes I know I’ll moan about how it’s a gift but not a gift. We know it’s PR work but it was GIFTED to the boys. I bet no one will ever buy from that crap advert.
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So I kicked it all off this morning posting Fopps stories of this lady who she wants people to follow.
I was up just before 8 with my 3 boys, gave them all breakfast, sat and watched a film together, made their lunch for today and the eldests pack lunch for school tomorrow. Put a wash load on, put a moutain of vests and pants away. Sorted school and nursery uniforms for the morning.
I then made bacon and egg muffins for me and my husband for lunch and we all sat in the living room together whilst they boys ate their lunch. Next I prepped dinner, homemade cottage pie. Then we all got dressed and had a walk along the canal (very close to where we live) to feed the ducks.
Came home, hands washed and the boys had a lollypop each.
Once the boys had eaten their lollypops, we gave them their ipads and left them safely downstairs whilst hubby and I went upstairs for a bit 😉
Hubby went back down to sit and play with the boys whilst I put the dinner on.
I then did 50 squats using a resistance band and kettlebell followed by 60 dumbell reps. I'm now in the bath catching up with all you lovely lot 🤓
Shortly I'll be back downstairs having dinner with my family. A bit later it'll be time for the boys to have a bath/shower and into bed with a story. Then hubby and I will collapse onto separate sofas both with an alcoholic drink or two plus snacks ready to watch the I'm a Celebrity roundup with Ant & Dec doing Bushtucker trials 🐛🦗🦟
This isn't something that happens every day or every Sunday but today we've fitted a lot in and we've had fun spending time with each other (in between the fighting and arguing that comes with having 3 boys or just children in general 🤪) I think what my long winded post is trying to say is, Fopps this is what I'd love to see on your feed and on your stories a normal day not a load of bragging, or made up bullshit! Oh I went out in my pj top under my coat, no make-up and greasy hair 😊
Yes to all this
But I don’t want to know about her & Chris nipping upstairs to play put the chode in the toad 🤮
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'I'm spending my time with my favourite people right here ... All day with my favourite two people no where I'd rather be honestly there isn't ' .. Fucking hell she who protests to much and all that .. the more you keep saying it fopps the more you might make yourself believe it 😂😂😂😂
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Same! Love my own child but even he can bore me, let alone other people’s kids!! I don’t know why she thinks people are so interested in this mundane shit.
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Chatty Member
Maybe, she's certainly changed a lot in the last few years. Whether it's PND or not I don't know, my personal opinion is she's just spoilt. She's always been looking for the next thing to make her happy, she wants to get married, she wants a big house, she wants a new car, she wants designer bags, she wants babies etc etc. She gets them and then realises she's still isn't happy so looks for something else, diet, gym, hair, nails, shipping hauls etc. It's all a temporary fix and only makes her happy for a few minutes. However, unlike the bags and the clothes (that i think she returns as rarely see her in he majprity of what she shows) the boys can't just be tossed to one side when she's fed up of them and I think she regrets having them. They have bought the happiness and fulfilment she thought they would.

No one really understands how hard parenting is till you have your own kids and it is a massive shock to the system but most of us learn how to deal with that as time goes on. Fopp just palms them off at every opportunity. I'm still not convinced she's ever spent a full day with them by herself. She says she's to strong a person for MH issues but I think she's got some serious psychological issues going on.
Totally agree. Of course she loves the boys but I think she loved her old life better. I don't know why but I think there's a lot of tension between her and Chris. She's ambitious and a goal setter (her words) so she'll resent the fact that she's having to do most of the parenting while Chris carries on as normal at work. When he gets home I bet she starts on him! Wonder if he says "what sh#t have you bought today?" 🤣
She spends a lot! She also said she earned more than Chris so there's no way he's earning massively to justify her spending habits. I think he does well but they're definitely not as wealthy as they want us to believe. For starters the kitchen was done on a budget with even Chris painting the walls. If you had real wealth you would call in a company to do the lot! That's my take on it anyway 😉
Her engagement is getting worse. She needs to pick a lane and stick to it. Also read a room. Stop bragging Nicola and be honest about life. You might just find people will relate so much more. 👍
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She’s definitely blocked me, I have no idea what I’ve done apart from have the audacity to breathe 😂
She blocked me too! Only liked fattytofitty comment about weight loss not being the most important thing this lockdown but staying safe. She is as mad as a box of frogs 😂
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Her obsession with yoghurt is so weird. I get the feeling she licks it off deux chebs and that’s the only way he gets any off her 🤢

I’ve just noticed I’m now a VIP🤣🤣 I keep vowing to take a break from tattle but it keeps me genuinely keeps me going sometimes!
So funny, I'm the same. Every Monday I say to myself "right no more Tattle engagement, it's not nice"
I get to Wednesday and I'm like a keyboard warrior. She drives me crazy so I need to vent on here 🤣

Also she's managed to pop a story about Remembrance Day in between all the important stuff in Nicola's world - syn values, body magic, food, toys, freebies, Christmas presents, clothes, shopping and so on. She drives me CRAZY!!!!!!!! 🙈
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What a prick we have screenshots she was happy to be part of tattle slagging people off is she thick or what she’s given shit to zoe bee and also asked about making a thread, she’s far from innocent she’s deranged and a massive snake
She's panicking cos she got caught out. I'm glad she's given this thread some free advertising, if I was a follower I'd be straight over to Tattle to see what all the fuss was about.
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Remember when she left someone a voice note..? It’s a while back now 😂😂 ‘I thought I’d send this note rather than just blocking you...’ please start again Dicky, it extends our amusement no end 👏🏼
this little gem you mean 😂


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wow I bet the company that GIFTED her those are thrilled with how well and in detail she showed them off and how positive she was about them :rolleyes:
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I had no choice on Monday to take both my children with me to a supermarket as my husband had just done a night shift & we were running out of formula for the baby. I felt awful cus of being in lockdown but I literally bought that & nothing else but to take 2 kids when you & hubby are both not working is ridiculous. She also had to say essential shopping in the hope she would get called out. She digs herself into these holes why would you actively tell 150k+ people that you are bending the lock down rules & then she wonders why people are negative towards her. Sometimes fopperholic just keep your mouth shut!!!
The boys are in nursery tomorrow, couldn’t she have gone then? She is unbelievably selfish!
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Do you like a creamy pasta dish? Yes I do fopps but yours is anything but creamy it looks as dry as the fucking Sahara 😷 I'd rather eat the hospital food I've been eating for the last 4 fucking days then any of her shitty meals 🙈
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Would love to know what podcast cast she listens to haha!!! Got it wrong again she literally never checks what she is putting up!

God she always puts herself first doesn't she. Out alone today for much deserved #selfcare, even though they're off to nursery all day tomorrow?
So many mums will find this unrelatable as how many of us get as much 'me time' as her on a daily basis? Then bleating on about being positive. I'm positive she's a selfish cow 🤣
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